Fatass Journal... 2021#283 - October 10
Tym razem miałem pracującą niedzielę. Z jednej strony nawet mnie to cieszyło, bo kilka centów więcej do pensji, a pracy mniej niż w tygodniu, ale z drugiej strony był to ostatni dzień bardzo dobrej pogody w Belgii. Od jutra ma ulec pogorszeniu. Wczoraj przyjąłem wyzwanie @merthin, żeby w ciągu jednego dnia pieszo przejść przez sześć lub więcej miast. Mam to szczęście, że mieszkam w regionie dziewiętnastowiecznej belgijskiej rewolucji przemysłowej, teraz jest to tylko historia, ale z tamtego okresu pozostały liczne miasteczka tworzące region Borinage. Mam już opracowaną trasę, ale teraz czekam na dobrą pogodę w jeden z wolnych dni. Będzie to doskonała zabawa. A może ktoś jeszcze chce spróbować sił w tym wyzwaniu na swoim terytorium?
[ENG] This time I had a working Sunday. On the one hand, I was even happy about it, because a few cents more to my salary and less work than during the week, but on the other hand it was the last day of very good weather in Belgium. From tomorrow it is supposed to get worse. Yesterday I accepted @merthin's challenge to walk through six or more cities in one day. I'm lucky enough to live in a region of the 19th century Belgian industrial revolution, now it's just history, but there are numerous towns left from that period that make up the Borinage region. I already have the route worked out, but now I am waiting for good weather on one of my free days. It will be excellent fun. Or maybe someone else wants to try their hand at this challenge in their territory?
Wyjątkowo nie miałem dziś czasu na spacer w czasie przerwy na lunch, ale po pracy wracając do domu zatrzymałem się w Nimy na wieczorny spacer nad Grand Large. Po drodze spotkałem kotka, który wyjątkowo nie uciekał przede mną, zresztą było by mu trudno uciec, bo z jednej strony miał mnie, a z drugiej kanał.
[ENG] Exceptionally I didn't have time for a walk today during my lunch break, but after work on my way home I stopped at Nimy for an evening walk on the Grand Large. On the way I met a kitten, who exceptionally did not run away from me, anyway, it would have been hard for him to get away since he had me on one side and the canal on the other.
Dystans pokonany w 2021 roku: 3660,56 km - z podziałem na dyscypliny:
Dyscyplina | Dystans |
Spacer / Marsz / Nordic Walking | 2704,83 km (7,00 km) |
Kolarstwo / Rower MTB | 763,66 km |
Jogging / Bieganie | 192,07 km |
LEAGUE ONE - "disappearing chairs" game:
Czwarta runda "znikających krzeseł" za nami, tym razem zniknęło jedno krzesło (i tak będzię codziennie do końca), czyli do następnej rundy przeszło tylko pięciu uczestników z najlepszymi wynikami. Pozostali mają już czas wolny, zobaczymy się z nimi w #POLIAC 5, które zaczyna się za osiem dni.
[ENG] The fourth round of "disappearing chairs" is behind us, this time one chair disappeared (and it will be like this every day until the end), which means only five participants with the best scores have moved on to the next round. The others have had time off, we'll see them in #POLIAC 5, which starts in eight days.
# | Name | Results |
1 | @manuvert | 40094 |
2 | @masoom | 31619 |
3 | @venan | 29577 |
4 | @cezary-io | 29122 |
5 | @practicaleric | 24225 |
Uczestnicy League One muszą się mieć na baczności, bo nadchodzą @milabogomila i @pagane, ich awans do wyższej ligi jest już zapewniony. Do końca walczą jednak o pierwsze miejsce w League Two, na trzecim miejscu zaczyna się urządzać @mariya36, musi tylko utrzymać kilku punkową przewagę nad @hivebg. Z niewiadomych powodów @giulius zrezygnował z walki o podium w ostatnich kolejach. Nagrody po 100 AFIT za aktywność w rundzie 34 otrzymali: @pagane (najlepszy wynik) i TBD (pechowy przegrany).
[ENG] League One participants have to be on their guard, because @milabogomila and @pagane are coming, their promotion to a higher league is already assured. However, they are still fighting for first place in League Two, with @mariya36 in third place, only needing to maintain a few points lead over @hivebg. For unknown reasons @giulius has given up the fight for the podium in the last rounds. Awards of 100 AFIT each for activity in Round 34 went to: @pagane (best score) and TBD (unlucky loser).
Round 34 | 9th October 2021 | Results |
@ykretz.sports | @hivebg | 8865 - 12744 |
@cryptospa | @davidthompson57 | 11438 - 10264 |
@soluce07 | @kiel91 | 0 - 31847 |
@dirkzett | @giulius | 15274 - 0 |
@guurry123 | @krakonos | 0 - 11920 |
@milabogomila | @notak | 40927 - 10457 |
@mariya36 | @fredkese | 20411 - 0 |
@matthew1 | @pagane | 9951 - 53235 |
@sandraa1 | @ervin-lemark | 10008 - 25901 |
@racibo | @asia-pl | 14026 - 13522 |
Ranking table for LEAGUE TWO after Round 34:
# | Player | Points | For | Against |
1 | @milabogomila | 96 | 1283990 | 540173 |
2 | @pagane | 96 | 1264960 | 482863 |
3 | @mariya36 | 81 | 1054584 | 482258 |
4 | @hivebg | 78 | 891462 | 501817 |
5 | @giulius | 67 | 563285 | 565798 |
6 | @racibo | 63 | 557932 | 508479 |
7 | @cryptospa | 57 | 552012 | 618787 |
8 | @ervin-lemark | 55 | 432456 | 495469 |
9 | @dirkzett | 51 | 531309 | 527727 |
10 | @krakonos | 51 | 377382 | 437205 |
11 | @davidthompson57 | 48 | 488144 | 509123 |
12 | @kiel91 | 48 | 404330 | 521424 |
13 | @matthew1 | 45 | 427159 | 555097 |
14 | @asia-pl | 36 | 422247 | 595070 |
15 | @notak | 36 | 306359 | 599674 |
16 | @sandraa1 | 33 | 283583 | 540597 |
17 | @ykretz.sports | 31 | 292950 | 583749 |
18 | @fredkese | 19 | 136831 | 465473 |
19 | @soluce07 | 18 | 204916 | 580469 |
20 | @guurry123 | 9 | 181092 | 545731 |
Tomorrow's pairs:
The full tournament schedule for #POLIAC League Two has been generated:
Thank you all
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io
i should post earlier, i am sorry.
Don't worry I will edit this post the next day.
My idea is to make fun with competition, but not force anybody to do something unusual for them i.e. posting in time suitable for me. You are the boss, I just follow my schedule !BEER
You need to stake more BEER (24 staked BEER allows you to call BEER one time per day)
I work from 8pm to 4am and during that time I don't have time to read or vote on other posts. But I can do that later and send yesterday's post shortly after midnight. It only takes a few minutes.
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.Hey @browery, here is a little bit of
from @kiel91 for you. Enjoy it!Did you know that you can use BEER at dCity game to **buy dCity NFT cards** to rule the world.
Congrats on providing Proof of Activity via your Actifit report!
You have been rewarded 554.6996 AFIT tokens for your effort in reaching 16309 activity, as well as your user rank and report quality!
You also received a 2.80% upvote via @actifit account.
To improve your user rank, delegate more, pile up more AFIT and AFITX tokens, and post more.
To improve your post score, get to the max activity count, work on improving your post content, improve your user rank, engage with the community to get more upvotes and quality comments.
I saw my name in bold, thought I won, saw the other having 3 000 steps more than me. Too bad :') !LUV Congratulations for 16k steps !
My mistake, corrected :P
No problem, it was strange to win without having walk a lot :')
@tipu curate 2
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 0/55) Liquid rewards.
Lovely cat, is it yours?
No, I just spotted it on my evening walk.
prawie bym go przeoczyła.
co za oczyska!
używając #aroundtheworld
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.Hey @browery, here is a little bit of
from @bucipuci for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your