SPORTS Governance Proposal: SPORTS Distribution Changes
account = "sports-gov"
nodelist = NodeList()
nodes = nodelist.get_nodes(hive=True)
hive = Hive(node=nodes)
def transfer_token(to, amount, symbol, memo, account):
he_wallet = Wallet(account, blockchain_instance=hive)
transfer_tx = he_wallet.transfer(to, amount, symbol, memo)
c = Comment(loaded_post, steem_instance=hive)
c.reply(str(transfer_tx), "stake_tx", account)
transfer_token("sportsrewards", 1, "SPORTS", "Update distribution to reflect latest proposal approved by sports-gov", account)
The SPORTS Token Fund needs additional funding to provide for the needs of the #sportstalk tribe. I wrote about the issues I ran into when upgrading our token a bit ago. Since that post, I proposed the concept of updating our token distribution to align our tribe to be more like Hive but that proposal didn't receive the necessary votes needed to pass quorum.
I'm not sure why the last proposal failed to gather votes. I have to assume that some users were away from the tribe at the time and didn't get to vote. For that reason I'm going to propose the changes again while tagging the top 100 stakeholders in the initial post in hopes that we get the necessary votes to pass. If for some reason you are opposed to these changes please let me know in the comments so I can attempt to arrange alternative proposals that could still add funding to the token fund system.

The Proposal
I would like to change our yearly inflation distribution in a way that would add up to 970,338,265 SPORTS to our supply each year. Those would be distributed as:
- Content - 65% - 630,720,000/year
- Token Fund - 35% - 339,618,265/year
That would allow us to still distribute 315,360,000 rewards/year to authors and another 315,360,000 of rewards/year to curators for providing the content that drives the ecosystem. The 35% allocated for the token fund would mean that we'd have enough to continue funding the 102.2M SPORTS to LP rewards for SWAP.HIVE while also leaving more available for allocating to other projects.
Since the change proposal I've also learned that it is impossible to fund our token contract with SPORTS from @sportsprojects. For this reason I realize that account is no longer needed. It would be made redundant by the portion of inflation being dedicated for their defined purpose. For that reason @sportsprojects will continue powering down and then send the rest of the SPORTS held to @null.
Update SMT Contract
The only change that will be made is to lower the reward per interval setting from 80 to 60. This will equate to 630,720,000 SPORTS a year that will be made available to content rewards. Those will be split 50/50 between author and curators.
Proposed Token Settings
The SMT reward pool will be updated as follows:
Post Reward Curve: Power (r^a)
Post Reward Curve Parameter: 1
For 'power' curve, this is the exponent - 'a' of r^a. Use 1 for linear. Maximum 2 decimal precision.
Curation Reward Curve: Power (r^a)
Curation Reward Curve Parameter: 1
For 'power' curve, this is the exponent - 'a' of r^a. Use 1 for linear. Maximum 2 decimal precision.
Curation Reward Percentage: 50
What percentage of post reward should be allocated to curators.
Cashout Window Days: 7
How long, in days, until a post is scheduled to pay out. Must be between 1 and 30.
Staked Reward Percentage: 50
What percentage of rewards should be given as staked. Should be between 0 and 100.
Reward Interval Seconds: 3
How often to add tokens to the reward pool.
Reward Per Interval: 60
How much to add to the reward pool every reward interval.
Vote Regeneration Days: 5
How long it takes to fully regenerate voting power from 0 to 100%.
Vote Power Consumption: 200
How much vote power is consumed at full voting power for a 100% vote.
Downvote Power Regeneration Days: 5
How long it takes to fully regenerate downvoting power from 0 to 100%.
Downvote Power Consumption: 1000
How much downvote power is consumed at full voting power for a 100% downvote.
Tags: #sports, #sportstalk, #hive-101690
Update Token Fund Contract on Hive Engine
The only change that will be made is to update the maximum amount per day that is allocated to the token fund. This will move the maximum amount per day up to 930,461 and will equate to 339,618,265 SPORTS a year that will be available to SPORTS projects such as Diesel Pool rewards.
Once approved and updated a SPORTS Token Fund proposal will be made that offers to burn any unused distribution each day by sending them to @null. That means that some of these 930,461 may never make it into circulation. It will be up to stakeholders to vote proposals higher than that burn proposal for them to be funded.
Proposed Token Settings
The token fund contract will be updated as follows:
Payment Token: SPORTS
Token to be paid out to the ranked proposals. You have to be the issuer of the token.
Vote Token: SPORTS
Token to be used for determining stake-weighted rank. Selected token must have staking enabled.
Vote Threshold: 20
Minimum amount of stake required for proposal consideration.
Maximum Duration: 730
Maximum duration of any proposal. Must be between 1 and 730 days.
Maximum Amount Per Day: 930,461
Maximum amount of payment tokens a proposal can request
Do you want to require fee to create proposals?: Yes
Payment Method: Burn
Fee can be burned or sent to the fee payment token's issuer.
Fee Payment Token: SPORTS
Token to be used for paying creation fee.
Amount: 2500 SPORTS
The Costs
I am not requesting any funds for these changes and will cover the costs myself.
How to Vote
@sports-gov will reply to this post with two comments. If you'd like to see this proposal pass then upvote the YES comment with any % upvote.
If you would not like to see that these changes implemented then please upvote the NO comment with any % upvote.
Top 100 Stakeholders
I've tagged the top 100 SPORTS stakeholders to this initial proposal as notification of the new proposal. If you would like to not be included in future proposal tags please don't hesitate to let me know and I'll be sure you're removed from my list.
Rank | Account | Governance Power | Stake |
1 | @patrickulrich | 7.185263167579517% GP | 130009763.452 |
2 | @mk-sports-token | 7.1424797821436234% GP | 129235643.188 |
3 | @csport | 5.5442585036409575% GP | 100317513.745 |
4 | @bluesniper | 5.469539210784738% GP | 98965546.898 |
5 | @edkarnie | 4.005283780724174% GP | 72471388.277 |
6 | @uyobong.sports | 3.9609022866686194% GP | 71668351.922 |
7 | | 3.6147731584312544% GP | 65405510.181 |
8 | @ctime | 3.2100496192550088% GP | 58082464.335 |
9 | @cryptoandsports | 3.153181748788372% GP | 57053500.16 |
10 | @airforce | 2.6245024737466367% GP | 47487605.928 |
11 | @toni.sports | 1.9142525798067498% GP | 34636382.73 |
12 | @amr008.sports | 1.5512636790410932% GP | 28068481.176 |
13 | @rezoanulv.sports | 1.4998455897457947% GP | 27138125.047 |
14 | @bozz.sports | 1.3649291370496843% GP | 24696954.043 |
15 | @erikahfit | 1.3581102289307596% GP | 24573573.088 |
16 | @bulgaria-sports | 1.1916271023145948% GP | 21561236.392 |
17 | @dfacademy-sports | 1.188697964683617% GP | 21508236.734 |
18 | @fitcoin | 0.9918500864947869% GP | 17946481.864 |
19 | @ctpsb | 0.9827534645430448% GP | 17781888.078 |
20 | @cruisin | 0.9279958594705638% GP | 16791106.931 |
21 | @yousaf-sports | 0.8862772966026262% GP | 16036253.509 |
22 | @splines | 0.7977926072115193% GP | 14435216.321 |
23 | @zahidsun | 0.7832126382757973% GP | 14171407.151 |
24 | @ph1102.sports | 0.7660282346795539% GP | 13860473.481 |
25 | @abh12345.sports | 0.7518460827825528% GP | 13603862.391 |
26 | @dalzphoto | 0.7459277979459876% GP | 13496777.265 |
27 | @roger5120 | 0.7411852335436911% GP | 13410965.561 |
28 | | 0.7366674339886714% GP | 13329220.74 |
29 | @steem.girl | 0.6098369556474815% GP | 11034356.919 |
30 | @majorleague | 0.5879761405490741% GP | 10638808.512 |
31 | @pele23 | 0.5857276052603513% GP | 10598123.636 |
32 | @hykss.sports | 0.5499729911213048% GP | 9951181.58 |
33 | | 0.503789168039527% GP | 9115533.981 |
34 | @pjansen.cpt | 0.49270566649378167% GP | 8914989.703 |
35 | @hivemachine | 0.4893133328292134% GP | 8853609.001 |
36 | @voter | 0.4814287683827973% GP | 8710946.118 |
37 | @ptaku | 0.4424871304109083% GP | 8006338.225 |
38 | @xak | 0.4396279994552523% GP | 7954605.264 |
39 | @cedstruct | 0.42981750646456685% GP | 7777094.734 |
40 | @yohann | 0.39568206357026414% GP | 7159449.875 |
41 | @h77 | 0.3898849232869668% GP | 7054556.732 |
42 | @flipstar | 0.37710282415115237% GP | 6823278.121 |
43 | @brofi | 0.3765615369149438% GP | 6813484.099 |
44 | @lightsplasher | 0.34904233628611353% GP | 6315553.17 |
45 | @automaton | 0.34644147762831395% GP | 6268493.374 |
46 | @cruis | 0.34400132703312636% GP | 6224341.421 |
47 | @fun.sports | 0.33344602072030055% GP | 6033354.279 |
48 | @tomlee.sports | 0.3009969394449578% GP | 5446222.356 |
49 | @actifit-peter | 0.296468342576823% GP | 5364282.169 |
50 | @devann.sports | 0.2871186404506128% GP | 5195109.164 |
51 | @blanchy.sports | 0.2857403580650482% GP | 5170170.597 |
52 | @edenparadise | 0.28402563408659104% GP | 5139144.474 |
53 | @salimbur | 0.27774810135490663% GP | 5025559.136 |
54 | @manuvert | 0.2743654948112441% GP | 4964354.436 |
55 | @fural | 0.27033863189438817% GP | 4891492.596 |
56 | @solairitas | 0.25615583934111313% GP | 4634869.914 |
57 | @irman | 0.25023481944608617% GP | 4527735.3 |
58 | @sbi-tokens | 0.23198990400549532% GP | 4197612.786 |
59 | @costanza.sports | 0.22495974727287657% GP | 4070409.51 |
60 | @flaxz | 0.22384747795107549% GP | 4050284.169 |
61 | @alokkumar.sports | 0.21326827215269853% GP | 3858864.591 |
62 | @cloudblade | 0.20732000115384208% GP | 3751236.897 |
63 | @talesfrmthecrypt | 0.20487171579356023% GP | 3706937.754 |
64 | @broncnutz | 0.2009985435092713% GP | 3636856.784 |
65 | @mcshayn | 0.2009812843110447% GP | 3636544.497 |
66 | @zainalbakri | 0.19875039835103825% GP | 3596178.967 |
67 | @sports.guy55 | 0.19771364688494047% GP | 3577420.042 |
68 | @teapassion | 0.19159805406435762% GP | 3466764.836 |
69 | @ekushya | 0.18878847111785643% GP | 3415928.394 |
70 | @stimp1024 | 0.18689438488157897% GP | 3381656.9 |
71 | @tbnfl4sun | 0.18511977374514732% GP | 3349547.182 |
72 | @anicom | 0.1806308342298997% GP | 3268324.553 |
73 | @indosports | 0.17967921775887324% GP | 3251106.056 |
74 | @pouchon | 0.17382510471781687% GP | 3145182.051 |
75 | @browery | 0.17079871942156893% GP | 3090422.799 |
76 | @jgb | 0.16831984095565558% GP | 3045570.106 |
77 | @beatsbema | 0.16754757762337716% GP | 3031596.815 |
78 | @sportfrei | 0.16749433677684167% GP | 3030633.478 |
79 | @cryptospa | 0.1646232643684757% GP | 2978684.449 |
80 | @adhammer | 0.16016353965254337% GP | 2897990.431 |
81 | @djsl82 | 0.15173578600778848% GP | 2745499.112 |
82 | @arsenal4life | 0.14932964015658592% GP | 2701962.439 |
83 | @moyse | 0.14847374194425048% GP | 2686475.863 |
84 | @limka | 0.14657449215767757% GP | 2652110.94 |
85 | @kolawole | 0.14609644485833087% GP | 2643461.178 |
86 | @rosatravels | 0.14279384922015673% GP | 2583704.191 |
87 | @obrisgold1 | 0.14022412268805773% GP | 2537207.698 |
88 | @toufiq777 | 0.13790695134820222% GP | 2495280.925 |
89 | @nurdinnakaturi | 0.13726404188960975% GP | 2483648.156 |
90 | @guurry123 | 0.13511792743292908% GP | 2444816.477 |
91 | @ireneblessing | 0.1347702631912862% GP | 2438525.859 |
92 | | 0.1277693692850964% GP | 2311852.063 |
93 | @ultratrain | 0.12744663487363173% GP | 2306012.524 |
94 | @actifit | 0.1274050398560648% GP | 2305259.906 |
95 | @opochtli | 0.12739277940162838% GP | 2305038.066 |
96 | | 0.1262276745622353% GP | 2283956.722 |
97 | @philnewton | 0.12536968946403831% GP | 2268432.386 |
98 | @jfang003 | 0.12480069318077341% GP | 2258136.998 |
99 | | 0.12320749686715173% GP | 2229309.79 |
100 | @chekohler | 0.12047277874024845% GP | 2179827.948 |
Upvote here to support the proposal, any % upvote will trigger 100% GP support.
All rewards from this comment go to the governance fund
Done voting.
Upvote here to STOP the proposal, any % upvote will trigger 100% GP support.
All rewards from this comment go to the governance fund
let's hope we can get this one over the 51 treshold!
We're doing well for the first day. I'm with you though and would really like to get it approved.
Total GP Voted: 24.91847220741903 / 100 GP
Required GP: 51
For: 100.0%
Against: 0.0%
We picked up roughly 4.5% which is a huge slow down in votes since yesterday but keeps us near pace to meet 51.
Total GP Voted: 29.440610102983733 / 100 GP
Required GP: 51
For: 100.0%
Against: 0.0%
We are getting close! We need a litte more than 7% more stake to vote and we'll be there.
Total GP Voted: 43.93523344874165 / 100 GP
Required GP: 51
For: 100.0%
Against: 0.0%
We slowed down again today but we are still very close to getting enough votes.
Total GP Voted: 45.99482495376386 / 100 GP
Required GP: 51
For: 100.0%
Against: 0.0%
There's still a number of people who upvoted the main post but haven't voted on a comment yet to cast a vote on the proposal. If you're tagged in this comment would you mind to also vote on the Yes comment if you support this proposal or the No comment if you don't. We still need a little more than 6% of GP to vote before the proposal becomes valid and your votes could get us half the way there.
@roger5120 @steem.girl @automaton @alokkumar.sports @sportfrei @djsl82
We are so close I can taste it! Thank you to everyone who voted yesterday. I'll probably do a tag for the top 100 that haven't voted a bit later today if I have time.
Total GP Voted: 46.744240256207654 / 100 GP
Required GP: 51
For: 100.0%
Against: 0.0%
We are only 2.5 GP away from getting this approved! If you see anyone on the list who hasn't voted please tell them to go vote.
Total GP Voted: 48.64772302140236 / 100 GP
Required GP: 51
For: 100.0%
Against: 0.0%
I see u doing a lots of work we support u . Thanks
Thank you for the support @dragon29! It should hopefully build up and get us over the mark this time.
You are doing lots of hard work. I support you 100%. carry on. I love very much @sportstalk for sorts social community very first ever in blockchain. I am looking forward because @sportstalk has a great future. There have very few people in the world who don't love sports watch or play. Most of the people of the world are involved in any kind of sports. When they will know about #sportstalk and #sportstalksocial must be they share their opinion in this platform and it will be more popular. Very near future #sports token will be reached not a moon it will be marsh.
I hope sportstalk knocks on everybody's door.
Long live #sports #sportstalk #sportstalksocial.
Thank you for the support @ekushya! I'm thankful for everyone that participates in our tribe and I agree I think our future is still very bright.
Thank you very much for your reply. yes, @sportstalk has a great bright future.
I hope I am not too late. A 100% yes from me, for what it matters!
There's definitely still time, you can cast votes as long as the rewards haven't paid out yet for the proposal. Thank you for supporting it! It's looking like it has a much better chance of passing this time around.
Best of luck! Keep on doing the awesome work.
I'm sorry for all of the repeated mentions this week on the proposal. We are so close to approving the changes that I wanted to tag all of the top 100 stakeholders who haven't voted yet to encourage everyone to vote on the distribution changes I proposed for SPORTS. We almost got these approved a couple weeks ago but were short of meeting quorum by a few points.
If you would be in favor of supporting the changes above please vote for the Yes comment from @sports-gov. We only need a few more % points in the next couple days to get us over the required 51% and your vote could be key to us hitting those marks.
Voted already 🙏
How did I miss this?
Oh wait! I am not in the list! Nvm haha