Pony Auction on Market Friday

All the ponies are tagged and the tag identifies who they are, who is their mother, color, which herd they belong to and birth date, among other information. So, when they lose one, it is a challenge to reproduce all of that information.
Please leave the link to your post on here so it can easily be found by others. They will all be in one place!! Thank you! ❤


Answer! Can you guess??? The horse was operating a mill and was traveling in a circle. Thus its outer legs covered larger distance than its inner legs.

And just like that, this post is done. I hope you enjoyed your visit! As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to visit #MarketFriday!! Thank you for supporting the challenge! Have a most fabulous day! Cheers!!

Let the sun shine in on your life
So the joy may touch your soul

Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:
How to Participate:
1. Go to the market! Any market will do! Food, Clothing, Plant or Animal, if you wish. You can go to the zoo or an art auction. Anywhere or anything that you pay money for a service. I once went to a nail salon.
2. Take pictures! Be creative (or not)
3. Tell us a little bit about the market, what brought you here?
4. Post the picture(s)
5. Don’t forget to hashtag it! #MarketFriday by @dswigle
6. Drop the link to your post here so I can easily find them
It is always interesting to see the different markets around the globe! C’mon! Show me your market shots! I eagerly await them!

I love to share and be shared with! I am intrigued by different cultures. It is exciting and yes! I would love to see yours! Don't forget to take photos wherever you happen to be shopping - whether it be the grocery store, the local marketplace or even an art gallery, a kite festival! Wherever money is exchanged for a service or for merchandise. Be different if you wish! It does not have to be a traditional market! We will love it! I promise you! Don't forget to use the hashtag #MarketFriday and @dswigle.
Thank you for visiting my post 💖 Because of you, I come back to post again and again, I am encouraged by you, for the time you take to visit, comment or even upvote. For all of these reasons, I am eternally grateful. Don't ever forget what a wonderful world we live in, people. Let's hold hands around the globe and make this earth really spin. Some days, it is not as easy to see, how wonderful it really is. Kindness counts. Wherever you go, whatever you do.
I always post this poem down at the bottom of my posts. It is one that has become so near and dear to my heart. I only post the most famous part of it, but, wanted to post it in its entirety today.

they set my aunts house on fire
i cried the way women on tv do
folding at the middle
like a five pound note.
i called the boy who use to love me
tried to ‘okay’ my voice
i said hello
he said warsan, what’s wrong, what’s happened?
i’ve been praying,
and these are what my prayers look like;
dear god
i come from two countries
one is thirsty
the other is on fire
both need water.
later that night
i held an atlas in my lap
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered,
"where does it hurt?"
it answered,
warsan shire

#Steemusa is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!

So the joy may touch your soul

How to Participate:
1. Go to the market! Any market will do! Food, Clothing, Plant or Animal, if you wish. You can go to the zoo or an art auction. Anywhere or anything that you pay money for a service. I once went to a nail salon.
2. Take pictures! Be creative (or not)
3. Tell us a little bit about the market, what brought you here?
4. Post the picture(s)
5. Don’t forget to hashtag it! #MarketFriday by @dswigle
6. Drop the link to your post here so I can easily find them

I always post this poem down at the bottom of my posts. It is one that has become so near and dear to my heart. I only post the most famous part of it, but, wanted to post it in its entirety today.

i cried the way women on tv do
folding at the middle
like a five pound note.
i called the boy who use to love me
tried to ‘okay’ my voice
i said hello
he said warsan, what’s wrong, what’s happened?
and these are what my prayers look like;
dear god
i come from two countries
one is thirsty
the other is on fire
both need water.
i held an atlas in my lap
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered,
"where does it hurt?"
it answered,

#Steemusa is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!

They are quite adorable.
Thanks, Ace! It is too early for me to upvote you, so I will do it later today! These guys are really adorable and I wish I could take them all home! :)
Thank you for stopping by and saying hello and leaving your kind words! Have a great day!
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You're welcome. Thanks for the tip.
It is always a pleasure!
🎁 Hi @ace108! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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Thank you so much for the resteem @pixresteemer! It is so much appreciated!
🎁 Hi @pixresteemer! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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Wonderful to see! Thank you : )
Here's mine
The tea cottage looks like a great place. You took some nice photos of the place.
It's really cute. I love deserts! Lol
Oh, you always leave such nice words for me, Mr. Fletcher. Thank you! :) I appreciate you putting together a #MarketFriday post and I am curious to read it now!
Thank you for dropping the link and as always, I wish you a most wonderful day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
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Hi! Thank you very much :)
I didn't write much :) I'm mostly just the visuals...
It's the effort. You did great and I thank you. Hey, you!!! Have an awesome weekend!
You too! :)
🎁 Hi @rossfletcher! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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Thank you very much :)
My pleasure!
Amazing... 👍
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Thank you! So very kind of you to stop in and say hello. I hope you have a fabulous day!
🎁 Hi @marfonso! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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I super enjoy your post,so many fun facts! 👏👏
Quickly noticing the heart shape spot in the forehead of that pony shows how big your heart is, Denise! 💕
But I love the reaction of the bidder the most. Her emotions just overflows. I love it! 😍
Thank you for taking us there.
But now, I'll gonna take you somewhere else. Here's my link:
Please enjoy. 😁😊
I loved your post, the food looks delicious!!
Aw, thank you so much! 💕
Wasn't that bidder just so adorable? Her reaction to winning was so over-the-top emotionally-charged and it really was so infectious in the chain reaction of the excitement was phenomenal. There are not many things sitters so unique gifts this is and even though there are other horse and pony auctions of wild ponies, none seem to carry the same way is this one to us. Perhaps it's driving them through the tide Waters and then walking them down the beach? I'm not sure but I can tell you that it was fun and I look forward to going back to again and again and I've already been 10 or 11 times! I think that that is pretty good considering that I have only bought one pony. But I could have come home with that heart on the forehead little girl. Wasn't she sweet?
Thank you for taking the time to stop by and say hello and leave your always wonderful words behind. As always, I wish you a most wonderful day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Upped and steemed
Yes, I think if I am near your place, I'll gonna visit there again and again and again for sure! Hahaha! 😁😂 So, thank you for this (and your previous posts) from the bottom of my heart.
The pony with the heart looks sweet and the heart in her forehead makes her SWEETER! 😍😍😍
Have a beautiful day ahead, too! 😘
Haha! Super cool! I go there all year round and take a kayak out and glide it through the waters, looking for the ponies. Of course, I don't get up in their face as this is their habitat and I just want to observe them, not invade it.
I know!!! I love the little heart too!!!
Thank you and I know we both will have an awesome one!
Kayak? Really?!? That makes it even more awesome!!! Grrrr, I envy you now, from head to foot. Where is justice????? Hahaha! 😂😂😂😂😂
Hehe! Kayak is the easiest way to get into the Tidal area without disturbing the ponies too much. And yes! It is a lot of fun and I look forward to spending a little more time out there.
Have a great night!!! :)
🎁 Hi @gingbabida! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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🎁 Hi @gingbabida! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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Oh my goodness - those beautiful ponies! How do manage to leave without one - I would have a field full if I lived locally no doubt! The joy on the faces of the new owners actually brought a tear of joy - dear Denise you always move my spirit in the best of ways .. wishing you a bliss filled day of flowers , fun and heartwarming moments. ❤️😘
I didn't one year. :)
Well, you know we have Henry, but, if I get too many, then my travel plans are cut way back because I can't leave all these animals. I was tied down with animals and wasn't able to go many places unless someone came to watch them.
I love to see the joy and there is plenty of that here to go around!!
Thank you and thank you so much for stopping and saying hello, leaving your words behind!
#MarketFriday loves you!
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🎁 Hi @sallybeth23! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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🎁 Hi @sallybeth23! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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Great photos, @dswigle! Those animals are really cute, when they're small like that! 😍
Hmmmm... I see a missed opportunity there. Someone should be collecting that info and storing it on a Database... or even on a Blockchain. 😉
That information is documented and printed out before the auction even begins. The challenge is there are so many ponies together and if it happens, there would be a momentary panic until they figured out who it was!
So glad you could make it! Hope your day is going well and thank you so much! They are adorable!
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🎁 Hi @trincowski! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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This post was curated by @theluvbug
and has received an upvote and a delayed resteem to hopefully generate some ❤ extra love ❤ for your post!
In Proud Collaboration with The Power House Creatives
and their founder @jaynie
Thank you @luvbug!!! So very much appreciated!
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🎁 Hi @theluvbug! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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The ponies are so cute! I don't understand the "buyback pony" concept though. Does the act of entering a pony into an auction and then buying it back give the pony more value somehow? It's the only reason I can think of as to why they'd do it.
Actually the concept of the buyback Pony is to keep the select few newborns in the herd for breeding purposes. It keeps the best of it's attributes going on. Usually Foundation will put money towards a buyback and everybody knows ahead of time if one is going to be a buyback. It's a tax deduction for most and the money goes towards the volunteer fire department who actually own the ponies and if they need a certain type of care, they provide it. They put them in the auction to raise money. That really is their sole purpose and everybody involved is on board with that because we all love the Chincoteague ponies and the volunteer fire department. I personally live over in the Washington DC area and just visit over there but it's a wonderful place.
As always, have a great night!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Ah, I understand now. Anything that helps our firefighters is definitely a big plus for all of us.
We can never support the brave men and women protecting us, our families, our homes and these adorable little ponies, too much. Thank you for the clarification. Here's to a great night/day to you as well! :)
I agree! Thank you so much. I believe it is a worthy cause! Thank you again for visiting #MarketFriday!
🎁 Hi @free-reign! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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Very beautiful ponies! I like brown dogs and brown ponies!! That one with the heart marking is very special.
The auction looks very exciting with lots of suspense! I will have a heart attack because of the pause and indecision.
We don’t have wild ponies here! It would have been much fun in our history to have wild ponies. Traveling by elephants took much longer than horse drawn carriages like in cowboy time in America!
Have a wonderful day.
I do love these ponies and they are so beautiful! Brown dogs and Brown ponies! I am partial to the brown and white ones. Of course that's the kind that I have. Although I would have taken the one with the heart if I could have. I did bid on her but she was a buyback so she stayed with the island. It is very exciting and has a lot of suspense. There's not so much indecision as usually one of the partners wants it and the other one thinks it might be too much so. It all works out. Although you don't have ponies there and traveling by horse-drawn carriages much quicker oh, it is so much more exotic to go on the back of an elephant. I missed out on that but I hope to fill that square one day.
Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your wonderful words and I wish you a most Wonderful weekend.
#MarketFriday loves you!
🎁 Hi @kaminchan! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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Thank you very much for the tip!
My pleasure!
Ohhhh Denise this is my girlhooddream !! I love this market i would gave been in ahhhwwww all day if i had attended
Oh!!! Seriously!!?? Mine too! I actually did buy one and I love him!!! He was sooooo tiny, not quite three months old when I got him and cute as a button!
This is one of my most favorite markets and I could go there all day long! I have been attending for about 10-11 years. Every year, I still get the same thrill as I did the first time. Can you believe it? My little guy was easily broken and went under the saddle on the first try. They are so easy going and such hard workers. They love being busy and riding and going on trails.
Thank you for stopping in and saying hi and leaving your always lovely comment behind!As always, have a great night~
#MarketFriday loves you!
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I had a girlfriend with a caretaker horse ( not hers but she managed the maintenance I don’t know if that’s normal at your place but here it is ) and I was so proud of my black riding boots and I loved the work .... and braiding of the hair and tail. Goshhh it’s 30 years ago those were the summers hahaha
That is normal here also. Mostly for people who don't have the time or the inclination to do the care that a horse needs. I love my boots, I have three riding and one mucking pair and then some short paddock boots to clean the stalls with I loved doing it when I was a teenager and I still do it for ours here.
And the pony kisses! Oh, yes! LOL
🎁 Hi @brittandjosie! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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My pleasure!
Aww, sweet ponies! I hope they all made it to homes where they will be loved and cherished. 💚
I'm here with another non-traditional entry, but I think you'll enjoy it. 😉 https://steemit.com/fff/@plantstoplanks/friday-date-night-a-sweet-food-fight-friday
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Nice post, I think I must go date shopping now!!
Thank you! I'm actually just about to snack on a few after dinner for a nice treat. :) I hope you find some good ones, as well!
Aren't they the sweetest!? Every single person that bit on one I can assure you will love it until the end of time. They are such a sweet little angels and they have great personality. That's my experience with the breed. Plus we have our little Henry who is a Chincoteague Pony. That's so sweet of you to worry about them but everyone who is there is so supportive of the town and the herd and come back time and again to see them and see if there's something that they can volunteer doing.
Thank you so much for stopping in checking us out, and dropping your link here. I appreciate that so much. As for another non-traditional entry oh, you know I'm all about being different! So bring it on woman!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Upped and steemed
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Silly me, you totally mentioned how much everyone cares for them! (I probably need to read a little closer next time, haha!) It really does look like everyone adores them, so it's lovely to see!
No!! Don't be silly. They really do care for them, so I am not too worried, and these same people come back, year after year.
I hope it never changes, the love, the love... Le sigh.
🎁 Hi @plantstoplanks! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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Beautiful horse photography..overall this are very uncommon for me . Thanks to share your experience.
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Thank you so much for the always kind comments. I wasn't sure if you had wild horses in your country, but, it is a fun experience! I am happy to share a different culture with you. It is my pleasure!
🎁 Hi @shuvo35! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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the ponies look lovely11
Thank you so much! I had a really really fun time and these beautiful babies hard to resist but I can tell you that my horse home would not be happy with another right this moment. He's too used to getting all of the attention. Thank you for dropping your link and as usual, I hope you have a most wonderful night.
#MarketFriday loves you!
🎁 Hi @shaunf! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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This is such a delightful blog @dswigle I can just imagine the fun-filled atmosphere. Those kids will remember this event for a long time to come. What a wonderful idea to start a Feather Fund. I love reading about situations like this and it is obvious that it must make a huge difference in the lives of many. (U & R )

Here is my entry
Thank you for sharing all that history on the bikes.
My pleasure @rynow Many thanks for your kind visit and input. 💐
Thank you so much, Trudee! @TrudeeHunter
The atmosphere was super charged with fun and yes! You are right! I know that my kids totally over-the-top steeped in In memories since the first event. The feather fund was something I hadn't heard about until the last few years although it's always been in existence. I've just become more cognizant of the back workings of all of this having gun involved after I purchased a buyback Pony. This was after Henry and it goes back into the herd and helps keep the lines clean and the markings true. So they take the best of the best and sell them as buyback ponies which is tax-deductible but will also help keep the herd just the way it is.
The feather fund was spearheaded by a wonderful woman and heard Legacy will live on forever to her generosity of keeping it going. In the only thing I can think is how amazing it is to be able to leave a legacy like that. It truly is something to think about to be able to leave something that will keep growing and growing. Thank you so much for stopping by and you being you're always wonderful comments and for dropping off your link. As you know that's so appreciated!
As always, I wish you a most wonderful day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
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Very true Denise. The Feather Fund is a worthy legacy indeed. But you're preparing a significant legacy yourself my friend with your wonderful blogs, writings and photography here in steemit.Such a wealth of talent and information. 😊
Oh, you are too kind and I never thought of it that way, but, of course, we all are with the blockchain! You are so right!
Thank you!
🌼 🌻 🌼
🎁 Hi @trudeehunter! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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Thanks very much @tipu 💐
Ante todo muy buen dia,me he quedado sorprendida por tan linda narracion @dswigle,ese pony muy tierno y lindo,las fotografias hablan por si sola y dan a demostrar mucho amor y alegria,felicitaciones por tan excelente trabajo amiga,saludos cuidese.resteem,va a mi blog,jaja,besos
Thank you so much you are so very kind to me and I appreciate the fact of you coming over and leaving such kind words. I apologize for not having the time to translate my Spanish tonight but I just want you to know that I appreciate your comments and the resteam! As always I wish you a most wonderful day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
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🎁 Hi @petrarodriguez! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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I just saw a clip of this on the Smithsonian channel last night @dswigle!!!! I couldn't believe it (I think I scared my husband to death I was so excited!!!) What a beautiful island and such a wonderful story. Virginia is certainly a beautiful state. These ponies are amazing, I can't believe you have one from the auction. Love this story Denise!
Oh my gosh! I put clip from the National Geographic on Wednesdays post. You should go look at it because I think it would probably be more amazing than the Smithsonian one. I had to choose between the two and I chose the natgeo one. You do not have to go through the whole entire post because it's at the very end and it is the swim. Isn't it just such an exciting time there! I've been going for 10 or 11 years and the story is beautiful and I do love Virginia, although it's not where I was born. But, it's funny because it is the perfect place to live. The winters are too cold and we don't get that much snow and we live in a banana belt living in the Washington DC area. I do have one from the auction and his name is Henry and occasionally I post pictures of him. I'm going to have to dig out his baby pictures now from when I bought him at all because he was so sweet and adorable I could have picked them up and put them in my minivan. That's how tiny he was. The only reason I didn't is because it was against the law. Lol thank you so much for everything for coming over, for sharing your story and mostly just for being such a kind and loving person.
As always I wish you a most wonderful night and by the way, happy anniversary again!
#MarketFriday loves you!
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🎁 Hi @birdsinparadise! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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Beautiful poniesand great photos! Here's my link:
Nice ceramics in your post.
Thank you so much for stopping by to say hello and taking a look at my post! I want to thank you for dropping your link here as it makes it so much easier for me to find and as always I wish you a most wonderful day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
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🎁 Hi @almi! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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Beautiful and pure beings! No wonder they produce so much emotion. Emotion that your photos convey faithfully. This series of blogs is extremely helpful in understanding a way of life that most of us have never known.
I wrote this blog for the first time using Steempeak, a very interesting interface:
The Old Market That Was Once Modern
Interesting market!!
Thank you!
Thank you so much, Dan! @bluemoon you have spoken the absolute truth! They are such beautiful creatures come in my eyes anyway. Every year, there is great love and much emotion that comes through at these auctions. Not all of the options but watching the pony swim and watching The Beach Walk. It's amazing how much love people have for these ponies. I will admit that it took me by surprise but here I am, after 10 or 11 years still mucking through the tide Waters and swampland just to capture a peek at them swimming from Island to Island.
It's kind of funny, but, this is one of those places where the entire town works together and when you win a bid, everyone is excited and happy and cheers you on, no jealousy, just pure happiness for the other person. I can remember when I won the bid. I have a house about a half-hour away near a different beach and I was there for the weekend. A gentleman knew I didn't have a trailer with me and he offered to drop my new pony off at my house as he was going to his mother-in-law's house down the street. He didn't know me, but the love there is contagious!
Wouldn't the world be such a different place with that attitude of gratitude and love?
Thank you, again and again, Dan. You will have to tell me how Steampeak did and if it is worth me using. Did you like it? Thank you for dropping your link here!
#MarketFriday loves you!
!tip .20
I am very glad when I understand your happiness given by this event and by your pony. This happiness is evident from what you write and the way you tell. It's so good when we have what to expect every year!
Steempeak is easy to use and has much more information about the coins you have in your wallet. They are centralized and easier to find. You can use up to 10 tags when posting ... you can see here: Steempeak
Yes. I think you understand me exactly and I do like the dedicated event every single July. People know how to plan their time around I will have to look at the site and see if it will work for me. The reason I like busy is because it gives you a nice vote and I use pallet for the other one. I have given up on you saying most of the other things because I feel like there's too many out there and so I just stick with the basics. However I am not against trying something new as everybody else seems to like it or hate it. So I will give it a look and thank you very much. Have a great night!
Thank you! You know that I use esteem for the same reason, they give an upvote without which I would seem a beginner, below 0.50 per post. I understand your conservatism and when I recommend something I do it just because I think you might like it. You just have to look and choose. It was a surprise to me.
I knew this was to be your Market Friday post, not because your predicable, not because I am brilliant at guessing what is going to happen ( which may or may not be true) but simply because you mentioned it I believe in your Wednesday Walk post if my memory is not failing me, and I have bene looking forward to it that first one os so cute, and I didnt know that these pony’s were relatively easy to look after
II love the idea of the Feather Fund what a wonderful idea
Ohh and I almost forgot here is my post for this week https://steemit.com/esteem/@tattoodjay/market-friday-a-taste-of-india-ca4b53e1f75d2
Thanks for this great post and being an active member and wonderful Guide of @steemusa !tip
Those Indian shops really looks beautiful!!
Oh, I know, I am so predictable! LOL Admit it, JJ! @Tattoodjay
But, you are right! I did mention it on the #WednesdayWalk post as I knew a lot of people were interested in watching the entire week, and when it got to be Thursday, I was so busy, I was thinking I should have done it ahead of time as a normal person would.
Please God, make me normal. I need to be ahead of the game here!
This breed is unusual in its easy keep status. I love it!! Henry has been the cheapest horse/pony I have ever had, in terms of money. Plus he is easy to care for. Because he was born in the wild, I think they avoid many of the more domesticated illnesses and maladies that affect their systems.
Thank you for dropping by and for leaving your link. I am so appreciative of your dedication and I want to thank you. As always, have a great night~
Thanks for being an active member on awesome Guide of #SteemUSA !!
#MarketFriday loves you!
!tip .20
I always so being normal is over rated and I do not want to go there LOL
I can just tell by how you talk ( well OK type) about henry how special a place he has in your life :)
always a pleasure to join Market Friday :)
Oh, what is not to love? Riding bareback through the meadow, into the woods and knowing that you have a sure-footed pony not throwing you off at the next corner.
He has been a great keep and my kids love riding him as he is an awesome jumper too. I was so surprised how easy he was broke. I have never had a horse that went under saddle first time out.
We got lucky.
Thanks, you!
I think not only you got Lucky he got lucky to be yours :)
Awww Shucks! Thank you. :)
Most welcome :)
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Thank you for the tip @tattoodjay!
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Thanks for the tip :)
My pleasure!
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You know I loved this. When you bought Henry did you go with the idea you were going to buy a pony or did you find your hand going up without control? Did your family train and break Henry so he is ridable? I hope you have more on this series. I think a story about Henry would be interesting.
I am so glad that you love this! It is such a fun thing and I hope someday you get to be a part of it! When I bought Henry oh, I actually did not dream that I was going to be going home with a pony. But once I started looking at them I couldn't believe that I wasn't going to go home with one. So it was really kind of funny the way we ended up with him but he is a darling and we absolutely adore him. He rides tirelessly he jumps and he is just a good old boy. So I have one more installment of when they go riding back into the sunset. Which I will probably do 4 Beautiful Sunday. As always my dear oh, I wish you a most wonderful night!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Sounds like a wonderful story. I know the unimaginable feeling of not going home without one. Looking forward to Sunday.
I may be doing a #marketfriday post soon. I'm going shopping for an electric bike in the next couple of weeks.
Omg! I know someone who has one and loves it! I will be excited to hear your take on it.
Its funny. My aunt rased thourobreds and i rode hers, never dreaming i would have one.:)
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Awesome post about the pony auction! I had no idea such a thing existed. Thanks for sharing this, I love learning about new things.
Thank you so much and I think a lot of people were surprised because nobody has ever heard of it but it is kind of a cool thing and in the whole United States this is the only place that has it. I love learning about new things to a new cultures so that is what this Market Friday is all about. Thank you for stopping in and as always I wish you a most wonderful night.
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Hi Denise, Just popped in quick to drop my market friday post for your viewing pleasure. Super hectic here at the minute. I'll be back later.
Beautiful looking guitar!!
Thanks @rynow I love it. :-)
Thanks so much Michael! I am glad that you got to drop your Market Friday link has it makes it easier for me to find. No worries about being busy oh, I've had my share of it for so long I forget what it's like to have Leisure Time. As always, I wish you a most wonderful day!
#MarketFriday loves you
Wow just watched the video. $3900 for a pony? I had no idea they were so expensive?
Is that expensive?
Let's face it. I had no clue about horse prices in general 😂
Great post Denise, and thank you for all your hard work for the community and the !tip 😋
Well I have to admit that I went back to listen to that video and the first Pony went for 3900 and the next for 7000. To be honest with you the highest one went for twenty one thousand and there's so many variables in between.
I am glad we got our swim the prices were more reasonable because they have escalated in prices. Thank you so much for your lovely comment and tipping you is my pleasure!
Jeez, $21,000! I really know nothing about the horse trade even though I live in the countryside. I'll have to chat with my friend. She has a few horses.
I'm still figuring out this Palnet slider?
Well, I just played around with mine a little and if I do 10% they get a cent. I am sure it has to do with what % you have.
To be fair, the $21,000 and high bids were for the buyback ponies. Most of the others were between $3500 and $7000.
I'm still playing around with the Palnet slider. My 100% upvote is worth about 6 cents? I noticed that whenever I upvote on Palnet it reduces our vote power on steemit?
I thought they were seperated somehow?
What's a buyback pony?
It reminds me of busy. Same thing.
A buyback pony is one that is preselected by the committee to stay in the herd, usually for breeding purposes. This ensures that the line stays strong and they breed in the best parts of it. Much like any breeder, dog or such.
They are put up for auction, with everyone knowing ahead of time it is a buyback and it is bid on and usually, a group or a philanthropist will throw money at it to help support the cause. My family went in with a few and sponsored a pony a couple of years ago. It allows you to register the name and you have privileges to go to parts of the island reserved for trustees. Small potatoes, but, we do love our ponies. :)
That's a very cool way to raise funds and you get extra access to certain areas. Nice of you and the family to support this idea.
I wonder if we have the same thing over here? I'll ask my horse owning friend Lucy.
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@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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What a fun time! It would be near impossible to not buy nearly all of them. I mean each one is just so cute in its own way! The whole event seems to have such a fun vibe, I just have to put it on my bucket list! Great post!
It really was a fun time!!! Oh, I bid, shamefully!!! I couldn't help it!!! I wanted that little filly who had a heart on her forehead! Who wouldn't? Wasn't she adorable!? I just know that Henry would have loved her too! The whole event has a wonderfully caring and loving vibe.
I have been coming here for over a decade, no matter where I lived on this ole globe. The only thing that would make me sad is if it gets too big, the tendency is for commercialism to move in to make a buck. Isn't that the ruination of America?
Put in on the Bucket list and go there when you can! You won't regret it!
Thank you so much and I hope you are having a great day!!
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🎁 Hi @old-guy-photos! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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Ahh this is very cool. I love the lady in the video who purchased the buy back pony. What a wonderful idea.
Two other people and I purchased a buy back pony last year. They are one of those things where I really wanted another but needed to not be doing that! So, to keep the herd going strong in the best of their traits, the buyback makes sense.
I love going there! It is so much fun. Thank you for dropping by and leaving a wonderful comment! As always, have a most wonderful night!
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I have not taken part in the #MarketFriday for a very long time, but here is a entry from me, hopefully, the first of many more!!

Just click on: MarketFriday: Jolyt Feesto read about it.
I just loved your post on the Pony auction. $trdo
Congratulations @rynow, You are successfuly trended the post that shared by @dswigle!
@dswigle got 6 TRDO & @rynow got 4 TRDO!
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I actually have no idea what TRDO is!
It is a token from @theguruasia you can look in your wallet in Steem Engine and you will find it there. It is not worth much, but it is something. Do you know !BEER tokens, here is one for you.
Thank you!!! I will do that!!
To view or trade
go to steem-engine.com.Hey @dswigle, here is your
token. Enjoy it!Thank you! I have enough to have serious weekend! :)
Thank you very much, I will certainly try to do more #MarketFriday posts.
I look forward to it!
Thank you so much for the kind comment on the Pony Auction post and just know I appreciate that you took the time and energy to post into the challenge. I know the work it takes!
Even if you haven't done one in a while, we are always here every Friday, waiting for you! :)
Thanks for dropping the link!
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🎁 Hi @rynow! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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🎁 Hi @rynow! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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Thank you.
The pleasure is always mine!
Never been to a horse market, did go to a chicken one once, but didn't buy any chickens though
Well, horse auctions are not all that common especially on the East Coast but it does happen and you went to a chicken Market or a chicken auction? Now that might be a little bit of fun! Where they are exotic or just run-of-the-mill chickens? You didn't buy any? What were you doing at a chicken auction then? thanks for stopping by and leaving a few words and I wish you a most wonderful night
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It was a place where they sold exotic chickens, and normal ones too. Went there with my gf, when she was around, and thought to get a couple of hens to lay eggs for the children to go in search of, I'd even built the hen house, but it was not to be and we went back empty handed. Couple months later we split up, and I think we both regretted not getting those chickens...
My brother raises exotics and peacocks too. Come to think of it, most everything he has is on the exotic side.
So, you never got to use the hen house? I guess it is never too late to get chickens. Fresh eggs are the best!
🎁 Hi @wales! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
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OMG PONIESSSSS 💜💜💜💜💜 They are so fekking cute man! Oh my word. And gosh, $3600! I heard the bid in the video. I never actually thought about what ponies cost ... They are truly precious x
I went to the market too! - 🌟 MARKET FRIDAY - THE MILNERTON MARKET 🌟 by @princessmewmew xxx
I wonder who buys second hand false teeth.
I know!!! Right??? These Chincoteague Ponies are so freaking adorable, I love them!! And they are such smart animals and quick studies. Mine was under saddle the first time one was put on him! Hello? That happens never!
He learned to jump in a field with nobody on his back, he just started jumping. OMG! Blew my mind. You need to go back and listen to that video, I thought that one went for $7,000 -so I went back and you were right, the first one was $3600 and the second one was $7,000
There were some that went for $21,000 and $20,000 but most were about $3700 to $4700
But, they are truly precious! I can say that most of the ones that cost a lot were buyback ponies and they are tax deductible. :) They go back into the herd.
You did a Market!!! Yay! I love it and thank you! I appreciate the support and as always thank you for dropping the link here! Have a great weekend!
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🎁 Hi @princessmewmew! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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Another great market Friday Post! Have a great weekend! 😍
Why thank you so much for that and of course I appreciate you stopping by and saying hello and leaving your kind words behind! Have yourself a most wonderful weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you !
We love you more! Have a lovely cup of !COFFEEA
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Thank you @felt.buzz!
Thank you @felt.buzz and @c0ff33a!
🎁 Hi @felt.buzz! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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What a great market Friday! I love that the tradition of the pony swim and auction is still going strong! Thanks for such a great commentary and wonderful pictures too!
Thank you so much, Diane! It's one of the funnest Market Fridays there is and isn't it amazing that the tradition of pony swim and auction is still going since I think 1925? I have been to 10 or 11 of them and I love that and we always have fun! Thank you for your kind words about the commentary but I know the pictures leave a lot to be desired and it just wasn't happening for me that day with the humidity and the hundred degrees and the Sun. Be that what it may, it happened anyway and still have a good time. Thank you again and you do leave some of the nicest comments!
Have a great night!!
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Catching the comment is what is important, and you did that! Many thanks for the tip. ❤️
My pleasure!
🎁 Hi @dmcamera! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
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Nice job to spared the harsh winter out on the island of the Horse and lovely photography of yours marketfriday. And here is my entry : https://steemit.com/marketfriday/@kamrunnahar/marketfriday-home-is-looking-pretty-by-curtain
Thank you so much and yes I am very glad that they are spared the harsh winter when they are so young. It's hard enough on the older ones but they make out okay. The younger ones would have a much rougher time. Thank you so much for dropping your link here and I wish you a most wonderful night!
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🎁 Hi @kamrunnahar! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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Looks like a great curtain shop, with a nice variety!!
That's what I understand #marketfriday.
I have never been to such an event, and we have such horses can only
be found in the parks :-)
Thank you, dear Denise, for the photos and great video!
I Loved it!
And this is my new post for marketfriday
Well, I must admit, Svetlana oh, it is an unusual event that is nowhere else in the United States, and I'm not sure if it's anywhere else either but, it is lot of fun and it is a week-long of different events all leading up to the auction. So in fact. It is a wonderful time. I'm glad that you could come along even if it was through the blog and a video.
Thank you for taking the time to stop in and leaving your wonderful words and then dropping your link. Is much appreciated and as always I wish you a wonderful night.
#MarketFriday loves you!
🎁 Hi @singa! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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Some of the paintings at the fair was really beautiful!!
I'm glad you liked it )
I'm in! After a long delay.
I'm so happy I got to see this post today, @dswigle. What a wonderful and heart-warming event. And great pics, as always :)
Well it's certainly good to see you again! I am sure you have been on a Merry-Go-Round and I hope all is well with you. I know you've been around but I also know that you have been really really busy. So thank you for taking the time out to you join the market Friday. It was a most wonderful event at the pony swim and auction! As always, I wish you a most wonderful evening or morning, whichever is more appropriate.
#MarketFriday loves you!
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@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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The prices in that store really looks extremely high even against today's standards.
That is so cool that you got to go to the Chincoteague pony market! I use to read the series of books about the Chincoteague Ponies when I was younger! They were one of my favorites.
I almost got a wild horse when I was living on a farm and it came up that they were looking for owners for these wild horses they were thinning out but alas it didn't happen for it wasn't are farm and it is a big commitment to keep a horse.
Thanks so much for sharing this it made my day to see the young foals - although I was a little concerned about the trauma they must have gone through to be put through an aution. Good thing it is only for a short while then they go to a loving home!
I truly enjoy going through the Chincoteague Pony auction. I enjoyed the whole entire Pony week. Oh yes! Misty of Chincoteague. I think every little girl read that.
Wild horses can be kind of need and I know a lot of people that got the Mustangs when I lived in Texas and they turned out to be pretty good horses. I like the way Chincoteague controls the size of the herd by making an event of it and just the atmosphere alone makes it a wonderfully happy experience for all. This way they keep the very best that will breedwell and keep the herd looking premium and the others go to good homes were they are love forever and ever. If you ever change your mind they have a rescue and there are plenty of people that want one. The fools are okay and the trauma is not so huge. The babies that are too young to swim they taken Trail over to the crowns and it's actually only 24 hours that they are corralled with their mommies and it's not until the last few minutes that they are separated. I can guarantee you that every one of those are loved. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such a kind and thoughtful comment. As always, I wish you a wonderful weekend.
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Wish I could have been there with you for the whole Pony week! I would have loved it! Good to know it is done with compassion and care with as little trauma as possible!
Do you have horses? I use too but have since moved and I'm not set up for having horses anymore.
Thanks for the tip too!
We do!!! I loved being there the whole week and we have done this for the last 10 or 11 years!
It is done with lots of compassion and sprinklings of love all over the place! or a short time, I had to board them as I didn't have room for all, but, we are much better now! :)
Thanks again and have a great night!
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@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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Aww, how cute and adorable! I’ve had several pets with hearts on them. One dog with a heart on the side when it was a puppy. It grew out of it but it was almost the perfect shape for quite some time. I’ve had had and seen a number of cats with heart shape on their forehead.
Have a great weekend!
It really is isn't it? I have had one cat with a hard on it but that would be the only one. I always thought it was so very special and even in nature, with rocks and other different formations of hearts, they really turn my head. I know it's silly, but it just really does. I was wondering if it would grow out of it and your answer pretty much seals that up. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't. I sure would have liked to have gotten the one with the heart on the forehead. Now, I will be finding myself looking for her when I'm on Chincoteague Island. Stay tuned and I'll let you know if I ever see her!
Thank you for stopping by market Friday and say hello, leaving your kind comments behind. As always I wish you a most wonderful day!
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🎁 Hi @enjar! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
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Hey! This is my post for this week!
Have a nice and cool weekend!
Thank you! I appreciate you stopping by to drop off The link! As always, I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
🎁 Hi @kaminchan! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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That hotel looks beautiful!! I also love the water channels!!
Enjoyable yet again and educational. I have never rode a horse nor been to an auction lo!
You captured the emotion of that girl. Just by reading this and looking at the photos, I can already feel the happiness. We do have horses here brought by Americans I think or some other invaders, Japanese maybe, I am not sure. Mostly they are used for business for horse rides around town. It is one of the things you can do while visiting. When people see horses pass by, you can tell from the expression of onlookers the amazement. They gawk and point 😁 I've been here all my life and I haven't been in one. Maybe I should pay a visit to one of the parks where they have the most horses. I have been writing about Camp John Hay, a former US base where there are horses, too, available for rides.
For now, here's my market friday to a quick visit to Agoo, La Union.
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Well, riding a horse is something I have done most of my life. My family owns one and many of my relatives raised them.
That young girl was so excited about winning the bid on the horse. She was totally beside herself with joy! I have had that feeling and today is unexplainable the emotional impact it has on you. They auction off the horses to make it a fair deal for the companies as they are a very coveted commodity here. Even here in the United States where horses are plentiful oh, it's only in certain areas and it is a worthy second look when you see one go by in some places. I personally have paid for a horse and buggy ride and I own a horse. So it is as much for the ride as it is any else. I have heard that horses are very rare they are and I cannot think of who it was but it was somebody from there. Thank you because I have also learned something here and I think the bat is one of the joys of being on steemit and sharing the different cultures.
Thank you for stopping by and dropping your link off and leaving your kind words behind. As always I wish you a most wonderful weekend.
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🎁 Hi @leeart! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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I love those old buildings you captured in your post.
Well it is still Friday - on the west coast- for a few minutes so I will take that as I made it, barely. Here is my Market Friday post. It may be a stretch, but remember it is in the spirit of Market Friday at least. Have a great weekend you.
Well, I am sure that it is Friday somewhere, even now! ;) You know that there will be more that come rolling in all weekend and beyond, right? Somewhere along the line, it has become MarketWeekend! LOL But, I am happy to have so many people participate in it, so I have no complaints!
Tell me it isn't so!! This is a stretch market? :) As if none of us have ever done that one before! Well, I am pretty sure we can fit it in the category somewhere, right? I hope you are having a cooler weekend than I am right now! It is hot and sticky, that is what's on the menu for our weather!
#MarketFriday loves you!
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🎁 Hi @old-guy-photos! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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Cute baby ponies, my girlfriend used to own horses and would compete in dressage competitions. I'm worried if we ever went to one of these auctions we might end up getting one lol.
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Not to scare you, but you should be worried! The last one that was bought in our house what sport has the same auction few years back. They are absolutely irresistible when they are tiny. I lived in Texas for a while and I cannot tell you how many stairs my family got for doing dressage instead of barrel racing. LOL good luck and stay far away from auctions! Thank you for stopping by it's saying hello and leaving you're kind, and behind. As always, I wish you a most wonderful day.
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🎁 Hi @sketch.and.jam! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Auction On Market Friday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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Congratulations @dswigle!
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:
Thank you for the mention in the #hit-parade @arcange!! It is always an honor to find my name on your list! I also want to take a moment to thank you for all your hard work, making the platform a success.
As always, I wish you a most wonderful day!
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This is a very beautiful post! I love the woman in the video talking about her buyback pony and the island.
You sure have a lot of folks on steem who love you @dswigle!
Thank you so much @owasco! The Chincoteague Pony Week, actually is a series of events, which I posted most of the week. I mean, who can resist the tiny little ponies when they are but a few months old, right?
The island is beautiful and it is not too far from the Washington, DC area where I live. It is lovely, people helping people and nature... Le sigh.
There are so many wonderful people here on steemit! I don't have enough hours in the day to visit all these awesome people, but, I answer all of them. Thank you for taking the time to visit and for leaving such a kind comment! As always, I wish you a most wonderful day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
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🎁 Hi @owasco! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
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@dswigle! thank you!
My pleasure!
If this wasn’t the most precious post! 🤗😍. Those ponies are so beautiful. I love all of the photos. I really loved seeing those happy faces of the winning bid! Such a sweet and precious moment ~
Thank you so much I had such a wonderful time as I do every single year. Happy faces most everywhere and the most precious part are the crowds cheering on the winners, because they are truly happy for them and I do not think that life gets any better than that. To surround others with joy in their Joy, sharing in that moment oh, well that's just special. Thank you so much for stopping by and say hello and leaving you're always wonderful, soothing, loving words behind. As always I wish you a wonderful night!
I couldn’t agree more about how special that is! 😊
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What a little cutie pie, I guess I would have left crying as I have a soft spot for animals. It was nice to read your blog.
Here's my entry, a little bit late but here I am :)))
They were quite a few ponies to go around I want to say that there were 57 or 63 that auctioned off to good homes. Everybody there is a huge fan of the Chincoteague Pony and you always consider yourself lucky if you get one. We were lucky and on a few years back and he's a beautiful boy and we love him. I'm not sad that I didn't get one because I think that everybody should have at least one. It's a wonderful event that they hold and I can assure you that the only tears that are shed are tears of joy. Thank you so much for stopping by and for dropping your link! It is so fun to see what you come up with every week and you never disappoint oh, so I thank you for that and now I got to go read about that weed!
#MarketFriday loves you
🎁 Hi @erikah! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
Check out @dswigle blog here and follow if you like the content :)
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There's like, twenty posts worth of amazeballsness in this one #MarketFriday! That heart pony it ADORBS, and I was tempted to wave some Steem at it myself. That's so cool that the ponies are cared for over the winter by the volunteer firefighters. And the look on the auction winner's happy face is ALL THE THINGS! Totally needed this lovely and delightful sort of post in my life right now - thanks for bringing us along and I call shotgun for the ride home! 😉 😂 😊 ❤️
!tip steem
Well, hop right in Traci girl! Make sure you buckle up good because we'll be zooming down Highway 13 to go to my Shore House. It's so much easier to have a house over here you're the ocean and be able to maintain a residence close to Washington DC. This way I can get to the ponies quick if I want. LOL I know that you understand that it's all about those ponies, right? Thank you so much for coming along for the ride it is such a fun event that the whole entire town gathers and is part of. Incidentally, the volunteer fire department owns the Chincoteague ponies and maintain and their health should any of them need it although technically they are wild and are free to roam. They're not fed or anything but occasionally if there is a harsh winter they'll throw a few bales of hay out. Read many bales. I'm going to thank you so much for stopping by and saying hello and dropping you're always wonderful words. You are, without a doubt one of the kindest sweetest gentlest most wonderful Souls that walk the earth and I want to thank you for being my friend. Love to you.
And as always, I wish you a most wonderful night.
🎁 Hi @traciyork! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
Check out @dswigle blog here and follow if you like the content :)
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🎁 Hi @dswigle! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @traciyork!
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)
Thank you @traciyork!
Feliz Domimgo amiga,que lo pase bien saludos ,gracias por su amistad que Dios me la cuide
¡Gracias nuevamente por ser parte de #MarketFriday! Agradezco tu participación!
¡Tenga una buena noche!
Damn they are all so cute it would be such a hard choice for me i would want to take them all home i especially love the one with the heart on her forehead so beautiful.
Sorry i have had a really busy week with my brother been in Bangkok we had a lots of meeting happening every day for a week a really full on intense week.
Oh, seriously dude!!! I am so far behind from life that I can actually appreciate it. :) I am so glad you were able to spend some time with your brother. So nice!! You know I will be here next week and the week after that!! So no worries and thank you so much for taking the time to come and say hello!!!
Aren't they cute???? I loved the heart also!! My favorite!!!!
I know you are always understanding and family does always come first as you would agree. This week will be easier meetings are over and we are going to visit a few places :)
Take care talk soon :)
🎁 Hi @hangin! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Swimback On Chincoteague Island Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)
Thank you @dswigle and @tipu :)
Hey guys here is the Caraguay Night Fish Market in Guayaquil Ecuador!
Thank you!!! I got a preview and it is an awesome video!!! Thanks for being a part of #MarketFriday!
#MarketFriday loves you!
🎁 Hi @world-travel-pro! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Pony Swimback On Chincoteague Island Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)
And here are some photos of a farmers market in Sofia Bulgaria!
Thank you so much and you know how I looked forward to Bulgaria!!
Thanks for posting in the #MarketFriday tag!! Appreciate your time and effort spent! As always, have a fabulous day!!
#MarketFriday loves you!
🎁 Hi @world-travel-pro! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Eclectic And True - Tree Tuesday Is Brought To You Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)
I don’t know, maybe I was late, but I wanted to share: