A day spent at Doddington Hall, and then an easy recovery run after


dannewton just finished a 6.33km run, that lasted for 39 minutes.
This run helped dannewton burn 494.0 calories.

Description from Strava: The first half of today was a pleasant stroll around Doddington Hall, checking out the sculpture exhibition.

Well, it was a pleasant stroll once the rain had finally stopped!


We all went together as a family, and was a trip that should've taken place last weekend, except I had covid and couldn't go.

All better now, so we finally went today.

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Doddington Hall is very local, just 10 miles donw the road, and is a busy tourist destination with lots of visitors, some enjoying the stately home, and many enjoying the formal gardens. It also has a couple of cafes and a farm shop

warning, farm shop is very expensive!

There is various events that take place throughout the year, and one big attraction is the sculpture exhibition, which takes place every 2 years

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There were some interesting artworks, such as this horses head made out of old car parts...

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And this stylized 'origami' leopard looked quite cool too.

There were also some weird ones:

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This white blob was titled 'Sleeping Dove' and had a price of £2000... I think thats a little overpriced, but hey, art is subjective I guess!

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One of my fave pieces was this Raven... I like the stylized, angular design.

All in all it, it was a nice morning out. We debated getting some lunch, but was put off by the extortionate prices in the restaurant - a freshly made sandwich and a packet of crisps would cost over £9.00 each. Instead we went to the farm shop, and picked up some sausage rolls and a packet of cakes, which worked out much cheaper.

After all the delays from the rain, and faffing about trying to sort lunch out, what should've been a relatively short morning out, ended up taking much longer. I didn't get home until 3:30


I had hoped to get other stuff done this afternoon, but was now running out off time. Instead I decided to head out for a short recovery run, which helped to loosen my legs off after the harder effort yesterday

It was just a short run up the bypass for 6km or so, but was all I needed, and I felt much better for doing it.

Unfortunately now I have a busy evening tidying and cleaning (and doing the flippin' ironing) so that I'm ready to start a new week at work tomorrow. I could have done without the day out today, but the family time is super important.

There always seem to be something else to do you know?! Absolutely relentless! I guess I just have to find a way to get it all done...

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Living in the UK, I am an intermittent Runner, but always striving for more consistency. When I'm not training I can be found photographing insects or listening to really loud angry music (which is the best type of music obviously!)


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At least you still got the run in and the walk would have made a good step count for the day !STRIDE Good to hear to over the covid too.


Thanks Brad, the run was the most important of all those chores this afternoon, honest! !LOL


Looks like a nice place and some cool art. It does seem that a lot of places just do fancy sandwiches so they can whack the prices up. Everything is getting more expensive, but then so are their running costs.



Was a reasonable day out in the end... I know everyone's costs are going up, but honestly some of the prices we see day-to-day, seem to take the mick!



The view is nice and I love those sculptures right there
Very beautiful!
