Afternoon Run - 10km (slow and steady still)
dannewton just finished a 10.87km run, that lasted for 72 minutes.
This run helped dannewton burn 804.0 calories.
Description from Strava: Another slow easy plod for Wednesday.
Legs still feel pretty good, but still keeping it easy. I did go a little faster than the run on Monday, but only by a little bit. I wasn't even bothering to watch the pace, just aiming to run by feel.
The route today was out to Harmston and back for just over 10km. That will do for now. The weather had been awfully wet earlier today, but by the time I had finished work it had stopped, and even started to dry out in places
I left the house pretty sharpish at 16:30, while it was still light...
The run was pretty uneventful, I put the headtorch on after passing through Waddington, and by the time I had the quick loop round Harmston and then back home, darkness had already fallen.
Last Wednesdays I ran 18km, which took almost 2 hours... tonights run was much easier at just over an hour. That meant I had plenty of time for once to sort tea out, put the bins out, and I even managed a shower before I logged on to talk to my partner.
We caught up on all sorts of stuff such as how her uni assignments were going, and the trips she has planned. And I filled her up on all the stuff I've done (working/sleeping/running, which isn't quite as exciting haha!
Tomorrow should have had a small run scheduled, but I'm going to leave it in the spirit of 'taking it easy', so there will be 2 rest days before I go out again for a run on Saturday
Oh and something which is exciting, I have just 2 office days to get through before I have a week off work, woohoo! No idea what I'm doing with my time off, so I guess I'd better start planning something....
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About the Athlete: Living in the UK, I am an intermittent Runner, but always striving for more consistency. When I'm not training I can be found photographing insects or listening to really loud angry music (which is the best type of music obviously!)
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Keep going, you're smashing your training at the moment and getting stronger every day.

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Great work, champ! You are killing it! I'm sure you are going to smash in some nice long runs during your time off!
$PIZZA slices delivered:
@mimismartypants(2/5) tipped @dannewton
These dark evenings can be tough, but you keep at it anyway. Enjoy your time off.
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.Hey @dannewton, here is a little bit of
from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .
Slow and steady win the game 💪
I love the illuminations of the light
Anyway, you are doing very well
Make sure that you keep it up!
When the weather is beautiful like this, a person likes to walk in the evening and a person keeps walking without knowing the time, otherwise a 10 km walk is a long journey.
I want to be regular like you, i want to run like you. you are doing awesome.
Okay. I'm getting off my ass to do some yoga right now.
You are persistent, huh? I think, more and more, this is the key to training.
Nice to see you up and running :)
Looking forward to your plans!
Cool, hope your yoga session went well (it's something I've not tried to be honest, Tai Chi is the closest I've got to that physical meditation stuff)
and to be honest I'd be worried that if I sat too long in one pose, that I'd fall asleep and start snoring, and that will ruin the other peoples experience in that session!
Persistent? certainly, and consistent, and relentless too (it does border on addiction at times but I think I've got a handle on that...). But consistency is key for a lot of things if we wish to see improvement :-)
Well I've seen (and heard) people fart in yoga classes... all that upside down stuff and twisting ya know! But I've not yet seen anyone fall asleep!
I'd love to learn Tai Chi. I actually did a class or two but the instructor was a bit too militant for me.
Yes. Consistent. That's the word I was actually looking for! Thank you :)
But persistent too because that injury and now look 💥
p.s. I'm a bit of a boy so I only really do Ashtanga. I also find it hard to do the Yin styles. Too slow for me too! But... they are very good at training a person to "let go" and be in the moment. Because they're longer poses. Ashtanga is a lot of movement and it gets you crazy fit! Addictive actually ;) I also had to stop because I went a bit too far and overtrained.
Yes. I started again this morning though and will do tomorrow again. Juuuust a liddle bit every day.
Consistently! Thank you again 🌸
🤣🤣 I'm not sure I'd be able to keep a straight face!
A 'militant Tai Chi instructor', that's gotta be an oxymoron or something surely!? Most of the Tai Chi I know was learnt from books (I did have previous Martial Arts experience, so it wasn't too difficult to get a basic idea of it). I did try learning with an actual instructor, but it was sooooo slooooowww. I spent the first 6 weeks learning the opening 'bow' movement, and got bored and left
Thats the spirit... little and often
(but without the over training preferably although I know that can be easier said than done, especially if you are really enjoying it)
I find having a schedule or plan helps with that (eg Monday 10km, Tuesday 6km, Wednesday REST, Thursday 12km etc..) and because I know I'm running on Thursday, that 'rest day' on wednesday is super important and still feels part of my training.
I know yoga is slightly different, but maybe by setting a time limit for the session or by planning which days are rest days might help? Or maybe choosing to go out for a walk on the rest day, so you still practice the active mindfulness, but in a different way.
I don't! 😆
Unless it's me! 😆
I'm back at it every morning now and that's a LOT to do with you so thank you!
Well he was mostly a Shaolin instructor and that's why I was there. I was super fit in those days and he was imprssed and wanted me to become an instructor - they needed a girl one apparently. But too militant, dude. I mean... 500 pushups on your knuckles if you didn't know the school rules. Which we had to say before every class and which (of course) I never bothered to learn 😆
The pushups were easy though. Like that fit! But the shame and embarrassment part I could do without, quite frankly. And yes. I don't think that is the point of any martial art. But perhaps I'm a heathen. Again.
The over-training is the orthorexia. Yes. And I have that and have to monitor it carefully. It's insidious and sneaky af. Any ED is.
A schedule is a good idea. And I'm getting better at those. Thank you. Noted 👍
And yes again. A full Ashtanga practice is 90 minutes. And a bit.
I've done this practice for ongoing twenty years and have never completed a full one using all of the proper (advanced) poses. I guess it's a life long journey. Like life :) Perhaps that's their point, actually. Never thought of it until this very moment! :D
The breathing and movement also get you "high" - so yes. A program may be better for me.
Right now I can't even complete the first two cycles to warm up! I'll just take things slowly.
And rest is important with training yes!
You are on it, huh?! :D
Well, sounds to me like you're on it too, ;-)
No worries, happy to provide inspiration/motivation when required. I'd say I'll always be here to give you a kick up the bum, but I think in your case it might be a gentle hand on the shoulder to remind you to take a step back occasionally! 😉
Yuk. I've had plenty of different clubs, and dealt with plenty of Ego's, but I've never had one like that. And I certainly wouldn't have put up with it either... like you say, there's just no need for the shame etc. Martial Arts should be a way to facilitate self-growth, and being punished with 500 press-ups won't help with that!
Ah. I knew there was an ED linked to being 'too healthy'... I didn't know what the term was, so thank you for that. And it is sneaky... I think the biggest problem is that unlike any other addictions (smoking/drugs/alcohol) you can't just stop eating. When I identified and accepted I had a drinking problem, I removed it from the house, and stopped socializing with certain people who drank too much. And that was enough to solve it, to remove temptation. I can't do that with food, I still need to eat something.
And I guess its almost human nature, if doing a little thing is good, then doing more of that must be better. And as you well know, that isn't always the case...
Self-awareness is key in this, and I know you've got plenty of that!
And that's 'cause you're totally awesome Nicky... keep it up, you've got this ❤️
Oh you.
Yes to all of that. And EDs are sneaky af yep.
And haw!!! (My son and another meme)
Thanks for being you!
But when I'm stubborn you can knock me on the head. I'd let you get away with it you know.
Have a marvelous weekend just another Dan 😊💖
Did yhe yoga again this morning and it's becoming a thing I won't miss out on again. Just a liddle bit! 💥
Dan you impress me. You have really taken to this running thing with such vigour and you are smashing it mate (and making me feel like such a couch potato lol
Thanks Brian... to be honest its one of the few things I'm actually enjoying at the moment, and doing reasonably well in too. I've lost interest in most other things, including photography.
Lol, running's not for everybody... I do recommend being active though, even if its just a couple of walks each week, good for the body AND the mind
@dannewton I think we all go through that lost interest in photography phase, hopefully you will find your mojo mate. I try to keep active, more than I did anyway. Counting my steps each day (nowhere near as many as yours) but averaging 6-7.5 miles a day, so that'll do me
Yeah I know... it'll come back at some point, just need a little break from it, and I know from previous experience that trying to 'force it' doesn't work for me. The kit is sat in a box under the stairs, and will be ready when I am :-)
6-7 miles a day will do nicely... part of the reason why I run is my job now consists of sitting down for 8 hours every day, I need to find time to get moving!
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