Launching Proposals on SPORTS
account = "sports-gov"
nodelist = NodeList()
nodes = nodelist.get_nodes(hive=True)
hive = Hive(node=nodes)
def transfer_token(to, amount, symbol, memo, account):
he_wallet = Wallet(account, blockchain_instance=hive)
transfer_tx = he_wallet.transfer(to, amount, symbol, memo)
c = Comment(loaded_post, steem_instance=hive)
c.reply(str(transfer_tx), "stake_tx", account)
transfer_token("sportsprojects", 1, "SPORTS", "Please fund this account with 24,960,203 SPORTS and send 3,952,615 SPORTS to @patrickulrich.", account)
We are very happy to announce that we've prepared a partnership with the ARCHON tribe to deploy their governance layerware for the SPORTS ecosystem. Pending the approval of this proposal, we will be able to operate our community without relying on any one individual's sole decision making and instead use our shared consensus to run and grow the community through the use of governance proposals.

Anyone will be able to propose 'code snippets' (as seen above) via a post that, once approved by stakeholder vote, will be activated and ran by the @sports-gov account. These snippets can run anything from Hive Engine token transfers to witness votes for community held accounts. This will open the opportunities for what we can do to the imagination of our community. You can learn more about the originally developed system by reading @taskmanager's code snippet release.
How proposals works
I was preparing a guide for how to interact with the different code snippets that are available but @archonapp already published a great guide that I've used below and replaced their snippets relating to ARCHON with SPORTS. You can view their original publication here.

account = "sports-gov"
nodelist = NodeList()
nodes = nodelist.get_nodes(hive=True)
hive = Hive(node=nodes)
Code Snippet Functions
1-2: Sell/Buy Hive-Engine Token
def sell_token(symbol, amount, price, account):
he_market = Market(blockchain_instance=hive)
market_trans = he_market.sell(account, amount, symbol, price)
c = Comment(loaded_post, steem_instance=hive)
c.reply(str(market_trans), "market_tx", account)
def buy_token(symbol, amount, price, account):
he_market = Market(blockchain_instance=hive)
market_trans =, amount, symbol, price)
c = Comment(loaded_post, steem_instance=hive)
c.reply(str(market_trans), "market_tx", account)
With these definitions, you can instruct the proposal (if approved) to buy or sell any token on hive-engine. Check the wallet first. Selling tokens that aren't there or buying an amount that there isn't swap.hive for will result in failure.
After defining, you can command:
sell_token("SPORTS", 250.00, 0.45, account)
sell_token("ARCHON", 1.00, 3.333, account)
sell_token("ASH", 225.00, 0.00495, account)
buy_token("PAL", 500, 0.285, account)
All code snippets must end with ``` and then !end

3-4: Power up HIVE, Power down HIVE.
def power_up_hive(to, amount, account):
hive_account = Account(account, blockchain_instance=hive)
hive_power_tx = hive_account.transfer_to_vesting(amount, to, account)
c = Comment(loaded_post, steem_instance=hive)
c.reply(str(hive_power_tx), "hive_tx", account)
def power_down_hive(amount, account):
hive_account = Account(account, blockchain_instance=hive)
h_v = hive.token_power_to_vests(amount)
hive_power_tx = hive_account.withdraw_vesting(h_v, account)
c = Comment(loaded_post, steem_instance=hive)
c.reply(str(hive_power_tx), "hive_tx", account)
power_down_hive(1, account)
power_up_hive("sports-gov", 1, account)
power_up_hive("sportstalksocial", 0.1, account)
5-6: Stake/Unstake Hive-Engine Token
def stake_token(amount, symbol, account):
he_wallet = Wallet(account, blockchain_instance=hive)
stake_trans = he_wallet.stake(amount=amount, symbol=symbol, receiver=account)
c = Comment(loaded_post, steem_instance=hive)
c.reply(str(stake_trans), "stake_tx", account)
def unstake_token(amount, symbol, account):
he_wallet = Wallet(account, blockchain_instance=hive)
unstake_trans = he_wallet.unstake(amount=amount, symbol=symbol)
c = Comment(loaded_post, steem_instance=hive)
c.reply(str(unstake_trans), "stake_tx", account)
7-8: Send HIVE or HIVE-ENGINE token to account
def transfer_hive(to, amount, asset, memo, account):
hive_account = Account(account, blockchain_instance=hive)
hive_tx = hive_account.transfer(to, amount, asset, memo, account)
c = Comment(loaded_post, steem_instance=hive)
c.reply(str(hive_tx), "hive_tx", account)
def transfer_token(to, amount, symbol, memo, account):
he_wallet = Wallet(account, blockchain_instance=hive)
transfer_tx = he_wallet.transfer(to, amount, symbol, memo)
c = Comment(loaded_post, steem_instance=hive)
c.reply(str(transfer_tx), "stake_tx", account)
transfer_hive("mydemouser", 5, "HIVE", "Your demo memo", account)
transfer_token("mydemouser", 10, "SPORTS", "Your demo memo", account)
9-10 APPROVE or UNAPPROVE witness
def approve_witnesses(witness, account):
hive_account = Account(account, blockchain_instance=hive)
witness_tx = hive_account.approvewitness(witness, account)
c = Comment(loaded_post, steem_instance=hive)
c.reply(str(witness_tx), "witness_tx", account)
def remove_witnesses(witness, account):
hive_account = Account(account, blockchain_instance=hive)
witness_tx = hive_account.disapprovewitness(witness, account)
c = Comment(loaded_post, steem_instance=hive)
c.reply(str(witness_tx), "witness_tx", account)
approve_witnesses("blocktrades", account)
remove_witnesses("jerrybanfield", account)
Again, all code snippets must end with ``` and then !end

Proposal Requirements
The code above will be needed to work within Proposals on the SPORTS Petition and Proposal System. The following requirements also apply:
#sportstalk tag to post to the tribe
#sportsgov tag to showcase it's a governance post
#sportsproposal tag to make it a proposal
100,000 SPORTS sent to @sports-gov with your post URL as a memo
#hive-py tag to pick up the code snippets

Voting for Proposals
Any user can make a proposal even if they are not a SPORTS tribe member. @sports-gov will show up some time after posting to leave 2 comments, 'YES' and 'NO' once it locates a SPORTS transfer.

As the comment indicates, all SPORTS stakeholders can vote on these comments (with any %) to indicate their support for either the YES or the NO, whether they want the proposal to pass and the code to execute, or whether they want the NO conditions to go forward. There is a third option, and that is neither - if neither yes or no get 50% of the votes, neither YES nor NO will win.
The SPORTS Governance Power of each member is based on their SPORTS stake. You can request the governance power of any account or check out the top accounts by visiting #sports-governance in the SportsTalkSocial Discord

How petitions works
Petitions are a simplified version of proposals. They don't have to have a code function and are not binding to any form of action. They are instead a way for users to make their will known.
The idea would be that if you wanted to find out if there was support for some kind of action without spending 100,000 SPORTS on a proposal you can issue a petition to see if the community was interested in moving in that direction. If you found positive support you'll be better prepared to issue a proposal or maybe find someone to cover your proposal's fee.

Petition Requirements
The code above will be needed to work within Proposals on the SPORTS Petition and Proposal System. The following requirements also apply:
#sportstalk tag to post to the tribe
#sportsgov tag to showcase it's a governance post
#sportspetitions tag to make it a petition
1 SPORTS sent to @sports-gov with your post URL as a memo

This Proposal
account = "sports-gov"
nodelist = NodeList()
nodes = nodelist.get_nodes(hive=True)
hive = Hive(node=nodes)
def transfer_token(to, amount, symbol, memo, account):
he_wallet = Wallet(account, blockchain_instance=hive)
transfer_tx = he_wallet.transfer(to, amount, symbol, memo)
c = Comment(loaded_post, steem_instance=hive)
c.reply(str(transfer_tx), "stake_tx", account)
transfer_token("sportsprojects", 1, "SPORTS", "Please fund this account with 24,960,203 SPORTS and send 3,952,615 SPORTS to @patrickulrich.", account)
You may have noticed that this post started with a set of code. That's because this announcement post is also a proposal that will be parsed by the ARCHON system to launch the project. If stakeholders approve this proposal it will send 1 SPORTS from the @sports-gov account to @sportsprojects with a memo requesting funding. The SPORTS requested are 24,960,203 to be sent to @sports-gov and 3,952,615 to be sent to @patrickulrich.
The Costs
These combined amounts (28,912,818 SPORTS) equate to a 2% increase in the current circulating supply of SPORTS that are available as per our site's record while this post was being prepared. The SPORTS held in @sports-gov will be available for funding future proposals from anyone in the community.

The 3,952,615 to be sent to @patrickulrich equate to the current market value of 2,500 ARCHON along with 100,000 SPORTS as a reimbursement for funding this proposal's fee. This is derived by taking the current Hive value of 2,500 ARCHON (736.62) and finding the current value at our current market rate of SPORTS (3,852,615).
Benefits To SPORTS
This will allow the community to make decisions via the proposal system. This may be on things as simple as what to do with post rewards for community accounts but it will also act as a way to disperse SPORTS to users who are making contributions towards growing the project via the request for @sportsprojects to unlock 2% of the circulating supply amount of SPORTS held there. These acts of funding will reward users for anything their imagination can dream up that will be of value to the stakeholders of the community.
Additionally @sports-gov's account has given posting permission to @rewarding. This will allow it to follow the votes issued by @sportstalksocial at 100%. This will mean that any of the posts that get curated via the daily curation report will also get a vote from the 2,500 ARCHON stake held in this account. This will add to the earning value of being one of the top posts in any of our monitored sports and thus should result in more content being created for the site.
How to Vote
@sports-gov will reply to this post with two comments. If you'd like to see this proposal pass then upvote the YES comment with any % upvote.
We hope you will consider voting yes to activate this proposal.

Cheers, @sifondeseltz You Successfully Shared 0.100 WINE With @sportstalksocial.
You Earned 0.100 WINE As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 3/3 Successful Calls.
WINE Current Market Price : 1.000 HIVE
Upvote here to support the proposal, any % upvote will trigger 100% GP support.
All rewards from this comment go to the governance fund
I'm so happy to see everyone on this table together
Later edit: this is my main account, but the vote goes from @erikahfit.
Let me know if it's not considered valid, so I can vote again. Sorry for the mixup.
It doesn't look like it was picked up. I don't see you listed on the Discord bot.
Ok, voting from my alt now, where the stake is.
Upvote here to STOP the proposal, any % upvote will trigger 100% GP support.
All rewards from this comment go to the governance fund
SPORTS is one of the reasons I'm back and active on Hive. I hope things change for good.
It will . This post will be a game changer for SPORTS.
I want to thank everyone who has already voted on this proposal. We still need just under 30% of stake (GP) to be voting either way for the vote to be considered valid and meet a 51% quorum. I'm humbly tagging our SPORTS Top 50 Stakeholders (Governance Power) as a notification that the proposal is active. If you still have any questions about how this system will work or the benefits it can have for our tribe please don't hesitate to bring a discussion to this. If you feel you are ready to cast a vote I ask that you consider either voting to approve or disapprove of this new system.
Thank you for the support @jphamer1! I'll update your name on the list.
voted for.
Awesome thank you @abh12345! I updated the list for you as well. I'll update any more submissions again tomorrow.
just upvoted, thanks for remind..
Thank you for supporting this @zahidsun! Were getting closer and closer!
Thank you for the support @pele23. I just updated the list for the top 100 stakeholders in a new post. We're only 18% away now.
If I increase my stake, would it automatically add to my vote value on the proposal?
I believe so. I just updated the numbers and you're stake went up by at least 100K SPORTS.
Okay, another question:
Does my voting manna affect my vote on a proposal?
Assuming I have 60 million SPORTS stake which gives 17k SPORTS in vote and I had drained my voting manna in voting for post to say 10% which would be less than 3,000, what would happen to my vote on a proposal at that time?
No, voting % or power is not reflected at all. A 1% vote for Yes is the same as a 100% vote the same as a 1% voting mana would be the same as a 100% voting mana. It's just looking at the stake for each person to determine their GP.
Just voted. Thanks
I appreciate the support @apostlevincent! It shouldn't be too much before were there.
We should have been there by now, right?
Yup we're at 52% right now. It should close out later today and be approved.
Perfect and thank you @zainalbakri! I'm hoping we pass it.
Voted 👍
@ptaku, to cię powinno zainteresować, nie wiem czy głosowałeś
Dzięki za info. Muszę poczytać. A Ty co sądzisz?
Zagłosowałem na tak. Zawsze to coś ciekawego się będzie dziać. Teoretycznie użytkownicy będą mieć więcej do powiedzenia
Very good
Go for more sports
Hey just want to remind you of that we have a proposal now about the new ad-program on STS here:
Hope you want to contribute by voting here =)
I was really impressed with the response rate by tagging the top 50 stakeholders yesterday so I decided to expand the list to the top 100 stakeholders today. That being said I want to thank everyone who has already voted on this proposal so far. We are now just 18% of GP away for the vote to be considered valid and meet a 51% quorum. If you still have any questions about how this system will work or the benefits it can have for our tribe please don't hesitate to bring a discussion to this. If you feel you are ready to cast a vote I ask that you consider either voting to approve or disapprove of this new system.
@cryptoandcoffee @erikah @bozz @dalz @costanza @blanchy
Main account of some of the above :)
Ah yes .... Ill take a look, thansk for the mention asher
No worries. I have a feeling that most have their main account tied to notification apps :)
Thanks for the notice, I'll look into it
Voted. Thanks for the reminder. Never look for the alt lol.
Thanks for catching this @abh12345! I'll need to make a new list that uses main accounts for this purpose.
@mmmmkkkk311 @devann @cabinet24 @bahagia-arbi @samic @freddio
No worries :D
Thank you for supporting it! It should finalize tomorrow and then it'll be ready ot use.
It went over quorum this morning so it should pass when it finalizes. Thank you for all your help getting here!
I appreciate the support! It looks like with your help we were able to get past the 51% mark.
EDIT: figured it out
Thank you for supporting this @michealb. It looks like you found the post but if I can answer any questions about the system feel free to ping me!
You can increase your stake at any time before the proposal finishes. If you add more stake before the end of the proposal period you will update on the for the new amount.
Thank you for the support @nurdinnakaturi! It looks like we'll see this one pass.
thank you, for mentioning my name there. maybe I will be active again in sports