Qatar World Cup Boycott: no guessing contests & FIFA Uncovered
Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!
As a huge football (soccer) fan, I have organized a number of special guessing contests here on Hive on the occasion of various major football events in the past and I would love to organize them again during this year World Cup too of course but given the notorious circumstances of the event and my recent rant about them, it would be terribly hypocritical of me to promote the Qatar World Cup in any way, including the guessing contests. So I´m really sorry guys but I won´t be hosting anything like this during the World Cup that starts in Qatar on Sunday. If you haven´t read that rant of mine mentioned above, you should do it now because that post explains very explicitly why I decided to join the Qatar World Cup Boycott.
The official logo of the Qatar World Cup Boycott Initiative
So no World Cup guessing contests here on my blog (I´m sure you can find some in the sports communities here on the chain though) but what I do have for you is a great tip on a documentary to watch and yes, it´s closely related to this very World Cup as well. Produced by Netflix and released just a few days ago, the documentary is called "FIFA Uncovered" and as the title suggests, it explores and reveals the (outrageously corrupt, mafia-like) history and practices of FIFA, the most powerful sport organization in the world.
The official logo of the FIFA Uncovered Netflix documentary
Disclaimer: it´s very likely that you will join the Qatar World Cup Boycott too when you finish watching the documentary.
This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.

I also decided to pass on my World cup contest! Too bad. It just doesn't feel right!
Exactly! Doesn´t feel right. Thanks for sharing your opinion, I´m glad we are on the same page :)
We already know why the World Cup organization was given to Qatar. I think the ambiance of it has been lost, it seems odd to watch World Cup towards te winter. I doubt whether I will watch it...
FIFA gave the hostship to Qatar because Qatar managed to bribe the majority of the FIFA Council. It´s clearly showed and proved in the documentary that I mentioned above. Everything about this World Cup is just so wrong and those thousands of dead workers from the stadiums only intensified the insanity of this whole thing... Glad to know that you will not be watching. Thanks for joining the boycott.
The joy of the World Cup is summer, not this time.
A delicious appetizer for the World Cup in Qatar with great timing from Netflix!!
"Delicious" indeed!
I totally agree with you. I am a football fan through and through. I have season tickets for my team and every two years I have organised a football viewing at my fraternity.
This year I'm not doing anything and I won't be watching the games from my country either. It hurts, but unfortunately I can't help it.
I also saw the documentary yesterday. Even though we already knew a lot, some of it was new to me. 800 euros for the players from the Caribbean for Jack Warner's participation was a joke. By the way, his extradition to the USA was confirmed yesterday. I hope he will also be extradited.
Thank you very much for your feedback! Much appreciated from such a loyal fan of Bayern Munich, one of the best teams in the world :) Yeah I know that many football fans in Germany have joined the boycott too and I´m so happy about it! FIFA needs to realize that the football public around the world is not just a bunch of dumb sheep that will tolerate everything they do. Enough is enough.
Greetings to Germany from your eastern neighbors!
Hey hey, no, I haven't been a Bayern Munich fan for years. Precisely for these reasons. Sponsor Qatar. Then I could also watch the World Cup.
I'm from Augsburg and therefore a fan of FC Augsburg. They have no money, but they play in the First League. And we've already won against Bayern Munich this year:))
Wow, sorry about that then! I thought you were a Bayern fan as that´s what your profile seemed to say :) So FC Augsburg, cool! :) I´m from Opava and been a fan of SFC Opava for decades. Small club with small money but extremely loyal and passionate fans ;)
Looking forward to see it, thanks for letting me know it exists! 🙂👌 !BEER
You are welcome! I would´t know about the documentary either if my Hivean football buddy @bodie7 didn´t tell me about it under my previous World Cup post :)
The world cup is starting. It's not the same as having it in the summer !
Yeah, the seasonal shift is another fail. Inconvenient for the fans and a real disaster for the clubs and players as it totally messed up their plans for the season...
Yesterday I saw a video on a popular centralised site with video about sketchy stories behind worldcup organisation. Disgusting stuff.
You should watch the documentary series. It´s just 4 episodes but the amount of totally outrageous and disturbing stuff in there is just overwhelming. I mean I had no illusions about how FIFA works but some things were even much worse than I could have ever imagined...
100% agree man.. and I will watch dat documentary on netflix soon for sure..
Určitě se na to podívej, ale buď připravený na to, že pak budeš FIFU nesnášet ještě víc než doteď :D :(
Really glad to see guys like Rod Stewart who turned his back on a shitload of money and said no to Qatar. Yes, he doesn't need them but I know many others who don't and didn't put ethics above money as they should.
Exactly! I was really happy to read that more and more celebrities don´t want to support the World Cup in any way, despite all the shitloads of dirty money they were offered... The biggest disappointment, however, is David Beckham. I guess you know what he did...
Well, he's no Rod Steward by any stretch of imagination...
Hele přiznám se, že mě to nešokovalo nakonec. Ale dost možná proto, protože mě to vůbec nepřekvapilo :D
Já teda některé ty věci nevěděl. Třeba to namočení francouzského prezidenta nebo to, jak ten Warner okradl a podrazil vlastní hráče... Jak říkám, celou FIFU rozpustit, pozavírat, zabavit majetek a dát ho na charitu...
Btw co říkáš na novou roli tvého idola z mládí?
Jo jasně, taky jsem některý věci netušil, ale v zásadě mě to nepřekvapilo. :)
Hele co se týče Beckhama, tak legendy jsem si taky přestal idealizovat už dávno. Prachy holt nesmrděj a zrovna Becks má myslim celkově tak dobrý PR, že to nakonec ustojí celkem v pohodě. Ten vrcholovej sport je prostě fakt nejspíš špína se všim všudy. :D
Nedávno jsem třeba viděl jedno z těch Untold na Netflixu o sudím z NBA. Taky parádní. :D Takhle nějak si například představuju, že to chodí i v jiných vrcholových sportech, co se týče rozhodčích...
Například o Olympiádě a některých politických rozhodnutích například v krasobruslení, nebo gymnastice asi nemá smysl ani začínat.
Doping by bylo další velký téma (viz pěknej 3 hodiny dlouhej dokument o Armstrongovi z roku 2020 tušim).
A dalo by se pokračovat - znásilňování, šikana, rasismus a další hrozný a odporný věci...
A jako tím vůbec nechci obhajovat Beckhama by the way. Nemyslim, že v jeho případě jsou peníze tolik potřeba, ale co já jen vim na druhou stranu... :)
Vrcholový sport, vrcholový hnus, to sedí no :D :( Dík za tip na další seriál, to Untold, mrku na to. Jestli si ale dám tu FIFU znovu, tentokrát v podání HBO, to teda nevím :D Ale jako musím říct, že celkově jsem spokojen s tím, kolik se té katarské špíně dostává v médiích prostoru. Až mám někdy pocit, že ten sport jde trošku stranou a řeší se hlavně to, jak je tam prostě úplně všechno špatně a že to FIFA fakt mimořádně po*srala... Já se právě trošku bál, že se na to v "zápalu boje" bude trochu zapomínat, ale není to tak, dostávají fakt slušný mediální lynč :)
Těžký téma no. Někdy se k tomu dostanu :D
Každopádně to HBO doporučuju. Některý věci tak jako docvakly díky tomu :)
A kdyby sis to náhodou chtěl zopakovat, nebo doplnit mezery, tak HBO pro změnu vydalo taky svůj dokument
Tentokrát z pohledu investigativních novinářů.
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 13/43) Liquid rewards.
Although I wrote previews in the lead up, I have no interest of writing anything about the World Cup. Subconsciously I've just lost interest with the amount of BS that has gone on. A part of me says to keep politics out of football and just enjoy it. It's totally hard to ignore however, as there are constant reminders of the host nation when watching it on TV.
Right. Plus it´s impossible to separate football from politics if you know how deeply the corruption has grown through these two, gluing them together. Have you seen "FIFA Uncovered" yet?
Totally agree with you, everything that has been heard about that World Cup, can you imagine what is not known...
It will be the next time...
Good point. What we know already is absolutely shocking and disgusting but there surely is more that we don´t even know about yet...
What a good information.later I will read your post and will see the video.
Cool! It would be great to have a feedback on this topic from someone who lives in Saudi Arabia :)