This badge is an award for special creators on HIVE who share their creativity and knowledge with others. This Award is maintained by the Team of @DIYHub!
I enjoy playing Splinterland every day.
I would like to blog about how the game is being played, as well as what is happening in my daily life from time to time.
Soy una chica de 20 años, viviendo actualmente en Venezuela y cursando quinto semestre en Ingeniera en Sistema.
I am a 20 year old girl, currently living in Venezuela and studying the fifth semester in System Engineering.
¡Futuro atleta de élite dispuesto a atravesar los desafíos más difíciles!
Apasionado por la nutrición y dietética en general
Futuro nutricionista
Amante del Café y Barista
Seguidor y amante de la moda street wear y Over Size.
La disciplina es la clave del éxito