⭐️ Rising Star - Reached level 95. Did 3 custom missions. Opened a card pack and progress updates + card swaps
Hello and welcome to all the readers.
A good progress since last post. Reached level 95.
Did a mix of missions so that i can earn more starbits. Also did few lessons.
Today, i did my millionaire mission first and then i did three production fair missions. I found 2 BlackMonitor and 2 SilverSpeakers.
@risingstargame, It would be great if we can trade/swap any custom missions part with another part. That will help to print more Custom NFTs. Just a thought.
Production Fair:
Card Pack Opening:
I also opened a card pack and this is what i got:
R145 Chaney the rapper - 50 fans, 200 skills, 4 luck
63 Clinton - 10 fans, 1 skill
13 Buster - 10 skill
A good pack of skills over fans.
2 unique and 1 duplicate card added to my collection.
Updated February Goals:
Task | Goal | Current Status | remaining |
Level | 96 | 95 | - |
Starbits | 75000 | 18631 | 56369 |
Custom shop missions | 25 | 10 | 15 |
Ego | <10% | 5% | - |
Need approx 3569 starbits per day to reach the starbits goals
[this includes the starbits needed for custom shop missions]
Game Stats:
Skills - 9973 from cards, 15220 from lessons
Fans - 16340 from cards, temporary 316
Luck - 3066
Cards - 410
Ego from fans - 16656 (316 temporary drunk fans)
Ego from missions - 9944
Total - 26600
Starbits doing Millionaire missions - 60000
Players Ranking:
Card Swaps
Anyone interested in card swaps please add a comment below.
Cards i want to swap:
Cards to swap |
R134 Rachel |
R133 James |
R135 Rosetta |
R128 Luthien |
R130 Groovy |
R149 Frederico |
R120 Dan |
R49 Bethany |
R51 Brad |
R54 Ellie |
R59 Laney |
Cards i want |
R100 Pixie |
R102 Butch |
R103 Sam |
R105 Tracy |
R108 Ray |
R109 Trevor |
Note: i will update with more cards later.
Thank you for reading my post.
Have a nice day.
Previous post - https://peakd.com/hive-195370/@imfarhad/rising-star-did-4-custom-missions-opened-a-card-pack-and-progress-updates--card-swaps
@imfarhad! The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.
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Hi Fahrad .
If you want , I can trade with you :
With :
Yes, i am ok to trade all.
my username in risingstar is imfarhad
please share your username in risingstar.
I am in UK and currently on day job, will do the transfer in the evening if its ok.
No probs, we'll see the trade this evening .
I'm @jay63 in RS .
You can take a look at my deck just here .
I can trade all but I keep one copy minimum .
Have a nice day ;) .
hi @jay63, should we do the trade. All 4 swaps
i will do it once you confirm.
Nice :) .
I've done the transfer .
hi @jay63, i have also done the transfer.
Thank you.
Pleasure :) .