El deporte desde adentro | El fútbol y sus cosas | [Esp-Eng]

Pero no todo es culpa del técnico, también hubo una serie de situaciones que llevaron al club a tomar decisiones drásticas en una era post Messi, que este señor, Xavi Hernández, la hizo corta, pues inmediatamente saco adelante una plantilla haciéndola ganadora, hasta llevarla a conseguir un título de la Liga local frente a un Real Madrid recién coronado en Europa, una tarea muy difícil de realizar si tomamos en cuenta jugador por jugador, que claramente el elenco blanco es superior al del elenco blaugrana, experiencia y años jugando juntos, un poco para darnos de cuenta del buen trabajo que finalmente terminó de hacer este entrenador.
I was one of the many people who questioned the past management of the FC Barcelona first team coach Xavi Hernandez Creus, because it is one thing to criticize and quite another to question and ask questions, why such a performance, and why the use of several players, who for him were the best option, but ended up hurting his work to such an extent, to fall defeated in a resounding manner at home, something that did not happen so often in the recent past, used to get wins at home in addition to playing very well.
But not everything is the coach's fault, there were also a series of situations that led the club to make drastic decisions in a post Messi era, which this man, Xavi Hernandez, made it short, because he immediately took a squad forward making it a winner, to the point of winning a local league title against a Real Madrid recently crowned in Europe, a very difficult task to accomplish if we take into account player by player, that clearly the white team is superior to the blaugrana team, experience and years playing together, a little to realize the good work that finally ended up doing this coach.
| El final | The end |

Algunos a lo mejor dirán que lo malo aún no ha pasado, sí, a lo mejor, porque el club actualmente no tiene entrenador, está a la espera de su cuarto entrenador en 5 años, algo que no es muy bueno siendo el Barcelona un club top. Pero no todo fue malo, recuerdo unas declaraciones de Xavi al llegar a la entidad azulgrana la cual decía, que él notó que los jugadores habían perdido la manera de jugar de la vieja escuela del mentor del fútbol total Johan Cruyff, algo sumamente grave, y que él la trajo de vuelta, cosa muy importante que a pesar de no tener el resultado esperado, ha sido un avance de cara al futuro.
Yes, the end of a period that spanned two and a half years, and a time where no one wanted to go to manage the club, in that package we must also include Dutchman Ronald Koemam, who despite not being on the bench for long, also has his merits in this turbulent transition in Barcelona, former emblematic players of the club that did nothing but make Barcelona play again and compete at the highest level, in the midst of one of the economic and institutional crisis that any club has ever had, that others I think would have disappeared.
Some might say that the bad has not yet happened, yes maybe, because the club currently has no coach, it is waiting for its fourth coach in 5 years, something that is not very good being Barcelona a top club. But not everything was bad, I remember some statements made by Xavi when he arrived at the Blue and Whites which said that he noticed that the players had lost the way of playing the old school of the mentor of total soccer Johan Cruyff, something extremely serious, and that he brought it back, something very important that despite not having the expected result, but it has been a step forward for the future.

Otra de las cosas buenas entre lo malo, si es que se puede llamar así, es que él puso en juego a jugadores de la Masía, pero no cualquier tipo de jugadores, sino a unos muy jóvenes de apenas 16 y 17 años, que parece mentira, se adaptaron muy bien al primer equipo, jugado como todos unos veteranos, que le abre una puerta al equipo y a los próximos tiempos, a tener ya listos a futbolistas muy talentoso, sin necesidad de fichar a otros en otros clubes, algo muy positivo además, es que en cada línea de las posiciones en el campo, surgió por lo menos un jugador que luego sobresalió, proveniente de esa Masía.
Maybe what I am going to say next will sound cruel or of the style in which a person has been used or used, I think rather that he (Xavi) has been part of the process, always thinking about the club of his life as he always emphasizes. He has served to show the weaknesses of the club and the players that should not be used in each position, incredibly, the next coach who comes to the bench of the first team, will have it easier, because he comes with a clearer idea of everything he has seen in recent years, adding that much of the bad things have already happened.
Another good thing among the bad, if you can call it that, is that he put into play players from the Masia, but not just any type of players, but some very young players of just 16 and 17 years, which seems unbelievable, adapted very well to the first team, played like all veterans, This opens a door to the team and to the next times, to have very talented players ready, without the need to sign others in other clubs, something very positive in addition, is that in each line of the positions in the field, there was at least one player who then excelled coming from that Masia.

Hansi Flick llegó a Barcelona con el reto de sacar adelante un proyecto que el único fin sería conseguir lo que en su momento fue el club catalán, un fiel competidor a buen nivel capaz de ganar ligas y campeonatos internacionales. Una de las cosas a resaltar de la llegada de este técnico alemán a España, es su deseo de dirigir al Barcelona, pasión que siempre ha demostrado por este club, algo un poco sorprendente para ser un hombre de nacionalidad alemana, pero que esta vez demuestra su deseo de dirigir a este club, y esto créanlo o no, es de destacar, porque no hay nada mejor que amar lo que uno hace, no sé si amará al Barcelona, pero de seguro quiere dirigirlos antes que cualquier cantidad de dinero. Que siga rodando el balón.
All of the above and the things that actually happened within the heart of the Culé seems to be something like planned, whether it is or not, the only thing we can realize from all the adversity that the club has faced, is that they have taken the positive side, something like taking advantage of the tests to move forward. The solution to the immediate future is to bet on a coach who has all the attributes to adapt to the Barca system, as he has the style of being offensive and a formation that can vary depending on the opponent, and is a high pressure either defensively or offensively.
Hansi Flick arrives at Barcelona with the challenge of taking forward a project whose sole purpose would be to achieve what the Catalan club once was, a loyal competitor at a good level capable of winning leagues and international championships. One of the things about the arrival of this German coach to Spain, is his desire to manage Barcelona, passion that he has always shown for this club, something a little surprising for a man of German nationality, but this time he shows his desire to manage this club, and this believe it or not, is noteworthy, because there is nothing better than loving what you do, I do not know if he loves Barcelona but surely he wants to manage them before any amount of money. Keep the ball rolling.
Como siempre, es muy interesante leerte, estimado amigo, ya que nos haces reflexionar sobre cuestiones que parecen obvias. Ojalá, que el entrenador que llegue, lo vuelva a posicionar al club en los mejores lugares.
Otro punto importante, con respecto al post, es que veo poca interacción y me surge una pregunta ¿Será hora de un pódcast suyo? ¡Solo pregunto! 😄
Un abrazo.
Si, todo parece indicar de que este entrenador lo hará de una manera muy distinta a los anteriores.
Si, jaja ya es hora, ya es hora de subir de nivel, porque ya no hay más nada que agregar a mi contenido escrito, pues ya todos saben lo que hago.
Pero no tengo idea de cómo hacerlo, no sobre como elaborarlo, el contenido y el léxico quizás lo domino, me refiero a usar las herramientas, la edición, el usar 3speak, cómo subirlo luego, de eso no se nada.
Me pones en el compromiso, de hacer un tutorial, para mostrar como lo hago. Pronto lo preparo amigo, porque realmente es muy sencillo.
Un abrazo.
Me parece bien, lo estaré esperando.
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