Evening Run - 9km (It's been a while since I've ran at night!)
dannewton just finished a 9.29km run, that lasted for 58 minutes.
This run helped dannewton burn 723.0 calories.
Description from Strava: It was a pleasant run late this evening, and it was the first time I had needed the headtorch in awhile... but before I get to that, theres a couple of things to cover first.
First, its now 4 days since I tested positive for covid, and on top of yesterdays post detailing my recovery, today I felt almost completely back to normal. I should have been in the office today, but as my job has an option for home-working, and in fact I can 96% of my job at home, I decided to stay home just as a precaution. I want to avoid passing it on to anyone else. I also don't want to be 'that person' who comes into work obviously ill and coughing and spluttering everywhere!
Tomorrow I'll be at home as part of a normal day, and then Thursday I should be back in the office.
Secondly, when I finished work I had a nice little surprise. I went to speak to my partner to tell her I was about to head out, and she asked if she could join me.
I thought she was kidding at first, I have asked her on many occasions and she has always refused!
But no, turned out she was actually being serious...
I made sure we took it at a slow pace, and that there were several walk breaks, but it was really nice to have a little running buddy for once!
I'm usually a solo runner, its not that I'm unsociable, I just like my own space!!
We just did a little 2km route along the bypass, where it was nice and quiet, and then we turned and ran/walked home again. It was nice and I really enjoyed the company for once, but I was still missing my 'proper run' lol!
That then brings me to the run this evening. After I'd had tea and given it time to go down, and while my partner put her feet up to watch some nature documentary, I laced up my trainers and headed out for another run
It didn't feel that late at 8:30, but the nights are fast drawing in now. It was still just light out there, but I knew I would be finishing in darkness, so I made sure I had a headtorch.
A really pleasant evening out there. It had managed to rain in between the 1st run and the 2nd run, but by the time I headed out it had stopped and felt nice and fresh out there. There were loads of moths flitting around in the light of my head torch, and I also saw 4 frogs on the path. I presume they were making the most of the damp conditions underfoot. The run was a simple and easy 9km out along the bypass and back, and I did it in just under an hour.
And now its time for me to sit and relax for what's left of the evening. I'll hopefully be heading out for another run tomorrow evening, and who knows maybe my new running buddy will join me again?
I'll be keeping my fingers crossed!
If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:
About the Athlete: Living in the UK, I am an intermittent Runner, but always striving for more consistency. When I'm not training I can be found photographing insects or listening to really loud angry music (which is the best type of music obviously!)
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What if your partner only wanted to follow you to make sure that you’re fine while running?
Running is most essential and special for the health of all of us and we all have to include this routine in our daily life if we want to lead a healthy life.