#Hive blockchain friends and fellow
#SWC members, in this post I share with you my little workout I had this morning starting at 6:00 AM. My day started at 5:30 with a cold shower which has brought me many benefits, it serves to improve circulation, lower the stress hormone (cortisol), it also helps me to be more resistant to cold, and it helps me to be a disciplined person since showering in cold water is something with which you have to have a lot of willpower.
Luego salí al parque en donde pude apreciar el amanecer, ver los primeros rayos del sol es una señal a nuestro cerebro que debe bajar la hormona melatonina el cual es la hormona del sueño, de esta manera podremos tener más energía durante el día. El amanecer lo ví desde unas gradas que se encuentran cerca de mi parque y es allí donde se me ocurrió hacer unos ejercicios de pierna.
Then I went out to the park where I could appreciate the sunrise, seeing the first rays of the sun is a signal to our brain to lower the hormone melatonin which is the sleep hormone, so we can have more energy during the day. I saw the sunrise from some bleachers that are near my park and it is there where I thought of doing some leg exercises.
El primer ejercicio de piernas que hice fue sentadillas explosivas en cada escalón de la grada, el cual eran como 10 escalones. Luego en el segundo ejercicio camine en slong sobre un escalón, la verdad era bastante largo, más o menos como unos 30 o 35 metros. En el tercer ejercicio realicé retención en sentadillas, hice un minuto por 4 cuatro series. Y para finalizar hice un poco de pantorrillas aprovechando las superficies de las gradas. Bueno amigos esto ha sido mi post espero les haya gustado, seguiré subiendo contenido durante esta semana, me despido soy
@cristofercj-sw, nos vemos en siguiente post!!
The first leg exercise I did was explosive squats on each step of the bleacher, which was about 10 steps. Then in the second exercise I walked in slong on a step, the truth was quite long, about 30 or 35 meters. In the third exercise I did a squat hold, I did one minute for 4 sets. And finally I did a little calves taking advantage of the surfaces of the stands. Well friends this has been my post I hope you liked it, I will continue uploading content during this week, I'm
@cristofercj-sw, see you in next post!!!
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