[ENG/DEU] Daily report about processed votes from the CryptoCompany Voting Service

Authored by @PowerPaul



As yesterday, here is today's overview of the activities of the CryptoCompany Voting Service.

Wie auch schon gestern, hier nun die heutige Übersicht über die Aktivitäten des CryptoCompany Voting Service.

I was able to improve the “read article images correctly” and can now handle most frontends. Only with @freecompliments articles I still have problems. However, the A.I. I'm working with on this case is currently overloaded, so I'll leave it at that for today. Tomorrow, when the server is not overloaded again, I can continue to work on the case and add more details to the table after every failure is solved.

Die Sache mit "Artikelbilder korrekt auslesen" konnte ich schon verbessern und kann nun mit den meisten Frontends umgehen. Nur bei @freecompliments Artikeln habe ich noch Probleme. Die K.I. mit der ich jedoch an diesem Fall arbeite ist gerade überlastet, deswegen belasse ich es dabei für heute. Morgen dann, wenn der Server wieder nicht überlastet ist, kann ich weiter an dem Umstand arbeiten bzw. weitere Details in die Tabelle einarbeiten, nachdem alle Fehler behoben sind.

Author Image Link Ordered vote height Status Timestamp ordered (UTC) Timestamp processed (UTC)
 @moonblastPost thumbnaila-powerful-ally-but-with-a-curse-lfe60 %Voted2025-01-24 13:51:462025-01-29 02:54:09
 @ifarmgirlPost thumbnailfascination-secret-wish-the-viscayan-fields-6ay55 %Voted2025-01-24 11:57:442025-01-29 02:54:03
 @dalponPost thumbnailusing-healing-abilities-efficiently-in60 %Voted2025-01-24 00:03:022025-01-29 02:50:45
 @alohaedPost thumbnailan-overview-of-political-contributions-to-a-johnston-county-pac-caag-pac-citizen-advocates-for-accountable-government20 %Voted2025-01-23 19:51:492025-01-29 02:47:44
 @hazkriptoPost thumbnailshowing-tier-3-quest-rewards-in-golem-overlord-ens60 %Voted2025-01-23 22:47:232025-01-29 02:49:02
 @coolguy123Post thumbnailsplinterlands-social-media-challenge-a-battle-of-lily-shieldpaws-yp60 %
Too far back in the queue. Skipped & CCD sent back.
2025-01-23 14:19:222025-01-29 02:43:59
 @wasyePost thumbnailenptbr-playing-in-league-1-in-soulkeep-6sm60 %Voted2025-01-23 22:13:202025-01-29 02:48:25
 @yunkooPost thumbnailincreasing-the-number-of-fans-by-opening-packs-in-rising-star-game-9cd60 %Voted2025-01-24 02:59:202025-01-29 02:51:24
 @moonblastPost thumbnailwinning-using-debuffs-in-battle-37j60 %
Too far back in the queue. Skipped & CCD sent back.
2025-01-23 14:07:142025-01-29 02:43:16
 @ifarmgirlPost thumbnailplants-rails-such-98b55 %
Too far back in the queue. Skipped & CCD sent back.
2025-01-23 04:53:442025-01-29 02:42:20
 @yunkooPost thumbnailexplaining-blend-and-growing-my-animated-card-collection-in-rising-star-game-91q60 %
Too far back in the queue. Skipped & CCD sent back.
2025-01-23 02:25:002025-01-29 02:41:23
 @mervinthepogiPost thumbnailactifit-mervinthepogi-20250122t102021879z20 %
Too far back in the queue. Skipped & CCD sent back.
2025-01-23 01:13:312025-01-29 02:40:40
 @dalponPost thumbnailmy-strategy-for-the-super60 %
Too far back in the queue. Skipped & CCD sent back.
2025-01-22 23:44:342025-01-29 02:39:47
 @thebighiggPost thumbnailsilver-on-the-colorado-river-6yy60 %
Too far back in the queue. Skipped & CCD sent back.
2025-01-22 23:14:582025-01-29 02:39:05
 @hazkriptoPost thumbnailupgrading-fortification-on-my-account-in-golem-overlord-5pe60 %
Too far back in the queue. Skipped & CCD sent back.
2025-01-22 22:23:592025-01-29 02:38:16
 @wasyePost thumbnailenptbr-showing-the-djinn-oshannus-in-action-er760 %
Too far back in the queue. Skipped & CCD sent back.
2025-01-22 21:32:042025-01-29 02:37:19
 @vinzie1Post thumbnaila-meal-with-a-side-of-longing80 %Voted2025-01-28 23:20:492025-01-29 02:36:19
 @cryptounicorn420Post thumbnailccd-goal-achieved-and-new80 %Voted2025-01-28 12:48:392025-01-29 02:35:41
 @freecomplimentsPost thumbnailthe-freecompliments-weekly-art-contest-winner-earns-10-hsbi-7cx100 %Voted2025-01-29 00:31:112025-01-29 02:33:04
 @servellePost thumbnail10-usdwaxp-or-2-hsbi80 %Voted2025-01-28 12:24:162025-01-29 02:35:00
 @oadissinPost thumbnaildark-appearance-on-the-sand90 %Voted2025-01-28 11:19:412025-01-29 02:34:06
 @bitandiPost thumbnaillarry-fink-with-700-000100 %Voted2025-01-28 11:08:482025-01-29 02:31:14
 @libertycrypto27Post thumbnailbrobang-season-2-is-over-my-seasonal-game-results-and-my-seasonal-financial-evaluation-engita-8jm100 %Voted2025-01-28 23:58:412025-01-29 02:32:25
 @curamaxPost thumbnaila-lunar-new-year-stroll100 %Voted2025-01-28 10:30:412025-01-29 02:30:41
 @freecomplimentsPost thumbnailan-updated-explanation-of-hsbi-a-wonderful-service-for-those-who-plan-to-stick-around-hive-for-a-long-time-26q100 %Voted2025-01-28 04:01:512025-01-29 02:29:41

Any questions?

Now it only remains for me to say... Enjoy your day &
thank you for being here!

See you later in the comments &
make the best out of the your day!



