Upgrading Fortification on My Account in Golem Overlord


Currently, my journey in Golem Overlord is limited to collecting PART/SHARD 1x per day and winning 1 battle in Conquest mode. This is not the best strategy because I would be able to make more profit if I collected PART/SHARD 3x per day and managed to win 5 battles in Conquest mode to enjoy all the VIP privileges since in addition to winning 1 Yixn's Trinkett II per day in Conquest mode, I can also win up to 35 Vials of Insight (Exceptional) NFT version per week, but unfortunately I don't have enough time to do all of this in the game so for now I'm limiting myself to just 1 victory per day to receive my daily Yixn's Trinkett II and collect 1x PART/SHARD.

Fighting multiple times in Conquest mode is not something I can do because most of the time I have to wait 2 minutes to find an opponent and sometimes I have to wait another 3 minutes for my opponent to make all the preparations for the battle so it is a bit tiring, but I will try to increase the number of times I collect PART/SHARD per day to increase my profits in the game.

Today I will make another small investment with the PART I collected recently and I will upgrade my Fortification level.

  • Fortification is important in Golem Overlord because it increases the chances of other players not being able to loot me, so if I want to keep my PART/SHARD safe this is the best Stat I can upgrade in the game.

These are my current Stats in Golem Overlord. Most of the PART I collect in the game I burn to gain reputation because I want to reach Prestige 15 as quickly as possible to unlock Tier 4 Quests. I am using the remaining PART to upgrade my Stats and my current focus is on Fortification.

After burning most of the PART in reputation, I have 2,412 PART left for me to upgrade my Fortification and get it to level 119.

My progress in the game is slow but I am cautious when investing because the price of Hive is fluctuating a lot and the price of PART and SHARD too, so I am waiting for a good opportunity to buy a large amount of PART and increase my profits in the game.

In Golem Overlord there are also other Stats and they are Scavenger Golems, Power, Golem Charging Station and Faith.

  • Scavenger Golems determine the amount of PART I can produce, each Scavenger Golem can produce 0.12 PART per hour.

  • Power increases my chances of successfully looting another player.

  • The Golem Charging Station determines the amount of Scavenger Golems I can have, increases my SHARD production and also increases my Claim Multiplier by +0.5% per level.

  • Faith determines the amount of PART and SHARD another player can loot from me and also increases my SHARD stash.

My Games:

Splinterlands: Visit the Game

Golem Overlord: Visit the Game

Terracore: Visit the Game

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