SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #37

This post is intended to cover the server costs for and to enable me to continue my development in the future.
In case you missed the first part:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1
Dieser Post ist dafür gedacht die Serverkosten für zu decken und mir in Zukunft weitere Entwicklungen zu ermöglichen.
Falls du den ersten Teil verpasst haben solltest:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1
I hope you are all well and SteemWorld works stable again at your location. The site is now being hosted on a different server and I even switched to a different hoster. Since the site itself does not require a high performance server and I want to separate it from the core system, which lives on a dedicated machine, it still resides on a shared IP for now.
If for any reason also the new IP should get blocked by some major ISPs, I will consider to order an extra dedicated server, but I don't believe that this will be needed any time soon.
Local (downloadable) SteemWorld Version
As I don't want SteemWorld's availability to be dependent on external providers decisions, I prepared a locally running version of the frontend that can be downloaded here from now on. I will keep that version up to date weekly, so that we always have a stable, local alternative available.
To run the local version, just download the zip file, extract it and double click on the 'steemworld.html' file. The site will as usual run in your browser, so it does not have access to your local machine (only to parts that your browser allows).
Of course, addons like KeyChain can also be used in there.
Update: In order to use KeyChain in the local version there is currently no other way than hosting the site on a local HTTP server on port 1337.
Posts Overview
I'm currently working on major changes in the Posts Overview, especially in the 'Finished' and 'Search' tabs. The limit of only 100 visible posts, which mainly exists for performance reasons, has always been a big downside for many of us and it's time to bring the whole thing to the next level.
Of course, loading more than 1000 posts and showing them all at once won't work stable enough, especially not on mobile devices. What we need are date based groups for posts, for example 'January 2019' or 'Last 3 months'. Additionally it should directly be filterable by 'tags' and I would love to have a sorting feature as well.
In the process of building the new overview I will also realize @arthur.grafo's ideas for implementing an export function for all loaded posts and maybe even an exportable HTML document with basic navigation features to be able to 'read a book/collection of posts sorted by title/date'...
The archived (finished) posts will no longer get loaded at startup automatically, instead there will be buttons for loading them manually as desired. That will decrease the load on the connected Steem nodes in the site's startup process and it enables me to work with all instead of just the last 100 created posts.
I don't have any previews to show for this week, but I guarantee you that it will be awesome and bring some of the most missing features finally to life ;)
Have a green week!
In the making
( A )
- Different views, no limit in the Posts Overview
- Responsive Design for mobile devices
- Starting a witness node
- Post Viewer and Editor
- Theme Builder
- Steem Data Service (SDS)
( B )
- Account Operations without limits, custom date ranges and filters, jump to day x (requires SDS)
- Exact (separated SP, STEEM and SBD) All Time Rewards in the Stats Section (requires SDS)
- Rewards Overview Tool with searching capabilites (requires SDS)
( C )
- RC costs calculation
- More details in Coming Rewards (number of posts/comments, pie charts?, filters?)
EN | What is SteemWorld?
-> Welcome to!
DE | Was ist SteemWorld?
-> Willkommen auf!
Thank you for supporting my work!
Positive thoughts create a positive world. It all begins with connecting our thoughts with emotions. What we focus on is what becomes powerful. We are the creators of our world.
Much love,
Thanks @steemchiller for providing this app. I am very enjoy this app because I can know how much my movement by seeing my incoming curation reward. Great and blessing
glad its back online
i was totally lost without it <3
It is an invaluable tool TKF❤
Thank you for the work you do. 🙏
This post has been just added as new item to timeline of SteemWorld on Steem Projects.
If you want to be notified about new updates from this project, register on Steem Projects and add SteemWorld to your favorite projects.
Many thanks for your tireless work.
Dear @steemchiller
Wow friend I think this is a great idea to be able to download that information ..
Greetings from Venezuela, a passion that fights for freedom
WoW @steemchiller, you did a lot of work these passed days as I can see. Those new features are really amazing specillay the downloadable version, can't wait to give It a try. Would It work on mobile device? It should doesn't It?
I can notice all the job done to lower the load on the server side and that's of course great for us and the whole app performance.
The export feature would be as well inctedible dude, I know I'm using too many adjectives but the whole report it's so exciting...
About the post list filtering functions I'm totally with you, that will give us inctedible possibilities not imaginable for us unless we code.
My best wishes and all the support I'm able to provide at the moment.
Have a great week ahead,
Keep on your great job!
You should join palnet and earn PAL along with your steem.
Just add the palnet tag to your posts @steemchiller.
Good cause the time the server was down I felt naked without steemworld! You do realize how much we depend on it, do you? 😅
Hey, @steemchiller.
Thought I should let you know that everything has been working well again in the browser I normally use for at least a few days now. Thanks for all you're doing to keep this site up and running and constantly improving.
Very good my friends like to read your comments
Posted using Partiko Android
thank you so much for your work. I will download and test it. Best regards Michael
Thank you for all your excellent work!
Glad you are now up and running again after some hiccups!
Have a nice week!
Positively it alwalys brings happiness to use steemworld platform and those features are amazing to user friendly.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks for the update.
And quality work.
Ich bin so froh das Steemworld wieder da ist. Ich habe so richtig gemerkt wie sehr ich mich darauf verlasse!!
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Greetings @steemchiller
Excellent work We will wait for the next updates.I'll download and try the locally running version of the frontend: thanks for your continuous effort, @steemchiller!
A huge hug!
It's really easy to use the local frontend: great!
The only problem I encounter is that pressing "Allow" on the following prompt, it will appear again after a few second.
Pressing "Block", the prompt stopped popping up.
The problem could be some Brave Browser setting, @steemchiller?
Thanks for your kind attention!
Thanks for testing the local version!
Chromium-based browsers don't allow accessing the Local Storage API in a local HTML document, therefore the site's settings and in this case the last shown notifications can't be stored in the browser's cache. I hope, they will fix that finally. On Firefox it works as it should.
In previous versions there was a parameter to allow local cookies with
, but it has been removed.I will see, if I can find a workaround for Chrome/Brave. One option would be to host it on
, but that is not what I want the users to do. Adding a check in my local storage class to cache the data inside the DOM in case of an inaccessible Local Storage API would be a way to circumvent the problem.Will upload an update as soon as I found a 'good' solution ;)
Good to know that Firefox works as it should: I'll use it, so to me, the issue is solved!
Thanks for the deep explanation, mate!
Have a good night!!!
As others have said: you should post on palnet as well. I can support you more with PAL than I can with Steem.
Appreciating your diligence and SteemWorld @steemchiller Thank you from Thailand.
PLEASE Keep up the GREAT work @steemchiller ! ;) Upvoted & resteemed , Thank you for Steemworld ! ;)
Posted using Partiko Android
I recently came back to Steemit and your website is really helpful. I love that we can show you some love and actually help by just interacting with your posts!
Danke Dir für Deine Zeit und den Aufwand!!
Thank you for you continued dedication to the most essential tool on STEEM.
Great work @steemchiller, keep it up and stay awesome.
Hi, @steemchiller.
Another accessibility problem has appeared. After the posts overview section changed, the post titles can't be focused and activated from the keyboard anymore.
Aside from that, thank you for the great work as always!
Thanks for reminding me, @aiyumi! Same as for the Account Operations section, I have now built my own components, because the JQuery UI components, which I used before, were way to slow when it comes to refreshing the loaded posts.
Keyboard navigation is not yet being supported, but I will add this with one of the next updates ;)
Oh, so you had to make your own components :D .
I haven't used the accounts operation section in a while, and hadn't noticed it also had the problem, but I noticed the "Donate" button is inaccessible too.
I'll be waiting for the fix. If the posts section gives me too much trouble in the meantime, I might try to tweak the downloadable version...
SWEET!!! I now have my own version of STEEMWORLD!!!
How cool is that!?!!
THANK-YOU @steemchiller!
Start that witness node. @SteemChiller

You have my vote! 🗳
Still from the movie “Witness”.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Great work as always! Id like to donate 10 MAPX tokens to you so you'll receive regular upvotes but... you'll need to stake them within Steem Engine. So, my only question is: are you familiar with the Steem Engine site and how to stake tokens?
MAP Rewarder & MAPX token = Really Rewarding!
Free Upvotes = 19-20% APR = Random Bonuses = Stable Growth = 18 Months of Profits
Great job 👍
Nice to see it back again. thank you for your hard works @steemchiller
Keep pushing forward...steem can live and grow, ya just gotta believe
good news bro, but what is Theme Builder that you are working on?
Thanks for your consistent support! The Theme Builder will allow us to build own page themes or just modify a few colors of the existing ones. As I'm already working with CSS variables, it's not that much work to implement a small editor in the coming weeks/months.
thank you very much for your efforts, best tool to manage accounts ever ;)
Great work as always @steemchiller, and I'm glad to see you using the palnet tag :)
Could you please add the ability to use the Account Creator tools with steem keychain instead of steemconnect ?
Thanks man! Yes, I added the palnet tag, but I didn't have time to explore the whole thing yet. I'm still wondering what exactly that's all about, but it's great to see what Steem enables the world to do. As we see, we can even build own social networks with own token on top of the existing chain :)
The last time I tested it (few weeks ago) it was still not possible to use the
operations with KeyChain. Looked like they were not supported yet (at least not when using therequestBroadcast
method as I do). I will check, if it works with the current version ;)You just need to login to - you should already see some PALcoins given to you or (if you haven't looked before) a blue icon in the top-left of the screen to claim coins been allocated to you. Then stake some (or all) of them to start earning more of them through posting and curation.
Apart from using the palnet tag, you don't need to change any other behaviour, unless you wish to start posting directly from the PAL site.
Thanks for the mention :)
A question:
A lot of friends have moved away from Steemit. With the latest changes proposed, altering the curator share of rewards earned to 50%, I might be forced to do the same and use a different interface - have already signed up at PocketNet but am not using them on a regular basis yet.
If I am forced to do so after the next HF, I worry that SteemWorld might not be able to see my new account.
Are you making any plans to help those who still want to use your program, despite them moving to (whatever platform they've chosen)?
If there is some work-around to make it possible, I have the feeling it will do more to extend the life of SteemWorld than anything else. I say so as I have the feeling that Steemit is already losing many posters thanks to their aggressive Flagging policies and now the proposed reduction of earnings by posters (I've seen them claim that posters are not important to Steemit (unless they post about Crypto), only the curators are...and I definitely would not want to remain where I am seen as a 2nd class member.
I will not leave Steemit; I will only deny all payments and keep posting for the purpose of having my stories on the blockchain...which measn I will still be eager to use your new system for viewing (again) older posts.
If possible, please give it some thought.
Valid concerns, and I feel that some level 2 solutions need to be developed that place authors at the forefront of earning. Some already exist but I think they need to think deeply about issuing a new token and how to manage their economy so that it is somewhat decoupled from Steem. Thus authors could be earning from the Steem protocol plus one or more tokens - so long as those tokens are well-managed and hence have value, this would not be such a bad development; possibly confusing and complex but not in itself bad.
Great idea @steemchiller.
I absolutely admire the job you're doing with SteemWorld. It is one of my go-to tools. Can I add a suggestion? Would it be possible to add a filter for "Vote Comment" under account operations? Just to have a separate view of votes received and cast on comments alone.
Congratulations! I just stopped by to say that your post has been selected as a daily Featured Post of my personal curation project! You can find the daily Featured Post HERE.
I upvoted your contribution and I put it on the list because to my mind your post is what I call a quality content!
I am @miti, a manual curator that shall make available all his Steem Power to authors deserving of support. Let's make STEEM great again!
Have a nice day and keep up the good work!
Thank you!
So I like the new format where it shows the comment text in the notifications, but it has a bit of a bug - when the comment has been edited, it shows the edit instead of the complete comment text.
Yeah... In order to get that to work, I would need to make a
for all in background collected permlinks, which possibly would have a huge impact on the loading performance at page startup, especially for accounts with much ongoing activity.I'm not sure, if I can fix that without taking a hit on performance, but I will try. Maybe there should be an option in Settings to be able to deactivate it in case of slow loading times.
I've seen this feature/bug in other contexts; had to force to just look at date created and ignore last_update. Of course, this means one can't see any edits, but I think better than seeing a disconnected edit :-) and saves on processing.
Hi @steemchiller, the last few days, I've been using PALNet more and more. And it made me wonder if there is the intention to do something with SteemWorld and the PALNet/PAL token? I don't know, maybe or something :)
I would prefer to have it all on one domain and to add kind of a PALNet switch to be able to switch between the different worlds. Everything else would lead to more work on my side and I've already lot's of other planned features in development...
Will see what I can do ;)
Cool! When I was thinking more about the possibilities, I also came to the conclusion that adding such features to the existing page makes more sense! Looking forward to the coming updates! Are there other people helping you in the development? And is there a github repo somewhere?
No, I'm on a one-man-mission.
Not yet, but I consider moving SW to over there in future.
You can send me a DM on Discord or just I'm not really active in chat, because I want to focus on my development mainly, but once in a while I'm there to answer received requests/messages.
@steemchiller Hey. I have found what I think is a bug. Where can I submit a bug report? Thanks for the website :)
If it's no security related issue, you can just leave me a comment here. Otherwise you can send me a DM on Discord or
606 772 553 billion
600 000 trillion recent claims
1000 = 1 kilo
1000 000 = 1 mega (million)
1000 000 000 = 1 giga (billion)
606 769 giga recent claims (606 769 billion)
steemblockexplorer's number is 1000 times higher than yours and when I use it in the rewards formula it correctly calculates the dollar reward of a post.
I think you are using the wrong unit on your website. It should be "tera (T)" and not "giga (G)".
But thats just my current understanding. Let me know if I got something wrong :)
Posted using Partiko iOS
Thanks man, you're right:
The exact number is '609 012 571 758 190 248'.
609 012 571 758 190 thousand
609 012 571 758 million
609 012 571 billion
609 012 trillion (T)
I'm always confused when it comes to units in the English language. Here in Germany we have
Tausend = thousand
Million = million
Milliarde = billion
Billion = trillion
Trillion = quadrillion
So our 'Billion' is a trillion in English :) Maybe that's the reason why I came to the 'G'. I will change it to 'T' for the next version.
It's so annoying that the English world uses different numbers haha. Great job on the website, by the way. I stumbled upon it recently and it's really useful.
Bist du deutsch? Mein Vater ist deutsch aber mein deutsch ist nicht ziemlich gut haha
Just found this awesome tool out and I was blown away immediately, the first instinct right after that was to vote you as witness only to find out you aren't running one. You are definitely going to be one of the most worthiest witnesses out there with this single tool alone! I’ve personally sent over 10 STEEM as a token of appreciation.
You mentioned that this tool was on a one-man mission and I really see amazing talent in the front-end development skills(of course you do equally good in back-end as well!). Are you working as a dev professionally in life? As a representative of @epicdice, we can really use this talent for some work and possibly collaborate more in the future.
Are you interested in earning some STEEM as another side-kick job, mainly in Front-end development? Would love to hear from you really soon.
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