SteemWorld ~ Newsletter #5 / March, 2018

Desktop Notifications, Mentions, New Followers, Incoming Delegations implemented! Since my time is 'NULL' and I want to spend it mostly for testing and improving the new features, I will keep it short this time.
It was a ( bunch of work )² to set up and optimize the SteemWorld Web Service on my new server in the past weeks but I am so happy that most of the work is done. Some things may still change in the coming days because I am now working on optimizations on the front-end.
The follower lists on SteemWorld are no longer being loaded from the public steem nodes and they now come directly from the SteemWorld API. Since we do not have many public nodes available and the load increases weekly, all developers should keep this fact in mind when working on tools that are being used by many people on a daily basis. I will spend some more time on optimizing further server requests soon so that finally most of the data for SteemWorld is being loaded from my own server(s).
Desktop Notifications


New Followers

Incoming Delegations

Post & Comment Count

The 'Account Stats' now show the number of created posts separated by 'root posts' and 'comments' :
Block Status

From now on the current block status is being displayed in the 'System Info Section':
Allow Connections To New Server

If you are using something like uMatrix, please keep in mind to allow connections to the domain '':
Web API Control Center

I have built a small 'Control Center' so that I can easily check and manage the server status. By adding new features to SteemWorld it may sometimes be needed to reparse the whole blockchain and I don't want the server to be unavailable in those cases, therefore I have added a 'reparse' feature that parses the data in a different server path, so that users of SteemWorld will not be affected by it.
There are always happening more things in background than most people think...
Latest Newsletters
- Newsletter #4 / March, 2018
- Newsletter #3 / February, 2018
- Newsletter #2 / January, 2018
- Newsletter #1 / January, 2018
Thanks for your support!
Jesus, may Bitcoin's Death Cross burn down in hell and the generated impulse take us to new highs. I really need this to pay my bills...
Peace ~
@germansailor: Feel free to make a German translation for this post. Maybe it would be better to create a new (main) post. I will resteem it and add a link to your post in here ;) Thanks in advance!
Upvoted to further increase the rewards for your hard work. Thank you!
I agree, if all want a good cooperation. Steemit always works.
Thank you very much for your good work on SteemWorld
Your app is awesome. I use it almost daily. Thanks for all the updates.
Sehr starkes Update mal wieder!
Dass ich jetzt die Erwähnungen und neuen Follower auf einer website habe, die ich sowieso dauerhaft nutze, macht die Steemit Nutzung wieder ein ganzes Stück einfacher.
Resteeme ich gerne :)
Fantastic work! Just awesome, I use the app several times daily! Thank you very much!
Your service is better and better!!! And it's better for us)
Sehr sehr sehr seehr geile Arbeit @steemchiller!
Very cool 😎 @steemchiller!!!
Manjaro KDE Linux Desktop Computer using Chrome.
Very useful!
Keep up the good work! :-)
Steemit ist ohne die Steemworld für mich inzwischen undenkbar! Ein ganz großes Dankeschön für die Weiterentwicklung dieses phantastischen tools :)
Lieber Chiller,
wie soll ich das noch besser loben können, als es @obvious oben schon getan hat ;-)
Vielen Dank noch mal für deine immense Arbeit!
Gönn' dir nun auch mal ein bisschen Zeit für dich!
Lieben Gruß, @double-u
Schließe mich einfach mal an!!
Best steemit tool ever!
gönn dir was Gutes

Thank you for this wonderful tool! Danke für deinen Einsatz @steemchiller! Very very good for so many informations around my account.
This is fantastic! Just found out that I was mentioned on Steemit in many posts. 🙈
Love the site! Thank for your hard work.
This implements some very important features that I longed for, and makes some other tools obsolete. Mentions and followers from one tool, and this combined at my favorite stats frontend. Amazing work!
Fantastic work by you!
Hi @steemchiller! Good post! I hope my followers will resteem that too. Best wishes
Nice work guys!
Thanks! I really like SteemWorld.
i liked this web page and use it several times to check my account, lots of development and feature are on going. hope it success like one in all for steemian.
Nice work. Thanks.
The work you do is simply awesome. SteemWorld is the single best app I've found on steemit. (Thank you.)²
Couldn't agree more!
Dear. Mr @steemchiller.
I really want to show my appreciation and gratitude for your work.
The notification of mentions is something that should exist in the Steemit website but doesn't. You did great.
I always wanted a separate counter for posts and comments. Thank you very much for that
And last but not least:
Being able to know who your newest followers are is a very exiting feature.
Thanks for all the great job you do for those who actively participate on Steemit and thus must monitor their every activity on it.
Ich ziehe meinen Hut .... naja hab eigentlich keinen, but you get my drift, hehe.
Mir sind die Neuerungen gestern schon aufgefallen, vielen Dank @steemchiller, you are really on it!!
Ich benutze Steemworld täglich!!
Ich muss dir echt mal sagen, ich bewundere deine Hingabe, die Arbeit und Zeit die du hineinhängst!!
Much respect & watch out ... huggins coming right at ya, D
wow wieder mal Top Arbeit, ist für mich das absolute go-to tool geworden und ich verwende es täglich mehrere male :)
bin erstaunt wie du es immer noch schaffst neue coole Funktionen hinzuzufügen, alle Achtung!
Vielen herzlichen Dank für deine tolle Steemworld ;)
I must say, this service is fantastic. I visit this more than I visit Steem itself.
Its really a bunch of great hard work. I have been getting all the of my account details at a single place. I visit this site most often daily. Thanks for the great improvements. Wish you more success!
Desktop Notifications, I love it :-)) thanks for the great work of you
Just wanted to say Thank you!
Since Steemit is freaking out lately and it is impossible to scroll though the wallet (today seems like the last few days is wiped out completely....), your site was saving my ass!
Still finding out all the functionalities and have one question. The Transfers work like a regular wallet transfers?
Thanks! Yes, the wallet section on Steemit seems to make the devs problems since months. I won't comment on this fact in detail but I can say that if this would be my company it would have been fixed in a few hours...
Hey danke für deine Arbeit. Die Updates sehen wirklich gut aus, ich nutze Steemworld jeden Tag, weiter so ;)
Ich hoffe auch das die Crypto Kurse bald wieder hoch gehen, meinen 100% Vote hast du auf jeden Fall selbstredend!
Viele Grüße
Thank you for this great service! I, like many others, use SteemWorld everyday to best organize myself. @steemchiller are you a Steem Witness? I don't know much about the Witness function, but I'd like to support your work because I think it's very valuable and if you need my vote as a Witness, I'll gladly give it! Thanks again!
Wenn ich das alles lese sagt mein Gehirn blos "Error", aber es sieht schon ziemlich sinnvoll aus und ich finde es topp, dass du dich da reinfuchst!
Viel Erfolg weiterhin (und danke!)
I discovered this project recently and it's great! Thanks :)
that is really great...
As I've noted before steemworld is essentially my go to app, and the one outside of Steemit itself that I spend the most time on. It's always up and working great.
Now, you've added more things.
Next thing you know, you'll have a Steemit competitor added to steemworld. :)
Okay just kidding, but if you were ever to take that on, it would no doubt become the best interface.
Thanks for all your ongoing hard work helping us to keep track of what's going on around here.
Thank you for all the great tools on Steemword, @steemchiller!
HOORAY!! I've been waiting with baited breath since your last newsletter for this announcement!! I simply love having everything I need with your one app. Ginabot has been a pretty steady girlfriend of mine, but I'm afraid I'm going to two-time on her and use yours instead haha
Thank you so much for everything that you do to make this platform awesome; I can only imagine the amount of time and energy that you've invested in steemworld's development. This steemian is beyond grateful for it ;)
Cheers! Hope you're having an awesome week...mine got a little bit better when that first notification popped up on my screen :)
@lynncoyle1 I completely agree with you. @steemchiller 's app is ridiculously awesome beyond measure. I use it every day and would be lost without it.
Are you coming to the Steem Creators Conference next week?
I'm so sorry, but I don't know how I missed your message.
I think there's a lot of us around who can't live without it!
Where is the conference? I'm in Mexico, so I'm guessing not;)
It's in Vegas in one week.
That's what I thought! I'd love to, but it's one I'm not going to get to, but will be curious to hear how it all goes. Will you be writing about it after?
@lynncoyle1 Yes, I will! There will be A LOT to write about 👍🏻😀
Your new delivery it's always a pleasant surprise!
Thank you for doing this!
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lieber @steemchiller, vielen dank für dieses große update! ich hatte zuletzt ein paar kleinere probs. die vp stand dauerhaft auf 100% und der account operations feed war leer. auch neuladen half zunächst nicht. jetzt geht es aber wieder. woran es liegt, weiß ich nicht. vielleicht war ne node down. und sonst? - verdruss. denn diese delegations-kacke frisst das system von innen auf. so viel vp lag in den händen einzelner kuratoren, aber nur noch wenige setzen sie manuell ein. es wird für geld verliehen, was nur verliehen werden kann. die booster haben neue rekorde gebrochen. posts, die man nicht boostet, kommen nirgendwo mehr hin. was das für deinen post bedeutet, sieht man nun deutlich. geht steemit weiter diesen weg, wird es ein kurzer sein. potenzial - oh ja, eine menge. nach unten! lg
Vielen Dank für dein Wahnsinns-Tool und die Arbeit, die du da reinsteckst. Ich nutze SteemWorld seit ich das erste Mal davon gelesen habe quasi als "Einstiegsseite" für Steemit. Einfach spitze!
That is most informative post for me because i am new one here on steemit community @steemchiller
I definitely resteem this post because its most informative for everyone 👍
Sorry, dass ich mich jetzt erst melde.
Hatte das vor 2 Tagen in Auftrag gegeben.
Wenn ich gewusst hätte was dabei raus kommt, dann hätte ich es selbst gemacht. Das hätte ich ja mit windoof paint besser hin bekommen.
Wenigstens stimmen die Zahlen.
Vielen Dank für die Killerwaffe, die jetzt übelst aufgepimpt wurde. Schätze der Prozentuale Anteil wird sich jetzt noch mehr verschieben. ;)
Cheers über den großen Teich & go ahead!
i can't read the language but i agree with your

Thanx @nagavolu,
i wrote only a few funny words, but the point is the graphic with my "daily use"
Cheers from South-America!
same is with me. i depend more on steemworld
Ich wollte einfach mal Danke sagen, für die coolen Tools, die ich so selbstverständlich nutze!!! Danke! Ohne steeemworld könnte ich persönlich steemit vergessen. Soviel Zeit hätte ich gar nicht! 😊💐💃🙏
LG Mo*
your work and help is awesome. if i do not have SteemWorld i do not know where all i have to run for all the information's you have provided in a single platform. personally i, in the morning first open SteemWrld browser and then Steemit browser to see my voting power and value., rewards i get and all the information and my status. it is a great effort by you to bring all the utilities on a single place. no need to go to any other site.

i thank you very much for your great work. i resteem this post
I like the notification of new mentions, but do not care to be bothered with notifications of new follows - how can I stop it?
Also, when I open the page, I no longer see stats, just :
my feed
account operations
recent posts
coming author rewards
account votes
Is this a temporary problem?
I just must mention that I use your app all the time and appreciate your work on it.
I've added a new setting for the notifications today. You now can choose which ones you want to receive:
It could be that the steem node you are connected to currently has some issues. Please try an other node in the settings ;)
That is wonderful - thank you very much!
I tried opening steemworld using the @name of someone else and get the same result.
Here is a visual copy of what I get since last 2 days
It looks like the sections are minimized. What happens when you click on the blue title-bars? They should open up like this:
Thanks, yes they did open, but with none of the Stats info....but I see it has now started working again...I'm going to insist on believing you fixed it - so, thank you.
@steemchiller It's really an awesome tool. You have done a great job!
For me, the Steemworld notifications are extremely useful.
Now I keep Steemworld open all the time.
(Para mí, las notificaciones de Steemworld son extremadamente útiles.
Ahora mantengo abierto Steemworld todo el tiempo)
Danke für deine großartige und wertvolle Arbeit für die Community! Unzählige Male habe ich Steemworld schon benutzt und freue mich, dass uns nun auch diese Funktonen darauf zur Verfügung stehen!
Great, going to make a Portuguese-BR translation of it.
This is so AWESOME!!! Thank you very much!! xoxoxoxo
You've been busy!
Thank you for your hard work! I love the new features. It's really nice to have everything integrated into SteemWorld, since I don't use something like Ginabot.
I join steemit 2 month before .. i browse this web site on regular basis .. this is great site and full of information regarding steemit account
Hi. I liked your post, keep it up. I wish you good luck and have a good day, and of course you can also get a big jackpot :)
This is my most used thing for Steemit. Keeps getting better & better. Thank you for your work you have done on it.
Great stuff, all. Stuff I kept clicking on and being sad when it didn't work :D
Request: SBD debt percentage to be added to Steem Info, because it's relevant, as we've seen recently.
The calculation is:
current_sbd_supply / market_cap
Displayed as a percentage (or multiplied by 100 :P )
Thank you @steemchiller for this update and for your dedication to the project.
Steemworld is a fantastic tool for Steemians.
If one may make a request......and perhaps the information is already there.....
The voting power at which a incoming vote has been cast.
Appreciate what you are doing.
Since you mentioned 'Jesus'.....a belated Happy Easter to you.
He is risen.
Wishing you all the best.
Thank you for the great work you do for this platform - Steemworld is just great ;)
If you ever need support or a german translation, feel free to contact me via or discord!
thank you @steemchiller!
you're one of the best!
If I may be allowed a silly question (I bet many others don't know either): For a 'mention' to qualify as a mention in your app, must it have the @ sign before the name, or does the # sign also count? I see both used, so was wondering.
#answer to your question @arthur.grafo: Yes, the @ before the name is required. The # is being used for tags (hash-tags). You can also set tags by using the # sign for comments. This is not yet well supported in the current front-ends (links go to the trending page for main posts) but may be in future.
I thought about adding a possibility to filter the comments in the replies tab (post overview) on SteemWorld and maybe I will do so in the coming months.
I'm glad I asked, as I've seen a number of poster using the # sign for names also and I can now advise them.
Thanks for always taking the time to respond.
My fav app just got better! Thanks for your hard work!
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