The image is made of own imagination and thoughts


Digital art made by @xpilar

Under water space 1 A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


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Life is our own road.

Life is a road, where there will always be drivers on our sides.

A road where we will have stones along the way, ups and downs

Where we will meet people for some stretch, it may be short or long but at some point they will leave us

So we must be happy, in peace and in self-love because we are ourselves the only constant

There are people who want to compete with us, but we must take our own pace, we must go to our own lane.



Eslabones que se unen en las profundidades del mar
y escaleras que nos llevan hasta un mundo sin final
es lo que aprecio en tu hermosa creatividad xpilar
la que expones ahora en magnifico digital
y por compartirlo y ponerme por segundos a pensar
activando las neuronas de mi parte cerebral
es por lo que efusivamente te quiero felicitar.


thank you @brismar for your description

activating the neurons of my brain

it means I've made you look even more closely at my picture


A race in the dead sea.

A group of young aliens and rebels, who always looked for adrenaline and adventure formed a society of spaceships, each of them went out of their way to have the coolest spacecraft and originates from the entire galaxy.
Every day they looked for materials with what they could improve and put their personal touch to their space treasure.
One day a week they gathered to do racing at full speed, with this they tested their engines, looked and compared them with those present.
extraterrestrial girls and other young people attended the event, chatted and drank.
Unfortunately, the event began to be banned and the youth of society felt very depressed.
But it occurred to Daniel to do an aquatic event on earth, it was the perfect idea, all aliens loved the earth's climate but humans feared him for that reason they could not be seen and that being an aquatic event they had to adapt their ships the water.
I propose your idea of ​​an event to the young people who formed society and everyone was happy, without hesitation they accepted the challenge.
They immediately got to work, publicized the event and modified their spaceships.
The publicity said: The next August 11 at 23:00 land time in the Dead Sea, the earth will witness the first galactic race, if you want to witness this event attend!!
This event was the only thing spoken, everyone wanted to witness this great original event.
The day came the Dead Sea was filled with young and extraterrestrial adults who were present.
the first race was between five original ships, unique and fast


The truth does not matter who won, or how many races were made. The important thing is that the event was a total success and since then once a week the earth receives the aliens, they take care that the humans do not notice that they are here and They enjoy without danger what they most love to do.


Hello @xpilar, this digital image of yours looks like a very strong chain. because he doesn't rust even in the ocean. and there is a defensive wall on the side.

and in my opinion your digital image is very good to describe. I will describe it in terms of health. the most important thing to keep the body healthy and healthy is to strengthen the body's immunity. immunity is very functioning for the continuation of human health. if someone has a weak immune, then he is very susceptible to disease. but if someone has a strong immune system, then the germs and bacteria are not able to enter the body.

immunity is like a fortress in military combat. and the enemy is germs and bacteria. immunity can be obtained by consuming foods that contain antioxidants, protein, vitamins, and others. this is just my description of the digital image that you display.

Posted using Partiko Android


Hi @xpilar

Un Lago en el Bosque de Juno

La unidad de Bruno había sido designada junto a otros dos pelotones a tomar posiciones en la orilla de un lago en Juno, una de las lunas de Cefeo, lugar hasta donde había sido rastreada una célula rebelde de este planeta, durante la noche dos naves furtivas dejaron caer las tres vainas en las que estaban contenidos los integrantes de los pelotones.

El objetivo de la operación era cortar la posible ruta de escape de los rebeldes, cuando por la mañana se iniciase el ataque sobre sus posiciones en medio del bosque. Debían fija seis cañones de plasma para atacar a los transportes blindados y pods de combate enemigos y detenerlos impidiendo su huida.

Las vainas de transporte se abrieron poco antes de la media noche, dejando salir a los treinta y seis soldados de infantería. Las vainas, un tipo de capsula con forma de bala, se trataban simplemente de contenedores con dos filas de asientos y espacio necesario para alojar a los soldados, ataviados con exoesqueletos y armaduras, junto a todo su equipo. Estaban diseñadas para ser lanzadas al agua a pocos kilómetros de la costa y una vez sumergidas, liberar sus seguros para luego abrirse como las vainas de guisantes, dejando entrar el agua y salir a los soldados que se desplazarían bajo el agua hasta llegar a la costa.

Bruno, un soldado más de uno de los tres pelotones asignados a la misión, avanzó usando los propulsores de su exoesqueleto, junto a los otros doce miembros de su grupo, su pelotón debía apostarse en la zona central de la playa, flaqueado por los otros dos pelotones, sin embargo, al empezar a emerger en la playa, el escenario era diferente a lo que habían esperado.

De alguna forma la operación había sido descubierta por los rebeldes, días después se sabría que existía un agente infiltrado en la oficina de guerra del ministerio de seguridad de Cefeo, quien se encargó de dar aviso de los planes.

Al momento de emerger y empezar a posicionarse, diez pods de combate empezaron a bombardear desde baja altura a los desprevenidos soldados, quienes aún no habían desplegado las armas de plasma, los pelotones fueron obligados a replegarse a la zona central de la playa donde resistieron el fuego de los pods durante varios minutos hasta que, desde el interior del bosque les empezaron a disparar ráfagas de bombas de plasma.

Las armaduras y exoesqueletos no pudieron resistir por mucho tiempo el ataque y uno tras otro los soldados fueron despedazados por las violentas explosiones, en la medida que lo escudos deflectores de sus armaduras iban cediendo ante los impactos.

Bruno, situado en medio de la masa de soldados amontonados, disparando sin ton ni son, a los pods que, primero los hicieron agruparse y luego les cortaron el escape, contó con la suerte de no ser alcanzado por los impactos de las bombas de plasma el iniciarse el bombardeo, mientras los cuerpos y el amasijo de partes de armaduras y exoesqueletos se amontonaban a su alrededor, imposibilitándole la salida y al mismo tiempo, por suerte para él, manteniéndolo parcialmente protegido de las explosiones.

Para cuando finalmente una bomba de plasma estalló justo sobre su cabeza, haciéndolo perder el conocimiento, el ataque casi había concluido.

Bruno despertó de su letargo, cuando su armadura liberó los seguros que la mantenían cerrada, al llegar su carga a nivel crítico, sentía zumbar sus oídos y palpitar su cabeza. Por suerte para él, los deflectores de su armadura, que casi no habían recibido impactos, pudieron resistir una explosión que, de no ser por ellos, le hubiera arrancado la cabeza y parte del torso.

Como pudo logró salir de entre los chispeantes restos de su armadura, lucía quemada y aboyada, pero aun entera, a su alrededor todo el suelo estaba manchado por charcos de sangre parcialmente seca, en la medida que la arena la había absorbido. Miembros y partes corporales aun embutidas en trozos chamuscados y destellantes de armaduras se encontraban esparcidos por todo el lugar.

Con excepción de Bruno, todos los infantes de los tres pelotones habían sido despedazados por los estallidos. Los pods y tropas de los rebeldes habían abandonado la playa dejando atrás aquella carnicería, para enfrentar el ataque que por otro flanco seria llevado por unidades aéreas y terrestres, leales al gobierno de Cefeo.

Bruno permanecería durante una semana a la intemperie en medio de los restos de sus compañeros caídos, fue encontrado cuando finalmente se rindió la célula rebelde y pudo ser retomado el terreno. Se encontraba deshidratado y completamente desconectado de la realidad.

Según contaría el mismo, algún tiempo después, sintió estar en una especie de transe, aletargado simplemente, morbosamente embelesado observando la matanza que allí había sucedido, permaneció sentado en el mismo sitio y la misma posición durante la semana que pasó en aquel lugar, sin comer, beber agua o dormir, simplemente observando fijamente día y noche aquel escenario.

A Lake in Juno Forest

Bruno's unit had been designated along with two other platoons to take positions on the shores of a lake in Juno, one of the moons of Cepheus, a place where a rebel cell of this planet had been tracked, during the night two furtive ships dropped the three pods in which the members of the platoons were contained.

The objective of the operation was to cut the possible escape route of the rebels, when in the morning the attack began on their positions in the middle of the forest. They had to fix six plasma cannons to attack the armored transports and enemy combat pods and stop them preventing their escape.

The transport pods were opened shortly before midnight, allowing the thirty-six infantry soldiers to leave. The pods, a type of bullet-shaped capsule, were simply containers with two rows of seats and space needed to house the soldiers, dressed in exoskeletons and armor, along with all their equipment. They were designed to be thrown into the water a few kilometers from the coast and once submerged, release their locks and then open like pea pods, letting in the water and leaving the soldiers who would move underwater to reach the coast.

Bruno, one more soldier of one of the three platoons assigned to the mission, advanced using the thrusters of his exoskeleton, along with the other twelve members of his group, his platoon was to be stationed in the central zone of the beach, weakened by the other two platoons, however, when he began to emerge on the beach, the scenario was different from what they had expected.

Somehow the operation had been discovered by the rebels, days later it would be known that there was an agent infiltrated in the war office of the ministry of security of Cepheus, who was in charge of giving notice of the plans.

As they emerged and began to position themselves, ten combat pods began to bombard from low altitude the unsuspecting soldiers, who had not yet deployed the plasma weapons, the platoons were forced to retreat to the central area of the beach where they resisted the fire of the pods for several minutes until, from inside the forest, they began to fire plasma bomb bursts at them.

The armour and exoskeletons could not withstand the attack for long and one after the other the soldiers were torn apart by the violent explosions, as the deflector shields of their armour gave way to the impacts.

Bruno, located in the middle of the mass of piled soldiers, shooting without ton ni son, to the pods that, first they made them group and then they cut the escape to them, counted on the luck of not being reached by the impacts of the bombs of plasma the beginning of the bombardment, while the bodies and the mass of parts of armor and exoskeletons piled around him, preventing him the exit and at the same time, luckily for him, keeping him partially protected of the explosions.

By the time a plasma bomb finally exploded just above his head, causing him to lose consciousness, the attack was almost over.

Bruno awoke from his lethargy, when his armor released the locks that kept it closed, when his cargo reached a critical level, he felt his ears ringing and his head throbbing. Luckily for him, the deflectors of his armor, which had received almost no impacts, were able to withstand an explosion which, if it had not been for them, would have torn off his head and part of his torso.

As she managed to get out of the sparkling remains of her armor, she looked burned and aboyed, but still whole, all around her the ground was stained by puddles of partially dried blood, as the sand had absorbed it. Members and parts of the body, still stuffed in scorched and sparkling pieces of armor, were scattered all over the place.

With the exception of Bruno, all the infants in the three platoons had been torn apart by the blasts. The pods and troops of the rebels had left the beach leaving behind that carnage, to face the attack that by another flank would be carried by air and land units, loyal to the government of Cepheus.

Bruno would remain for a week outdoors in the middle of the remains of his fallen comrades, he was found when finally the rebel cell surrendered and the terrain could be retaken. He was dehydrated and completely disconnected from reality.

According to his own account, some time later, he felt he was in a kind of transept, simply lethargic, morbidly enraptured observing the slaughter that had happened there, he remained seated in the same place and the same position during the week that he spent in that place, without eating, drinking water or sleeping, simply observing day and night that scenario.

Thank you @xpilar, I hope the story was to your liking


I am under the sea in the middle of transparent tunnels that go so fast that they distort the view to the sides, in front you can see a big green coral. But my brain still sees everything distorted.
