1.3 Million Sports Staked. More Still Coming.


I already said it this morning that I want to buy more sports and stake.

I Want To Buy More Sports

My plan last year was to have a million staked in nothing less than three tribes on steemit. One of that dream just came to pass today as I clocked 1.3 million stake today in sports.

I would have had this a long time ago if not for two things, first was the way referees were muting account everywhere and it wasn't showing sports in a good light to many investors thereby the pulling out of so many from Sportstalksocial, causing a heavy dump in sports price which still rings till date. The price also was projected to be going down and down if some things on sportstalksocial persist, which actually they did.

But my promise to myself late last year I decided to hold it still and power up to reach my goal, which is one million stake on three tribes. And now am closer to my dream of having nothing less than one million staked in three tribes account than ever.

Am still making plans to buy more token, at least reach 1.5 million, then I'll move to other tribe, be it dblog or reggaesteem #jahm.


Transaction ID

Total Sports Staked


A very big thank you goes to @uyobong & @uyobong.sport whose post gave me more courage to buy more sports. Also, @eurogee .

And most especially the person who has been with me from the beginning @tosyne2much and whose mentorship gave me enough confidence that this is the right place to be.


We mute spammers, plagiarists, circle jerkers, copy and pasters, token farmers and people who prefer to cheat the system rather than people who put in hard work to produce great sports content. These are the people who spoil this community for everyone else.

I'd suggest you make some effort and become a valued part of the community. Congratulations on the stake! Use it wisely :-)

PS @tosyne2much is a Referee now too :-)
