Are These The Reasons Why Arsenal Fans Dislike Xhaka?


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I'm not an Arsenal fan but I see how they heavily criticize him. I've known Xhaka to be a heavily criticized player by Arsenal fans maybe because he's a kind of player that is very prone to error.

Aside coach Emiry usually criticized for being responsible for Arsenal's woes, Xhaka comes next as the heavily criticized players in Arsenal. Just when Arsenal fans think they're getting everything right they always see Xhaka as a black horse that will probably mess the whole thing up 😁

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Xhaka is a defensive midfielder who most times commits silly fouls in dangerous places; he gets red card during important times and he doesn't even respect the fans

I've barely heard any Arsenal fan saying good things about Xhaka, it's always criticism. In fact, my Arsenal friends won't stop saying he's really contributing a lot of problems to the team and should be stripped off the captain title as he's setting a terrible example

Do you agree these are the reasons why Xhaka is disliked by Arsenal fans?


Well, well, I'm an arsenal fan but Xhaka is no way a problem to the club. It's normal when you dislike but don't forget that as a fan, you'll continue to say things about players on the pitch even when their well done work oversees the bad impact.
