Sport For me? - My Story


Hey, I wanted to share with you my story about sports, my weight, and my life.

First of all sports for me is a challenge, you strain your body to stay in shape, to stay healthy, or in other words to stay alive.

A person who does sports on a regular basis is a healthy person.

This sport can be all sorts of things like practicing at the gym, running around the building, or even just going for a walk

My story is like that.

One day I was at a doctor, and he recognized something called "fatty liver." He explained what it was, and I realized that it was an accumulation of unhealthy fat around the liver. It can cause diseases of any kind, cancer and even death.

I took a time myself in my arms and started doing sports, after three months I got off about 20 Kilo from my weight.

This is a short story about sports in my life
