Utilizing the Comments Section for Sporty Fun....and profit!
The majority of posts seem to have very few comments or meaningful feedback. There are a lot of exceptions but that's because it's honed in on something that you get rewarded to answer or are passionate about. There are some people who tend to generate "buzz" or put in some time to chat and relay information and opinions in the comments section. In fact, the comments section is where a lot of the real grit and dirt and who likes who comes out for all to gaze upon. It could be argued that for a lot of posts and users that the amount of comments tends to directly tie into how they are perceived on the platform.
- A 500000000 dollar ( I mean sports token ooops, so like a few nice buckaroos post ;) )... may have no comments repeatedly because they are in a crew that just supports them. They may also have a lot of comments for the same reason. I think the Trending Page looks like a White Paper for an ICO like Scorum minus any typing on it ! (Don't complain when you have to go get a "real job" or "real job" number two because you lack the vision to see how Ecosystems with huge amounts of diversity are kicking your arse. Sorry buckaroos, this Cowgirl knows the game backwards and forwards and also sideways~
This is par for the course because your stake is used how YOU see fit no matter what pressure is applied, it is all on you baby! Human nature itself lends to circle jerking so it doesn't take an Einstein to figure out that people support who they click with. Lots of low payout posts ask for opinions but nobody seems to answer and that may be just for show or maybe it's boring to the reader so they are not engaged.
If someone is supporting you or interacting and you never reciprocate then I see time and again that those rewards will dry up because nobody wants to feel like they are a piggy bank. I have gone out of my way for some to not even have so much as a comment left or anything so why will others bother with someone who "plops and drops" posts across platforms. Look at my blog and look at the amount of interaction and comments to see how it's done. @cynisca, @philnewton, @battleaxe, @patrickulrich and @reverendrum come to mind as some who regularly engage with others and leave intelligent/witty replies that make them stand out.
IMHO, a healthy Ecosystem has plenty of both buying and selling. That's how trade is done and not everyone will HODL and some will only HODL. That too helps stabilize "The Force" of a tribe. If you see something doing better look at male to female ratios, look at diversity of the userbase and the tribes within the tribes. Maybe just maybe getting out of your comfort zone or clique will make us higher than yet another actfit token. ;) OP/ED only ...I have no beef with actfit , clearly they are doing A-Okay.
All images courtesy of giphy
Well said!
"If someone is supporting you or interacting and you never reciprocate then I see time and again that those rewards will dry up because nobody wants to feel like they are a piggy bank."
What you said right there really rings with me. It's a give and take relationship we all have, and when one side of that relationship seems to be doing most/all of the effort, the other side is going to get a nasty awakening when the giver gets gone. (If anybody has been wondering where my constant upvotes/comments have gone on their posts, that's probably why.)
You are very aware of the amount I was planning to buy but I have some issues with a few things I'd like to see play out/evolve. I got sh*t for standing up for "minorities" on other platforms and will do the exact same here with no apologies. If certain groups are doing the same thing others are then chill out..... the Asian or African or (insert community) has the same right to do what others are doing on trending. I'm not bashing trending as I've been on it more than a few times, I'm pointing out pure business.
A lot say they repeatedly fail or this or that, well then.......I haven't and I don't show wallets like you think etc.... this isn't a Communist place and it also isn't an Obligarchy. Neither ever play out well on blockchain <3
So good. Makes me want to shake my pom poms.
Soon you will be rich enough to have them just shake pom poms for you...don't forgettttt usssss, of course you are a co-founder and former tg witness so there is no forgetting, EVER, mwahahahahahahahahahahah

Enjoy my pitiful upvote
start posting on sportstalk man,,, I'm sure there's something sporty you can write about fo sho'
If my two kids were on Steemit, I'll make an interrogative comment, "Where'd the h*** did you boys put my;
a) Baretta MK II!
b) Car keys! (I don't actually own a car)
c) Nunchucks
d) all of the above
And my typical interactive reply form them is: "uhh...I don't know." or "Ask him."
Pretty deep huh? and they are in their latter teens now.
we could dominate so easy or at least work collaboratively which seems to butthurt some who like to suck each other off to see who can get a buck a more a post, yawn
I'll circle jerk myself on here, I've put in the time,effort and elbow grease
Awww - i have to admit I was sceptical about you and some opinions when I read you first on Scorum. Now I can only say I am impressed by your personality, agreed in all points here. I have to use much more this community feature called engagement. Thx for reminding lovely lady!
thank you
A post is not complete unless you engage with your replies and comments in my opinion. Too many users ignore comments and don't even upvote them. If you want to grow the first rule is to reply and engage with your readers.
BINGO, I have an absurd amount of books and then am a voracious reader on here. I manually curate which is an anomaly at times. Sometimes we all of course are busy and it's easy for things to fall through the cracks. When someone is supporting you (imho), it's important to give back or at least chat maybe ....we're humans to the dismay of some who'd just have everything automated and then it's even more Orwellian.
Hey @battleaxe. I video curated you post. Raising manual curation to a new level, I hope you enjoy it my friend!
You can also check it on Dtube.