Liverpool Belum Terkalahkan di Liga Primer Inggris



Hai Steemians!!..
Taukah kalian pekan ini banyak terjadi kejutan di pentas Liga Primer Inggris. Salah satunyan adalah kekalahan yang di alamai oleh Manchester City. Dengan kekalahan City sekarang hanya Liverpool yang masih belum terkalahkan di negerinya Ratu Elizabet tersebut

The Reds’ ( Julukan Liverpool ) saat ini sudah memiliki rekor 14 kemenangan beruntun di kompetisi domestik dengan mengalahkan ‘the Magpies’ 3-1 di Stadion Anfield dan kian kukuh di puncak klasemen Liga Primer

Pada laga yang digelar kemarin sore itu Liverpool Sempat tertinggal lebih dulu, sebelum mampu membalikkan keadaan menjadi 3-1. Dibobol oleh Jetro Willems lebih dulu pada menit ketujuh, Liverpool membalas lewat gol yang dilesakkan Sadio Mane pada menit ke-28 dan ke-40. Satu gol tambahan lainnya dibuat rekannya, Mohamed Salah, pada menit ke-72. Mane mampu mencetak gol keduanya berkat blunder kiper Newcastle Martin Dubravka. Dia gagal mengantisipasi umpan Georginio Wijnaldum untuk Mane.

Bagi Newcastle kekalahan itu membuat mereka terancam masuk zona degradasi. Mereka kini berada di urutan ke-16 klasemen Liga Primer dan baru memiliki 4 poin. Newcastle sejauh ini baru sekali mendapatkan kemenangan, yakni ketika melawan Spurs. Dari pertandingan tersebut, Newcastle menang 1-0. Ayo bangkit Newcastle.



Hi Steemians !! ...
Do you know that there have been many surprises this week on the Premier League stage. One of them is the defeat experienced by Manchester City. With City's defeat now only Liverpool are still undefeated in the country of Queen Elizabeth

The Reds now have a record of 14 consecutive wins in domestic competition by beating ‘the Magpies’ 3-1 at Anfield Stadium and becoming increasingly strong at the top of the Premier League standings.

In the match that was held yesterday afternoon, Liverpool had left first before being able to turn things around 3-1. Burglarized by Jetro Willems first in the seventh minute, Liverpool responded through goals scored by Sadio Mane in the 28th and 40th minutes. One additional goal was made by his colleague, Mohamed Salah, in the 72nd minute. Mane was able to score his second goal thanks to Newcastle goalkeeper Martin Dubravka's blunder. He failed to anticipate Georginio Wijnaldum's pass for Mane.

For Newcastle, the defeat left them threatened to enter the relegation zone. They are now 16th in the Premier League table and only have 4 points. Newcastle have so far only won once, namely when against Spurs. From this match, Newcastle won 1-0. Come on rise Newcastle.


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