Cedera Engkel Kante Absen lawan Wolverhampton


Good evening Steemians friends. As I write this, I am enjoying the Liverpool vs Newcastle match. But it's not the two games that I want to discuss. But about N'Golo Kante will be absent when Chelsea travel to Wolverhampton Wanderers headquarters in the fifth week of the English League 2019-2020.

Kante had to take a break because of getting an ankle injury when Chelsea l faced Leicester City at the end of last month. Action at that time ended with the score 1-1.

Chelsea coach Lampard has not dared to play Kante in the match counter Wolverhampton even though Kante's condition gradually improved. Kante is a player that is needed by Chelsea to win full points in every game



Selamat malam sahabat Steemians. Saat saya menulis ini tengah menikmati pertandingan Liverpool vs Newcastle. Tetapi bukan kedua laga itu yang ingin saya bahas. Tetapi tentang N’Golo Kante bakal absen saat Chelsea bertandang ke markas Wolverhampton Wanderers dalam pekan kelima Liga Inggris 2019-2020.

Kante harus Istirahat karena mendapatkan cedera engkel saat Chelsea l berhadapan dengan Leicester City pada akhir bulan lalu. Laga kala itu berakhir dengan skor imbang 1-1.

Pelatih Chelsea Lampard belum berani memainkan Kante di laga kontra Wolverhampton walaupun kondisi Kante berangsur-angsur membaik. Kante adalah pemain yang sangat diperlukan oleh Chelsea untuk meraih poin penuh di setiap laga


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