Just a 24 year old Austrian Photographer saying hello :)
Hello / Hallo / Servus!
Hello fellow Steemits :) About one week ago I had no idea that an awesome place like this even existed, and today I am already introducing myself. First of all I hope I can be a part of this community and keep the creative vibes that I am feeling here up.
I’m Toby, I am in my mid 20s and live in the quite beautiful capital of Austria. I’m doing my master studies in Digital Media Technologies and work as a part time photographer. For a living I mostly do real estate projects or photo-/videography work at weddings. Don’t expect any pictures from that, I rather want to excite you with my travel and hiking pictures. My first actual post is going to be about my last summer trip to Chernobyl (Ukraine). And in the next couple of weeks you are going to see some awesome photos from my backpacking trip to Thailand and Vietnam.
About my pictures.
I want my pictures to tell a story, to provide a deeper thought or some kind of special meaning. To provoke to think. Even if it’s just for one moment. Life is so freaking spectacular, but unfortunately, we sometimes lose touch with this wonderful place. I like to remind people how awesome it is, and I also want you to remind me as well. We are currently travelling with 107,000 km/h around the sun while I’m typing these words. So, let’s all make this an awesome ride, with all the positivity there is. We are in this together.
Hard facts?
Long story short: Expect some nice pictures, but with decorative words around it. Some facts about me: I do all kind of sports like hiking, running, swimming, lifting weights or playing football (not much anymore :/) and enjoy a complex discussion. I also like to travel if I got some spare time. As I am doing my Master in the field of Video Post-Production you also are probably going to see some little VFX-work. But I don’t want to announce too much yet.
My goal?
I am not sure yet, I’m not really planning anything long time. I would love to work something meaningful in the future where I can actually help people with my skills, but I am not sure which exact direction I am heading to. Even though working as a photographer and studying Post Production is a lot of fun for me I know that it doesn’t help world right now. So, who knows what I am going to do. Suggestions are welcome.
So why steemit?
Because I actually think that the percentage of creative and inspiring people here is way higher than anywhere else. I can probably improve myself and my work through this platform and furthermore I hope that I can deliver some positive content for you.
Instagram – YouTube
If you want to hit me up on Instagram you obviously can, I am probably going to post more pictures there because nobody bothers with text there anyway: Instagram
I also sometimes post reviews on YouTube, but they are probably only interesting for photography/videography nerds:
I hope that’s everything. If you have any questions just write a comment as I would love to answer it 😊
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Welcome! Really beautiful photos - if you keep that up, you should do really well! Hope you love it here as much as so many of us do. xx, Kay
I thank you so much for your kind words. So far the experience is incredible!
Awesome to hear!
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Nice work and welcome! I'm in the same boat ;)
Great to here, now lets sail together ;)
welcome to steemit, hope you will get the benefit from here, if you like photograph. Please visit me.
Welcome to Steemit. I hope you succeed greatly here on the forum. Cheers.
Thank you! I will you all the best as well.
Wow, I love your post @lichtcatchtoby! Welcome to steemit.
I'm waiting to see your future photographs!!
Thanks for your nice comment. Then I hope I can fascinate you a little bit with my future photos.
Welcome a board Toby! I loved your presentation and i'm excited to follow your work (amazing photos)
Wow, what a nice comment! Thank you so much :)
Great photos! I would love to visit Austria one day :)
I’m new to Steemit too!
I really can recommend it :) I mean its a tiny country, but there is quite a lot to do/see. The cool thing is that its beautiful in the summer and also in the winter, just depends on what you prefer.
I've really enjoying with your photos. thanks for the welcome and welcome too you too.
Thank you very much!
Greetings my friend!
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Hi @lichtcatchtoby.. best regards .. welcome to join in steemit good luck here
Thanks! I wish you all the best as well.
Servus ;) Bist ja hier etwas untergegangen, das soll natürlich nicht sein!
Ah, das ist ja aber nett. Hatte dich ja schon im Discord-Chat gesehen wenn ich richtig liege. Bin bei dem ganzen noch ein wenig überfordert. Freut mich jedenfalls sehr dein Kommentar, schön einen Österreicher hier zu treffen. Wie bist du jetzt noch nachträglich auf mich gestoßen?
Puh, keine Ahung mehr muss ich gestehen :D
Okay, dachte nur es gibt vllt. eine Möglichkeit durch Zufall schnell auf alten Content zu stoßen. Will nur langsam diese Plattform mehr verstehen :D
Habe auf meiner Seite mittlerweile fünf deutsche Tutorials - vielleicht hilft das etwas beim Verstehen der Seite ;)
Hallo Tobi und herzlich willkommen auf Steemit. Wenn Du Fragen zu Steemit hast, oder Dich mit anderen deutschen „Steemians“ austauschen magst, schau einfach mal auf unserem Discord-Server: https://discord.gg/g6ktN45 vorbei.
Vielen dank dafür! Bin dort eh schon unterwegs :)
A very warm welcome to steemit - this platform is great indeed, you won't regret joining this amazing community. Your pictures look awesome! I am really interested in photography but until now I didn't had enough time and money to deepen my knowledge... I am looking forward to see more of your shoots! :)
I thank you for your kind comment. I am planning to do some "low budget"-photography tips as I also started out using only a tiny amount of money. So stay around, maybe I can teach you something.
mit Sicherheit ! :)
hey und herzlich willkommen auch von meiner Seite!
Ebenfalls hallo! Wohl der erste Toxikologe den ich jemals "kennengelernt" habe, spannendes Berufsfeld!
Thematisch spannend, ja. Von der Arbeitsweise so wie die meisten bio/chemischen Wissenschaften, repetitive und nicht besonders aufregende Laborarbeit ;-)
WELCOME! mein Follow hast du! Als ebenfalls Neuling freu ich mich natürlich über selbiges:) Have FUN! LG @trye
Vielen lieben Dank! Darüber hättest du gar nicht fragen müssen, dein Thema der Bewusstseinsforschung interessiert mich sowieso! Also viel Spaß und Erfolg :)
Hey Toby, willkommen auf Steemit.
Wirklich tolle Fotos, nach Chernobyl würd ich mich aber glaub nicht trauen, auch wenn es da echt schöne Fotomotive und Natur gibt.
LG Jonas
Hallo Jonas, vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar!
Dann hoffe ich du folgst mir, ich plane nämlich einen längeren und ausführlichen Artikel über Chernobyl und warum deine Sorgen komplett unbegründet sind. Und ja, dort gibt es echt sehr spannende Motive.
Aber klar doch ;)
Ja da bin ich mal gespannt.
Dass es physikalisch gesehen mit entsprechedem Schutz und nicht zu lange nicht gefählich ist weiß ich, aber irgendwie würde ich mich glaube ich trotzdem unwohl fühlen. Bin auf deinen Bericht gespannt.
Mein Bericht über Chernobyl ist jetzt verfügbar :)
Welcome to Steemit!
Great introduction post and amazing photos.
I would like to hear more about your vegan journey, if you're interested in sharing, I am currently on mine but it's a little bit of a struggle. :)
I followed you and I'm looking forward to read more of your posts!
Hallo Nikolina! I thank you for your nice comment. Very refreshing that somebody is more interested in me other than my photos. I probably will talk about my vegan journey, as well as how I deal with it while traveling and doing a lot of sports. I just started this account so I have not had a lot of time yet to post much.
Really cool that you are also trying out eating on a vegan diet. What are you struggling with? Always nice to have some conversation about that topic to get a little insight from other people.
Looking also forward to your future posts, followed you so I wont miss a any. :)
I'm glad to hear that you are interested in sharing your story in some of your future posts. Take your time, I remember very well how it's like to start an account here. :)
I guess my biggest struggle is that my family is not that supportive towards this lifestyle (I don't like to call it a diet) and since we live together, I find myself collapsing into the comfort of old eating habits. I guess I need to be a lot more self-disciplined.
I'm happy to connect with like minded/inspiring young people here on Steemit! :)
I'm new here (too), and I'm loving it already. Lots of creativity indeed! You've taken great photos and provide great information on photography, looking forward for the next posts!
Sehr schoen Dich in unserem discord zu finden! Bitte nicht vergessen Deine posts mit #steemit-austria zu taggen
Hello and welcome to Steemit! I replied to your statement on Vietnam on Discord and that‘s why I came here. So you plan to go to Vietnam AND Thailand. My son @yourmate, IT-guy and digital nomad, is leaving from Vienna to Thailand tonight. Just in case you like to get connected to other travelers. Writing travel reports is on my schedule, too. Maybe beginning with first travel posts soon. Good luck here on Steemit and everywhere! :)
Nice to meet you Toby!
Great intro post! The following words really resonated with me: "Life is so freaking spectacular, but unfortunately, we sometimes lose touch with this wonderful place. I like to remind people how awesome it is, and I also want you to remind me as well. We are currently travelling with 107,000 km/h around the sun while I’m typing these words. So, let’s all make this an awesome ride, with all the positivity there is. We are in this together." That's very much how I feel about it too.
I absolutely love the second photo! I'm guessing it's from Chernobyl, right? It definitely tells a story.
I'm a fellow vegan and photography is one of my interests, so we have that in common. I love travelling as well, even though I'm not able to do it these days.
Looking forward to more photos and tales from you. I just followed you 😊