A day to be proud of. My Actifit Report Card: January 24 2024
Unlike most days I started today by getting dinner started. My dog wasn't too impressed. As you can see above he was watching me and waiting to finally go out for our walk.
However, it was a good feeling doing my stretches in the morning and then some light weights. Then heading to ChatGPT to get a recipe to get rid of some stuff that was hanging out in the freezer and some sauces hanging out in the cupboard. I want to clean up a bunch of unused food and today was the day to start.
Chicken, Sausage, Korma stew was the result...after 8 hours of simmering that is :)
After prepping the food and cleaning the kitchen time to get dressed and ready to go. As you can tell from Nico hanging out at my bedroom door he was bored waiting for his walk!
As for the morning walk? It was a pretty wet mess out there. I mean look at the huge puddles in the baseball field.
or look at the puddles in the park.
However, at least a lot of the snow is gone and the pathway is clear and not a slippery deathtrap waiting for me :)
As for Nico? He is still happily sniffing every scent and digging for treasure buried in the snow.
In the afternoon I got to spend some time with my son talking about school, cars, the future, and what its like being a broke student. Yes, I've saved up money so he can go to University but not enough for him to have a rich lifestylel while he studies. It's good he is thinking about the future :)
Now normally my wife would come home at 7pm to a fully cooked dinner. However, they had extra staff today so she came home at 3pm instead. Dinner wasn't ready but at least the house was clean :)
We talked for a bit then time for the evening walk with the dog.
The rain let up so no rainjacket and umbrella. Horray!
After the walk with the dog time to head off to the gym. I didn't really want to go but my wife wanted moral support so...off I went to the gym for an hour.
500 calories burned. Not too bad.
Come home and the rice and stew are all ready to be eaten. A little blander than I may have liked but honestly not too bad...
Plus I got rid of 6 month old frozen tomatoes and beans...Used up some chicken legs that were getting old ...and enjoyed the meal with my wife.
Okay...I'm sure it looks terrible but lots of vegetables in it, a decent taste, and its hot and eaten with my wife. How can I complain about that?
Overall its the kind of day I like. Relaxing time walking with the dog. Being useful at home cleaning and cooking. Quality time with my son and wife. Exercise, stretching, and time at the gym. Add in some relaxing time watching TV in the evening. A bit of time to read my Bible and Pray. Plus make a post for the #HiveLearners and #Actifit.
It may not be the most exciting day.
But its the type of day I aspire to on a regular basis.
Thanks for sharing it with me
and feel free to add comments :)
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io
Rice and stew, my favourite. Your day was a very eventful. You attended to the wellbeing of your body and environment.
Faith, food, family and fitness... all good things I'm happy I get to focus on.
Of course better if I can add friends to the list but 4 out of 5 isn't bad :)
Thanks for dropping a reply.
Appreciate it.
And I enjoy stew...but mostly I do it because I am awful at real cooking ;)
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