Flowerful Water Power - Salado Video Report

Flowerful Water Power

The Salado skateboards video is still loading up guys, so here's a picture that proves we're still filming while we're already editing the final video, currently the video is 40 minutes long, but we still have a lot to wrap up in the final editing to achieve are vision for this video. Everyone here is so excited to get their final bangins while final edit is done. Edit is at almost 90% done, so when this percentage is complete, no body will be able to add any other clips.El video de Salado skateboards aún está en carga muchachos, así que aquí hay una foto que prueba que aún seguimos filmando mientras ya estamos editando el video, actualmente el video tiene una duración de 40 minutos de largo, pero aún tenemos muchas cosas que concluir en la edición para lograr son visión que tenemos para este vídeo. Aquí todo el mundo está tan entusiasmado por obtener sus trucos finales mientras concluimos al menos el 90 % de la edición, pero cuando se complete este porcentaje, ningún amigo podrá agregar ningún otro clip.

Captura de pantalla (56).png

Captura de pantalla (55).png

Tie dye T shirts are looking so colorfull intensive around the city, you can see them from blocks away!! hahaha this got us so stoked so we often use Salado T shirts for are skate misions hehe by the other hand this Salado cap you see here was the very first salado cap ever!! it was made more than 8 years ago, such a relic for us.¡Las camisetas tie dye se ven tan coloridas en la ciudad que puedes verlas desde cuadras de distancia! jajaja esto nos emocionó tanto que a menudo usamos camisetas de Salado para misiones skates jeje por otro lado, ¡esta gorra de Salado que ves aquí fue la primera gorra salado en toda la historia! se hizo hace más de 8 años, es toda una reliquia para nosotros.

Salado promo video

Salado skateboards video will be drop soon bros so stay tuned and get stoked.🤙El video de Salado skateboards se lanzará pronto hermanos, así que estén atentos y anímense.🤙

Salado loading.gif

Salado skateboards - Instagram


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    आपने बहुत अच्‍छा कर रहे है. स्केटबोर्ड की विडिया अच्‍छी है इस तरह की विडियो हमेशा टीवी पर देखना को मिलती है.


    The video was really awesome. Its an indication that continuous practice can make one become great and better in whatever one does, especially in Skateboarding.

    I hope to see the full video when it is done.

    By the way, I'm sure you'd wanna jump on Threads to join the mememomday trend on Threads. It's pretty fun, you know. You could share any type of meme to brighten the mood 😅


    Yo @ksam stay tune to our blog and you will see the full lenght soon 😉🤙
    I'm on Threads already, I've posted some things around, but mememondays sound like tones of fun!! lol is every monday mememonday at Threads universe? hehe


    Oh maaaan, can't wait! Didn't know video is gonna be that long, feeling hyped already! Most full videos now are like 20-30 minutes and I always want more haha!

    If you guys decide to do a video premiere let me know so we can sponsor the event via Skatehive!


    Dude hell yeah!! we are planning to do a premiere, let's Discord and see if we can match something up!! It would be a great opportunity to spread the voice about skatehive around here 🔥
