Sportski dan! 🏓 Sports day!


Nedelja, jutro. Budim ćerku.

  • hajde, vreme je!
  • za šta?
  • Sećaš se, idemo da igramo stoni tenis!
  • Mamaa, spava mi se.😴
  • Hajde, hajde.
    Umivanje, kafa, razbudjivanje, vežbe.
    Ipak vesele krenule. 10 minuta od kuće, brzo stigle.
    Pozdravile smo se sa svima. Popila se još jedna kafa. Takmičenje je počelo.

Sunday morning. I'm waking up my daughter.

  • Come on, it's time!
  • for what?
  • Remember, let's go play table tennis!
  • Mama, I'm sleepy
  • Come on, come on.
    Washing, coffee, waking up, exercising.
    Still happy to go. 10 minutes from home, arrived quickly.
    We said goodbye to everyone. Another cup of coffee. The competition has begun.




Stoni tenis je sport od koga vas boli glava a ne telo. 😁
Igraju dva ili četiri igrača. Igra je brza i zahteva brze reakcije. Ako vaš protivnik ume da felšira- nadrljali ste! 😆 Igra se do 11 poena. Razlika mora da bude dva poena. Da li ste znali da loptica može da dostigne brzinu 150 km/h? Čitala sam da ima 40 miliona takmičara na svetu. Mnogi se bave rekreativno. Preporučujem stoni tenis jer u ovom sportu ima najmanje povreda a izuzetno je zabavan!

Table tennis has been a sport since you have a headache, not a body ache. 😁
Two or four players are playing. The game is fast and requires quick reactions. If your opponent knows how to falsify - you're upset! 😆 Play up to 11 points. The difference must be two points. Did you know that a ball can reach a speed of 150 km / h? I read that there are 40 million competitors in the world. Many are engaged in recreation. I recommend table tennis because there are the least injuries in this sport and it is extremely fun!


Sport nije skup, a mnogo druženja i rekreacije. Putovanje, nova poznanstva i ne brinete o kilogramima! 😅

Sports are not expensive, and a lot of socializing and recreation. Travel, new acquaintances and don't worry about pounds! 😅




Ovog puta sam osvojila srebrnu medalju u singl- igri, a bronzanu u dublu. 🏅🏅
Moj saigrač u dublu je bio ovaj simpatičan mladić koji je duplo mladji od mene ali sam igrom i trudom opravdala svoje godine. Mladost i iskustvo. 😉
Super je kada se kombinuju dve ili više generacija. ❤️
Nakon dodele medalja, nastavili smo druženje i zadovoljni otišli kućama. Lep, sportski nedeljni dan!


This time I won a silver medal in singles and a bronze medal in doubles. 🏅🏅
My teammate in the doubles was this nice young man who is twice younger than me, but I justified my age with my game and effort. Youth and experience. 😉
It's great when two or more generations are combined. ❤️
After the awarding of medals, we continued to socialize and went home satisfied. Nice, sports Sunday!

Pozdrav od Anke vregolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolanka.
