Lesson for us


Hazrat Sultan of India Hazrat Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri narrates from his Sheikh Hazrat Uthman Haruni RA that he said that once a Jew was standing on the road and was feeding a piece of bread to a dog. It happened, you asked this Jew whether it is his (dog) or alien?
He said that the man is a stranger's (ie someone else's dog).
This Jew said that if it is not accepted then what is He (God) looking at and not what I am doing.
After a certain period of time, Khwaja Hasan Basri reached Makkah, then a voice came from under the channel (on the side of the channel in the roof of the Kaaba) saying Rabi (O my Lord) then a voice came from the unseen saying Labik Abdi (O my servant). I am present) Hazrat Hasan Basri was surprised that let's go and see who is such a good servant who is being told by the Lord to be present among my servants. Do Rabi, Rabi (O my Lord) is calling you, stay there for a while, then this person raised his head and said to Hazrat Hasan Basri, "Do you recognize me?" You said no.
So he said that I am the same man whom you used to say that my goodness is not accepted, he did not see my thing (the goodness of feeding a dog) he accepted and called me..
Khawaja Sahib says on this that Sadaqah (Peace and Peace) is the straight path to Paradise and the person who gives Sadaqah and shows mercy to God's creation is never far away from God's mercy.

Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri


