Temporary house, UK trip, Esteban takes up fencing & Luna introduces her imaginary friends ✨



After a whirlwind few months my feet have finally touched the ground and i am able now to tell you that we have successfully moved house without using a car, visited the UK for my mother’s 80th birthday where amongst other things we swam in a freezing cold river and have returned to France with a new zest for life, currently getting reading for the arrival of two more unvaccinated chickens next month, making our homestead complete for the winter.

Why did we move house?

Our rented home has always been terrible in the winter with all the heat escaping through windows from aging storage radiators which are badly placed directly underneath them. Thankfully laws changed in France recently and landlords must now provide their tenants with warm homes in the winter, no matter the cost. So we have moved from our old home just around the corner to the nearest empty house (there are many in this village) from which we can watch progress and enjoy a few months even closer to the village electroculture antenna (church). Our temporary replacement home is the one with the white door.

In the old one we are getting new windows (with electric shutters), a new door, new flooring, new walls (insulation) and a new electrical heating system (heat pump). They say the work will last two months but there have already been delays so it is more likely they will continue until around Christmas, perhaps even longer.

We didn’t use a car for the move because it is a 30 second walk between the two houses but we did enlist the help of three other men for the moving day because every single item in the house (with the exception of the piano and the stove) had to be moved out.

From the door of our new home we are able to see our old home clearly, in the Mayor’s building (Mairie).

We could see they had finished the window which overlooks this side so ventured up there to have a look and were relatively impressed by their work.

These are doubled glazed windows, designed to keep the heat in. Just a shame they are not made of wood like the old ones. Important to note here that all physical items create a frequency which interacts with our own frequency, affecting our physical aspects over time, so one should always choose to live in natural materials over synthetic, when one has a choice.

And do we really need electric shutters in a world which is supposedly concerned about energy consumption? We were perfectly happy with the wooden ones!

All i can do is let it go as these decisions are made by the village committee.

Looking through the new window you can see how close the temporary house is.

Wandering around our empty home we marvelled at all their tools and even posed for the camera a few times.

Our old front door seen here.

Soon to be replaced by this one which will give a whole bunch of light to the dark corridor.

The old glass windows & wooden shutters i will be keeping. Not sure for what yet but they certainly get my juices flowing with possibilities.

I have already spoken in my own way to our old home, letting it know of the upcoming work which includes some major drilling through a central wall to make way for a heating pipe. Be in no doubt, homes are living entities and should therefore be treated as such, with respect. Particularly these older ones which were built by people with a more advanced knowledge than ours, putting the dangerous geopathic stress lines always in places where humans don’t spend much time, in the walls or in the corridors.

A quick story to illustrate the effect of these lines. Esteban wasn't sleeping well in his new bedroom with his head against the wall and knowing that children are more sensitive than adults i dowsed the room and found a strong line in the wall. All we did then was switch him round so that his head was in the centre of the room and no big surprise, now he sleeps just fine.

Modern buildings do not take into account where these lines are (have you ever seen a construction surveyor using dowsing rods?) and people often pay for this oversight with their lives, getting sick with cancer and other diseases associated with sleeping on them for years. Even the land upon which i work has been carefully terraced hundreds of years ago with the dangerous geopathic stress lines hidden under the heavy stone terrace walls where they can do no damage to crops or farmers. This is why dowsing is such an important skill, unless of course you have the ability to sense these lines intuitively.
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Thankfully our temporary home has a fireplace in the kitchen so i have been collecting wood from the forest, getting ready for a very enjoyable few months of natural heating.

I was initially quite annoyed they couldn’t just give us a fireplace in the old home, which would have largely resolved the problem, but have accepted now that the mayor of all people (our landlord) is tied to the WEF agenda for 2030 which includes a total dependence on the electrical grid, even to open your shutters so you can let the light in. Only in this way will people be completely screwed when the power cuts begin. With this in mind i won’t be throwing away the gas heater or the home made ethanol heaters quite yet!

Another point worth mentioning about our new home is that it has an ideal view of the sundial on the south wall of the church which has provided perfect opportunity to teach the children how to read the time without clocks.

Interesting to note that this sundial currently tells the wrong time, out by one hour, but will of course tell the right time for half a year when the clocks are adjusted on the 27th Oct. My children already have a pretty good idea how to tell what month it is by looking at the Big Dipper but knowing exactly what time of day it is can be important too so i look forward to building my own sundial in the garden.

Unlike the old home this one has a view of the valley which is most enjoyable.

We have done our best to make it our own.

Being further away from the canal now, this is how i am currently filling up my watering can.

It's slow but it works!

Behind our new home is a small abandoned courtyard, perfect for cats.

The owner of this little house & courtyard is old apparently and doesn't come here much any more. Which sounds rather ideal!

Best of all there is an enormous grapefruit tree in this courtyard currently providing me two fruit a day which get mixed with lemon juice, maple syrup & cayenne pepper for my breakfast drink.

We like to sit on these steps in the evenings, chatting with anyone who passes.

Our old home has a private courtyard so this is a very different feeling, forcing us to interact with the village and get to know people better.

The sun streams in so perfectly at this time of year and again you can feel the logic and wisdom behind the design of this house, catching three hours of direct sunshine just prior to sunset.

Am most grateful to the Universe because once more it would seem that we have really fallen on our feet with this house.

Looking forward to a warm sociable build up to Christmas here.

With all the family!

UK trip

My mother’s 80th birthday party was an occasion we could not miss so the children and i went for a long weekend to Norwich, by plane, train and automobile.

Here is Esteban on his first ever train! Sending the experience to his mother using a technique he saw in the french movie La Belle Verte.

And here are the two of them excitedly messing around with my camera!

We got all dressed up on the day and enjoyed an awesome time with my UK family.
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My mother moved home a few years ago so this was the first time we had seen it and i was quite blown away by how rural it felt, despite only being a ten minute drive to the city centre.

Musicians played for us in the garden while we ate and played games.

After which we sang songs, read poems and expressed our gratitude for the amazing life of my mother who continues to blossom in so many ways (seen in blue at the end of the room with the dog at her feet).

Here is one of my two younger sisters with her 18 year old daughter who has just been accepted at Cambridge University.

And here are her other two children, getting to know their cousins.

Both my sister and mother have taken up cold water swimming in the last few years so a bunch of us decided to join them on the Sunday morning and we all did our best to get in the river which was 12℃.
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Luna decided to remain a spectator, which was fine.
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I was initially quite surprised at how pleasant it seemed, because the air temperature was lower than that of the water, unlike here in France where it is always the opposite way round.
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Once the water gets to the knees however it does feel very cold.
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A slow steady movement in was the key for me, taking deep breaths as i went.
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Here is my awesome mother, 80 years young!
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Esteban was having problems getting past his knees, shivering away and unable to more forward any further, so i stopped splashing and took him back to the warmth of his clothes.
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After which i ran back to the water and fully submerged myself for a few moments!
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Felt so energised in fact that i am determined to continue this very healthy habit in France.

My step brother in Switzerland has been swimming every morning in Lake Geneva for the last 30 years and has developed a handy system i will give you now:

If the water is above 10℃ you can swim as long as you feel comfortable, but if it is say 9℃, you should only swim for 9minutes. At 8℃ swim for 8mins. At 7℃ swim for 7mins. And so on, down to zero. In this way you know you won't damage yourself.
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All in all we had a wonderful memorable experience in the UK and it was so good to catch up with everyone. The children seemed thoroughly depressed to be back in France however so will try not to leave it so long between visits next time. Our last family holiday was pre-covid!

The children growing up

Many people commented in the UK how special Esteban & Luna seemed.

They behaved impeccably and "gorgeous" was a word people used a lot.

On the surface i suppose that's a decent enough summary but they are in fact much more special than most people realise, open both to the 'usual' aspects of childhood and the non physical aspects of it, which seems to give them an edge in this physical playground.

Here they are helping me package up home made sesame snaps, to be sold at our village car boot sale.

We sold out super fast and realised we should in fact have made a whole bunch more.

Esteban went through a period this Summer in which he was producing a very particular kind of art.

In this same period his dreams became more vivid than usual, often culminating in drawings to describe them.

He has been acknowledged as one of his school's most talented mathematicians and competes in some kind of online maths game in which he is currently ranked 28th in this country (there are 200,000 players). He also enjoys a very busy schedule outside of the curriculum in his own time, now learning piano, tennis and fencing.

I had been teaching him archery so sword fighting seems like a natural progression.

Here he is demonstrating the three positions one holds (to the judges and then to the opponent) before the fencing commences.
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Needless to say he is totally into it, so we continue to scrape the money together to make it happen for him.

Luna does two types of gymnastics as her activities outside of school and is much more like a child than Esteban, still playing with dolls and talking with her imaginary friends.

Most parents would i suppose be a little concerned about this, with their child not developing as fast as the others, but i personally welcome it and have been very interested to learn as much as i can about her two imaginary friends who appear to offer guidance and lessons on her journey. She says they are brother and sister living in the forest, eating only plants to survive.

Their names are Tom & Mila, drawn by Luna in the Summer.

Have read about imaginary friends in the past and how most parents won't acknowledge them, so ultimately they just disappear. What we have to remember here is that the mind of a child is extremely powerful when it is not in fear or in the ego and unlike an adult's mind which has its limitations firmly engrained already a child can manifest seamlessly without knowing what they are doing, creating alternate realities and even changing aspects of their physical playground to their will.

So if a child consistently imagines people around them, this experience becomes part of the complex fabric which makes up their physical reality and parents would be wise to engage with this 'game' learning as much as they can about why the imaginary friends are here and where they have come from.

Here she is with her arm around them, posing for a photo in the garden recently.

Esteban did his first Beyond Quantum Healing session this Summer so Luna was keen to also give it a try with our wonderfully gifted BQH practitioner Fina, who does video calls with us and adjusts her induction words to fit the mind of a child.

Luna had a cold at the time so found it difficult to relax but was able to call Tom & Mila into the room at the end so they could pose behind her for a few photos.

She says she can see them in the above images and almost seems surprised i cannot.

From what i can tell Tom & Mila are benign in nature and here exclusively for beneficial reasons, mostly i would say to draw Luna back towards the forest, their home. Why the forest? Well, this would be because forests are the ultimate expression of undisturbed nature and they are of course the best teachers of all, if one is looking for an education in sync with our Great Mother.

Am still a bit cautious about this creature however who Luna says has visited her in the night a number of times over the last few years.

I ask for their dreams every morning (and record them in personal dream books) but Luna assures me this alien was not a dream.

There is also this lady called Valenda who Luna says has visited her a few times.

We've actually had some pretty crazy stuff happening this year involving something along the lines of me trying to force an unknown creature in the house to identify itself, in my sleep. Sabrina told me in the morning i boomed "WHO ARE YOU?" multiple times in an unusual voice but had no memory of it in the morning. This alone was weird enough but then Esteban woke and told us he had seen a strange creature in his bedroom that night, like a cross between a ghost and an alien. He was certain it wasn't a dream and had some fear around this. So yeah, we've done some BQH work as a family to try and get to the bottom of that and feel pretty good about what we've learned so far.

Nothing to worry about basically. Just regular every day stuff in the life of the Stonehill family ;)

Final thoughts

I heard it said once that if we treat children like children they will behave like children so i have treated them like adults in many ways, always being honest about my beliefs and the fact that even i can be wrong sometimes! Question everyone i have taught them and for the most part they seem to do this, sometimes checking in with questions like "did the two world wars really happen Sam?". That one came in from Esteban a few days ago and it made me feel very proud to see him not taking anything for granted, fully aware that he who controls the past controls the future. Naturally i did my best to respond and remind him that my father and grandfather experienced the first and second world wars, so yes, they really did happen, though likely not in the way we have been told.

In summary i do feel it is best to detach oneself as a parent from expectations around how our children will turn out, but having seen the way in which childhood experiences tend to stay with us forever i feel confident these two will always be drawn in one way or another towards the earthy kind of life we are living here in France.

And this will be of benefit to them.

Love & Light everyone 🌱



Looks like you had your own chuckle brothers moment there with moving! Great to hear how you and family are doing Sam. What is the name of the math game? 28th is a super result! All the best.


It was a bit like that yes! Especially with the sofa.

The name of the math game is Matero but Esteban just informed me that the scores are set back to zero each Summer to give everyone an equal chance so he is currently building his way back up to the top 100.

All the best to you buddy and many thanks for the very kind tip.


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Such a great post, dear @samstonehill 🥰🤩🥳❤️‍🔥😇🌺💝⭐ I love to hear how your family life evolves, and appreciate your sharing openly about other-dimensional creatures' appearances: I had a vibrant multidimensional/ dream/ psychic/ visions life as a child, though this was not responsed to positively by my parents. So good to hear about your two's beautiful parenting! ✨🤲🙌🌟


Hello Clare! Really appreciate you 🌟

How's life over there in Italy?

Yes, so many miraculous things experienced by little ones are likely cast away without recognition, thanks largely i would say to that flawed part of our ego which tells us the adults are here to teach the children.

Do you still experience these visions now?


Life is no longer in Italy! Check my recent posts, with @vincentnijman!
I am regaining my holistic Vision, yes: I'm sharing more as it unfolds, via podcasts and blogs ❤️‍🔥⭐🌟


Finally got around to reading this beautiful life update of you(r family). I love to read about these amazing 'kids' of yours too and it's always a pleasure to see the many photos illustrating your words. Sending loads of love and good vibes from the house in the Portuguese countryside that I now share with @clareartista ♥️✨🤗


Hello Vincent & Clare! Am receiving your good vibes loud and clear.

Feel as if i need to thank yourself and @clareartista for the glow i have felt in my heart since learning your news. Such a special feeling it brings tears to my eyes. Perhaps it is to do with the intensity of this full moon, but there is something about your union which touches me deeply.

Sabrina & i actually talked for the first time about getting married this year. Now that the children are old enough to enjoy (and remember!) the experience it seems more appropriate. Plus we would do it on the land which will birth our future food forest, so it would be a ritual for the land as much as it would be a union of souls. And i will do my best to make sure when we do it, there is space at the table for you two!

I know i don't follow your posts enough but i really love you both.

Big hugs x



Aaahhhh, so beautiful to read your good words and wishes here, dearest @samstonehill - and yes yes yes: these are very special times for souls like us to come together and activate.... So exciting to hear about you planning a wedding and ceremony; I soooo look forward to hearing more about that! Keep in touch!! Love to you all!!
