2million Sport Stake Hit | Mission Getting Fulfilled

The journey of a thousand will gradually start from somewhere and i have already started my journey which is a gradually process to me. Now i have hit the 2million stake and remaining 8million more to go. having a good stake on sport or other tribe can really benefit you a lot especially when curating because you will surely be getting some certain curation rewards which at times do cover up or add to your posting reward.
I rarely post sport but i do earn from reward which implies that staking is a long term investment goal. gradually mission will be accomplished.
Very happy to see this.
You can also help in the price of sports by adding @sportsburn to your autovote.
All Sports reward are sent to null. The hive reward is used to buy sport on Hive engine and it's sent to null, thereby keeping the price of sports stable.
Thanks to Sportsburn for the great work so far undertaken. Soon, SPORTS sent to @Null would break the 10 million milestone.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have a 400,000 SPORTS Stake which is worth 10 USD. I am aiming for 4,000,000 SPORTS.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is really great, gradually you will reach there
You are also doing a great job too. 4 million SPORTS stake is huge. Soon, you'll be glad you too this decision to invest in SPORTS in this low rates.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is a huge effort man. scaling to the 2 million stake level is commendable. With this pace, I see you in the 10 million category soonest. COngratulations! A 100% booster from my SPORTS curation account.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta