OCD Sportstalk Incubation Curation Update
I was holding off from writing this post and hoping by the time it gets posted the magic number of 1000 users on Sportstalksocial is achieved. We are that close and have increased our membership by 26 over the last week which is simply amazing. We now stand at 997 and 3 short of out initial target which is two weeks later than planned. As long as there is growth who cares about time lines as this is not a race, but about building something far bigger.
Each week I have said I have been impressed with the offerings on display in sports and this week again the bar is being raised higher and higher. I recommend anyone checking the Sportstalksocial trending page on Peakd as we have so many good posts there now. This week we even had our first Ballet post questioning whether it was a sport or an art which makes for an interesting read. One of the posts curated is now on over $50 and another is on $30 which is showing that this is a great showcase for everyone which is the whole point of great curation projects like @ocd.
The Sportstalk trending page on Sports is unfortunately still "broken" and something that needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency. Anyone popping in from outside our online world seeing what it is all about will be not impressed and is a worry for future growth. This is not the type of advert that is going to sell the community and some thinking needs to be done in how to address this. An easy obvious fix is to have another sports account with high stake add to the proper trending posts boosting them into what I feel should be their rightful positions. Maybe that could be agreed upon or another fix is found, but it still needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency as this is hurting the communities growth.
What the @ocd incubation curation program has done is raise the bar on the standard of posts in general. Gone are the days of just posting and expecting for a magic vote or two. Thought and time with personal insight is now the standard post we just expect and I am happy to say many are doing just that. These are key factors that make these posts stand out from the others and when something is done properly there is no limit to how much one can write.
I see too many posts of 150 words and think what else could have been added to make it into a decent post. I encourage everyone to push themselves and to try and raise their own standards as I would like to curate as many people as possible. With over 1000 members now we should be comfortably finding 5 posts per day and not struggling to find 3. Over the last week we submitted another 21 posts and I am really hoping for 30 next week.
Congratulations to the growth. I'll begin to pen some long and typical sports content. Thanks for staying true and glued to the self-undertaken task of cleansing the trending page of the Sportstalk community on the Hive front-end.
Thanks @uyobong.sports for the kind words. Front end only fixed on peakd and we need to come up with some way of fixing sportstalk front end as well. Peakd is in $ dollars and not sports tokens so that is where the discrepancy is. I have nothing against what the community is voting internally, but the really good posts I believe should also trend on the sportstalk frontend as an advert for what is happening. How else can we attract new outside Hive users should be the way we are thinking.
I guess it's time to get back to the drawing board, and start making posts on how the community will grow and build, to attract outsider.
This should be everyone's task and I surely will do my part. Thanks for keeping the sportstalk in mind and giving us feedback @cryptoandcoffee