SportsTalk Challenge #52 - 3k staked!
Propsals for STS
We haven't still reach the 50% that's needed for the proposals. We are currently at 44% and 24%, so if you know that you haven't voted yet for both proposals please go and do so.
Proposal 1: here - 44%
Proposal 2:here - 24%
Tribute to the person who started the challenge
The staking challenge is over, but will continue support the cause!
Check this post to see the statement: and many other people also still support these posts!
My favorite post of 2020-02-13
Love to read about so many that are staking, are staring to get fired up about sport and creating great content.
Some of the post I liked yesterday were:
@cryptoandcoffee OCD Sportstalk Incubation Curation Update was this time a more cheerful reading than the last one. Keep improving STS
Last update
In my last post I had powered up with 20,677.152 sports tokens, not so much that I want to stake each day, but any stake is a good stake!
Today I have a additional sport 3,874.872 to stake.
Before power up
After power up
Final thoughts
Nothing else except again, please go and vote so the proposal wont fail. These are good things for the community.
Also feel free to join the discussion over at discord here.
Help sportsburn
Also added @sportsburn as a beneficiary so they can burn additional tokens. Hope we can continue this and help sportstalksocial overall! Maybe not much but each Sport we can remove will help the token get more value
Looks like the first proposal is going well. I think if we can some more of the top SPORTS stakers, we should be able to get 51%. The second proposal doesn't seem to be doing so well though.
Lets help push the proposal over the range we need. Would say that the second is even more important then the first
Yes it is. It looks like both proposals have gotten some extra votes after Patrick tagged the top 100 SPORTS users. The first proposal only requires 3.4 GP to pass while the 2nd requires 19.15 GP. I think some users might be confused about how many proposals are there.
Its definitly so that people are missing that there are several proposal att the same time
Thanks for the mention.
Glad you liked my content
Wow ! 52nd power up, atleast 52 days you are consistently powering up the sports, cool
And thats whats gonna make me a whale,consistency :)