Meeting The World's Most Notorious Imam
Repost from 2018
YouTube is hiding these videos so they're being re-uploaded to 3speak
Imam Tawhidi is one of the world's most notorious religious scholars. He lives under constant threat of attack for his outspoken views on Islamic history.
I wanted to know more about the Imam who wants to abandon the Hadiths, claims Aisha was a twenty-one year old with a past and says that Sadiq Khan isn't fit to run a McDonald's.
So I sat down with the 'Imam of Peace' to understand what motivates him, and just where he gets these radical ideas about his own religion from.
▶️ 3Speak
Wow,thanks for this Tommy.
(Steem Evil Censor prevent your reading this writing. Click account name @bewarecenterbase and go to blog/comment, then click writings there.)
(Revived and Will be Revived, Sometimes To DownVoters' Readers, Voted and Related Accounts, For Freedom of Speech, Right for Writings to Survive, Right to Show both Pros and Cons.
언론의 자유와 글의 생존권, 찬반 양론이 모두 보여질 수 있는 권리를 위하여, 다운보팅 학살에서 재생되었고, 재생될 것이다. 가끔, 학살자들의 독자나 보팅자들, 관련계정들에게 제공된다.)
[Steem : For Freedom] Code Of Conduct : DownVote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers. List Update v.5. 행동수칙 : 다운보팅 학살자를 다운보팅 하자.
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2019.11.19.Tue.09:50 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase,
For Freedom Of Speech,
_1. Let's Down-Vote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers.
The followings are known Content-Nazi
and Commie People's Court Bamboo Spear Red Guard Man-Slaughters
If you like, select anyone below and
DownVote Now and Anytime.
@oldstone =@slowwalker =@wisdomandjustice =@photoholic =@ilovemylife, (=@veronicalee ) : kr worst man-slaughterer.
@howo = @steempress : Content-Nazi by day, Commie Bamboo-Spear by night, All time Man-Slaughterer.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund : worst man-slaughterer, biggest enemy of Steem; but nowhere to downvote.
@steemcleaners, @ety001, @justyy, @oflyhigh, @cheetah, , : Evil profit assholes of @spaminator group : @adm, @pfunk ; Lots place to DownVote.
@threespeak group: DownVote every 3speak tag writings. (
@buildawhale group :
@preparedwombat, @steemflagrewards, @themarkymark, @blocktrades, @photovisions, @steemitworldmap, @magicmonk, @inertia, @planetauto, @scottcbusiness, @steembasicincome, @steeminator3000, @thelifeofjord, @dmitrydao, @dedicatedguy, @leo.syndication, @curie, @elsiekjay, @juancar347, @jongolson, @cheetah, @anthonyadavisii, @jpphotography, @cryptoandcoffee, @thegreens,, @minismallholding, @enjoyinglife, @andrianna,
@roundbeargames, @elenasteem, @thekitchenfairy, @steemcleaners, @h-hamilton, @world-travel-pro, @qurator, @freedompoint, @derangedvisions, @balticbadger, @jenina619, @slobberchops, @meesterboom, @jodipamungkas, @nickyhavey, @isaria, @scaredycatguide, @neoxian-city, @sjarvie5, @jlsplatts, @alcibiades, @steemauto, @truce, @uwelang, @edgarsart, @soyrosa, @jenina619, @enjar, @crimsonclad, @acidyo, @stickyfingerz, @jordangerder, @holoz0r, @coingecko, @joythewanderer, @snook, @c0ff33a, @abh12345, @elenasteem, @preparedwombat, @lightcaptured, @sjarvie5, @fredrikaa, @worldcapture, @elizacheng, @world-travel-pro, @bengy, @davedickeyyall, @steemer-sayu907, @porters, @culgin, @budapestguide, @barski, @eugelys, @ginnyannette, @kommienezuspadt, @carlgnash, @wildhomesteading, @midlet, @thelifeofjord, @slobberchops, @zpzn, @blewitt, @jenina619,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@ibc, @condeas, @linuxbot, @astrophoto.kevin, : German Content-Nazi,
@smooth = @smooth.witness,
@corn113, @steemitlsh, @westport, @himapan, @eversloth : kr Commie Bamboo-spear.
@steemflagrewards and supporters of this dent of man-slaughterers :
@lukestokes.mhth, @yabapmatt, @themarkymark, @cervantes, @pjau, @pfunk, @patrice, @guiltyparties
Most major downvote-manslaughterers are supported by and linked with most top witnesses and Steem Foundation or so-called Steemit Inc fund to Monopolize Steem coin inflations to themselves. This is why Steem is Not fair Money or Currency. Additional UnFair tools are well equipped to reinforce their monopoly, and will be shown in following writings.
(You can be deListed
if you comment that you promise and keep that you won't downvote
Except strictly illegal writings such as plagiarism, copyright infringement, human/drug/weapons trafficking, kid porno etc.
Self-Vote is Fair Reward for investment and deligence.
Farming is Not Stealing, but
DownVote is robbery, bully, bamboo-spearing, man-slaughterering. )
_2. Remove From Witness Support and Down-Vote
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@steempress, @smooth.witness,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
Top Witnesses who are for Down-Vote-Pool HardForks.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
_3. DownVote-Hide their comments,
which can make them self-voters and then downvoted by themselves among man-slaughterers.
_4. Write Much More, Even Copy and Paste, to Dry-Up DownVoting-ManSlaughterers' Power,
_5. Be Proud of Negative Reputation.
If your writing is automatically hidden, Show your writings to Man-Slaughterers' Readers or UpVoted Individually.
It's the Auto-Hidden Writers' Right, To show Writings individually.
Copy and Paste your Hidden Writings to Man-Sluaghterers' Every Posts, Comment, and Every Readers' or UpVoted's Writings, individually.
_6. Make Much More Accounts to Fight For Freedom.
_7. Automate Resistance Process.
Or At least Make it Easy, Just Spread Your Writings, Copy and Paste
until DownVote Function is Removed From Steem.
_8. Make Situations Complex, To Kill Man-Slaughtering Bots and Programmers.
Vary Self-Vote or Not, Voting %, Voting Time etc.
_9. Repeat Persistently As Above, if you love Steem
Or If you dislike battle field,
_10. Leave Steem and Never Look Back,
until you hear No-DownVote HardFork and Steem becomes peaceful place.
_11. ManSlaughterers are losing.
@spaminator DownVote Power is Drying Up.
You can join and help to achieve Freedom of Speech.
Copy-Paste this writing to the victims, readers or related, Repeatedly, Persistently.
(This Writing is Copy-Left by @BewareCenterBase.
You can Copy-And-Paste anywhere in Steem
For Freedom of Speech and To Remove DownVote Function From Steem.
and to Make Steem Peaceful Place. )
Korean Verion. Latest List is above. 한글판, 최신 목록은 위에 있음.
[steem蟲:HF21] 남아썩는 다운보팅 파워로, 무엇을 다운보팅 할 것인가? [steem:HF21] What to Down-Vote with HF21 Down-Vote Power ?
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2019.08.28.수.08:45, by @BewareCenterBase,
Steem Hard Fork 21 ( 이하 HF21)
다운보팅 파워가 도입되어,
기존 HF20 이전에서
업보팅 파워를 소모하여 다운보팅 할 수 있도록 한 것에서,
다운보팅을 업보팅과 별도의 파워를 사용하여 할 수 있도록 하였다.
관련 글들은
이 글의 아래 목록에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.
hf21 에서 도입된 다운보트 파워
잔량과 회복을
보팅 파워 와 마찬가지로
확인할수 있다.
자, 여기서 남는 문제.
남아서 섞어 나가는 다운보팅 파워를 어디에 쓸 것인가?
탈중앙 매체에서 불가피한 다운보팅의 원래 취지대로,
스팀 블록체인의 생존성을 위협하게될 수 있는,
저작권 위반 이나, 아동 포로노, 해킹, 스캠 피싱 등의 사기 유도 글
등을 다운보팅 하라
는 것일 것이다.
그런 글들이 보인다면, 다운보팅 하면 된다.
그러나, 그런 글들은 많지 않다.
그래도 남아서 썩어나가는 다운보팅 파워는
자뻑 정의감에서 남의 글을 다운보팅 학살하는
컨텐츠 나찌나 인민재판 공산 죽창
다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하면 된다고 본다.
이것은 다운보팅 전쟁을 촉발할 것이지만,
다운보팅 학살자들의 나쁜짓을 통제할 방법은
이 취지에 공감하는 사람들이
그 다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하는 것이
불가피한 선택으로 보인다.
다운보팅해야할 다운보팅 학살자들의 목록을 공표해 나갈 것이다.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund
Witness to drop and to Down-vote :
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
기술의 한계가 있으면 기술 개발과 노오오오력으로써
극복할 생각을 하지 않고,
다운보팅을 권장하여,
스팀 투자자 및 스팀 사용자들의 감정을 학살하여
스팀에서 쫓아내는 스팀 최악의 적들을 다운보팅 해야한다고 본다.
스팀 개발자들, 스팀 재단, 스팀잇 회사 관계자들,
다운보팅 풀 도입에 찬성한 스팀 증인들
목록은 갱신해 나갈 것이고,
일단 상위 30위 증인들 중에서 hf21 down-vote 를 지원하고 있는 29 명의 목록을 준다.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
심심할 때, 무작위로 눌러서, 다운보팅의 맛을 보여주시라.
혹시 보복이 올 것이 두려운가?
자유와 언론의 자유는 그냥 얻어지지 않는다.
많은 피래미들이 벌떼처럼 다운보팅한다면,
고래 증인들도 대응 방법이 없을 것이고,
다운보팅 기능을 없애는 쪽으로 가게 될 것이다.
그래도 두려운가?
겁장이들은, 두려우면 빠지면 된다. ㅋㅋ
[ Related Writings : 관련 글 ]
Related Writings List below maybe cut due to size limitation <14k in comment.
More related writings can be seen at the original address above
아래 관련글 목록은 댓글 <14k 크기 제한으로 잘렸을 수 있습니다.
위 원문 주소에서 관련글 볼수 있습니다.
(Up To Here, Can be Copy and Pasted. < 14 k by Size )
Will be Arranged later.
여기까지 댓글에 복사하여 붙여넣기 가능함. < 14k 사이즈.
나중에 정리될 것임.
[Steem: deMerit] Down-vote is Evil Political Solution to Technical Shortcomings. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅은 기술 부족에 대한 사악한 정치적 해법.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:26 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem is Not Currency when DownVote Denies Currency's Characters such as Private Property Right and Liberty of Contract. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅으로 사유재산과 계약자유 부정하는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.16.Mon, 17:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is Shit, not Money. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 똥 이다, 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 06:42 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (2/n) - Bank Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 은행 사례.
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2019.09.23.Mon, 13:19 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] How to view Steem is, Not by whitepaper's forcing, but by each user's free perception. [스팀蟲: 단점] 스팀을 어떻게 볼 것인가는 백서의 강요가 아니라, 각자 자유 인식에 의해서이다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 08:01 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
(Steem Evil Censor prevent your reading this writing. Click account name @bewarecenterbase and go to blog/comment, then click writings there.)
(Revived and Will be Revived, Sometimes To DownVoters' Readers, Voted and Related Accounts, For Freedom of Speech, Right for Writings to Survive, Right to Show both Pros and Cons.
언론의 자유와 글의 생존권, 찬반 양론이 모두 보여질 수 있는 권리를 위하여, 다운보팅 학살에서 재생되었고, 재생될 것이다. 가끔, 학살자들의 독자나 보팅자들, 관련계정들에게 제공된다.)
[Steem : For Freedom] Code Of Conduct : DownVote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers. List Update v.5. 행동수칙 : 다운보팅 학살자를 다운보팅 하자.
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2019.11.19.Tue.09:50 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase,
For Freedom Of Speech,
_1. Let's Down-Vote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers.
The followings are known Content-Nazi
and Commie People's Court Bamboo Spear Red Guard Man-Slaughters
If you like, select anyone below and
DownVote Now and Anytime.
@oldstone =@slowwalker =@wisdomandjustice =@photoholic =@ilovemylife, (=@veronicalee ) : kr worst man-slaughterer.
@howo = @steempress : Content-Nazi by day, Commie Bamboo-Spear by night, All time Man-Slaughterer.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund : worst man-slaughterer, biggest enemy of Steem; but nowhere to downvote.
@steemcleaners, @ety001, @justyy, @oflyhigh, @cheetah, , : Evil profit assholes of @spaminator group : @adm, @pfunk ; Lots place to DownVote.
@threespeak group: DownVote every 3speak tag writings. (
@buildawhale group :
@preparedwombat, @steemflagrewards, @themarkymark, @blocktrades, @photovisions, @steemitworldmap, @magicmonk, @inertia, @planetauto, @scottcbusiness, @steembasicincome, @steeminator3000, @thelifeofjord, @dmitrydao, @dedicatedguy, @leo.syndication, @curie, @elsiekjay, @juancar347, @jongolson, @cheetah, @anthonyadavisii, @jpphotography, @cryptoandcoffee, @thegreens,, @minismallholding, @enjoyinglife, @andrianna,
@roundbeargames, @elenasteem, @thekitchenfairy, @steemcleaners, @h-hamilton, @world-travel-pro, @qurator, @freedompoint, @derangedvisions, @balticbadger, @jenina619, @slobberchops, @meesterboom, @jodipamungkas, @nickyhavey, @isaria, @scaredycatguide, @neoxian-city, @sjarvie5, @jlsplatts, @alcibiades, @steemauto, @truce, @uwelang, @edgarsart, @soyrosa, @jenina619, @enjar, @crimsonclad, @acidyo, @stickyfingerz, @jordangerder, @holoz0r, @coingecko, @joythewanderer, @snook, @c0ff33a, @abh12345, @elenasteem, @preparedwombat, @lightcaptured, @sjarvie5, @fredrikaa, @worldcapture, @elizacheng, @world-travel-pro, @bengy, @davedickeyyall, @steemer-sayu907, @porters, @culgin, @budapestguide, @barski, @eugelys, @ginnyannette, @kommienezuspadt, @carlgnash, @wildhomesteading, @midlet, @thelifeofjord, @slobberchops, @zpzn, @blewitt, @jenina619,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@ibc, @condeas, @linuxbot, @astrophoto.kevin, : German Content-Nazi,
@smooth = @smooth.witness,
@corn113, @steemitlsh, @westport, @himapan, @eversloth : kr Commie Bamboo-spear.
@steemflagrewards and supporters of this dent of man-slaughterers :
@lukestokes.mhth, @yabapmatt, @themarkymark, @cervantes, @pjau, @pfunk, @patrice, @guiltyparties
Most major downvote-manslaughterers are supported by and linked with most top witnesses and Steem Foundation or so-called Steemit Inc fund to Monopolize Steem coin inflations to themselves. This is why Steem is Not fair Money or Currency. Additional UnFair tools are well equipped to reinforce their monopoly, and will be shown in following writings.
(You can be deListed
if you comment that you promise and keep that you won't downvote
Except strictly illegal writings such as plagiarism, copyright infringement, human/drug/weapons trafficking, kid porno etc.
Self-Vote is Fair Reward for investment and deligence.
Farming is Not Stealing, but
DownVote is robbery, bully, bamboo-spearing, man-slaughterering. )
_2. Remove From Witness Support and Down-Vote
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@steempress, @smooth.witness,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
Top Witnesses who are for Down-Vote-Pool HardForks.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
_3. DownVote-Hide their comments,
which can make them self-voters and then downvoted by themselves among man-slaughterers.
_4. Write Much More, Even Copy and Paste, to Dry-Up DownVoting-ManSlaughterers' Power,
_5. Be Proud of Negative Reputation.
If your writing is automatically hidden, Show your writings to Man-Slaughterers' Readers or UpVoted Individually.
It's the Auto-Hidden Writers' Right, To show Writings individually.
Copy and Paste your Hidden Writings to Man-Sluaghterers' Every Posts, Comment, and Every Readers' or UpVoted's Writings, individually.
_6. Make Much More Accounts to Fight For Freedom.
_7. Automate Resistance Process.
Or At least Make it Easy, Just Spread Your Writings, Copy and Paste
until DownVote Function is Removed From Steem.
_8. Make Situations Complex, To Kill Man-Slaughtering Bots and Programmers.
Vary Self-Vote or Not, Voting %, Voting Time etc.
_9. Repeat Persistently As Above, if you love Steem
Or If you dislike battle field,
_10. Leave Steem and Never Look Back,
until you hear No-DownVote HardFork and Steem becomes peaceful place.
_11. ManSlaughterers are losing.
@spaminator DownVote Power is Drying Up.
You can join and help to achieve Freedom of Speech.
Copy-Paste this writing to the victims, readers or related, Repeatedly, Persistently.
(This Writing is Copy-Left by @BewareCenterBase.
You can Copy-And-Paste anywhere in Steem
For Freedom of Speech and To Remove DownVote Function From Steem.
and to Make Steem Peaceful Place. )
Korean Verion. Latest List is above. 한글판, 최신 목록은 위에 있음.
[steem蟲:HF21] 남아썩는 다운보팅 파워로, 무엇을 다운보팅 할 것인가? [steem:HF21] What to Down-Vote with HF21 Down-Vote Power ?
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2019.08.28.수.08:45, by @BewareCenterBase,
Steem Hard Fork 21 ( 이하 HF21)
다운보팅 파워가 도입되어,
기존 HF20 이전에서
업보팅 파워를 소모하여 다운보팅 할 수 있도록 한 것에서,
다운보팅을 업보팅과 별도의 파워를 사용하여 할 수 있도록 하였다.
관련 글들은
이 글의 아래 목록에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.
hf21 에서 도입된 다운보트 파워
잔량과 회복을
보팅 파워 와 마찬가지로
확인할수 있다.
자, 여기서 남는 문제.
남아서 섞어 나가는 다운보팅 파워를 어디에 쓸 것인가?
탈중앙 매체에서 불가피한 다운보팅의 원래 취지대로,
스팀 블록체인의 생존성을 위협하게될 수 있는,
저작권 위반 이나, 아동 포로노, 해킹, 스캠 피싱 등의 사기 유도 글
등을 다운보팅 하라
는 것일 것이다.
그런 글들이 보인다면, 다운보팅 하면 된다.
그러나, 그런 글들은 많지 않다.
그래도 남아서 썩어나가는 다운보팅 파워는
자뻑 정의감에서 남의 글을 다운보팅 학살하는
컨텐츠 나찌나 인민재판 공산 죽창
다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하면 된다고 본다.
이것은 다운보팅 전쟁을 촉발할 것이지만,
다운보팅 학살자들의 나쁜짓을 통제할 방법은
이 취지에 공감하는 사람들이
그 다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하는 것이
불가피한 선택으로 보인다.
다운보팅해야할 다운보팅 학살자들의 목록을 공표해 나갈 것이다.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund
Witness to drop and to Down-vote :
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
기술의 한계가 있으면 기술 개발과 노오오오력으로써
극복할 생각을 하지 않고,
다운보팅을 권장하여,
스팀 투자자 및 스팀 사용자들의 감정을 학살하여
스팀에서 쫓아내는 스팀 최악의 적들을 다운보팅 해야한다고 본다.
스팀 개발자들, 스팀 재단, 스팀잇 회사 관계자들,
다운보팅 풀 도입에 찬성한 스팀 증인들
목록은 갱신해 나갈 것이고,
일단 상위 30위 증인들 중에서 hf21 down-vote 를 지원하고 있는 29 명의 목록을 준다.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
심심할 때, 무작위로 눌러서, 다운보팅의 맛을 보여주시라.
혹시 보복이 올 것이 두려운가?
자유와 언론의 자유는 그냥 얻어지지 않는다.
많은 피래미들이 벌떼처럼 다운보팅한다면,
고래 증인들도 대응 방법이 없을 것이고,
다운보팅 기능을 없애는 쪽으로 가게 될 것이다.
그래도 두려운가?
겁장이들은, 두려우면 빠지면 된다. ㅋㅋ
[ Related Writings : 관련 글 ]
Related Writings List below maybe cut due to size limitation <14k in comment.
More related writings can be seen at the original address above
아래 관련글 목록은 댓글 <14k 크기 제한으로 잘렸을 수 있습니다.
위 원문 주소에서 관련글 볼수 있습니다.
(Up To Here, Can be Copy and Pasted. < 14 k by Size )
Will be Arranged later.
여기까지 댓글에 복사하여 붙여넣기 가능함. < 14k 사이즈.
나중에 정리될 것임.
[Steem: deMerit] Down-vote is Evil Political Solution to Technical Shortcomings. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅은 기술 부족에 대한 사악한 정치적 해법.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:26 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem is Not Currency when DownVote Denies Currency's Characters such as Private Property Right and Liberty of Contract. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅으로 사유재산과 계약자유 부정하는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.16.Mon, 17:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is Shit, not Money. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 똥 이다, 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 06:42 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (2/n) - Bank Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 은행 사례.
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2019.09.23.Mon, 13:19 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] How to view Steem is, Not by whitepaper's forcing, but by each user's free perception. [스팀蟲: 단점] 스팀을 어떻게 볼 것인가는 백서의 강요가 아니라, 각자 자유 인식에 의해서이다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 08:01 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
(Steem Evil Censor prevent your reading this writing. Click account name @bewarecenterbase and go to blog/comment, then click writings there.)
(Revived and Will be Revived, Sometimes To DownVoters' Readers, Voted and Related Accounts, For Freedom of Speech, Right for Writings to Survive, Right to Show both Pros and Cons.
언론의 자유와 글의 생존권, 찬반 양론이 모두 보여질 수 있는 권리를 위하여, 다운보팅 학살에서 재생되었고, 재생될 것이다. 가끔, 학살자들의 독자나 보팅자들, 관련계정들에게 제공된다.)
[Steem : For Freedom] Code Of Conduct : DownVote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers. List Update v.5. 행동수칙 : 다운보팅 학살자를 다운보팅 하자.
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2019.11.19.Tue.09:50 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase,
For Freedom Of Speech,
_1. Let's Down-Vote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers.
The followings are known Content-Nazi
and Commie People's Court Bamboo Spear Red Guard Man-Slaughters
If you like, select anyone below and
DownVote Now and Anytime.
@oldstone =@slowwalker =@wisdomandjustice =@photoholic =@ilovemylife, (=@veronicalee ) : kr worst man-slaughterer.
@howo = @steempress : Content-Nazi by day, Commie Bamboo-Spear by night, All time Man-Slaughterer.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund : worst man-slaughterer, biggest enemy of Steem; but nowhere to downvote.
@steemcleaners, @ety001, @justyy, @oflyhigh, @cheetah, , : Evil profit assholes of @spaminator group : @adm, @pfunk ; Lots place to DownVote.
@threespeak group: DownVote every 3speak tag writings. (
@buildawhale group :
@preparedwombat, @steemflagrewards, @themarkymark, @blocktrades, @photovisions, @steemitworldmap, @magicmonk, @inertia, @planetauto, @scottcbusiness, @steembasicincome, @steeminator3000, @thelifeofjord, @dmitrydao, @dedicatedguy, @leo.syndication, @curie, @elsiekjay, @juancar347, @jongolson, @cheetah, @anthonyadavisii, @jpphotography, @cryptoandcoffee, @thegreens,, @minismallholding, @enjoyinglife, @andrianna,
@roundbeargames, @elenasteem, @thekitchenfairy, @steemcleaners, @h-hamilton, @world-travel-pro, @qurator, @freedompoint, @derangedvisions, @balticbadger, @jenina619, @slobberchops, @meesterboom, @jodipamungkas, @nickyhavey, @isaria, @scaredycatguide, @neoxian-city, @sjarvie5, @jlsplatts, @alcibiades, @steemauto, @truce, @uwelang, @edgarsart, @soyrosa, @jenina619, @enjar, @crimsonclad, @acidyo, @stickyfingerz, @jordangerder, @holoz0r, @coingecko, @joythewanderer, @snook, @c0ff33a, @abh12345, @elenasteem, @preparedwombat, @lightcaptured, @sjarvie5, @fredrikaa, @worldcapture, @elizacheng, @world-travel-pro, @bengy, @davedickeyyall, @steemer-sayu907, @porters, @culgin, @budapestguide, @barski, @eugelys, @ginnyannette, @kommienezuspadt, @carlgnash, @wildhomesteading, @midlet, @thelifeofjord, @slobberchops, @zpzn, @blewitt, @jenina619,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@ibc, @condeas, @linuxbot, @astrophoto.kevin, : German Content-Nazi,
@smooth = @smooth.witness,
@corn113, @steemitlsh, @westport, @himapan, @eversloth : kr Commie Bamboo-spear.
@steemflagrewards and supporters of this dent of man-slaughterers :
@lukestokes.mhth, @yabapmatt, @themarkymark, @cervantes, @pjau, @pfunk, @patrice, @guiltyparties
Most major downvote-manslaughterers are supported by and linked with most top witnesses and Steem Foundation or so-called Steemit Inc fund to Monopolize Steem coin inflations to themselves. This is why Steem is Not fair Money or Currency. Additional UnFair tools are well equipped to reinforce their monopoly, and will be shown in following writings.
(You can be deListed
if you comment that you promise and keep that you won't downvote
Except strictly illegal writings such as plagiarism, copyright infringement, human/drug/weapons trafficking, kid porno etc.
Self-Vote is Fair Reward for investment and deligence.
Farming is Not Stealing, but
DownVote is robbery, bully, bamboo-spearing, man-slaughterering. )
_2. Remove From Witness Support and Down-Vote
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@steempress, @smooth.witness,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
Top Witnesses who are for Down-Vote-Pool HardForks.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
_3. DownVote-Hide their comments,
which can make them self-voters and then downvoted by themselves among man-slaughterers.
_4. Write Much More, Even Copy and Paste, to Dry-Up DownVoting-ManSlaughterers' Power,
_5. Be Proud of Negative Reputation.
If your writing is automatically hidden, Show your writings to Man-Slaughterers' Readers or UpVoted Individually.
It's the Auto-Hidden Writers' Right, To show Writings individually.
Copy and Paste your Hidden Writings to Man-Sluaghterers' Every Posts, Comment, and Every Readers' or UpVoted's Writings, individually.
_6. Make Much More Accounts to Fight For Freedom.
_7. Automate Resistance Process.
Or At least Make it Easy, Just Spread Your Writings, Copy and Paste
until DownVote Function is Removed From Steem.
_8. Make Situations Complex, To Kill Man-Slaughtering Bots and Programmers.
Vary Self-Vote or Not, Voting %, Voting Time etc.
_9. Repeat Persistently As Above, if you love Steem
Or If you dislike battle field,
_10. Leave Steem and Never Look Back,
until you hear No-DownVote HardFork and Steem becomes peaceful place.
_11. ManSlaughterers are losing.
@spaminator DownVote Power is Drying Up.
You can join and help to achieve Freedom of Speech.
Copy-Paste this writing to the victims, readers or related, Repeatedly, Persistently.
(This Writing is Copy-Left by @BewareCenterBase.
You can Copy-And-Paste anywhere in Steem
For Freedom of Speech and To Remove DownVote Function From Steem.
and to Make Steem Peaceful Place. )
Korean Verion. Latest List is above. 한글판, 최신 목록은 위에 있음.
[steem蟲:HF21] 남아썩는 다운보팅 파워로, 무엇을 다운보팅 할 것인가? [steem:HF21] What to Down-Vote with HF21 Down-Vote Power ?
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2019.08.28.수.08:45, by @BewareCenterBase,
Steem Hard Fork 21 ( 이하 HF21)
다운보팅 파워가 도입되어,
기존 HF20 이전에서
업보팅 파워를 소모하여 다운보팅 할 수 있도록 한 것에서,
다운보팅을 업보팅과 별도의 파워를 사용하여 할 수 있도록 하였다.
관련 글들은
이 글의 아래 목록에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.
hf21 에서 도입된 다운보트 파워
잔량과 회복을
보팅 파워 와 마찬가지로
확인할수 있다.
자, 여기서 남는 문제.
남아서 섞어 나가는 다운보팅 파워를 어디에 쓸 것인가?
탈중앙 매체에서 불가피한 다운보팅의 원래 취지대로,
스팀 블록체인의 생존성을 위협하게될 수 있는,
저작권 위반 이나, 아동 포로노, 해킹, 스캠 피싱 등의 사기 유도 글
등을 다운보팅 하라
는 것일 것이다.
그런 글들이 보인다면, 다운보팅 하면 된다.
그러나, 그런 글들은 많지 않다.
그래도 남아서 썩어나가는 다운보팅 파워는
자뻑 정의감에서 남의 글을 다운보팅 학살하는
컨텐츠 나찌나 인민재판 공산 죽창
다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하면 된다고 본다.
이것은 다운보팅 전쟁을 촉발할 것이지만,
다운보팅 학살자들의 나쁜짓을 통제할 방법은
이 취지에 공감하는 사람들이
그 다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하는 것이
불가피한 선택으로 보인다.
다운보팅해야할 다운보팅 학살자들의 목록을 공표해 나갈 것이다.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund
Witness to drop and to Down-vote :
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
기술의 한계가 있으면 기술 개발과 노오오오력으로써
극복할 생각을 하지 않고,
다운보팅을 권장하여,
스팀 투자자 및 스팀 사용자들의 감정을 학살하여
스팀에서 쫓아내는 스팀 최악의 적들을 다운보팅 해야한다고 본다.
스팀 개발자들, 스팀 재단, 스팀잇 회사 관계자들,
다운보팅 풀 도입에 찬성한 스팀 증인들
목록은 갱신해 나갈 것이고,
일단 상위 30위 증인들 중에서 hf21 down-vote 를 지원하고 있는 29 명의 목록을 준다.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
심심할 때, 무작위로 눌러서, 다운보팅의 맛을 보여주시라.
혹시 보복이 올 것이 두려운가?
자유와 언론의 자유는 그냥 얻어지지 않는다.
많은 피래미들이 벌떼처럼 다운보팅한다면,
고래 증인들도 대응 방법이 없을 것이고,
다운보팅 기능을 없애는 쪽으로 가게 될 것이다.
그래도 두려운가?
겁장이들은, 두려우면 빠지면 된다. ㅋㅋ
[ Related Writings : 관련 글 ]
Related Writings List below maybe cut due to size limitation <14k in comment.
More related writings can be seen at the original address above
아래 관련글 목록은 댓글 <14k 크기 제한으로 잘렸을 수 있습니다.
위 원문 주소에서 관련글 볼수 있습니다.
(Up To Here, Can be Copy and Pasted. < 14 k by Size )
Will be Arranged later.
여기까지 댓글에 복사하여 붙여넣기 가능함. < 14k 사이즈.
나중에 정리될 것임.
[Steem: deMerit] Down-vote is Evil Political Solution to Technical Shortcomings. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅은 기술 부족에 대한 사악한 정치적 해법.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:26 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem is Not Currency when DownVote Denies Currency's Characters such as Private Property Right and Liberty of Contract. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅으로 사유재산과 계약자유 부정하는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.16.Mon, 17:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is Shit, not Money. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 똥 이다, 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 06:42 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (2/n) - Bank Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 은행 사례.
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2019.09.23.Mon, 13:19 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] How to view Steem is, Not by whitepaper's forcing, but by each user's free perception. [스팀蟲: 단점] 스팀을 어떻게 볼 것인가는 백서의 강요가 아니라, 각자 자유 인식에 의해서이다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 08:01 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
Very good your actifity meeting
Very poor your effort to understand this content. Now go take a bath.
Posted using Partiko iOS
(Steem Evil Censor prevent your reading this writing. Click account name @bewarecenterbase and go to blog/comment, then click writings there.)
(Revived and Will be Revived, Sometimes To DownVoters' Readers, Voted and Related Accounts, For Freedom of Speech, Right for Writings to Survive, Right to Show both Pros and Cons.
언론의 자유와 글의 생존권, 찬반 양론이 모두 보여질 수 있는 권리를 위하여, 다운보팅 학살에서 재생되었고, 재생될 것이다. 가끔, 학살자들의 독자나 보팅자들, 관련계정들에게 제공된다.)
[Steem : For Freedom] Code Of Conduct : DownVote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers. List Update v.5. 행동수칙 : 다운보팅 학살자를 다운보팅 하자.
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2019.11.19.Tue.09:50 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase,
For Freedom Of Speech,
_1. Let's Down-Vote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers.
The followings are known Content-Nazi
and Commie People's Court Bamboo Spear Red Guard Man-Slaughters
If you like, select anyone below and
DownVote Now and Anytime.
@oldstone =@slowwalker =@wisdomandjustice =@photoholic =@ilovemylife, (=@veronicalee ) : kr worst man-slaughterer.
@howo = @steempress : Content-Nazi by day, Commie Bamboo-Spear by night, All time Man-Slaughterer.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund : worst man-slaughterer, biggest enemy of Steem; but nowhere to downvote.
@steemcleaners, @ety001, @justyy, @oflyhigh, @cheetah, , : Evil profit assholes of @spaminator group : @adm, @pfunk ; Lots place to DownVote.
@threespeak group: DownVote every 3speak tag writings. (
@buildawhale group :
@preparedwombat, @steemflagrewards, @themarkymark, @blocktrades, @photovisions, @steemitworldmap, @magicmonk, @inertia, @planetauto, @scottcbusiness, @steembasicincome, @steeminator3000, @thelifeofjord, @dmitrydao, @dedicatedguy, @leo.syndication, @curie, @elsiekjay, @juancar347, @jongolson, @cheetah, @anthonyadavisii, @jpphotography, @cryptoandcoffee, @thegreens,, @minismallholding, @enjoyinglife, @andrianna,
@roundbeargames, @elenasteem, @thekitchenfairy, @steemcleaners, @h-hamilton, @world-travel-pro, @qurator, @freedompoint, @derangedvisions, @balticbadger, @jenina619, @slobberchops, @meesterboom, @jodipamungkas, @nickyhavey, @isaria, @scaredycatguide, @neoxian-city, @sjarvie5, @jlsplatts, @alcibiades, @steemauto, @truce, @uwelang, @edgarsart, @soyrosa, @jenina619, @enjar, @crimsonclad, @acidyo, @stickyfingerz, @jordangerder, @holoz0r, @coingecko, @joythewanderer, @snook, @c0ff33a, @abh12345, @elenasteem, @preparedwombat, @lightcaptured, @sjarvie5, @fredrikaa, @worldcapture, @elizacheng, @world-travel-pro, @bengy, @davedickeyyall, @steemer-sayu907, @porters, @culgin, @budapestguide, @barski, @eugelys, @ginnyannette, @kommienezuspadt, @carlgnash, @wildhomesteading, @midlet, @thelifeofjord, @slobberchops, @zpzn, @blewitt, @jenina619,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@ibc, @condeas, @linuxbot, @astrophoto.kevin, : German Content-Nazi,
@smooth = @smooth.witness,
@corn113, @steemitlsh, @westport, @himapan, @eversloth : kr Commie Bamboo-spear.
@steemflagrewards and supporters of this dent of man-slaughterers :
@lukestokes.mhth, @yabapmatt, @themarkymark, @cervantes, @pjau, @pfunk, @patrice, @guiltyparties
Most major downvote-manslaughterers are supported by and linked with most top witnesses and Steem Foundation or so-called Steemit Inc fund to Monopolize Steem coin inflations to themselves. This is why Steem is Not fair Money or Currency. Additional UnFair tools are well equipped to reinforce their monopoly, and will be shown in following writings.
(You can be deListed
if you comment that you promise and keep that you won't downvote
Except strictly illegal writings such as plagiarism, copyright infringement, human/drug/weapons trafficking, kid porno etc.
Self-Vote is Fair Reward for investment and deligence.
Farming is Not Stealing, but
DownVote is robbery, bully, bamboo-spearing, man-slaughterering. )
_2. Remove From Witness Support and Down-Vote
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@steempress, @smooth.witness,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
Top Witnesses who are for Down-Vote-Pool HardForks.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
_3. DownVote-Hide their comments,
which can make them self-voters and then downvoted by themselves among man-slaughterers.
_4. Write Much More, Even Copy and Paste, to Dry-Up DownVoting-ManSlaughterers' Power,
_5. Be Proud of Negative Reputation.
If your writing is automatically hidden, Show your writings to Man-Slaughterers' Readers or UpVoted Individually.
It's the Auto-Hidden Writers' Right, To show Writings individually.
Copy and Paste your Hidden Writings to Man-Sluaghterers' Every Posts, Comment, and Every Readers' or UpVoted's Writings, individually.
_6. Make Much More Accounts to Fight For Freedom.
_7. Automate Resistance Process.
Or At least Make it Easy, Just Spread Your Writings, Copy and Paste
until DownVote Function is Removed From Steem.
_8. Make Situations Complex, To Kill Man-Slaughtering Bots and Programmers.
Vary Self-Vote or Not, Voting %, Voting Time etc.
_9. Repeat Persistently As Above, if you love Steem
Or If you dislike battle field,
_10. Leave Steem and Never Look Back,
until you hear No-DownVote HardFork and Steem becomes peaceful place.
_11. ManSlaughterers are losing.
@spaminator DownVote Power is Drying Up.
You can join and help to achieve Freedom of Speech.
Copy-Paste this writing to the victims, readers or related, Repeatedly, Persistently.
(This Writing is Copy-Left by @BewareCenterBase.
You can Copy-And-Paste anywhere in Steem
For Freedom of Speech and To Remove DownVote Function From Steem.
and to Make Steem Peaceful Place. )
Korean Verion. Latest List is above. 한글판, 최신 목록은 위에 있음.
[steem蟲:HF21] 남아썩는 다운보팅 파워로, 무엇을 다운보팅 할 것인가? [steem:HF21] What to Down-Vote with HF21 Down-Vote Power ?
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2019.08.28.수.08:45, by @BewareCenterBase,
Steem Hard Fork 21 ( 이하 HF21)
다운보팅 파워가 도입되어,
기존 HF20 이전에서
업보팅 파워를 소모하여 다운보팅 할 수 있도록 한 것에서,
다운보팅을 업보팅과 별도의 파워를 사용하여 할 수 있도록 하였다.
관련 글들은
이 글의 아래 목록에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.
hf21 에서 도입된 다운보트 파워
잔량과 회복을
보팅 파워 와 마찬가지로
확인할수 있다.
자, 여기서 남는 문제.
남아서 섞어 나가는 다운보팅 파워를 어디에 쓸 것인가?
탈중앙 매체에서 불가피한 다운보팅의 원래 취지대로,
스팀 블록체인의 생존성을 위협하게될 수 있는,
저작권 위반 이나, 아동 포로노, 해킹, 스캠 피싱 등의 사기 유도 글
등을 다운보팅 하라
는 것일 것이다.
그런 글들이 보인다면, 다운보팅 하면 된다.
그러나, 그런 글들은 많지 않다.
그래도 남아서 썩어나가는 다운보팅 파워는
자뻑 정의감에서 남의 글을 다운보팅 학살하는
컨텐츠 나찌나 인민재판 공산 죽창
다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하면 된다고 본다.
이것은 다운보팅 전쟁을 촉발할 것이지만,
다운보팅 학살자들의 나쁜짓을 통제할 방법은
이 취지에 공감하는 사람들이
그 다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하는 것이
불가피한 선택으로 보인다.
다운보팅해야할 다운보팅 학살자들의 목록을 공표해 나갈 것이다.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund
Witness to drop and to Down-vote :
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
기술의 한계가 있으면 기술 개발과 노오오오력으로써
극복할 생각을 하지 않고,
다운보팅을 권장하여,
스팀 투자자 및 스팀 사용자들의 감정을 학살하여
스팀에서 쫓아내는 스팀 최악의 적들을 다운보팅 해야한다고 본다.
스팀 개발자들, 스팀 재단, 스팀잇 회사 관계자들,
다운보팅 풀 도입에 찬성한 스팀 증인들
목록은 갱신해 나갈 것이고,
일단 상위 30위 증인들 중에서 hf21 down-vote 를 지원하고 있는 29 명의 목록을 준다.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
심심할 때, 무작위로 눌러서, 다운보팅의 맛을 보여주시라.
혹시 보복이 올 것이 두려운가?
자유와 언론의 자유는 그냥 얻어지지 않는다.
많은 피래미들이 벌떼처럼 다운보팅한다면,
고래 증인들도 대응 방법이 없을 것이고,
다운보팅 기능을 없애는 쪽으로 가게 될 것이다.
그래도 두려운가?
겁장이들은, 두려우면 빠지면 된다. ㅋㅋ
[ Related Writings : 관련 글 ]
Related Writings List below maybe cut due to size limitation <14k in comment.
More related writings can be seen at the original address above
아래 관련글 목록은 댓글 <14k 크기 제한으로 잘렸을 수 있습니다.
위 원문 주소에서 관련글 볼수 있습니다.
(Up To Here, Can be Copy and Pasted. < 14 k by Size )
Will be Arranged later.
여기까지 댓글에 복사하여 붙여넣기 가능함. < 14k 사이즈.
나중에 정리될 것임.
[Steem: deMerit] Down-vote is Evil Political Solution to Technical Shortcomings. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅은 기술 부족에 대한 사악한 정치적 해법.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:26 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem is Not Currency when DownVote Denies Currency's Characters such as Private Property Right and Liberty of Contract. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅으로 사유재산과 계약자유 부정하는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.16.Mon, 17:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is Shit, not Money. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 똥 이다, 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 06:42 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (2/n) - Bank Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 은행 사례.
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2019.09.23.Mon, 13:19 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] How to view Steem is, Not by whitepaper's forcing, but by each user's free perception. [스팀蟲: 단점] 스팀을 어떻게 볼 것인가는 백서의 강요가 아니라, 각자 자유 인식에 의해서이다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 08:01 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
(Steem Evil Censor prevent your reading this writing. Click account name @bewarecenterbase and go to blog/comment, then click writings there.)
(Revived and Will be Revived, Sometimes To DownVoters' Readers, Voted and Related Accounts, For Freedom of Speech, Right for Writings to Survive, Right to Show both Pros and Cons.
언론의 자유와 글의 생존권, 찬반 양론이 모두 보여질 수 있는 권리를 위하여, 다운보팅 학살에서 재생되었고, 재생될 것이다. 가끔, 학살자들의 독자나 보팅자들, 관련계정들에게 제공된다.)
[Steem : For Freedom] Code Of Conduct : DownVote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers. List Update v.5. 행동수칙 : 다운보팅 학살자를 다운보팅 하자.
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2019.11.19.Tue.09:50 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase,
For Freedom Of Speech,
_1. Let's Down-Vote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers.
The followings are known Content-Nazi
and Commie People's Court Bamboo Spear Red Guard Man-Slaughters
If you like, select anyone below and
DownVote Now and Anytime.
@oldstone =@slowwalker =@wisdomandjustice =@photoholic =@ilovemylife, (=@veronicalee ) : kr worst man-slaughterer.
@howo = @steempress : Content-Nazi by day, Commie Bamboo-Spear by night, All time Man-Slaughterer.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund : worst man-slaughterer, biggest enemy of Steem; but nowhere to downvote.
@steemcleaners, @ety001, @justyy, @oflyhigh, @cheetah, , : Evil profit assholes of @spaminator group : @adm, @pfunk ; Lots place to DownVote.
@threespeak group: DownVote every 3speak tag writings. (
@buildawhale group :
@preparedwombat, @steemflagrewards, @themarkymark, @blocktrades, @photovisions, @steemitworldmap, @magicmonk, @inertia, @planetauto, @scottcbusiness, @steembasicincome, @steeminator3000, @thelifeofjord, @dmitrydao, @dedicatedguy, @leo.syndication, @curie, @elsiekjay, @juancar347, @jongolson, @cheetah, @anthonyadavisii, @jpphotography, @cryptoandcoffee, @thegreens,, @minismallholding, @enjoyinglife, @andrianna,
@roundbeargames, @elenasteem, @thekitchenfairy, @steemcleaners, @h-hamilton, @world-travel-pro, @qurator, @freedompoint, @derangedvisions, @balticbadger, @jenina619, @slobberchops, @meesterboom, @jodipamungkas, @nickyhavey, @isaria, @scaredycatguide, @neoxian-city, @sjarvie5, @jlsplatts, @alcibiades, @steemauto, @truce, @uwelang, @edgarsart, @soyrosa, @jenina619, @enjar, @crimsonclad, @acidyo, @stickyfingerz, @jordangerder, @holoz0r, @coingecko, @joythewanderer, @snook, @c0ff33a, @abh12345, @elenasteem, @preparedwombat, @lightcaptured, @sjarvie5, @fredrikaa, @worldcapture, @elizacheng, @world-travel-pro, @bengy, @davedickeyyall, @steemer-sayu907, @porters, @culgin, @budapestguide, @barski, @eugelys, @ginnyannette, @kommienezuspadt, @carlgnash, @wildhomesteading, @midlet, @thelifeofjord, @slobberchops, @zpzn, @blewitt, @jenina619,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@ibc, @condeas, @linuxbot, @astrophoto.kevin, : German Content-Nazi,
@smooth = @smooth.witness,
@corn113, @steemitlsh, @westport, @himapan, @eversloth : kr Commie Bamboo-spear.
@steemflagrewards and supporters of this dent of man-slaughterers :
@lukestokes.mhth, @yabapmatt, @themarkymark, @cervantes, @pjau, @pfunk, @patrice, @guiltyparties
Most major downvote-manslaughterers are supported by and linked with most top witnesses and Steem Foundation or so-called Steemit Inc fund to Monopolize Steem coin inflations to themselves. This is why Steem is Not fair Money or Currency. Additional UnFair tools are well equipped to reinforce their monopoly, and will be shown in following writings.
(You can be deListed
if you comment that you promise and keep that you won't downvote
Except strictly illegal writings such as plagiarism, copyright infringement, human/drug/weapons trafficking, kid porno etc.
Self-Vote is Fair Reward for investment and deligence.
Farming is Not Stealing, but
DownVote is robbery, bully, bamboo-spearing, man-slaughterering. )
_2. Remove From Witness Support and Down-Vote
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@steempress, @smooth.witness,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
Top Witnesses who are for Down-Vote-Pool HardForks.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
_3. DownVote-Hide their comments,
which can make them self-voters and then downvoted by themselves among man-slaughterers.
_4. Write Much More, Even Copy and Paste, to Dry-Up DownVoting-ManSlaughterers' Power,
_5. Be Proud of Negative Reputation.
If your writing is automatically hidden, Show your writings to Man-Slaughterers' Readers or UpVoted Individually.
It's the Auto-Hidden Writers' Right, To show Writings individually.
Copy and Paste your Hidden Writings to Man-Sluaghterers' Every Posts, Comment, and Every Readers' or UpVoted's Writings, individually.
_6. Make Much More Accounts to Fight For Freedom.
_7. Automate Resistance Process.
Or At least Make it Easy, Just Spread Your Writings, Copy and Paste
until DownVote Function is Removed From Steem.
_8. Make Situations Complex, To Kill Man-Slaughtering Bots and Programmers.
Vary Self-Vote or Not, Voting %, Voting Time etc.
_9. Repeat Persistently As Above, if you love Steem
Or If you dislike battle field,
_10. Leave Steem and Never Look Back,
until you hear No-DownVote HardFork and Steem becomes peaceful place.
_11. ManSlaughterers are losing.
@spaminator DownVote Power is Drying Up.
You can join and help to achieve Freedom of Speech.
Copy-Paste this writing to the victims, readers or related, Repeatedly, Persistently.
(This Writing is Copy-Left by @BewareCenterBase.
You can Copy-And-Paste anywhere in Steem
For Freedom of Speech and To Remove DownVote Function From Steem.
and to Make Steem Peaceful Place. )
Korean Verion. Latest List is above. 한글판, 최신 목록은 위에 있음.
[steem蟲:HF21] 남아썩는 다운보팅 파워로, 무엇을 다운보팅 할 것인가? [steem:HF21] What to Down-Vote with HF21 Down-Vote Power ?
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2019.08.28.수.08:45, by @BewareCenterBase,
Steem Hard Fork 21 ( 이하 HF21)
다운보팅 파워가 도입되어,
기존 HF20 이전에서
업보팅 파워를 소모하여 다운보팅 할 수 있도록 한 것에서,
다운보팅을 업보팅과 별도의 파워를 사용하여 할 수 있도록 하였다.
관련 글들은
이 글의 아래 목록에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.
hf21 에서 도입된 다운보트 파워
잔량과 회복을
보팅 파워 와 마찬가지로
확인할수 있다.
자, 여기서 남는 문제.
남아서 섞어 나가는 다운보팅 파워를 어디에 쓸 것인가?
탈중앙 매체에서 불가피한 다운보팅의 원래 취지대로,
스팀 블록체인의 생존성을 위협하게될 수 있는,
저작권 위반 이나, 아동 포로노, 해킹, 스캠 피싱 등의 사기 유도 글
등을 다운보팅 하라
는 것일 것이다.
그런 글들이 보인다면, 다운보팅 하면 된다.
그러나, 그런 글들은 많지 않다.
그래도 남아서 썩어나가는 다운보팅 파워는
자뻑 정의감에서 남의 글을 다운보팅 학살하는
컨텐츠 나찌나 인민재판 공산 죽창
다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하면 된다고 본다.
이것은 다운보팅 전쟁을 촉발할 것이지만,
다운보팅 학살자들의 나쁜짓을 통제할 방법은
이 취지에 공감하는 사람들이
그 다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하는 것이
불가피한 선택으로 보인다.
다운보팅해야할 다운보팅 학살자들의 목록을 공표해 나갈 것이다.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund
Witness to drop and to Down-vote :
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
기술의 한계가 있으면 기술 개발과 노오오오력으로써
극복할 생각을 하지 않고,
다운보팅을 권장하여,
스팀 투자자 및 스팀 사용자들의 감정을 학살하여
스팀에서 쫓아내는 스팀 최악의 적들을 다운보팅 해야한다고 본다.
스팀 개발자들, 스팀 재단, 스팀잇 회사 관계자들,
다운보팅 풀 도입에 찬성한 스팀 증인들
목록은 갱신해 나갈 것이고,
일단 상위 30위 증인들 중에서 hf21 down-vote 를 지원하고 있는 29 명의 목록을 준다.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
심심할 때, 무작위로 눌러서, 다운보팅의 맛을 보여주시라.
혹시 보복이 올 것이 두려운가?
자유와 언론의 자유는 그냥 얻어지지 않는다.
많은 피래미들이 벌떼처럼 다운보팅한다면,
고래 증인들도 대응 방법이 없을 것이고,
다운보팅 기능을 없애는 쪽으로 가게 될 것이다.
그래도 두려운가?
겁장이들은, 두려우면 빠지면 된다. ㅋㅋ
[ Related Writings : 관련 글 ]
Related Writings List below maybe cut due to size limitation <14k in comment.
More related writings can be seen at the original address above
아래 관련글 목록은 댓글 <14k 크기 제한으로 잘렸을 수 있습니다.
위 원문 주소에서 관련글 볼수 있습니다.
(Up To Here, Can be Copy and Pasted. < 14 k by Size )
Will be Arranged later.
여기까지 댓글에 복사하여 붙여넣기 가능함. < 14k 사이즈.
나중에 정리될 것임.
[Steem: deMerit] Down-vote is Evil Political Solution to Technical Shortcomings. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅은 기술 부족에 대한 사악한 정치적 해법.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:26 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem is Not Currency when DownVote Denies Currency's Characters such as Private Property Right and Liberty of Contract. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅으로 사유재산과 계약자유 부정하는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.16.Mon, 17:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is Shit, not Money. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 똥 이다, 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 06:42 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (2/n) - Bank Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 은행 사례.
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2019.09.23.Mon, 13:19 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] How to view Steem is, Not by whitepaper's forcing, but by each user's free perception. [스팀蟲: 단점] 스팀을 어떻게 볼 것인가는 백서의 강요가 아니라, 각자 자유 인식에 의해서이다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 08:01 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
(Steem Evil Censor prevent your reading this writing. Click account name @bewarecenterbase and go to blog/comment, then click writings there.)
(Revived and Will be Revived, Sometimes To DownVoters' Readers, Voted and Related Accounts, For Freedom of Speech, Right for Writings to Survive, Right to Show both Pros and Cons.
언론의 자유와 글의 생존권, 찬반 양론이 모두 보여질 수 있는 권리를 위하여, 다운보팅 학살에서 재생되었고, 재생될 것이다. 가끔, 학살자들의 독자나 보팅자들, 관련계정들에게 제공된다.)
[Steem : For Freedom] Code Of Conduct : DownVote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers. List Update v.5. 행동수칙 : 다운보팅 학살자를 다운보팅 하자.
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2019.11.19.Tue.09:50 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase,
For Freedom Of Speech,
_1. Let's Down-Vote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers.
The followings are known Content-Nazi
and Commie People's Court Bamboo Spear Red Guard Man-Slaughters
If you like, select anyone below and
DownVote Now and Anytime.
@oldstone =@slowwalker =@wisdomandjustice =@photoholic =@ilovemylife, (=@veronicalee ) : kr worst man-slaughterer.
@howo = @steempress : Content-Nazi by day, Commie Bamboo-Spear by night, All time Man-Slaughterer.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund : worst man-slaughterer, biggest enemy of Steem; but nowhere to downvote.
@steemcleaners, @ety001, @justyy, @oflyhigh, @cheetah, , : Evil profit assholes of @spaminator group : @adm, @pfunk ; Lots place to DownVote.
@threespeak group: DownVote every 3speak tag writings. (
@buildawhale group :
@preparedwombat, @steemflagrewards, @themarkymark, @blocktrades, @photovisions, @steemitworldmap, @magicmonk, @inertia, @planetauto, @scottcbusiness, @steembasicincome, @steeminator3000, @thelifeofjord, @dmitrydao, @dedicatedguy, @leo.syndication, @curie, @elsiekjay, @juancar347, @jongolson, @cheetah, @anthonyadavisii, @jpphotography, @cryptoandcoffee, @thegreens,, @minismallholding, @enjoyinglife, @andrianna,
@roundbeargames, @elenasteem, @thekitchenfairy, @steemcleaners, @h-hamilton, @world-travel-pro, @qurator, @freedompoint, @derangedvisions, @balticbadger, @jenina619, @slobberchops, @meesterboom, @jodipamungkas, @nickyhavey, @isaria, @scaredycatguide, @neoxian-city, @sjarvie5, @jlsplatts, @alcibiades, @steemauto, @truce, @uwelang, @edgarsart, @soyrosa, @jenina619, @enjar, @crimsonclad, @acidyo, @stickyfingerz, @jordangerder, @holoz0r, @coingecko, @joythewanderer, @snook, @c0ff33a, @abh12345, @elenasteem, @preparedwombat, @lightcaptured, @sjarvie5, @fredrikaa, @worldcapture, @elizacheng, @world-travel-pro, @bengy, @davedickeyyall, @steemer-sayu907, @porters, @culgin, @budapestguide, @barski, @eugelys, @ginnyannette, @kommienezuspadt, @carlgnash, @wildhomesteading, @midlet, @thelifeofjord, @slobberchops, @zpzn, @blewitt, @jenina619,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@ibc, @condeas, @linuxbot, @astrophoto.kevin, : German Content-Nazi,
@smooth = @smooth.witness,
@corn113, @steemitlsh, @westport, @himapan, @eversloth : kr Commie Bamboo-spear.
@steemflagrewards and supporters of this dent of man-slaughterers :
@lukestokes.mhth, @yabapmatt, @themarkymark, @cervantes, @pjau, @pfunk, @patrice, @guiltyparties
Most major downvote-manslaughterers are supported by and linked with most top witnesses and Steem Foundation or so-called Steemit Inc fund to Monopolize Steem coin inflations to themselves. This is why Steem is Not fair Money or Currency. Additional UnFair tools are well equipped to reinforce their monopoly, and will be shown in following writings.
(You can be deListed
if you comment that you promise and keep that you won't downvote
Except strictly illegal writings such as plagiarism, copyright infringement, human/drug/weapons trafficking, kid porno etc.
Self-Vote is Fair Reward for investment and deligence.
Farming is Not Stealing, but
DownVote is robbery, bully, bamboo-spearing, man-slaughterering. )
_2. Remove From Witness Support and Down-Vote
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@steempress, @smooth.witness,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
Top Witnesses who are for Down-Vote-Pool HardForks.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
_3. DownVote-Hide their comments,
which can make them self-voters and then downvoted by themselves among man-slaughterers.
_4. Write Much More, Even Copy and Paste, to Dry-Up DownVoting-ManSlaughterers' Power,
_5. Be Proud of Negative Reputation.
If your writing is automatically hidden, Show your writings to Man-Slaughterers' Readers or UpVoted Individually.
It's the Auto-Hidden Writers' Right, To show Writings individually.
Copy and Paste your Hidden Writings to Man-Sluaghterers' Every Posts, Comment, and Every Readers' or UpVoted's Writings, individually.
_6. Make Much More Accounts to Fight For Freedom.
_7. Automate Resistance Process.
Or At least Make it Easy, Just Spread Your Writings, Copy and Paste
until DownVote Function is Removed From Steem.
_8. Make Situations Complex, To Kill Man-Slaughtering Bots and Programmers.
Vary Self-Vote or Not, Voting %, Voting Time etc.
_9. Repeat Persistently As Above, if you love Steem
Or If you dislike battle field,
_10. Leave Steem and Never Look Back,
until you hear No-DownVote HardFork and Steem becomes peaceful place.
_11. ManSlaughterers are losing.
@spaminator DownVote Power is Drying Up.
You can join and help to achieve Freedom of Speech.
Copy-Paste this writing to the victims, readers or related, Repeatedly, Persistently.
(This Writing is Copy-Left by @BewareCenterBase.
You can Copy-And-Paste anywhere in Steem
For Freedom of Speech and To Remove DownVote Function From Steem.
and to Make Steem Peaceful Place. )
Korean Verion. Latest List is above. 한글판, 최신 목록은 위에 있음.
[steem蟲:HF21] 남아썩는 다운보팅 파워로, 무엇을 다운보팅 할 것인가? [steem:HF21] What to Down-Vote with HF21 Down-Vote Power ?
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2019.08.28.수.08:45, by @BewareCenterBase,
Steem Hard Fork 21 ( 이하 HF21)
다운보팅 파워가 도입되어,
기존 HF20 이전에서
업보팅 파워를 소모하여 다운보팅 할 수 있도록 한 것에서,
다운보팅을 업보팅과 별도의 파워를 사용하여 할 수 있도록 하였다.
관련 글들은
이 글의 아래 목록에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.
hf21 에서 도입된 다운보트 파워
잔량과 회복을
보팅 파워 와 마찬가지로
확인할수 있다.
자, 여기서 남는 문제.
남아서 섞어 나가는 다운보팅 파워를 어디에 쓸 것인가?
탈중앙 매체에서 불가피한 다운보팅의 원래 취지대로,
스팀 블록체인의 생존성을 위협하게될 수 있는,
저작권 위반 이나, 아동 포로노, 해킹, 스캠 피싱 등의 사기 유도 글
등을 다운보팅 하라
는 것일 것이다.
그런 글들이 보인다면, 다운보팅 하면 된다.
그러나, 그런 글들은 많지 않다.
그래도 남아서 썩어나가는 다운보팅 파워는
자뻑 정의감에서 남의 글을 다운보팅 학살하는
컨텐츠 나찌나 인민재판 공산 죽창
다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하면 된다고 본다.
이것은 다운보팅 전쟁을 촉발할 것이지만,
다운보팅 학살자들의 나쁜짓을 통제할 방법은
이 취지에 공감하는 사람들이
그 다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하는 것이
불가피한 선택으로 보인다.
다운보팅해야할 다운보팅 학살자들의 목록을 공표해 나갈 것이다.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund
Witness to drop and to Down-vote :
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
기술의 한계가 있으면 기술 개발과 노오오오력으로써
극복할 생각을 하지 않고,
다운보팅을 권장하여,
스팀 투자자 및 스팀 사용자들의 감정을 학살하여
스팀에서 쫓아내는 스팀 최악의 적들을 다운보팅 해야한다고 본다.
스팀 개발자들, 스팀 재단, 스팀잇 회사 관계자들,
다운보팅 풀 도입에 찬성한 스팀 증인들
목록은 갱신해 나갈 것이고,
일단 상위 30위 증인들 중에서 hf21 down-vote 를 지원하고 있는 29 명의 목록을 준다.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
심심할 때, 무작위로 눌러서, 다운보팅의 맛을 보여주시라.
혹시 보복이 올 것이 두려운가?
자유와 언론의 자유는 그냥 얻어지지 않는다.
많은 피래미들이 벌떼처럼 다운보팅한다면,
고래 증인들도 대응 방법이 없을 것이고,
다운보팅 기능을 없애는 쪽으로 가게 될 것이다.
그래도 두려운가?
겁장이들은, 두려우면 빠지면 된다. ㅋㅋ
[ Related Writings : 관련 글 ]
Related Writings List below maybe cut due to size limitation <14k in comment.
More related writings can be seen at the original address above
아래 관련글 목록은 댓글 <14k 크기 제한으로 잘렸을 수 있습니다.
위 원문 주소에서 관련글 볼수 있습니다.
(Up To Here, Can be Copy and Pasted. < 14 k by Size )
Will be Arranged later.
여기까지 댓글에 복사하여 붙여넣기 가능함. < 14k 사이즈.
나중에 정리될 것임.
[Steem: deMerit] Down-vote is Evil Political Solution to Technical Shortcomings. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅은 기술 부족에 대한 사악한 정치적 해법.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:26 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem is Not Currency when DownVote Denies Currency's Characters such as Private Property Right and Liberty of Contract. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅으로 사유재산과 계약자유 부정하는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.16.Mon, 17:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is Shit, not Money. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 똥 이다, 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 06:42 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (2/n) - Bank Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 은행 사례.
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2019.09.23.Mon, 13:19 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] How to view Steem is, Not by whitepaper's forcing, but by each user's free perception. [스팀蟲: 단점] 스팀을 어떻게 볼 것인가는 백서의 강요가 아니라, 각자 자유 인식에 의해서이다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 08:01 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
(Steem Evil Censor prevent your reading this writing. Click account name @bewarecenterbase and go to blog/comment, then click writings there.)
(Revived and Will be Revived, Sometimes To DownVoters' Readers, Voted and Related Accounts, For Freedom of Speech, Right for Writings to Survive, Right to Show both Pros and Cons.
언론의 자유와 글의 생존권, 찬반 양론이 모두 보여질 수 있는 권리를 위하여, 다운보팅 학살에서 재생되었고, 재생될 것이다. 가끔, 학살자들의 독자나 보팅자들, 관련계정들에게 제공된다.)
[Steem : For Freedom] Code Of Conduct : DownVote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers. List Update v.5. 행동수칙 : 다운보팅 학살자를 다운보팅 하자.
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2019.11.19.Tue.09:50 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase,
For Freedom Of Speech,
_1. Let's Down-Vote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers.
The followings are known Content-Nazi
and Commie People's Court Bamboo Spear Red Guard Man-Slaughters
If you like, select anyone below and
DownVote Now and Anytime.
@oldstone =@slowwalker =@wisdomandjustice =@photoholic =@ilovemylife, (=@veronicalee ) : kr worst man-slaughterer.
@howo = @steempress : Content-Nazi by day, Commie Bamboo-Spear by night, All time Man-Slaughterer.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund : worst man-slaughterer, biggest enemy of Steem; but nowhere to downvote.
@steemcleaners, @ety001, @justyy, @oflyhigh, @cheetah, , : Evil profit assholes of @spaminator group : @adm, @pfunk ; Lots place to DownVote.
@threespeak group: DownVote every 3speak tag writings. (
@buildawhale group :
@preparedwombat, @steemflagrewards, @themarkymark, @blocktrades, @photovisions, @steemitworldmap, @magicmonk, @inertia, @planetauto, @scottcbusiness, @steembasicincome, @steeminator3000, @thelifeofjord, @dmitrydao, @dedicatedguy, @leo.syndication, @curie, @elsiekjay, @juancar347, @jongolson, @cheetah, @anthonyadavisii, @jpphotography, @cryptoandcoffee, @thegreens,, @minismallholding, @enjoyinglife, @andrianna,
@roundbeargames, @elenasteem, @thekitchenfairy, @steemcleaners, @h-hamilton, @world-travel-pro, @qurator, @freedompoint, @derangedvisions, @balticbadger, @jenina619, @slobberchops, @meesterboom, @jodipamungkas, @nickyhavey, @isaria, @scaredycatguide, @neoxian-city, @sjarvie5, @jlsplatts, @alcibiades, @steemauto, @truce, @uwelang, @edgarsart, @soyrosa, @jenina619, @enjar, @crimsonclad, @acidyo, @stickyfingerz, @jordangerder, @holoz0r, @coingecko, @joythewanderer, @snook, @c0ff33a, @abh12345, @elenasteem, @preparedwombat, @lightcaptured, @sjarvie5, @fredrikaa, @worldcapture, @elizacheng, @world-travel-pro, @bengy, @davedickeyyall, @steemer-sayu907, @porters, @culgin, @budapestguide, @barski, @eugelys, @ginnyannette, @kommienezuspadt, @carlgnash, @wildhomesteading, @midlet, @thelifeofjord, @slobberchops, @zpzn, @blewitt, @jenina619,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@ibc, @condeas, @linuxbot, @astrophoto.kevin, : German Content-Nazi,
@smooth = @smooth.witness,
@corn113, @steemitlsh, @westport, @himapan, @eversloth : kr Commie Bamboo-spear.
@steemflagrewards and supporters of this dent of man-slaughterers :
@lukestokes.mhth, @yabapmatt, @themarkymark, @cervantes, @pjau, @pfunk, @patrice, @guiltyparties
Most major downvote-manslaughterers are supported by and linked with most top witnesses and Steem Foundation or so-called Steemit Inc fund to Monopolize Steem coin inflations to themselves. This is why Steem is Not fair Money or Currency. Additional UnFair tools are well equipped to reinforce their monopoly, and will be shown in following writings.
(You can be deListed
if you comment that you promise and keep that you won't downvote
Except strictly illegal writings such as plagiarism, copyright infringement, human/drug/weapons trafficking, kid porno etc.
Self-Vote is Fair Reward for investment and deligence.
Farming is Not Stealing, but
DownVote is robbery, bully, bamboo-spearing, man-slaughterering. )
_2. Remove From Witness Support and Down-Vote
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@steempress, @smooth.witness,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
Top Witnesses who are for Down-Vote-Pool HardForks.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
_3. DownVote-Hide their comments,
which can make them self-voters and then downvoted by themselves among man-slaughterers.
_4. Write Much More, Even Copy and Paste, to Dry-Up DownVoting-ManSlaughterers' Power,
_5. Be Proud of Negative Reputation.
If your writing is automatically hidden, Show your writings to Man-Slaughterers' Readers or UpVoted Individually.
It's the Auto-Hidden Writers' Right, To show Writings individually.
Copy and Paste your Hidden Writings to Man-Sluaghterers' Every Posts, Comment, and Every Readers' or UpVoted's Writings, individually.
_6. Make Much More Accounts to Fight For Freedom.
_7. Automate Resistance Process.
Or At least Make it Easy, Just Spread Your Writings, Copy and Paste
until DownVote Function is Removed From Steem.
_8. Make Situations Complex, To Kill Man-Slaughtering Bots and Programmers.
Vary Self-Vote or Not, Voting %, Voting Time etc.
_9. Repeat Persistently As Above, if you love Steem
Or If you dislike battle field,
_10. Leave Steem and Never Look Back,
until you hear No-DownVote HardFork and Steem becomes peaceful place.
_11. ManSlaughterers are losing.
@spaminator DownVote Power is Drying Up.
You can join and help to achieve Freedom of Speech.
Copy-Paste this writing to the victims, readers or related, Repeatedly, Persistently.
(This Writing is Copy-Left by @BewareCenterBase.
You can Copy-And-Paste anywhere in Steem
For Freedom of Speech and To Remove DownVote Function From Steem.
and to Make Steem Peaceful Place. )
Korean Verion. Latest List is above. 한글판, 최신 목록은 위에 있음.
[steem蟲:HF21] 남아썩는 다운보팅 파워로, 무엇을 다운보팅 할 것인가? [steem:HF21] What to Down-Vote with HF21 Down-Vote Power ?
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2019.08.28.수.08:45, by @BewareCenterBase,
Steem Hard Fork 21 ( 이하 HF21)
다운보팅 파워가 도입되어,
기존 HF20 이전에서
업보팅 파워를 소모하여 다운보팅 할 수 있도록 한 것에서,
다운보팅을 업보팅과 별도의 파워를 사용하여 할 수 있도록 하였다.
관련 글들은
이 글의 아래 목록에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.
hf21 에서 도입된 다운보트 파워
잔량과 회복을
보팅 파워 와 마찬가지로
확인할수 있다.
자, 여기서 남는 문제.
남아서 섞어 나가는 다운보팅 파워를 어디에 쓸 것인가?
탈중앙 매체에서 불가피한 다운보팅의 원래 취지대로,
스팀 블록체인의 생존성을 위협하게될 수 있는,
저작권 위반 이나, 아동 포로노, 해킹, 스캠 피싱 등의 사기 유도 글
등을 다운보팅 하라
는 것일 것이다.
그런 글들이 보인다면, 다운보팅 하면 된다.
그러나, 그런 글들은 많지 않다.
그래도 남아서 썩어나가는 다운보팅 파워는
자뻑 정의감에서 남의 글을 다운보팅 학살하는
컨텐츠 나찌나 인민재판 공산 죽창
다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하면 된다고 본다.
이것은 다운보팅 전쟁을 촉발할 것이지만,
다운보팅 학살자들의 나쁜짓을 통제할 방법은
이 취지에 공감하는 사람들이
그 다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하는 것이
불가피한 선택으로 보인다.
다운보팅해야할 다운보팅 학살자들의 목록을 공표해 나갈 것이다.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund
Witness to drop and to Down-vote :
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
기술의 한계가 있으면 기술 개발과 노오오오력으로써
극복할 생각을 하지 않고,
다운보팅을 권장하여,
스팀 투자자 및 스팀 사용자들의 감정을 학살하여
스팀에서 쫓아내는 스팀 최악의 적들을 다운보팅 해야한다고 본다.
스팀 개발자들, 스팀 재단, 스팀잇 회사 관계자들,
다운보팅 풀 도입에 찬성한 스팀 증인들
목록은 갱신해 나갈 것이고,
일단 상위 30위 증인들 중에서 hf21 down-vote 를 지원하고 있는 29 명의 목록을 준다.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
심심할 때, 무작위로 눌러서, 다운보팅의 맛을 보여주시라.
혹시 보복이 올 것이 두려운가?
자유와 언론의 자유는 그냥 얻어지지 않는다.
많은 피래미들이 벌떼처럼 다운보팅한다면,
고래 증인들도 대응 방법이 없을 것이고,
다운보팅 기능을 없애는 쪽으로 가게 될 것이다.
그래도 두려운가?
겁장이들은, 두려우면 빠지면 된다. ㅋㅋ
[ Related Writings : 관련 글 ]
Related Writings List below maybe cut due to size limitation <14k in comment.
More related writings can be seen at the original address above
아래 관련글 목록은 댓글 <14k 크기 제한으로 잘렸을 수 있습니다.
위 원문 주소에서 관련글 볼수 있습니다.
(Up To Here, Can be Copy and Pasted. < 14 k by Size )
Will be Arranged later.
여기까지 댓글에 복사하여 붙여넣기 가능함. < 14k 사이즈.
나중에 정리될 것임.
[Steem: deMerit] Down-vote is Evil Political Solution to Technical Shortcomings. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅은 기술 부족에 대한 사악한 정치적 해법.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:26 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem is Not Currency when DownVote Denies Currency's Characters such as Private Property Right and Liberty of Contract. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅으로 사유재산과 계약자유 부정하는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.16.Mon, 17:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is Shit, not Money. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 똥 이다, 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 06:42 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (2/n) - Bank Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 은행 사례.
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2019.09.23.Mon, 13:19 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] How to view Steem is, Not by whitepaper's forcing, but by each user's free perception. [스팀蟲: 단점] 스팀을 어떻게 볼 것인가는 백서의 강요가 아니라, 각자 자유 인식에 의해서이다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 08:01 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
This is sensationalist, cheap & unbecoming of Steemit.
Your bias & Islamophobia are evident from the beginning & this Imam is merely brought in to confirm them.
I suggest that you approach more learned, balanced Muslim scholars, like Hamza Yusuf — if you’re really interested in learning more about the faith, instead of mocking it.
Scrolling through your other posts is sickening and I see that you’re too far gone to reason with and are primarily motivated by fear & loathing.
(Steem Evil Censor prevent your reading this writing. Click account name @bewarecenterbase and go to blog/comment, then click writings there.)
(Revived and Will be Revived, Sometimes To DownVoters' Readers, Voted and Related Accounts, For Freedom of Speech, Right for Writings to Survive, Right to Show both Pros and Cons.
언론의 자유와 글의 생존권, 찬반 양론이 모두 보여질 수 있는 권리를 위하여, 다운보팅 학살에서 재생되었고, 재생될 것이다. 가끔, 학살자들의 독자나 보팅자들, 관련계정들에게 제공된다.)
[Steem : For Freedom] Code Of Conduct : DownVote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers. List Update v.5. 행동수칙 : 다운보팅 학살자를 다운보팅 하자.
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2019.11.19.Tue.09:50 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase,
For Freedom Of Speech,
_1. Let's Down-Vote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers.
The followings are known Content-Nazi
and Commie People's Court Bamboo Spear Red Guard Man-Slaughters
If you like, select anyone below and
DownVote Now and Anytime.
@oldstone =@slowwalker =@wisdomandjustice =@photoholic =@ilovemylife, (=@veronicalee ) : kr worst man-slaughterer.
@howo = @steempress : Content-Nazi by day, Commie Bamboo-Spear by night, All time Man-Slaughterer.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund : worst man-slaughterer, biggest enemy of Steem; but nowhere to downvote.
@steemcleaners, @ety001, @justyy, @oflyhigh, @cheetah, , : Evil profit assholes of @spaminator group : @adm, @pfunk ; Lots place to DownVote.
@threespeak group: DownVote every 3speak tag writings. (
@buildawhale group :
@preparedwombat, @steemflagrewards, @themarkymark, @blocktrades, @photovisions, @steemitworldmap, @magicmonk, @inertia, @planetauto, @scottcbusiness, @steembasicincome, @steeminator3000, @thelifeofjord, @dmitrydao, @dedicatedguy, @leo.syndication, @curie, @elsiekjay, @juancar347, @jongolson, @cheetah, @anthonyadavisii, @jpphotography, @cryptoandcoffee, @thegreens,, @minismallholding, @enjoyinglife, @andrianna,
@roundbeargames, @elenasteem, @thekitchenfairy, @steemcleaners, @h-hamilton, @world-travel-pro, @qurator, @freedompoint, @derangedvisions, @balticbadger, @jenina619, @slobberchops, @meesterboom, @jodipamungkas, @nickyhavey, @isaria, @scaredycatguide, @neoxian-city, @sjarvie5, @jlsplatts, @alcibiades, @steemauto, @truce, @uwelang, @edgarsart, @soyrosa, @jenina619, @enjar, @crimsonclad, @acidyo, @stickyfingerz, @jordangerder, @holoz0r, @coingecko, @joythewanderer, @snook, @c0ff33a, @abh12345, @elenasteem, @preparedwombat, @lightcaptured, @sjarvie5, @fredrikaa, @worldcapture, @elizacheng, @world-travel-pro, @bengy, @davedickeyyall, @steemer-sayu907, @porters, @culgin, @budapestguide, @barski, @eugelys, @ginnyannette, @kommienezuspadt, @carlgnash, @wildhomesteading, @midlet, @thelifeofjord, @slobberchops, @zpzn, @blewitt, @jenina619,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@ibc, @condeas, @linuxbot, @astrophoto.kevin, : German Content-Nazi,
@smooth = @smooth.witness,
@corn113, @steemitlsh, @westport, @himapan, @eversloth : kr Commie Bamboo-spear.
@steemflagrewards and supporters of this dent of man-slaughterers :
@lukestokes.mhth, @yabapmatt, @themarkymark, @cervantes, @pjau, @pfunk, @patrice, @guiltyparties
Most major downvote-manslaughterers are supported by and linked with most top witnesses and Steem Foundation or so-called Steemit Inc fund to Monopolize Steem coin inflations to themselves. This is why Steem is Not fair Money or Currency. Additional UnFair tools are well equipped to reinforce their monopoly, and will be shown in following writings.
(You can be deListed
if you comment that you promise and keep that you won't downvote
Except strictly illegal writings such as plagiarism, copyright infringement, human/drug/weapons trafficking, kid porno etc.
Self-Vote is Fair Reward for investment and deligence.
Farming is Not Stealing, but
DownVote is robbery, bully, bamboo-spearing, man-slaughterering. )
_2. Remove From Witness Support and Down-Vote
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@steempress, @smooth.witness,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
Top Witnesses who are for Down-Vote-Pool HardForks.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
_3. DownVote-Hide their comments,
which can make them self-voters and then downvoted by themselves among man-slaughterers.
_4. Write Much More, Even Copy and Paste, to Dry-Up DownVoting-ManSlaughterers' Power,
_5. Be Proud of Negative Reputation.
If your writing is automatically hidden, Show your writings to Man-Slaughterers' Readers or UpVoted Individually.
It's the Auto-Hidden Writers' Right, To show Writings individually.
Copy and Paste your Hidden Writings to Man-Sluaghterers' Every Posts, Comment, and Every Readers' or UpVoted's Writings, individually.
_6. Make Much More Accounts to Fight For Freedom.
_7. Automate Resistance Process.
Or At least Make it Easy, Just Spread Your Writings, Copy and Paste
until DownVote Function is Removed From Steem.
_8. Make Situations Complex, To Kill Man-Slaughtering Bots and Programmers.
Vary Self-Vote or Not, Voting %, Voting Time etc.
_9. Repeat Persistently As Above, if you love Steem
Or If you dislike battle field,
_10. Leave Steem and Never Look Back,
until you hear No-DownVote HardFork and Steem becomes peaceful place.
_11. ManSlaughterers are losing.
@spaminator DownVote Power is Drying Up.
You can join and help to achieve Freedom of Speech.
Copy-Paste this writing to the victims, readers or related, Repeatedly, Persistently.
(This Writing is Copy-Left by @BewareCenterBase.
You can Copy-And-Paste anywhere in Steem
For Freedom of Speech and To Remove DownVote Function From Steem.
and to Make Steem Peaceful Place. )
Korean Verion. Latest List is above. 한글판, 최신 목록은 위에 있음.
[steem蟲:HF21] 남아썩는 다운보팅 파워로, 무엇을 다운보팅 할 것인가? [steem:HF21] What to Down-Vote with HF21 Down-Vote Power ?
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2019.08.28.수.08:45, by @BewareCenterBase,
Steem Hard Fork 21 ( 이하 HF21)
다운보팅 파워가 도입되어,
기존 HF20 이전에서
업보팅 파워를 소모하여 다운보팅 할 수 있도록 한 것에서,
다운보팅을 업보팅과 별도의 파워를 사용하여 할 수 있도록 하였다.
관련 글들은
이 글의 아래 목록에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.
hf21 에서 도입된 다운보트 파워
잔량과 회복을
보팅 파워 와 마찬가지로
확인할수 있다.
자, 여기서 남는 문제.
남아서 섞어 나가는 다운보팅 파워를 어디에 쓸 것인가?
탈중앙 매체에서 불가피한 다운보팅의 원래 취지대로,
스팀 블록체인의 생존성을 위협하게될 수 있는,
저작권 위반 이나, 아동 포로노, 해킹, 스캠 피싱 등의 사기 유도 글
등을 다운보팅 하라
는 것일 것이다.
그런 글들이 보인다면, 다운보팅 하면 된다.
그러나, 그런 글들은 많지 않다.
그래도 남아서 썩어나가는 다운보팅 파워는
자뻑 정의감에서 남의 글을 다운보팅 학살하는
컨텐츠 나찌나 인민재판 공산 죽창
다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하면 된다고 본다.
이것은 다운보팅 전쟁을 촉발할 것이지만,
다운보팅 학살자들의 나쁜짓을 통제할 방법은
이 취지에 공감하는 사람들이
그 다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하는 것이
불가피한 선택으로 보인다.
다운보팅해야할 다운보팅 학살자들의 목록을 공표해 나갈 것이다.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund
Witness to drop and to Down-vote :
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
기술의 한계가 있으면 기술 개발과 노오오오력으로써
극복할 생각을 하지 않고,
다운보팅을 권장하여,
스팀 투자자 및 스팀 사용자들의 감정을 학살하여
스팀에서 쫓아내는 스팀 최악의 적들을 다운보팅 해야한다고 본다.
스팀 개발자들, 스팀 재단, 스팀잇 회사 관계자들,
다운보팅 풀 도입에 찬성한 스팀 증인들
목록은 갱신해 나갈 것이고,
일단 상위 30위 증인들 중에서 hf21 down-vote 를 지원하고 있는 29 명의 목록을 준다.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
심심할 때, 무작위로 눌러서, 다운보팅의 맛을 보여주시라.
혹시 보복이 올 것이 두려운가?
자유와 언론의 자유는 그냥 얻어지지 않는다.
많은 피래미들이 벌떼처럼 다운보팅한다면,
고래 증인들도 대응 방법이 없을 것이고,
다운보팅 기능을 없애는 쪽으로 가게 될 것이다.
그래도 두려운가?
겁장이들은, 두려우면 빠지면 된다. ㅋㅋ
[ Related Writings : 관련 글 ]
Related Writings List below maybe cut due to size limitation <14k in comment.
More related writings can be seen at the original address above
아래 관련글 목록은 댓글 <14k 크기 제한으로 잘렸을 수 있습니다.
위 원문 주소에서 관련글 볼수 있습니다.
(Up To Here, Can be Copy and Pasted. < 14 k by Size )
Will be Arranged later.
여기까지 댓글에 복사하여 붙여넣기 가능함. < 14k 사이즈.
나중에 정리될 것임.
[Steem: deMerit] Down-vote is Evil Political Solution to Technical Shortcomings. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅은 기술 부족에 대한 사악한 정치적 해법.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:26 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem is Not Currency when DownVote Denies Currency's Characters such as Private Property Right and Liberty of Contract. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅으로 사유재산과 계약자유 부정하는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.16.Mon, 17:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is Shit, not Money. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 똥 이다, 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 06:42 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (2/n) - Bank Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 은행 사례.
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2019.09.23.Mon, 13:19 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] How to view Steem is, Not by whitepaper's forcing, but by each user's free perception. [스팀蟲: 단점] 스팀을 어떻게 볼 것인가는 백서의 강요가 아니라, 각자 자유 인식에 의해서이다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 08:01 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
(Steem Evil Censor prevent your reading this writing. Click account name @bewarecenterbase and go to blog/comment, then click writings there.)
(Revived and Will be Revived, Sometimes To DownVoters' Readers, Voted and Related Accounts, For Freedom of Speech, Right for Writings to Survive, Right to Show both Pros and Cons.
언론의 자유와 글의 생존권, 찬반 양론이 모두 보여질 수 있는 권리를 위하여, 다운보팅 학살에서 재생되었고, 재생될 것이다. 가끔, 학살자들의 독자나 보팅자들, 관련계정들에게 제공된다.)
[Steem : For Freedom] Code Of Conduct : DownVote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers. List Update v.5. 행동수칙 : 다운보팅 학살자를 다운보팅 하자.
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2019.11.19.Tue.09:50 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase,
For Freedom Of Speech,
_1. Let's Down-Vote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers.
The followings are known Content-Nazi
and Commie People's Court Bamboo Spear Red Guard Man-Slaughters
If you like, select anyone below and
DownVote Now and Anytime.
@oldstone =@slowwalker =@wisdomandjustice =@photoholic =@ilovemylife, (=@veronicalee ) : kr worst man-slaughterer.
@howo = @steempress : Content-Nazi by day, Commie Bamboo-Spear by night, All time Man-Slaughterer.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund : worst man-slaughterer, biggest enemy of Steem; but nowhere to downvote.
@steemcleaners, @ety001, @justyy, @oflyhigh, @cheetah, , : Evil profit assholes of @spaminator group : @adm, @pfunk ; Lots place to DownVote.
@threespeak group: DownVote every 3speak tag writings. (
@buildawhale group :
@preparedwombat, @steemflagrewards, @themarkymark, @blocktrades, @photovisions, @steemitworldmap, @magicmonk, @inertia, @planetauto, @scottcbusiness, @steembasicincome, @steeminator3000, @thelifeofjord, @dmitrydao, @dedicatedguy, @leo.syndication, @curie, @elsiekjay, @juancar347, @jongolson, @cheetah, @anthonyadavisii, @jpphotography, @cryptoandcoffee, @thegreens,, @minismallholding, @enjoyinglife, @andrianna,
@roundbeargames, @elenasteem, @thekitchenfairy, @steemcleaners, @h-hamilton, @world-travel-pro, @qurator, @freedompoint, @derangedvisions, @balticbadger, @jenina619, @slobberchops, @meesterboom, @jodipamungkas, @nickyhavey, @isaria, @scaredycatguide, @neoxian-city, @sjarvie5, @jlsplatts, @alcibiades, @steemauto, @truce, @uwelang, @edgarsart, @soyrosa, @jenina619, @enjar, @crimsonclad, @acidyo, @stickyfingerz, @jordangerder, @holoz0r, @coingecko, @joythewanderer, @snook, @c0ff33a, @abh12345, @elenasteem, @preparedwombat, @lightcaptured, @sjarvie5, @fredrikaa, @worldcapture, @elizacheng, @world-travel-pro, @bengy, @davedickeyyall, @steemer-sayu907, @porters, @culgin, @budapestguide, @barski, @eugelys, @ginnyannette, @kommienezuspadt, @carlgnash, @wildhomesteading, @midlet, @thelifeofjord, @slobberchops, @zpzn, @blewitt, @jenina619,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@ibc, @condeas, @linuxbot, @astrophoto.kevin, : German Content-Nazi,
@smooth = @smooth.witness,
@corn113, @steemitlsh, @westport, @himapan, @eversloth : kr Commie Bamboo-spear.
@steemflagrewards and supporters of this dent of man-slaughterers :
@lukestokes.mhth, @yabapmatt, @themarkymark, @cervantes, @pjau, @pfunk, @patrice, @guiltyparties
Most major downvote-manslaughterers are supported by and linked with most top witnesses and Steem Foundation or so-called Steemit Inc fund to Monopolize Steem coin inflations to themselves. This is why Steem is Not fair Money or Currency. Additional UnFair tools are well equipped to reinforce their monopoly, and will be shown in following writings.
(You can be deListed
if you comment that you promise and keep that you won't downvote
Except strictly illegal writings such as plagiarism, copyright infringement, human/drug/weapons trafficking, kid porno etc.
Self-Vote is Fair Reward for investment and deligence.
Farming is Not Stealing, but
DownVote is robbery, bully, bamboo-spearing, man-slaughterering. )
_2. Remove From Witness Support and Down-Vote
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@steempress, @smooth.witness,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
Top Witnesses who are for Down-Vote-Pool HardForks.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
_3. DownVote-Hide their comments,
which can make them self-voters and then downvoted by themselves among man-slaughterers.
_4. Write Much More, Even Copy and Paste, to Dry-Up DownVoting-ManSlaughterers' Power,
_5. Be Proud of Negative Reputation.
If your writing is automatically hidden, Show your writings to Man-Slaughterers' Readers or UpVoted Individually.
It's the Auto-Hidden Writers' Right, To show Writings individually.
Copy and Paste your Hidden Writings to Man-Sluaghterers' Every Posts, Comment, and Every Readers' or UpVoted's Writings, individually.
_6. Make Much More Accounts to Fight For Freedom.
_7. Automate Resistance Process.
Or At least Make it Easy, Just Spread Your Writings, Copy and Paste
until DownVote Function is Removed From Steem.
_8. Make Situations Complex, To Kill Man-Slaughtering Bots and Programmers.
Vary Self-Vote or Not, Voting %, Voting Time etc.
_9. Repeat Persistently As Above, if you love Steem
Or If you dislike battle field,
_10. Leave Steem and Never Look Back,
until you hear No-DownVote HardFork and Steem becomes peaceful place.
_11. ManSlaughterers are losing.
@spaminator DownVote Power is Drying Up.
You can join and help to achieve Freedom of Speech.
Copy-Paste this writing to the victims, readers or related, Repeatedly, Persistently.
(This Writing is Copy-Left by @BewareCenterBase.
You can Copy-And-Paste anywhere in Steem
For Freedom of Speech and To Remove DownVote Function From Steem.
and to Make Steem Peaceful Place. )
Korean Verion. Latest List is above. 한글판, 최신 목록은 위에 있음.
[steem蟲:HF21] 남아썩는 다운보팅 파워로, 무엇을 다운보팅 할 것인가? [steem:HF21] What to Down-Vote with HF21 Down-Vote Power ?
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2019.08.28.수.08:45, by @BewareCenterBase,
Steem Hard Fork 21 ( 이하 HF21)
다운보팅 파워가 도입되어,
기존 HF20 이전에서
업보팅 파워를 소모하여 다운보팅 할 수 있도록 한 것에서,
다운보팅을 업보팅과 별도의 파워를 사용하여 할 수 있도록 하였다.
관련 글들은
이 글의 아래 목록에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.
hf21 에서 도입된 다운보트 파워
잔량과 회복을
보팅 파워 와 마찬가지로
확인할수 있다.
자, 여기서 남는 문제.
남아서 섞어 나가는 다운보팅 파워를 어디에 쓸 것인가?
탈중앙 매체에서 불가피한 다운보팅의 원래 취지대로,
스팀 블록체인의 생존성을 위협하게될 수 있는,
저작권 위반 이나, 아동 포로노, 해킹, 스캠 피싱 등의 사기 유도 글
등을 다운보팅 하라
는 것일 것이다.
그런 글들이 보인다면, 다운보팅 하면 된다.
그러나, 그런 글들은 많지 않다.
그래도 남아서 썩어나가는 다운보팅 파워는
자뻑 정의감에서 남의 글을 다운보팅 학살하는
컨텐츠 나찌나 인민재판 공산 죽창
다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하면 된다고 본다.
이것은 다운보팅 전쟁을 촉발할 것이지만,
다운보팅 학살자들의 나쁜짓을 통제할 방법은
이 취지에 공감하는 사람들이
그 다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하는 것이
불가피한 선택으로 보인다.
다운보팅해야할 다운보팅 학살자들의 목록을 공표해 나갈 것이다.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund
Witness to drop and to Down-vote :
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
기술의 한계가 있으면 기술 개발과 노오오오력으로써
극복할 생각을 하지 않고,
다운보팅을 권장하여,
스팀 투자자 및 스팀 사용자들의 감정을 학살하여
스팀에서 쫓아내는 스팀 최악의 적들을 다운보팅 해야한다고 본다.
스팀 개발자들, 스팀 재단, 스팀잇 회사 관계자들,
다운보팅 풀 도입에 찬성한 스팀 증인들
목록은 갱신해 나갈 것이고,
일단 상위 30위 증인들 중에서 hf21 down-vote 를 지원하고 있는 29 명의 목록을 준다.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
심심할 때, 무작위로 눌러서, 다운보팅의 맛을 보여주시라.
혹시 보복이 올 것이 두려운가?
자유와 언론의 자유는 그냥 얻어지지 않는다.
많은 피래미들이 벌떼처럼 다운보팅한다면,
고래 증인들도 대응 방법이 없을 것이고,
다운보팅 기능을 없애는 쪽으로 가게 될 것이다.
그래도 두려운가?
겁장이들은, 두려우면 빠지면 된다. ㅋㅋ
[ Related Writings : 관련 글 ]
Related Writings List below maybe cut due to size limitation <14k in comment.
More related writings can be seen at the original address above
아래 관련글 목록은 댓글 <14k 크기 제한으로 잘렸을 수 있습니다.
위 원문 주소에서 관련글 볼수 있습니다.
(Up To Here, Can be Copy and Pasted. < 14 k by Size )
Will be Arranged later.
여기까지 댓글에 복사하여 붙여넣기 가능함. < 14k 사이즈.
나중에 정리될 것임.
[Steem: deMerit] Down-vote is Evil Political Solution to Technical Shortcomings. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅은 기술 부족에 대한 사악한 정치적 해법.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:26 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem is Not Currency when DownVote Denies Currency's Characters such as Private Property Right and Liberty of Contract. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅으로 사유재산과 계약자유 부정하는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.16.Mon, 17:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is Shit, not Money. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 똥 이다, 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 06:42 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (2/n) - Bank Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 은행 사례.
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2019.09.23.Mon, 13:19 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] How to view Steem is, Not by whitepaper's forcing, but by each user's free perception. [스팀蟲: 단점] 스팀을 어떻게 볼 것인가는 백서의 강요가 아니라, 각자 자유 인식에 의해서이다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 08:01 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
Can you please copy and paste directly here specific instances of hatred directed at Muslims as a whole?
Islam, as an ideology and especially one that continues to exert increasing political influence on the lives of non-Muslims in the west, is obviously absolutely open for scrutiny and criticsm.
It pervades all he says and does, on Steemit and off, Brian:
But, as a 'resettler' I'm not sure that you can see this, since he also identifies as a Zionist (to spite Arabs and Muslims). By the way, my 100 year old grandmother, a Palestinian, was kicked out of her home and country so that settlers could leave their comfortable homes, elsewhere, and take hers.
tommy FTW
(Steem Evil Censor prevent your reading this writing. Click account name @bewarecenterbase and go to blog/comment, then click writings there.)
(Revived and Will be Revived, Sometimes To DownVoters' Readers, Voted and Related Accounts, For Freedom of Speech, Right for Writings to Survive, Right to Show both Pros and Cons.
언론의 자유와 글의 생존권, 찬반 양론이 모두 보여질 수 있는 권리를 위하여, 다운보팅 학살에서 재생되었고, 재생될 것이다. 가끔, 학살자들의 독자나 보팅자들, 관련계정들에게 제공된다.)
[Steem : For Freedom] Code Of Conduct : DownVote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers. List Update v.5. 행동수칙 : 다운보팅 학살자를 다운보팅 하자.
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2019.11.19.Tue.09:50 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase,
For Freedom Of Speech,
_1. Let's Down-Vote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers.
The followings are known Content-Nazi
and Commie People's Court Bamboo Spear Red Guard Man-Slaughters
If you like, select anyone below and
DownVote Now and Anytime.
@oldstone =@slowwalker =@wisdomandjustice =@photoholic =@ilovemylife, (=@veronicalee ) : kr worst man-slaughterer.
@howo = @steempress : Content-Nazi by day, Commie Bamboo-Spear by night, All time Man-Slaughterer.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund : worst man-slaughterer, biggest enemy of Steem; but nowhere to downvote.
@steemcleaners, @ety001, @justyy, @oflyhigh, @cheetah, , : Evil profit assholes of @spaminator group : @adm, @pfunk ; Lots place to DownVote.
@threespeak group: DownVote every 3speak tag writings. (
@buildawhale group :
@preparedwombat, @steemflagrewards, @themarkymark, @blocktrades, @photovisions, @steemitworldmap, @magicmonk, @inertia, @planetauto, @scottcbusiness, @steembasicincome, @steeminator3000, @thelifeofjord, @dmitrydao, @dedicatedguy, @leo.syndication, @curie, @elsiekjay, @juancar347, @jongolson, @cheetah, @anthonyadavisii, @jpphotography, @cryptoandcoffee, @thegreens,, @minismallholding, @enjoyinglife, @andrianna,
@roundbeargames, @elenasteem, @thekitchenfairy, @steemcleaners, @h-hamilton, @world-travel-pro, @qurator, @freedompoint, @derangedvisions, @balticbadger, @jenina619, @slobberchops, @meesterboom, @jodipamungkas, @nickyhavey, @isaria, @scaredycatguide, @neoxian-city, @sjarvie5, @jlsplatts, @alcibiades, @steemauto, @truce, @uwelang, @edgarsart, @soyrosa, @jenina619, @enjar, @crimsonclad, @acidyo, @stickyfingerz, @jordangerder, @holoz0r, @coingecko, @joythewanderer, @snook, @c0ff33a, @abh12345, @elenasteem, @preparedwombat, @lightcaptured, @sjarvie5, @fredrikaa, @worldcapture, @elizacheng, @world-travel-pro, @bengy, @davedickeyyall, @steemer-sayu907, @porters, @culgin, @budapestguide, @barski, @eugelys, @ginnyannette, @kommienezuspadt, @carlgnash, @wildhomesteading, @midlet, @thelifeofjord, @slobberchops, @zpzn, @blewitt, @jenina619,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@ibc, @condeas, @linuxbot, @astrophoto.kevin, : German Content-Nazi,
@smooth = @smooth.witness,
@corn113, @steemitlsh, @westport, @himapan, @eversloth : kr Commie Bamboo-spear.
@steemflagrewards and supporters of this dent of man-slaughterers :
@lukestokes.mhth, @yabapmatt, @themarkymark, @cervantes, @pjau, @pfunk, @patrice, @guiltyparties
Most major downvote-manslaughterers are supported by and linked with most top witnesses and Steem Foundation or so-called Steemit Inc fund to Monopolize Steem coin inflations to themselves. This is why Steem is Not fair Money or Currency. Additional UnFair tools are well equipped to reinforce their monopoly, and will be shown in following writings.
(You can be deListed
if you comment that you promise and keep that you won't downvote
Except strictly illegal writings such as plagiarism, copyright infringement, human/drug/weapons trafficking, kid porno etc.
Self-Vote is Fair Reward for investment and deligence.
Farming is Not Stealing, but
DownVote is robbery, bully, bamboo-spearing, man-slaughterering. )
_2. Remove From Witness Support and Down-Vote
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@steempress, @smooth.witness,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
Top Witnesses who are for Down-Vote-Pool HardForks.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
_3. DownVote-Hide their comments,
which can make them self-voters and then downvoted by themselves among man-slaughterers.
_4. Write Much More, Even Copy and Paste, to Dry-Up DownVoting-ManSlaughterers' Power,
_5. Be Proud of Negative Reputation.
If your writing is automatically hidden, Show your writings to Man-Slaughterers' Readers or UpVoted Individually.
It's the Auto-Hidden Writers' Right, To show Writings individually.
Copy and Paste your Hidden Writings to Man-Sluaghterers' Every Posts, Comment, and Every Readers' or UpVoted's Writings, individually.
_6. Make Much More Accounts to Fight For Freedom.
_7. Automate Resistance Process.
Or At least Make it Easy, Just Spread Your Writings, Copy and Paste
until DownVote Function is Removed From Steem.
_8. Make Situations Complex, To Kill Man-Slaughtering Bots and Programmers.
Vary Self-Vote or Not, Voting %, Voting Time etc.
_9. Repeat Persistently As Above, if you love Steem
Or If you dislike battle field,
_10. Leave Steem and Never Look Back,
until you hear No-DownVote HardFork and Steem becomes peaceful place.
_11. ManSlaughterers are losing.
@spaminator DownVote Power is Drying Up.
You can join and help to achieve Freedom of Speech.
Copy-Paste this writing to the victims, readers or related, Repeatedly, Persistently.
(This Writing is Copy-Left by @BewareCenterBase.
You can Copy-And-Paste anywhere in Steem
For Freedom of Speech and To Remove DownVote Function From Steem.
and to Make Steem Peaceful Place. )
Korean Verion. Latest List is above. 한글판, 최신 목록은 위에 있음.
[steem蟲:HF21] 남아썩는 다운보팅 파워로, 무엇을 다운보팅 할 것인가? [steem:HF21] What to Down-Vote with HF21 Down-Vote Power ?
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2019.08.28.수.08:45, by @BewareCenterBase,
Steem Hard Fork 21 ( 이하 HF21)
다운보팅 파워가 도입되어,
기존 HF20 이전에서
업보팅 파워를 소모하여 다운보팅 할 수 있도록 한 것에서,
다운보팅을 업보팅과 별도의 파워를 사용하여 할 수 있도록 하였다.
관련 글들은
이 글의 아래 목록에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.
hf21 에서 도입된 다운보트 파워
잔량과 회복을
보팅 파워 와 마찬가지로
확인할수 있다.
자, 여기서 남는 문제.
남아서 섞어 나가는 다운보팅 파워를 어디에 쓸 것인가?
탈중앙 매체에서 불가피한 다운보팅의 원래 취지대로,
스팀 블록체인의 생존성을 위협하게될 수 있는,
저작권 위반 이나, 아동 포로노, 해킹, 스캠 피싱 등의 사기 유도 글
등을 다운보팅 하라
는 것일 것이다.
그런 글들이 보인다면, 다운보팅 하면 된다.
그러나, 그런 글들은 많지 않다.
그래도 남아서 썩어나가는 다운보팅 파워는
자뻑 정의감에서 남의 글을 다운보팅 학살하는
컨텐츠 나찌나 인민재판 공산 죽창
다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하면 된다고 본다.
이것은 다운보팅 전쟁을 촉발할 것이지만,
다운보팅 학살자들의 나쁜짓을 통제할 방법은
이 취지에 공감하는 사람들이
그 다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하는 것이
불가피한 선택으로 보인다.
다운보팅해야할 다운보팅 학살자들의 목록을 공표해 나갈 것이다.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund
Witness to drop and to Down-vote :
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
기술의 한계가 있으면 기술 개발과 노오오오력으로써
극복할 생각을 하지 않고,
다운보팅을 권장하여,
스팀 투자자 및 스팀 사용자들의 감정을 학살하여
스팀에서 쫓아내는 스팀 최악의 적들을 다운보팅 해야한다고 본다.
스팀 개발자들, 스팀 재단, 스팀잇 회사 관계자들,
다운보팅 풀 도입에 찬성한 스팀 증인들
목록은 갱신해 나갈 것이고,
일단 상위 30위 증인들 중에서 hf21 down-vote 를 지원하고 있는 29 명의 목록을 준다.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
심심할 때, 무작위로 눌러서, 다운보팅의 맛을 보여주시라.
혹시 보복이 올 것이 두려운가?
자유와 언론의 자유는 그냥 얻어지지 않는다.
많은 피래미들이 벌떼처럼 다운보팅한다면,
고래 증인들도 대응 방법이 없을 것이고,
다운보팅 기능을 없애는 쪽으로 가게 될 것이다.
그래도 두려운가?
겁장이들은, 두려우면 빠지면 된다. ㅋㅋ
[ Related Writings : 관련 글 ]
Related Writings List below maybe cut due to size limitation <14k in comment.
More related writings can be seen at the original address above
아래 관련글 목록은 댓글 <14k 크기 제한으로 잘렸을 수 있습니다.
위 원문 주소에서 관련글 볼수 있습니다.
(Up To Here, Can be Copy and Pasted. < 14 k by Size )
Will be Arranged later.
여기까지 댓글에 복사하여 붙여넣기 가능함. < 14k 사이즈.
나중에 정리될 것임.
[Steem: deMerit] Down-vote is Evil Political Solution to Technical Shortcomings. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅은 기술 부족에 대한 사악한 정치적 해법.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:26 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem is Not Currency when DownVote Denies Currency's Characters such as Private Property Right and Liberty of Contract. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅으로 사유재산과 계약자유 부정하는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.16.Mon, 17:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is Shit, not Money. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 똥 이다, 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 06:42 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (2/n) - Bank Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 은행 사례.
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2019.09.23.Mon, 13:19 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] How to view Steem is, Not by whitepaper's forcing, but by each user's free perception. [스팀蟲: 단점] 스팀을 어떻게 볼 것인가는 백서의 강요가 아니라, 각자 자유 인식에 의해서이다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 08:01 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
(Steem Evil Censor prevent your reading this writing. Click account name @bewarecenterbase and go to blog/comment, then click writings there.)
(Revived and Will be Revived, Sometimes To DownVoters' Readers, Voted and Related Accounts, For Freedom of Speech, Right for Writings to Survive, Right to Show both Pros and Cons.
언론의 자유와 글의 생존권, 찬반 양론이 모두 보여질 수 있는 권리를 위하여, 다운보팅 학살에서 재생되었고, 재생될 것이다. 가끔, 학살자들의 독자나 보팅자들, 관련계정들에게 제공된다.)
[Steem : For Freedom] Code Of Conduct : DownVote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers. List Update v.5. 행동수칙 : 다운보팅 학살자를 다운보팅 하자.
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2019.11.19.Tue.09:50 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase,
For Freedom Of Speech,
_1. Let's Down-Vote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers.
The followings are known Content-Nazi
and Commie People's Court Bamboo Spear Red Guard Man-Slaughters
If you like, select anyone below and
DownVote Now and Anytime.
@oldstone =@slowwalker =@wisdomandjustice =@photoholic =@ilovemylife, (=@veronicalee ) : kr worst man-slaughterer.
@howo = @steempress : Content-Nazi by day, Commie Bamboo-Spear by night, All time Man-Slaughterer.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund : worst man-slaughterer, biggest enemy of Steem; but nowhere to downvote.
@steemcleaners, @ety001, @justyy, @oflyhigh, @cheetah, , : Evil profit assholes of @spaminator group : @adm, @pfunk ; Lots place to DownVote.
@threespeak group: DownVote every 3speak tag writings. (
@buildawhale group :
@preparedwombat, @steemflagrewards, @themarkymark, @blocktrades, @photovisions, @steemitworldmap, @magicmonk, @inertia, @planetauto, @scottcbusiness, @steembasicincome, @steeminator3000, @thelifeofjord, @dmitrydao, @dedicatedguy, @leo.syndication, @curie, @elsiekjay, @juancar347, @jongolson, @cheetah, @anthonyadavisii, @jpphotography, @cryptoandcoffee, @thegreens,, @minismallholding, @enjoyinglife, @andrianna,
@roundbeargames, @elenasteem, @thekitchenfairy, @steemcleaners, @h-hamilton, @world-travel-pro, @qurator, @freedompoint, @derangedvisions, @balticbadger, @jenina619, @slobberchops, @meesterboom, @jodipamungkas, @nickyhavey, @isaria, @scaredycatguide, @neoxian-city, @sjarvie5, @jlsplatts, @alcibiades, @steemauto, @truce, @uwelang, @edgarsart, @soyrosa, @jenina619, @enjar, @crimsonclad, @acidyo, @stickyfingerz, @jordangerder, @holoz0r, @coingecko, @joythewanderer, @snook, @c0ff33a, @abh12345, @elenasteem, @preparedwombat, @lightcaptured, @sjarvie5, @fredrikaa, @worldcapture, @elizacheng, @world-travel-pro, @bengy, @davedickeyyall, @steemer-sayu907, @porters, @culgin, @budapestguide, @barski, @eugelys, @ginnyannette, @kommienezuspadt, @carlgnash, @wildhomesteading, @midlet, @thelifeofjord, @slobberchops, @zpzn, @blewitt, @jenina619,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@ibc, @condeas, @linuxbot, @astrophoto.kevin, : German Content-Nazi,
@smooth = @smooth.witness,
@corn113, @steemitlsh, @westport, @himapan, @eversloth : kr Commie Bamboo-spear.
@steemflagrewards and supporters of this dent of man-slaughterers :
@lukestokes.mhth, @yabapmatt, @themarkymark, @cervantes, @pjau, @pfunk, @patrice, @guiltyparties
Most major downvote-manslaughterers are supported by and linked with most top witnesses and Steem Foundation or so-called Steemit Inc fund to Monopolize Steem coin inflations to themselves. This is why Steem is Not fair Money or Currency. Additional UnFair tools are well equipped to reinforce their monopoly, and will be shown in following writings.
(You can be deListed
if you comment that you promise and keep that you won't downvote
Except strictly illegal writings such as plagiarism, copyright infringement, human/drug/weapons trafficking, kid porno etc.
Self-Vote is Fair Reward for investment and deligence.
Farming is Not Stealing, but
DownVote is robbery, bully, bamboo-spearing, man-slaughterering. )
_2. Remove From Witness Support and Down-Vote
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@steempress, @smooth.witness,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
Top Witnesses who are for Down-Vote-Pool HardForks.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
_3. DownVote-Hide their comments,
which can make them self-voters and then downvoted by themselves among man-slaughterers.
_4. Write Much More, Even Copy and Paste, to Dry-Up DownVoting-ManSlaughterers' Power,
_5. Be Proud of Negative Reputation.
If your writing is automatically hidden, Show your writings to Man-Slaughterers' Readers or UpVoted Individually.
It's the Auto-Hidden Writers' Right, To show Writings individually.
Copy and Paste your Hidden Writings to Man-Sluaghterers' Every Posts, Comment, and Every Readers' or UpVoted's Writings, individually.
_6. Make Much More Accounts to Fight For Freedom.
_7. Automate Resistance Process.
Or At least Make it Easy, Just Spread Your Writings, Copy and Paste
until DownVote Function is Removed From Steem.
_8. Make Situations Complex, To Kill Man-Slaughtering Bots and Programmers.
Vary Self-Vote or Not, Voting %, Voting Time etc.
_9. Repeat Persistently As Above, if you love Steem
Or If you dislike battle field,
_10. Leave Steem and Never Look Back,
until you hear No-DownVote HardFork and Steem becomes peaceful place.
_11. ManSlaughterers are losing.
@spaminator DownVote Power is Drying Up.
You can join and help to achieve Freedom of Speech.
Copy-Paste this writing to the victims, readers or related, Repeatedly, Persistently.
(This Writing is Copy-Left by @BewareCenterBase.
You can Copy-And-Paste anywhere in Steem
For Freedom of Speech and To Remove DownVote Function From Steem.
and to Make Steem Peaceful Place. )
Korean Verion. Latest List is above. 한글판, 최신 목록은 위에 있음.
[steem蟲:HF21] 남아썩는 다운보팅 파워로, 무엇을 다운보팅 할 것인가? [steem:HF21] What to Down-Vote with HF21 Down-Vote Power ?
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2019.08.28.수.08:45, by @BewareCenterBase,
Steem Hard Fork 21 ( 이하 HF21)
다운보팅 파워가 도입되어,
기존 HF20 이전에서
업보팅 파워를 소모하여 다운보팅 할 수 있도록 한 것에서,
다운보팅을 업보팅과 별도의 파워를 사용하여 할 수 있도록 하였다.
관련 글들은
이 글의 아래 목록에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.
hf21 에서 도입된 다운보트 파워
잔량과 회복을
보팅 파워 와 마찬가지로
확인할수 있다.
자, 여기서 남는 문제.
남아서 섞어 나가는 다운보팅 파워를 어디에 쓸 것인가?
탈중앙 매체에서 불가피한 다운보팅의 원래 취지대로,
스팀 블록체인의 생존성을 위협하게될 수 있는,
저작권 위반 이나, 아동 포로노, 해킹, 스캠 피싱 등의 사기 유도 글
등을 다운보팅 하라
는 것일 것이다.
그런 글들이 보인다면, 다운보팅 하면 된다.
그러나, 그런 글들은 많지 않다.
그래도 남아서 썩어나가는 다운보팅 파워는
자뻑 정의감에서 남의 글을 다운보팅 학살하는
컨텐츠 나찌나 인민재판 공산 죽창
다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하면 된다고 본다.
이것은 다운보팅 전쟁을 촉발할 것이지만,
다운보팅 학살자들의 나쁜짓을 통제할 방법은
이 취지에 공감하는 사람들이
그 다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하는 것이
불가피한 선택으로 보인다.
다운보팅해야할 다운보팅 학살자들의 목록을 공표해 나갈 것이다.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund
Witness to drop and to Down-vote :
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
기술의 한계가 있으면 기술 개발과 노오오오력으로써
극복할 생각을 하지 않고,
다운보팅을 권장하여,
스팀 투자자 및 스팀 사용자들의 감정을 학살하여
스팀에서 쫓아내는 스팀 최악의 적들을 다운보팅 해야한다고 본다.
스팀 개발자들, 스팀 재단, 스팀잇 회사 관계자들,
다운보팅 풀 도입에 찬성한 스팀 증인들
목록은 갱신해 나갈 것이고,
일단 상위 30위 증인들 중에서 hf21 down-vote 를 지원하고 있는 29 명의 목록을 준다.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
심심할 때, 무작위로 눌러서, 다운보팅의 맛을 보여주시라.
혹시 보복이 올 것이 두려운가?
자유와 언론의 자유는 그냥 얻어지지 않는다.
많은 피래미들이 벌떼처럼 다운보팅한다면,
고래 증인들도 대응 방법이 없을 것이고,
다운보팅 기능을 없애는 쪽으로 가게 될 것이다.
그래도 두려운가?
겁장이들은, 두려우면 빠지면 된다. ㅋㅋ
[ Related Writings : 관련 글 ]
Related Writings List below maybe cut due to size limitation <14k in comment.
More related writings can be seen at the original address above
아래 관련글 목록은 댓글 <14k 크기 제한으로 잘렸을 수 있습니다.
위 원문 주소에서 관련글 볼수 있습니다.
(Up To Here, Can be Copy and Pasted. < 14 k by Size )
Will be Arranged later.
여기까지 댓글에 복사하여 붙여넣기 가능함. < 14k 사이즈.
나중에 정리될 것임.
[Steem: deMerit] Down-vote is Evil Political Solution to Technical Shortcomings. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅은 기술 부족에 대한 사악한 정치적 해법.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:26 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem is Not Currency when DownVote Denies Currency's Characters such as Private Property Right and Liberty of Contract. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅으로 사유재산과 계약자유 부정하는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.16.Mon, 17:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is Shit, not Money. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 똥 이다, 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 06:42 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (2/n) - Bank Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 은행 사례.
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2019.09.23.Mon, 13:19 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] How to view Steem is, Not by whitepaper's forcing, but by each user's free perception. [스팀蟲: 단점] 스팀을 어떻게 볼 것인가는 백서의 강요가 아니라, 각자 자유 인식에 의해서이다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 08:01 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
(Steem Evil Censor prevent your reading this writing. Click account name @bewarecenterbase and go to blog/comment, then click writings there.)
(Revived and Will be Revived, Sometimes To DownVoters' Readers, Voted and Related Accounts, For Freedom of Speech, Right for Writings to Survive, Right to Show both Pros and Cons.
언론의 자유와 글의 생존권, 찬반 양론이 모두 보여질 수 있는 권리를 위하여, 다운보팅 학살에서 재생되었고, 재생될 것이다. 가끔, 학살자들의 독자나 보팅자들, 관련계정들에게 제공된다.)
[Steem : For Freedom] Code Of Conduct : DownVote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers. List Update v.5. 행동수칙 : 다운보팅 학살자를 다운보팅 하자.
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2019.11.19.Tue.09:50 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase,
For Freedom Of Speech,
_1. Let's Down-Vote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers.
The followings are known Content-Nazi
and Commie People's Court Bamboo Spear Red Guard Man-Slaughters
If you like, select anyone below and
DownVote Now and Anytime.
@oldstone =@slowwalker =@wisdomandjustice =@photoholic =@ilovemylife, (=@veronicalee ) : kr worst man-slaughterer.
@howo = @steempress : Content-Nazi by day, Commie Bamboo-Spear by night, All time Man-Slaughterer.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund : worst man-slaughterer, biggest enemy of Steem; but nowhere to downvote.
@steemcleaners, @ety001, @justyy, @oflyhigh, @cheetah, , : Evil profit assholes of @spaminator group : @adm, @pfunk ; Lots place to DownVote.
@threespeak group: DownVote every 3speak tag writings. (
@buildawhale group :
@preparedwombat, @steemflagrewards, @themarkymark, @blocktrades, @photovisions, @steemitworldmap, @magicmonk, @inertia, @planetauto, @scottcbusiness, @steembasicincome, @steeminator3000, @thelifeofjord, @dmitrydao, @dedicatedguy, @leo.syndication, @curie, @elsiekjay, @juancar347, @jongolson, @cheetah, @anthonyadavisii, @jpphotography, @cryptoandcoffee, @thegreens,, @minismallholding, @enjoyinglife, @andrianna,
@roundbeargames, @elenasteem, @thekitchenfairy, @steemcleaners, @h-hamilton, @world-travel-pro, @qurator, @freedompoint, @derangedvisions, @balticbadger, @jenina619, @slobberchops, @meesterboom, @jodipamungkas, @nickyhavey, @isaria, @scaredycatguide, @neoxian-city, @sjarvie5, @jlsplatts, @alcibiades, @steemauto, @truce, @uwelang, @edgarsart, @soyrosa, @jenina619, @enjar, @crimsonclad, @acidyo, @stickyfingerz, @jordangerder, @holoz0r, @coingecko, @joythewanderer, @snook, @c0ff33a, @abh12345, @elenasteem, @preparedwombat, @lightcaptured, @sjarvie5, @fredrikaa, @worldcapture, @elizacheng, @world-travel-pro, @bengy, @davedickeyyall, @steemer-sayu907, @porters, @culgin, @budapestguide, @barski, @eugelys, @ginnyannette, @kommienezuspadt, @carlgnash, @wildhomesteading, @midlet, @thelifeofjord, @slobberchops, @zpzn, @blewitt, @jenina619,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@ibc, @condeas, @linuxbot, @astrophoto.kevin, : German Content-Nazi,
@smooth = @smooth.witness,
@corn113, @steemitlsh, @westport, @himapan, @eversloth : kr Commie Bamboo-spear.
@steemflagrewards and supporters of this dent of man-slaughterers :
@lukestokes.mhth, @yabapmatt, @themarkymark, @cervantes, @pjau, @pfunk, @patrice, @guiltyparties
Most major downvote-manslaughterers are supported by and linked with most top witnesses and Steem Foundation or so-called Steemit Inc fund to Monopolize Steem coin inflations to themselves. This is why Steem is Not fair Money or Currency. Additional UnFair tools are well equipped to reinforce their monopoly, and will be shown in following writings.
(You can be deListed
if you comment that you promise and keep that you won't downvote
Except strictly illegal writings such as plagiarism, copyright infringement, human/drug/weapons trafficking, kid porno etc.
Self-Vote is Fair Reward for investment and deligence.
Farming is Not Stealing, but
DownVote is robbery, bully, bamboo-spearing, man-slaughterering. )
_2. Remove From Witness Support and Down-Vote
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@steempress, @smooth.witness,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
Top Witnesses who are for Down-Vote-Pool HardForks.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
_3. DownVote-Hide their comments,
which can make them self-voters and then downvoted by themselves among man-slaughterers.
_4. Write Much More, Even Copy and Paste, to Dry-Up DownVoting-ManSlaughterers' Power,
_5. Be Proud of Negative Reputation.
If your writing is automatically hidden, Show your writings to Man-Slaughterers' Readers or UpVoted Individually.
It's the Auto-Hidden Writers' Right, To show Writings individually.
Copy and Paste your Hidden Writings to Man-Sluaghterers' Every Posts, Comment, and Every Readers' or UpVoted's Writings, individually.
_6. Make Much More Accounts to Fight For Freedom.
_7. Automate Resistance Process.
Or At least Make it Easy, Just Spread Your Writings, Copy and Paste
until DownVote Function is Removed From Steem.
_8. Make Situations Complex, To Kill Man-Slaughtering Bots and Programmers.
Vary Self-Vote or Not, Voting %, Voting Time etc.
_9. Repeat Persistently As Above, if you love Steem
Or If you dislike battle field,
_10. Leave Steem and Never Look Back,
until you hear No-DownVote HardFork and Steem becomes peaceful place.
_11. ManSlaughterers are losing.
@spaminator DownVote Power is Drying Up.
You can join and help to achieve Freedom of Speech.
Copy-Paste this writing to the victims, readers or related, Repeatedly, Persistently.
(This Writing is Copy-Left by @BewareCenterBase.
You can Copy-And-Paste anywhere in Steem
For Freedom of Speech and To Remove DownVote Function From Steem.
and to Make Steem Peaceful Place. )
Korean Verion. Latest List is above. 한글판, 최신 목록은 위에 있음.
[steem蟲:HF21] 남아썩는 다운보팅 파워로, 무엇을 다운보팅 할 것인가? [steem:HF21] What to Down-Vote with HF21 Down-Vote Power ?
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2019.08.28.수.08:45, by @BewareCenterBase,
Steem Hard Fork 21 ( 이하 HF21)
다운보팅 파워가 도입되어,
기존 HF20 이전에서
업보팅 파워를 소모하여 다운보팅 할 수 있도록 한 것에서,
다운보팅을 업보팅과 별도의 파워를 사용하여 할 수 있도록 하였다.
관련 글들은
이 글의 아래 목록에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.
hf21 에서 도입된 다운보트 파워
잔량과 회복을
보팅 파워 와 마찬가지로
확인할수 있다.
자, 여기서 남는 문제.
남아서 섞어 나가는 다운보팅 파워를 어디에 쓸 것인가?
탈중앙 매체에서 불가피한 다운보팅의 원래 취지대로,
스팀 블록체인의 생존성을 위협하게될 수 있는,
저작권 위반 이나, 아동 포로노, 해킹, 스캠 피싱 등의 사기 유도 글
등을 다운보팅 하라
는 것일 것이다.
그런 글들이 보인다면, 다운보팅 하면 된다.
그러나, 그런 글들은 많지 않다.
그래도 남아서 썩어나가는 다운보팅 파워는
자뻑 정의감에서 남의 글을 다운보팅 학살하는
컨텐츠 나찌나 인민재판 공산 죽창
다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하면 된다고 본다.
이것은 다운보팅 전쟁을 촉발할 것이지만,
다운보팅 학살자들의 나쁜짓을 통제할 방법은
이 취지에 공감하는 사람들이
그 다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하는 것이
불가피한 선택으로 보인다.
다운보팅해야할 다운보팅 학살자들의 목록을 공표해 나갈 것이다.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund
Witness to drop and to Down-vote :
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
기술의 한계가 있으면 기술 개발과 노오오오력으로써
극복할 생각을 하지 않고,
다운보팅을 권장하여,
스팀 투자자 및 스팀 사용자들의 감정을 학살하여
스팀에서 쫓아내는 스팀 최악의 적들을 다운보팅 해야한다고 본다.
스팀 개발자들, 스팀 재단, 스팀잇 회사 관계자들,
다운보팅 풀 도입에 찬성한 스팀 증인들
목록은 갱신해 나갈 것이고,
일단 상위 30위 증인들 중에서 hf21 down-vote 를 지원하고 있는 29 명의 목록을 준다.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
심심할 때, 무작위로 눌러서, 다운보팅의 맛을 보여주시라.
혹시 보복이 올 것이 두려운가?
자유와 언론의 자유는 그냥 얻어지지 않는다.
많은 피래미들이 벌떼처럼 다운보팅한다면,
고래 증인들도 대응 방법이 없을 것이고,
다운보팅 기능을 없애는 쪽으로 가게 될 것이다.
그래도 두려운가?
겁장이들은, 두려우면 빠지면 된다. ㅋㅋ
[ Related Writings : 관련 글 ]
Related Writings List below maybe cut due to size limitation <14k in comment.
More related writings can be seen at the original address above
아래 관련글 목록은 댓글 <14k 크기 제한으로 잘렸을 수 있습니다.
위 원문 주소에서 관련글 볼수 있습니다.
(Up To Here, Can be Copy and Pasted. < 14 k by Size )
Will be Arranged later.
여기까지 댓글에 복사하여 붙여넣기 가능함. < 14k 사이즈.
나중에 정리될 것임.
[Steem: deMerit] Down-vote is Evil Political Solution to Technical Shortcomings. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅은 기술 부족에 대한 사악한 정치적 해법.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:26 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem is Not Currency when DownVote Denies Currency's Characters such as Private Property Right and Liberty of Contract. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅으로 사유재산과 계약자유 부정하는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.16.Mon, 17:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is Shit, not Money. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 똥 이다, 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 06:42 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (2/n) - Bank Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 은행 사례.
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2019.09.23.Mon, 13:19 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] How to view Steem is, Not by whitepaper's forcing, but by each user's free perception. [스팀蟲: 단점] 스팀을 어떻게 볼 것인가는 백서의 강요가 아니라, 각자 자유 인식에 의해서이다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 08:01 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
(Steem Evil Censor prevent your reading this writing. Click account name @bewarecenterbase and go to blog/comment, then click writings there.)
(Revived and Will be Revived, Sometimes To DownVoters' Readers, Voted and Related Accounts, For Freedom of Speech, Right for Writings to Survive, Right to Show both Pros and Cons.
언론의 자유와 글의 생존권, 찬반 양론이 모두 보여질 수 있는 권리를 위하여, 다운보팅 학살에서 재생되었고, 재생될 것이다. 가끔, 학살자들의 독자나 보팅자들, 관련계정들에게 제공된다.)
[Steem : For Freedom] Code Of Conduct : DownVote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers. List Update v.5. 행동수칙 : 다운보팅 학살자를 다운보팅 하자.
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2019.11.19.Tue.09:50 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase,
For Freedom Of Speech,
_1. Let's Down-Vote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers.
The followings are known Content-Nazi
and Commie People's Court Bamboo Spear Red Guard Man-Slaughters
If you like, select anyone below and
DownVote Now and Anytime.
@oldstone =@slowwalker =@wisdomandjustice =@photoholic =@ilovemylife, (=@veronicalee ) : kr worst man-slaughterer.
@howo = @steempress : Content-Nazi by day, Commie Bamboo-Spear by night, All time Man-Slaughterer.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund : worst man-slaughterer, biggest enemy of Steem; but nowhere to downvote.
@steemcleaners, @ety001, @justyy, @oflyhigh, @cheetah, , : Evil profit assholes of @spaminator group : @adm, @pfunk ; Lots place to DownVote.
@threespeak group: DownVote every 3speak tag writings. (
@buildawhale group :
@preparedwombat, @steemflagrewards, @themarkymark, @blocktrades, @photovisions, @steemitworldmap, @magicmonk, @inertia, @planetauto, @scottcbusiness, @steembasicincome, @steeminator3000, @thelifeofjord, @dmitrydao, @dedicatedguy, @leo.syndication, @curie, @elsiekjay, @juancar347, @jongolson, @cheetah, @anthonyadavisii, @jpphotography, @cryptoandcoffee, @thegreens,, @minismallholding, @enjoyinglife, @andrianna,
@roundbeargames, @elenasteem, @thekitchenfairy, @steemcleaners, @h-hamilton, @world-travel-pro, @qurator, @freedompoint, @derangedvisions, @balticbadger, @jenina619, @slobberchops, @meesterboom, @jodipamungkas, @nickyhavey, @isaria, @scaredycatguide, @neoxian-city, @sjarvie5, @jlsplatts, @alcibiades, @steemauto, @truce, @uwelang, @edgarsart, @soyrosa, @jenina619, @enjar, @crimsonclad, @acidyo, @stickyfingerz, @jordangerder, @holoz0r, @coingecko, @joythewanderer, @snook, @c0ff33a, @abh12345, @elenasteem, @preparedwombat, @lightcaptured, @sjarvie5, @fredrikaa, @worldcapture, @elizacheng, @world-travel-pro, @bengy, @davedickeyyall, @steemer-sayu907, @porters, @culgin, @budapestguide, @barski, @eugelys, @ginnyannette, @kommienezuspadt, @carlgnash, @wildhomesteading, @midlet, @thelifeofjord, @slobberchops, @zpzn, @blewitt, @jenina619,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@ibc, @condeas, @linuxbot, @astrophoto.kevin, : German Content-Nazi,
@smooth = @smooth.witness,
@corn113, @steemitlsh, @westport, @himapan, @eversloth : kr Commie Bamboo-spear.
@steemflagrewards and supporters of this dent of man-slaughterers :
@lukestokes.mhth, @yabapmatt, @themarkymark, @cervantes, @pjau, @pfunk, @patrice, @guiltyparties
Most major downvote-manslaughterers are supported by and linked with most top witnesses and Steem Foundation or so-called Steemit Inc fund to Monopolize Steem coin inflations to themselves. This is why Steem is Not fair Money or Currency. Additional UnFair tools are well equipped to reinforce their monopoly, and will be shown in following writings.
(You can be deListed
if you comment that you promise and keep that you won't downvote
Except strictly illegal writings such as plagiarism, copyright infringement, human/drug/weapons trafficking, kid porno etc.
Self-Vote is Fair Reward for investment and deligence.
Farming is Not Stealing, but
DownVote is robbery, bully, bamboo-spearing, man-slaughterering. )
_2. Remove From Witness Support and Down-Vote
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@steempress, @smooth.witness,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
Top Witnesses who are for Down-Vote-Pool HardForks.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
_3. DownVote-Hide their comments,
which can make them self-voters and then downvoted by themselves among man-slaughterers.
_4. Write Much More, Even Copy and Paste, to Dry-Up DownVoting-ManSlaughterers' Power,
_5. Be Proud of Negative Reputation.
If your writing is automatically hidden, Show your writings to Man-Slaughterers' Readers or UpVoted Individually.
It's the Auto-Hidden Writers' Right, To show Writings individually.
Copy and Paste your Hidden Writings to Man-Sluaghterers' Every Posts, Comment, and Every Readers' or UpVoted's Writings, individually.
_6. Make Much More Accounts to Fight For Freedom.
_7. Automate Resistance Process.
Or At least Make it Easy, Just Spread Your Writings, Copy and Paste
until DownVote Function is Removed From Steem.
_8. Make Situations Complex, To Kill Man-Slaughtering Bots and Programmers.
Vary Self-Vote or Not, Voting %, Voting Time etc.
_9. Repeat Persistently As Above, if you love Steem
Or If you dislike battle field,
_10. Leave Steem and Never Look Back,
until you hear No-DownVote HardFork and Steem becomes peaceful place.
_11. ManSlaughterers are losing.
@spaminator DownVote Power is Drying Up.
You can join and help to achieve Freedom of Speech.
Copy-Paste this writing to the victims, readers or related, Repeatedly, Persistently.
(This Writing is Copy-Left by @BewareCenterBase.
You can Copy-And-Paste anywhere in Steem
For Freedom of Speech and To Remove DownVote Function From Steem.
and to Make Steem Peaceful Place. )
Korean Verion. Latest List is above. 한글판, 최신 목록은 위에 있음.
[steem蟲:HF21] 남아썩는 다운보팅 파워로, 무엇을 다운보팅 할 것인가? [steem:HF21] What to Down-Vote with HF21 Down-Vote Power ?
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2019.08.28.수.08:45, by @BewareCenterBase,
Steem Hard Fork 21 ( 이하 HF21)
다운보팅 파워가 도입되어,
기존 HF20 이전에서
업보팅 파워를 소모하여 다운보팅 할 수 있도록 한 것에서,
다운보팅을 업보팅과 별도의 파워를 사용하여 할 수 있도록 하였다.
관련 글들은
이 글의 아래 목록에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.
hf21 에서 도입된 다운보트 파워
잔량과 회복을
보팅 파워 와 마찬가지로
확인할수 있다.
자, 여기서 남는 문제.
남아서 섞어 나가는 다운보팅 파워를 어디에 쓸 것인가?
탈중앙 매체에서 불가피한 다운보팅의 원래 취지대로,
스팀 블록체인의 생존성을 위협하게될 수 있는,
저작권 위반 이나, 아동 포로노, 해킹, 스캠 피싱 등의 사기 유도 글
등을 다운보팅 하라
는 것일 것이다.
그런 글들이 보인다면, 다운보팅 하면 된다.
그러나, 그런 글들은 많지 않다.
그래도 남아서 썩어나가는 다운보팅 파워는
자뻑 정의감에서 남의 글을 다운보팅 학살하는
컨텐츠 나찌나 인민재판 공산 죽창
다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하면 된다고 본다.
이것은 다운보팅 전쟁을 촉발할 것이지만,
다운보팅 학살자들의 나쁜짓을 통제할 방법은
이 취지에 공감하는 사람들이
그 다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하는 것이
불가피한 선택으로 보인다.
다운보팅해야할 다운보팅 학살자들의 목록을 공표해 나갈 것이다.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund
Witness to drop and to Down-vote :
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
기술의 한계가 있으면 기술 개발과 노오오오력으로써
극복할 생각을 하지 않고,
다운보팅을 권장하여,
스팀 투자자 및 스팀 사용자들의 감정을 학살하여
스팀에서 쫓아내는 스팀 최악의 적들을 다운보팅 해야한다고 본다.
스팀 개발자들, 스팀 재단, 스팀잇 회사 관계자들,
다운보팅 풀 도입에 찬성한 스팀 증인들
목록은 갱신해 나갈 것이고,
일단 상위 30위 증인들 중에서 hf21 down-vote 를 지원하고 있는 29 명의 목록을 준다.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
심심할 때, 무작위로 눌러서, 다운보팅의 맛을 보여주시라.
혹시 보복이 올 것이 두려운가?
자유와 언론의 자유는 그냥 얻어지지 않는다.
많은 피래미들이 벌떼처럼 다운보팅한다면,
고래 증인들도 대응 방법이 없을 것이고,
다운보팅 기능을 없애는 쪽으로 가게 될 것이다.
그래도 두려운가?
겁장이들은, 두려우면 빠지면 된다. ㅋㅋ
[ Related Writings : 관련 글 ]
Related Writings List below maybe cut due to size limitation <14k in comment.
More related writings can be seen at the original address above
아래 관련글 목록은 댓글 <14k 크기 제한으로 잘렸을 수 있습니다.
위 원문 주소에서 관련글 볼수 있습니다.
(Up To Here, Can be Copy and Pasted. < 14 k by Size )
Will be Arranged later.
여기까지 댓글에 복사하여 붙여넣기 가능함. < 14k 사이즈.
나중에 정리될 것임.
[Steem: deMerit] Down-vote is Evil Political Solution to Technical Shortcomings. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅은 기술 부족에 대한 사악한 정치적 해법.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:26 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem is Not Currency when DownVote Denies Currency's Characters such as Private Property Right and Liberty of Contract. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅으로 사유재산과 계약자유 부정하는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.16.Mon, 17:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is Shit, not Money. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 똥 이다, 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 06:42 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (2/n) - Bank Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 은행 사례.
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2019.09.23.Mon, 13:19 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] How to view Steem is, Not by whitepaper's forcing, but by each user's free perception. [스팀蟲: 단점] 스팀을 어떻게 볼 것인가는 백서의 강요가 아니라, 각자 자유 인식에 의해서이다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 08:01 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
Congratulations @tommyrobinson! You have completed the following achievement on the Steem blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :
You can view your badges on your Steem Board and compare to others on the Steem Ranking
If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word
To support your work, I also upvoted your post!
(Steem Evil Censor prevent your reading this writing. Click account name @bewarecenterbase and go to blog/comment, then click writings there.)
(Revived and Will be Revived, Sometimes To DownVoters' Readers, Voted and Related Accounts, For Freedom of Speech, Right for Writings to Survive, Right to Show both Pros and Cons.
언론의 자유와 글의 생존권, 찬반 양론이 모두 보여질 수 있는 권리를 위하여, 다운보팅 학살에서 재생되었고, 재생될 것이다. 가끔, 학살자들의 독자나 보팅자들, 관련계정들에게 제공된다.)
[Steem : For Freedom] Code Of Conduct : DownVote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers. List Update v.5. 행동수칙 : 다운보팅 학살자를 다운보팅 하자.
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2019.11.19.Tue.09:50 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase,
For Freedom Of Speech,
_1. Let's Down-Vote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers.
The followings are known Content-Nazi
and Commie People's Court Bamboo Spear Red Guard Man-Slaughters
If you like, select anyone below and
DownVote Now and Anytime.
@oldstone =@slowwalker =@wisdomandjustice =@photoholic =@ilovemylife, (=@veronicalee ) : kr worst man-slaughterer.
@howo = @steempress : Content-Nazi by day, Commie Bamboo-Spear by night, All time Man-Slaughterer.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund : worst man-slaughterer, biggest enemy of Steem; but nowhere to downvote.
@steemcleaners, @ety001, @justyy, @oflyhigh, @cheetah, , : Evil profit assholes of @spaminator group : @adm, @pfunk ; Lots place to DownVote.
@threespeak group: DownVote every 3speak tag writings. (
@buildawhale group :
@preparedwombat, @steemflagrewards, @themarkymark, @blocktrades, @photovisions, @steemitworldmap, @magicmonk, @inertia, @planetauto, @scottcbusiness, @steembasicincome, @steeminator3000, @thelifeofjord, @dmitrydao, @dedicatedguy, @leo.syndication, @curie, @elsiekjay, @juancar347, @jongolson, @cheetah, @anthonyadavisii, @jpphotography, @cryptoandcoffee, @thegreens,, @minismallholding, @enjoyinglife, @andrianna,
@roundbeargames, @elenasteem, @thekitchenfairy, @steemcleaners, @h-hamilton, @world-travel-pro, @qurator, @freedompoint, @derangedvisions, @balticbadger, @jenina619, @slobberchops, @meesterboom, @jodipamungkas, @nickyhavey, @isaria, @scaredycatguide, @neoxian-city, @sjarvie5, @jlsplatts, @alcibiades, @steemauto, @truce, @uwelang, @edgarsart, @soyrosa, @jenina619, @enjar, @crimsonclad, @acidyo, @stickyfingerz, @jordangerder, @holoz0r, @coingecko, @joythewanderer, @snook, @c0ff33a, @abh12345, @elenasteem, @preparedwombat, @lightcaptured, @sjarvie5, @fredrikaa, @worldcapture, @elizacheng, @world-travel-pro, @bengy, @davedickeyyall, @steemer-sayu907, @porters, @culgin, @budapestguide, @barski, @eugelys, @ginnyannette, @kommienezuspadt, @carlgnash, @wildhomesteading, @midlet, @thelifeofjord, @slobberchops, @zpzn, @blewitt, @jenina619,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@ibc, @condeas, @linuxbot, @astrophoto.kevin, : German Content-Nazi,
@smooth = @smooth.witness,
@corn113, @steemitlsh, @westport, @himapan, @eversloth : kr Commie Bamboo-spear.
@steemflagrewards and supporters of this dent of man-slaughterers :
@lukestokes.mhth, @yabapmatt, @themarkymark, @cervantes, @pjau, @pfunk, @patrice, @guiltyparties
Most major downvote-manslaughterers are supported by and linked with most top witnesses and Steem Foundation or so-called Steemit Inc fund to Monopolize Steem coin inflations to themselves. This is why Steem is Not fair Money or Currency. Additional UnFair tools are well equipped to reinforce their monopoly, and will be shown in following writings.
(You can be deListed
if you comment that you promise and keep that you won't downvote
Except strictly illegal writings such as plagiarism, copyright infringement, human/drug/weapons trafficking, kid porno etc.
Self-Vote is Fair Reward for investment and deligence.
Farming is Not Stealing, but
DownVote is robbery, bully, bamboo-spearing, man-slaughterering. )
_2. Remove From Witness Support and Down-Vote
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@steempress, @smooth.witness,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
Top Witnesses who are for Down-Vote-Pool HardForks.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
_3. DownVote-Hide their comments,
which can make them self-voters and then downvoted by themselves among man-slaughterers.
_4. Write Much More, Even Copy and Paste, to Dry-Up DownVoting-ManSlaughterers' Power,
_5. Be Proud of Negative Reputation.
If your writing is automatically hidden, Show your writings to Man-Slaughterers' Readers or UpVoted Individually.
It's the Auto-Hidden Writers' Right, To show Writings individually.
Copy and Paste your Hidden Writings to Man-Sluaghterers' Every Posts, Comment, and Every Readers' or UpVoted's Writings, individually.
_6. Make Much More Accounts to Fight For Freedom.
_7. Automate Resistance Process.
Or At least Make it Easy, Just Spread Your Writings, Copy and Paste
until DownVote Function is Removed From Steem.
_8. Make Situations Complex, To Kill Man-Slaughtering Bots and Programmers.
Vary Self-Vote or Not, Voting %, Voting Time etc.
_9. Repeat Persistently As Above, if you love Steem
Or If you dislike battle field,
_10. Leave Steem and Never Look Back,
until you hear No-DownVote HardFork and Steem becomes peaceful place.
_11. ManSlaughterers are losing.
@spaminator DownVote Power is Drying Up.
You can join and help to achieve Freedom of Speech.
Copy-Paste this writing to the victims, readers or related, Repeatedly, Persistently.
(This Writing is Copy-Left by @BewareCenterBase.
You can Copy-And-Paste anywhere in Steem
For Freedom of Speech and To Remove DownVote Function From Steem.
and to Make Steem Peaceful Place. )
Korean Verion. Latest List is above. 한글판, 최신 목록은 위에 있음.
[steem蟲:HF21] 남아썩는 다운보팅 파워로, 무엇을 다운보팅 할 것인가? [steem:HF21] What to Down-Vote with HF21 Down-Vote Power ?
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2019.08.28.수.08:45, by @BewareCenterBase,
Steem Hard Fork 21 ( 이하 HF21)
다운보팅 파워가 도입되어,
기존 HF20 이전에서
업보팅 파워를 소모하여 다운보팅 할 수 있도록 한 것에서,
다운보팅을 업보팅과 별도의 파워를 사용하여 할 수 있도록 하였다.
관련 글들은
이 글의 아래 목록에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.
hf21 에서 도입된 다운보트 파워
잔량과 회복을
보팅 파워 와 마찬가지로
확인할수 있다.
자, 여기서 남는 문제.
남아서 섞어 나가는 다운보팅 파워를 어디에 쓸 것인가?
탈중앙 매체에서 불가피한 다운보팅의 원래 취지대로,
스팀 블록체인의 생존성을 위협하게될 수 있는,
저작권 위반 이나, 아동 포로노, 해킹, 스캠 피싱 등의 사기 유도 글
등을 다운보팅 하라
는 것일 것이다.
그런 글들이 보인다면, 다운보팅 하면 된다.
그러나, 그런 글들은 많지 않다.
그래도 남아서 썩어나가는 다운보팅 파워는
자뻑 정의감에서 남의 글을 다운보팅 학살하는
컨텐츠 나찌나 인민재판 공산 죽창
다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하면 된다고 본다.
이것은 다운보팅 전쟁을 촉발할 것이지만,
다운보팅 학살자들의 나쁜짓을 통제할 방법은
이 취지에 공감하는 사람들이
그 다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하는 것이
불가피한 선택으로 보인다.
다운보팅해야할 다운보팅 학살자들의 목록을 공표해 나갈 것이다.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund
Witness to drop and to Down-vote :
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
기술의 한계가 있으면 기술 개발과 노오오오력으로써
극복할 생각을 하지 않고,
다운보팅을 권장하여,
스팀 투자자 및 스팀 사용자들의 감정을 학살하여
스팀에서 쫓아내는 스팀 최악의 적들을 다운보팅 해야한다고 본다.
스팀 개발자들, 스팀 재단, 스팀잇 회사 관계자들,
다운보팅 풀 도입에 찬성한 스팀 증인들
목록은 갱신해 나갈 것이고,
일단 상위 30위 증인들 중에서 hf21 down-vote 를 지원하고 있는 29 명의 목록을 준다.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
심심할 때, 무작위로 눌러서, 다운보팅의 맛을 보여주시라.
혹시 보복이 올 것이 두려운가?
자유와 언론의 자유는 그냥 얻어지지 않는다.
많은 피래미들이 벌떼처럼 다운보팅한다면,
고래 증인들도 대응 방법이 없을 것이고,
다운보팅 기능을 없애는 쪽으로 가게 될 것이다.
그래도 두려운가?
겁장이들은, 두려우면 빠지면 된다. ㅋㅋ
[ Related Writings : 관련 글 ]
Related Writings List below maybe cut due to size limitation <14k in comment.
More related writings can be seen at the original address above
아래 관련글 목록은 댓글 <14k 크기 제한으로 잘렸을 수 있습니다.
위 원문 주소에서 관련글 볼수 있습니다.
(Up To Here, Can be Copy and Pasted. < 14 k by Size )
Will be Arranged later.
여기까지 댓글에 복사하여 붙여넣기 가능함. < 14k 사이즈.
나중에 정리될 것임.
[Steem: deMerit] Down-vote is Evil Political Solution to Technical Shortcomings. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅은 기술 부족에 대한 사악한 정치적 해법.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:26 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem is Not Currency when DownVote Denies Currency's Characters such as Private Property Right and Liberty of Contract. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅으로 사유재산과 계약자유 부정하는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.16.Mon, 17:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is Shit, not Money. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 똥 이다, 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 06:42 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (2/n) - Bank Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 은행 사례.
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2019.09.23.Mon, 13:19 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] How to view Steem is, Not by whitepaper's forcing, but by each user's free perception. [스팀蟲: 단점] 스팀을 어떻게 볼 것인가는 백서의 강요가 아니라, 각자 자유 인식에 의해서이다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 08:01 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
(Steem Evil Censor prevent your reading this writing. Click account name @bewarecenterbase and go to blog/comment, then click writings there.)
(Revived and Will be Revived, Sometimes To DownVoters' Readers, Voted and Related Accounts, For Freedom of Speech, Right for Writings to Survive, Right to Show both Pros and Cons.
언론의 자유와 글의 생존권, 찬반 양론이 모두 보여질 수 있는 권리를 위하여, 다운보팅 학살에서 재생되었고, 재생될 것이다. 가끔, 학살자들의 독자나 보팅자들, 관련계정들에게 제공된다.)
[Steem : For Freedom] Code Of Conduct : DownVote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers. List Update v.5. 행동수칙 : 다운보팅 학살자를 다운보팅 하자.
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2019.11.19.Tue.09:50 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase,
For Freedom Of Speech,
_1. Let's Down-Vote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers.
The followings are known Content-Nazi
and Commie People's Court Bamboo Spear Red Guard Man-Slaughters
If you like, select anyone below and
DownVote Now and Anytime.
@oldstone =@slowwalker =@wisdomandjustice =@photoholic =@ilovemylife, (=@veronicalee ) : kr worst man-slaughterer.
@howo = @steempress : Content-Nazi by day, Commie Bamboo-Spear by night, All time Man-Slaughterer.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund : worst man-slaughterer, biggest enemy of Steem; but nowhere to downvote.
@steemcleaners, @ety001, @justyy, @oflyhigh, @cheetah, , : Evil profit assholes of @spaminator group : @adm, @pfunk ; Lots place to DownVote.
@threespeak group: DownVote every 3speak tag writings. (
@buildawhale group :
@preparedwombat, @steemflagrewards, @themarkymark, @blocktrades, @photovisions, @steemitworldmap, @magicmonk, @inertia, @planetauto, @scottcbusiness, @steembasicincome, @steeminator3000, @thelifeofjord, @dmitrydao, @dedicatedguy, @leo.syndication, @curie, @elsiekjay, @juancar347, @jongolson, @cheetah, @anthonyadavisii, @jpphotography, @cryptoandcoffee, @thegreens,, @minismallholding, @enjoyinglife, @andrianna,
@roundbeargames, @elenasteem, @thekitchenfairy, @steemcleaners, @h-hamilton, @world-travel-pro, @qurator, @freedompoint, @derangedvisions, @balticbadger, @jenina619, @slobberchops, @meesterboom, @jodipamungkas, @nickyhavey, @isaria, @scaredycatguide, @neoxian-city, @sjarvie5, @jlsplatts, @alcibiades, @steemauto, @truce, @uwelang, @edgarsart, @soyrosa, @jenina619, @enjar, @crimsonclad, @acidyo, @stickyfingerz, @jordangerder, @holoz0r, @coingecko, @joythewanderer, @snook, @c0ff33a, @abh12345, @elenasteem, @preparedwombat, @lightcaptured, @sjarvie5, @fredrikaa, @worldcapture, @elizacheng, @world-travel-pro, @bengy, @davedickeyyall, @steemer-sayu907, @porters, @culgin, @budapestguide, @barski, @eugelys, @ginnyannette, @kommienezuspadt, @carlgnash, @wildhomesteading, @midlet, @thelifeofjord, @slobberchops, @zpzn, @blewitt, @jenina619,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@ibc, @condeas, @linuxbot, @astrophoto.kevin, : German Content-Nazi,
@smooth = @smooth.witness,
@corn113, @steemitlsh, @westport, @himapan, @eversloth : kr Commie Bamboo-spear.
@steemflagrewards and supporters of this dent of man-slaughterers :
@lukestokes.mhth, @yabapmatt, @themarkymark, @cervantes, @pjau, @pfunk, @patrice, @guiltyparties
Most major downvote-manslaughterers are supported by and linked with most top witnesses and Steem Foundation or so-called Steemit Inc fund to Monopolize Steem coin inflations to themselves. This is why Steem is Not fair Money or Currency. Additional UnFair tools are well equipped to reinforce their monopoly, and will be shown in following writings.
(You can be deListed
if you comment that you promise and keep that you won't downvote
Except strictly illegal writings such as plagiarism, copyright infringement, human/drug/weapons trafficking, kid porno etc.
Self-Vote is Fair Reward for investment and deligence.
Farming is Not Stealing, but
DownVote is robbery, bully, bamboo-spearing, man-slaughterering. )
_2. Remove From Witness Support and Down-Vote
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@steempress, @smooth.witness,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
Top Witnesses who are for Down-Vote-Pool HardForks.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
_3. DownVote-Hide their comments,
which can make them self-voters and then downvoted by themselves among man-slaughterers.
_4. Write Much More, Even Copy and Paste, to Dry-Up DownVoting-ManSlaughterers' Power,
_5. Be Proud of Negative Reputation.
If your writing is automatically hidden, Show your writings to Man-Slaughterers' Readers or UpVoted Individually.
It's the Auto-Hidden Writers' Right, To show Writings individually.
Copy and Paste your Hidden Writings to Man-Sluaghterers' Every Posts, Comment, and Every Readers' or UpVoted's Writings, individually.
_6. Make Much More Accounts to Fight For Freedom.
_7. Automate Resistance Process.
Or At least Make it Easy, Just Spread Your Writings, Copy and Paste
until DownVote Function is Removed From Steem.
_8. Make Situations Complex, To Kill Man-Slaughtering Bots and Programmers.
Vary Self-Vote or Not, Voting %, Voting Time etc.
_9. Repeat Persistently As Above, if you love Steem
Or If you dislike battle field,
_10. Leave Steem and Never Look Back,
until you hear No-DownVote HardFork and Steem becomes peaceful place.
_11. ManSlaughterers are losing.
@spaminator DownVote Power is Drying Up.
You can join and help to achieve Freedom of Speech.
Copy-Paste this writing to the victims, readers or related, Repeatedly, Persistently.
(This Writing is Copy-Left by @BewareCenterBase.
You can Copy-And-Paste anywhere in Steem
For Freedom of Speech and To Remove DownVote Function From Steem.
and to Make Steem Peaceful Place. )
Korean Verion. Latest List is above. 한글판, 최신 목록은 위에 있음.
[steem蟲:HF21] 남아썩는 다운보팅 파워로, 무엇을 다운보팅 할 것인가? [steem:HF21] What to Down-Vote with HF21 Down-Vote Power ?
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2019.08.28.수.08:45, by @BewareCenterBase,
Steem Hard Fork 21 ( 이하 HF21)
다운보팅 파워가 도입되어,
기존 HF20 이전에서
업보팅 파워를 소모하여 다운보팅 할 수 있도록 한 것에서,
다운보팅을 업보팅과 별도의 파워를 사용하여 할 수 있도록 하였다.
관련 글들은
이 글의 아래 목록에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.
hf21 에서 도입된 다운보트 파워
잔량과 회복을
보팅 파워 와 마찬가지로
확인할수 있다.
자, 여기서 남는 문제.
남아서 섞어 나가는 다운보팅 파워를 어디에 쓸 것인가?
탈중앙 매체에서 불가피한 다운보팅의 원래 취지대로,
스팀 블록체인의 생존성을 위협하게될 수 있는,
저작권 위반 이나, 아동 포로노, 해킹, 스캠 피싱 등의 사기 유도 글
등을 다운보팅 하라
는 것일 것이다.
그런 글들이 보인다면, 다운보팅 하면 된다.
그러나, 그런 글들은 많지 않다.
그래도 남아서 썩어나가는 다운보팅 파워는
자뻑 정의감에서 남의 글을 다운보팅 학살하는
컨텐츠 나찌나 인민재판 공산 죽창
다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하면 된다고 본다.
이것은 다운보팅 전쟁을 촉발할 것이지만,
다운보팅 학살자들의 나쁜짓을 통제할 방법은
이 취지에 공감하는 사람들이
그 다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하는 것이
불가피한 선택으로 보인다.
다운보팅해야할 다운보팅 학살자들의 목록을 공표해 나갈 것이다.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund
Witness to drop and to Down-vote :
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
기술의 한계가 있으면 기술 개발과 노오오오력으로써
극복할 생각을 하지 않고,
다운보팅을 권장하여,
스팀 투자자 및 스팀 사용자들의 감정을 학살하여
스팀에서 쫓아내는 스팀 최악의 적들을 다운보팅 해야한다고 본다.
스팀 개발자들, 스팀 재단, 스팀잇 회사 관계자들,
다운보팅 풀 도입에 찬성한 스팀 증인들
목록은 갱신해 나갈 것이고,
일단 상위 30위 증인들 중에서 hf21 down-vote 를 지원하고 있는 29 명의 목록을 준다.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
심심할 때, 무작위로 눌러서, 다운보팅의 맛을 보여주시라.
혹시 보복이 올 것이 두려운가?
자유와 언론의 자유는 그냥 얻어지지 않는다.
많은 피래미들이 벌떼처럼 다운보팅한다면,
고래 증인들도 대응 방법이 없을 것이고,
다운보팅 기능을 없애는 쪽으로 가게 될 것이다.
그래도 두려운가?
겁장이들은, 두려우면 빠지면 된다. ㅋㅋ
[ Related Writings : 관련 글 ]
Related Writings List below maybe cut due to size limitation <14k in comment.
More related writings can be seen at the original address above
아래 관련글 목록은 댓글 <14k 크기 제한으로 잘렸을 수 있습니다.
위 원문 주소에서 관련글 볼수 있습니다.
(Up To Here, Can be Copy and Pasted. < 14 k by Size )
Will be Arranged later.
여기까지 댓글에 복사하여 붙여넣기 가능함. < 14k 사이즈.
나중에 정리될 것임.
[Steem: deMerit] Down-vote is Evil Political Solution to Technical Shortcomings. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅은 기술 부족에 대한 사악한 정치적 해법.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:26 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem is Not Currency when DownVote Denies Currency's Characters such as Private Property Right and Liberty of Contract. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅으로 사유재산과 계약자유 부정하는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.16.Mon, 17:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is Shit, not Money. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 똥 이다, 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 06:42 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (2/n) - Bank Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 은행 사례.
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2019.09.23.Mon, 13:19 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] How to view Steem is, Not by whitepaper's forcing, but by each user's free perception. [스팀蟲: 단점] 스팀을 어떻게 볼 것인가는 백서의 강요가 아니라, 각자 자유 인식에 의해서이다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 08:01 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
(Steem Evil Censor prevent your reading this writing. Click account name @bewarecenterbase and go to blog/comment, then click writings there.)
(Revived and Will be Revived, Sometimes To DownVoters' Readers, Voted and Related Accounts, For Freedom of Speech, Right for Writings to Survive, Right to Show both Pros and Cons.
언론의 자유와 글의 생존권, 찬반 양론이 모두 보여질 수 있는 권리를 위하여, 다운보팅 학살에서 재생되었고, 재생될 것이다. 가끔, 학살자들의 독자나 보팅자들, 관련계정들에게 제공된다.)
[Steem : For Freedom] Code Of Conduct : DownVote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers. List Update v.5. 행동수칙 : 다운보팅 학살자를 다운보팅 하자.
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2019.11.19.Tue.09:50 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase,
For Freedom Of Speech,
_1. Let's Down-Vote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers.
The followings are known Content-Nazi
and Commie People's Court Bamboo Spear Red Guard Man-Slaughters
If you like, select anyone below and
DownVote Now and Anytime.
@oldstone =@slowwalker =@wisdomandjustice =@photoholic =@ilovemylife, (=@veronicalee ) : kr worst man-slaughterer.
@howo = @steempress : Content-Nazi by day, Commie Bamboo-Spear by night, All time Man-Slaughterer.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund : worst man-slaughterer, biggest enemy of Steem; but nowhere to downvote.
@steemcleaners, @ety001, @justyy, @oflyhigh, @cheetah, , : Evil profit assholes of @spaminator group : @adm, @pfunk ; Lots place to DownVote.
@threespeak group: DownVote every 3speak tag writings. (
@buildawhale group :
@preparedwombat, @steemflagrewards, @themarkymark, @blocktrades, @photovisions, @steemitworldmap, @magicmonk, @inertia, @planetauto, @scottcbusiness, @steembasicincome, @steeminator3000, @thelifeofjord, @dmitrydao, @dedicatedguy, @leo.syndication, @curie, @elsiekjay, @juancar347, @jongolson, @cheetah, @anthonyadavisii, @jpphotography, @cryptoandcoffee, @thegreens,, @minismallholding, @enjoyinglife, @andrianna,
@roundbeargames, @elenasteem, @thekitchenfairy, @steemcleaners, @h-hamilton, @world-travel-pro, @qurator, @freedompoint, @derangedvisions, @balticbadger, @jenina619, @slobberchops, @meesterboom, @jodipamungkas, @nickyhavey, @isaria, @scaredycatguide, @neoxian-city, @sjarvie5, @jlsplatts, @alcibiades, @steemauto, @truce, @uwelang, @edgarsart, @soyrosa, @jenina619, @enjar, @crimsonclad, @acidyo, @stickyfingerz, @jordangerder, @holoz0r, @coingecko, @joythewanderer, @snook, @c0ff33a, @abh12345, @elenasteem, @preparedwombat, @lightcaptured, @sjarvie5, @fredrikaa, @worldcapture, @elizacheng, @world-travel-pro, @bengy, @davedickeyyall, @steemer-sayu907, @porters, @culgin, @budapestguide, @barski, @eugelys, @ginnyannette, @kommienezuspadt, @carlgnash, @wildhomesteading, @midlet, @thelifeofjord, @slobberchops, @zpzn, @blewitt, @jenina619,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@ibc, @condeas, @linuxbot, @astrophoto.kevin, : German Content-Nazi,
@smooth = @smooth.witness,
@corn113, @steemitlsh, @westport, @himapan, @eversloth : kr Commie Bamboo-spear.
@steemflagrewards and supporters of this dent of man-slaughterers :
@lukestokes.mhth, @yabapmatt, @themarkymark, @cervantes, @pjau, @pfunk, @patrice, @guiltyparties
Most major downvote-manslaughterers are supported by and linked with most top witnesses and Steem Foundation or so-called Steemit Inc fund to Monopolize Steem coin inflations to themselves. This is why Steem is Not fair Money or Currency. Additional UnFair tools are well equipped to reinforce their monopoly, and will be shown in following writings.
(You can be deListed
if you comment that you promise and keep that you won't downvote
Except strictly illegal writings such as plagiarism, copyright infringement, human/drug/weapons trafficking, kid porno etc.
Self-Vote is Fair Reward for investment and deligence.
Farming is Not Stealing, but
DownVote is robbery, bully, bamboo-spearing, man-slaughterering. )
_2. Remove From Witness Support and Down-Vote
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@steempress, @smooth.witness,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
Top Witnesses who are for Down-Vote-Pool HardForks.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
_3. DownVote-Hide their comments,
which can make them self-voters and then downvoted by themselves among man-slaughterers.
_4. Write Much More, Even Copy and Paste, to Dry-Up DownVoting-ManSlaughterers' Power,
_5. Be Proud of Negative Reputation.
If your writing is automatically hidden, Show your writings to Man-Slaughterers' Readers or UpVoted Individually.
It's the Auto-Hidden Writers' Right, To show Writings individually.
Copy and Paste your Hidden Writings to Man-Sluaghterers' Every Posts, Comment, and Every Readers' or UpVoted's Writings, individually.
_6. Make Much More Accounts to Fight For Freedom.
_7. Automate Resistance Process.
Or At least Make it Easy, Just Spread Your Writings, Copy and Paste
until DownVote Function is Removed From Steem.
_8. Make Situations Complex, To Kill Man-Slaughtering Bots and Programmers.
Vary Self-Vote or Not, Voting %, Voting Time etc.
_9. Repeat Persistently As Above, if you love Steem
Or If you dislike battle field,
_10. Leave Steem and Never Look Back,
until you hear No-DownVote HardFork and Steem becomes peaceful place.
_11. ManSlaughterers are losing.
@spaminator DownVote Power is Drying Up.
You can join and help to achieve Freedom of Speech.
Copy-Paste this writing to the victims, readers or related, Repeatedly, Persistently.
(This Writing is Copy-Left by @BewareCenterBase.
You can Copy-And-Paste anywhere in Steem
For Freedom of Speech and To Remove DownVote Function From Steem.
and to Make Steem Peaceful Place. )
Korean Verion. Latest List is above. 한글판, 최신 목록은 위에 있음.
[steem蟲:HF21] 남아썩는 다운보팅 파워로, 무엇을 다운보팅 할 것인가? [steem:HF21] What to Down-Vote with HF21 Down-Vote Power ?
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2019.08.28.수.08:45, by @BewareCenterBase,
Steem Hard Fork 21 ( 이하 HF21)
다운보팅 파워가 도입되어,
기존 HF20 이전에서
업보팅 파워를 소모하여 다운보팅 할 수 있도록 한 것에서,
다운보팅을 업보팅과 별도의 파워를 사용하여 할 수 있도록 하였다.
관련 글들은
이 글의 아래 목록에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.
hf21 에서 도입된 다운보트 파워
잔량과 회복을
보팅 파워 와 마찬가지로
확인할수 있다.
자, 여기서 남는 문제.
남아서 섞어 나가는 다운보팅 파워를 어디에 쓸 것인가?
탈중앙 매체에서 불가피한 다운보팅의 원래 취지대로,
스팀 블록체인의 생존성을 위협하게될 수 있는,
저작권 위반 이나, 아동 포로노, 해킹, 스캠 피싱 등의 사기 유도 글
등을 다운보팅 하라
는 것일 것이다.
그런 글들이 보인다면, 다운보팅 하면 된다.
그러나, 그런 글들은 많지 않다.
그래도 남아서 썩어나가는 다운보팅 파워는
자뻑 정의감에서 남의 글을 다운보팅 학살하는
컨텐츠 나찌나 인민재판 공산 죽창
다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하면 된다고 본다.
이것은 다운보팅 전쟁을 촉발할 것이지만,
다운보팅 학살자들의 나쁜짓을 통제할 방법은
이 취지에 공감하는 사람들이
그 다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하는 것이
불가피한 선택으로 보인다.
다운보팅해야할 다운보팅 학살자들의 목록을 공표해 나갈 것이다.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund
Witness to drop and to Down-vote :
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
기술의 한계가 있으면 기술 개발과 노오오오력으로써
극복할 생각을 하지 않고,
다운보팅을 권장하여,
스팀 투자자 및 스팀 사용자들의 감정을 학살하여
스팀에서 쫓아내는 스팀 최악의 적들을 다운보팅 해야한다고 본다.
스팀 개발자들, 스팀 재단, 스팀잇 회사 관계자들,
다운보팅 풀 도입에 찬성한 스팀 증인들
목록은 갱신해 나갈 것이고,
일단 상위 30위 증인들 중에서 hf21 down-vote 를 지원하고 있는 29 명의 목록을 준다.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
심심할 때, 무작위로 눌러서, 다운보팅의 맛을 보여주시라.
혹시 보복이 올 것이 두려운가?
자유와 언론의 자유는 그냥 얻어지지 않는다.
많은 피래미들이 벌떼처럼 다운보팅한다면,
고래 증인들도 대응 방법이 없을 것이고,
다운보팅 기능을 없애는 쪽으로 가게 될 것이다.
그래도 두려운가?
겁장이들은, 두려우면 빠지면 된다. ㅋㅋ
[ Related Writings : 관련 글 ]
Related Writings List below maybe cut due to size limitation <14k in comment.
More related writings can be seen at the original address above
아래 관련글 목록은 댓글 <14k 크기 제한으로 잘렸을 수 있습니다.
위 원문 주소에서 관련글 볼수 있습니다.
(Up To Here, Can be Copy and Pasted. < 14 k by Size )
Will be Arranged later.
여기까지 댓글에 복사하여 붙여넣기 가능함. < 14k 사이즈.
나중에 정리될 것임.
[Steem: deMerit] Down-vote is Evil Political Solution to Technical Shortcomings. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅은 기술 부족에 대한 사악한 정치적 해법.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:26 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem is Not Currency when DownVote Denies Currency's Characters such as Private Property Right and Liberty of Contract. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅으로 사유재산과 계약자유 부정하는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.16.Mon, 17:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is Shit, not Money. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 똥 이다, 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 06:42 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (2/n) - Bank Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 은행 사례.
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2019.09.23.Mon, 13:19 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] How to view Steem is, Not by whitepaper's forcing, but by each user's free perception. [스팀蟲: 단점] 스팀을 어떻게 볼 것인가는 백서의 강요가 아니라, 각자 자유 인식에 의해서이다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 08:01 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
(Steem Evil Censor prevent your reading this writing. Click account name @bewarecenterbase and go to blog/comment, then click writings there.)
(Revived and Will be Revived, Sometimes To DownVoters' Readers, Voted and Related Accounts, For Freedom of Speech, Right for Writings to Survive, Right to Show both Pros and Cons.
언론의 자유와 글의 생존권, 찬반 양론이 모두 보여질 수 있는 권리를 위하여, 다운보팅 학살에서 재생되었고, 재생될 것이다. 가끔, 학살자들의 독자나 보팅자들, 관련계정들에게 제공된다.)
[Steem : For Freedom] Code Of Conduct : DownVote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers. List Update v.5. 행동수칙 : 다운보팅 학살자를 다운보팅 하자.
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2019.11.19.Tue.09:50 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase,
For Freedom Of Speech,
_1. Let's Down-Vote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers.
The followings are known Content-Nazi
and Commie People's Court Bamboo Spear Red Guard Man-Slaughters
If you like, select anyone below and
DownVote Now and Anytime.
@oldstone =@slowwalker =@wisdomandjustice =@photoholic =@ilovemylife, (=@veronicalee ) : kr worst man-slaughterer.
@howo = @steempress : Content-Nazi by day, Commie Bamboo-Spear by night, All time Man-Slaughterer.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund : worst man-slaughterer, biggest enemy of Steem; but nowhere to downvote.
@steemcleaners, @ety001, @justyy, @oflyhigh, @cheetah, , : Evil profit assholes of @spaminator group : @adm, @pfunk ; Lots place to DownVote.
@threespeak group: DownVote every 3speak tag writings. (
@buildawhale group :
@preparedwombat, @steemflagrewards, @themarkymark, @blocktrades, @photovisions, @steemitworldmap, @magicmonk, @inertia, @planetauto, @scottcbusiness, @steembasicincome, @steeminator3000, @thelifeofjord, @dmitrydao, @dedicatedguy, @leo.syndication, @curie, @elsiekjay, @juancar347, @jongolson, @cheetah, @anthonyadavisii, @jpphotography, @cryptoandcoffee, @thegreens,, @minismallholding, @enjoyinglife, @andrianna,
@roundbeargames, @elenasteem, @thekitchenfairy, @steemcleaners, @h-hamilton, @world-travel-pro, @qurator, @freedompoint, @derangedvisions, @balticbadger, @jenina619, @slobberchops, @meesterboom, @jodipamungkas, @nickyhavey, @isaria, @scaredycatguide, @neoxian-city, @sjarvie5, @jlsplatts, @alcibiades, @steemauto, @truce, @uwelang, @edgarsart, @soyrosa, @jenina619, @enjar, @crimsonclad, @acidyo, @stickyfingerz, @jordangerder, @holoz0r, @coingecko, @joythewanderer, @snook, @c0ff33a, @abh12345, @elenasteem, @preparedwombat, @lightcaptured, @sjarvie5, @fredrikaa, @worldcapture, @elizacheng, @world-travel-pro, @bengy, @davedickeyyall, @steemer-sayu907, @porters, @culgin, @budapestguide, @barski, @eugelys, @ginnyannette, @kommienezuspadt, @carlgnash, @wildhomesteading, @midlet, @thelifeofjord, @slobberchops, @zpzn, @blewitt, @jenina619,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@ibc, @condeas, @linuxbot, @astrophoto.kevin, : German Content-Nazi,
@smooth = @smooth.witness,
@corn113, @steemitlsh, @westport, @himapan, @eversloth : kr Commie Bamboo-spear.
@steemflagrewards and supporters of this dent of man-slaughterers :
@lukestokes.mhth, @yabapmatt, @themarkymark, @cervantes, @pjau, @pfunk, @patrice, @guiltyparties
Most major downvote-manslaughterers are supported by and linked with most top witnesses and Steem Foundation or so-called Steemit Inc fund to Monopolize Steem coin inflations to themselves. This is why Steem is Not fair Money or Currency. Additional UnFair tools are well equipped to reinforce their monopoly, and will be shown in following writings.
(You can be deListed
if you comment that you promise and keep that you won't downvote
Except strictly illegal writings such as plagiarism, copyright infringement, human/drug/weapons trafficking, kid porno etc.
Self-Vote is Fair Reward for investment and deligence.
Farming is Not Stealing, but
DownVote is robbery, bully, bamboo-spearing, man-slaughterering. )
_2. Remove From Witness Support and Down-Vote
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@steempress, @smooth.witness,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
Top Witnesses who are for Down-Vote-Pool HardForks.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
_3. DownVote-Hide their comments,
which can make them self-voters and then downvoted by themselves among man-slaughterers.
_4. Write Much More, Even Copy and Paste, to Dry-Up DownVoting-ManSlaughterers' Power,
_5. Be Proud of Negative Reputation.
If your writing is automatically hidden, Show your writings to Man-Slaughterers' Readers or UpVoted Individually.
It's the Auto-Hidden Writers' Right, To show Writings individually.
Copy and Paste your Hidden Writings to Man-Sluaghterers' Every Posts, Comment, and Every Readers' or UpVoted's Writings, individually.
_6. Make Much More Accounts to Fight For Freedom.
_7. Automate Resistance Process.
Or At least Make it Easy, Just Spread Your Writings, Copy and Paste
until DownVote Function is Removed From Steem.
_8. Make Situations Complex, To Kill Man-Slaughtering Bots and Programmers.
Vary Self-Vote or Not, Voting %, Voting Time etc.
_9. Repeat Persistently As Above, if you love Steem
Or If you dislike battle field,
_10. Leave Steem and Never Look Back,
until you hear No-DownVote HardFork and Steem becomes peaceful place.
_11. ManSlaughterers are losing.
@spaminator DownVote Power is Drying Up.
You can join and help to achieve Freedom of Speech.
Copy-Paste this writing to the victims, readers or related, Repeatedly, Persistently.
(This Writing is Copy-Left by @BewareCenterBase.
You can Copy-And-Paste anywhere in Steem
For Freedom of Speech and To Remove DownVote Function From Steem.
and to Make Steem Peaceful Place. )
Korean Verion. Latest List is above. 한글판, 최신 목록은 위에 있음.
[steem蟲:HF21] 남아썩는 다운보팅 파워로, 무엇을 다운보팅 할 것인가? [steem:HF21] What to Down-Vote with HF21 Down-Vote Power ?
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2019.08.28.수.08:45, by @BewareCenterBase,
Steem Hard Fork 21 ( 이하 HF21)
다운보팅 파워가 도입되어,
기존 HF20 이전에서
업보팅 파워를 소모하여 다운보팅 할 수 있도록 한 것에서,
다운보팅을 업보팅과 별도의 파워를 사용하여 할 수 있도록 하였다.
관련 글들은
이 글의 아래 목록에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.
hf21 에서 도입된 다운보트 파워
잔량과 회복을
보팅 파워 와 마찬가지로
확인할수 있다.
자, 여기서 남는 문제.
남아서 섞어 나가는 다운보팅 파워를 어디에 쓸 것인가?
탈중앙 매체에서 불가피한 다운보팅의 원래 취지대로,
스팀 블록체인의 생존성을 위협하게될 수 있는,
저작권 위반 이나, 아동 포로노, 해킹, 스캠 피싱 등의 사기 유도 글
등을 다운보팅 하라
는 것일 것이다.
그런 글들이 보인다면, 다운보팅 하면 된다.
그러나, 그런 글들은 많지 않다.
그래도 남아서 썩어나가는 다운보팅 파워는
자뻑 정의감에서 남의 글을 다운보팅 학살하는
컨텐츠 나찌나 인민재판 공산 죽창
다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하면 된다고 본다.
이것은 다운보팅 전쟁을 촉발할 것이지만,
다운보팅 학살자들의 나쁜짓을 통제할 방법은
이 취지에 공감하는 사람들이
그 다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하는 것이
불가피한 선택으로 보인다.
다운보팅해야할 다운보팅 학살자들의 목록을 공표해 나갈 것이다.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund
Witness to drop and to Down-vote :
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
기술의 한계가 있으면 기술 개발과 노오오오력으로써
극복할 생각을 하지 않고,
다운보팅을 권장하여,
스팀 투자자 및 스팀 사용자들의 감정을 학살하여
스팀에서 쫓아내는 스팀 최악의 적들을 다운보팅 해야한다고 본다.
스팀 개발자들, 스팀 재단, 스팀잇 회사 관계자들,
다운보팅 풀 도입에 찬성한 스팀 증인들
목록은 갱신해 나갈 것이고,
일단 상위 30위 증인들 중에서 hf21 down-vote 를 지원하고 있는 29 명의 목록을 준다.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
심심할 때, 무작위로 눌러서, 다운보팅의 맛을 보여주시라.
혹시 보복이 올 것이 두려운가?
자유와 언론의 자유는 그냥 얻어지지 않는다.
많은 피래미들이 벌떼처럼 다운보팅한다면,
고래 증인들도 대응 방법이 없을 것이고,
다운보팅 기능을 없애는 쪽으로 가게 될 것이다.
그래도 두려운가?
겁장이들은, 두려우면 빠지면 된다. ㅋㅋ
[ Related Writings : 관련 글 ]
Related Writings List below maybe cut due to size limitation <14k in comment.
More related writings can be seen at the original address above
아래 관련글 목록은 댓글 <14k 크기 제한으로 잘렸을 수 있습니다.
위 원문 주소에서 관련글 볼수 있습니다.
(Up To Here, Can be Copy and Pasted. < 14 k by Size )
Will be Arranged later.
여기까지 댓글에 복사하여 붙여넣기 가능함. < 14k 사이즈.
나중에 정리될 것임.
[Steem: deMerit] Down-vote is Evil Political Solution to Technical Shortcomings. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅은 기술 부족에 대한 사악한 정치적 해법.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:26 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem is Not Currency when DownVote Denies Currency's Characters such as Private Property Right and Liberty of Contract. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅으로 사유재산과 계약자유 부정하는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.16.Mon, 17:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is Shit, not Money. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 똥 이다, 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 06:42 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (2/n) - Bank Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 은행 사례.
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2019.09.23.Mon, 13:19 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] How to view Steem is, Not by whitepaper's forcing, but by each user's free perception. [스팀蟲: 단점] 스팀을 어떻게 볼 것인가는 백서의 강요가 아니라, 각자 자유 인식에 의해서이다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 08:01 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
(Steem Evil Censor prevent your reading this writing. Click account name @bewarecenterbase and go to blog/comment, then click writings there.)
(Revived and Will be Revived, Sometimes To DownVoters' Readers, Voted and Related Accounts, For Freedom of Speech, Right for Writings to Survive, Right to Show both Pros and Cons.
언론의 자유와 글의 생존권, 찬반 양론이 모두 보여질 수 있는 권리를 위하여, 다운보팅 학살에서 재생되었고, 재생될 것이다. 가끔, 학살자들의 독자나 보팅자들, 관련계정들에게 제공된다.)
[Steem : For Freedom] Code Of Conduct : DownVote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers. List Update v.5. 행동수칙 : 다운보팅 학살자를 다운보팅 하자.
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2019.11.19.Tue.09:50 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase,
For Freedom Of Speech,
_1. Let's Down-Vote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers.
The followings are known Content-Nazi
and Commie People's Court Bamboo Spear Red Guard Man-Slaughters
If you like, select anyone below and
DownVote Now and Anytime.
@oldstone =@slowwalker =@wisdomandjustice =@photoholic =@ilovemylife, (=@veronicalee ) : kr worst man-slaughterer.
@howo = @steempress : Content-Nazi by day, Commie Bamboo-Spear by night, All time Man-Slaughterer.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund : worst man-slaughterer, biggest enemy of Steem; but nowhere to downvote.
@steemcleaners, @ety001, @justyy, @oflyhigh, @cheetah, , : Evil profit assholes of @spaminator group : @adm, @pfunk ; Lots place to DownVote.
@threespeak group: DownVote every 3speak tag writings. (
@buildawhale group :
@preparedwombat, @steemflagrewards, @themarkymark, @blocktrades, @photovisions, @steemitworldmap, @magicmonk, @inertia, @planetauto, @scottcbusiness, @steembasicincome, @steeminator3000, @thelifeofjord, @dmitrydao, @dedicatedguy, @leo.syndication, @curie, @elsiekjay, @juancar347, @jongolson, @cheetah, @anthonyadavisii, @jpphotography, @cryptoandcoffee, @thegreens,, @minismallholding, @enjoyinglife, @andrianna,
@roundbeargames, @elenasteem, @thekitchenfairy, @steemcleaners, @h-hamilton, @world-travel-pro, @qurator, @freedompoint, @derangedvisions, @balticbadger, @jenina619, @slobberchops, @meesterboom, @jodipamungkas, @nickyhavey, @isaria, @scaredycatguide, @neoxian-city, @sjarvie5, @jlsplatts, @alcibiades, @steemauto, @truce, @uwelang, @edgarsart, @soyrosa, @jenina619, @enjar, @crimsonclad, @acidyo, @stickyfingerz, @jordangerder, @holoz0r, @coingecko, @joythewanderer, @snook, @c0ff33a, @abh12345, @elenasteem, @preparedwombat, @lightcaptured, @sjarvie5, @fredrikaa, @worldcapture, @elizacheng, @world-travel-pro, @bengy, @davedickeyyall, @steemer-sayu907, @porters, @culgin, @budapestguide, @barski, @eugelys, @ginnyannette, @kommienezuspadt, @carlgnash, @wildhomesteading, @midlet, @thelifeofjord, @slobberchops, @zpzn, @blewitt, @jenina619,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@ibc, @condeas, @linuxbot, @astrophoto.kevin, : German Content-Nazi,
@smooth = @smooth.witness,
@corn113, @steemitlsh, @westport, @himapan, @eversloth : kr Commie Bamboo-spear.
@steemflagrewards and supporters of this dent of man-slaughterers :
@lukestokes.mhth, @yabapmatt, @themarkymark, @cervantes, @pjau, @pfunk, @patrice, @guiltyparties
Most major downvote-manslaughterers are supported by and linked with most top witnesses and Steem Foundation or so-called Steemit Inc fund to Monopolize Steem coin inflations to themselves. This is why Steem is Not fair Money or Currency. Additional UnFair tools are well equipped to reinforce their monopoly, and will be shown in following writings.
(You can be deListed
if you comment that you promise and keep that you won't downvote
Except strictly illegal writings such as plagiarism, copyright infringement, human/drug/weapons trafficking, kid porno etc.
Self-Vote is Fair Reward for investment and deligence.
Farming is Not Stealing, but
DownVote is robbery, bully, bamboo-spearing, man-slaughterering. )
_2. Remove From Witness Support and Down-Vote
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@steempress, @smooth.witness,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
Top Witnesses who are for Down-Vote-Pool HardForks.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
_3. DownVote-Hide their comments,
which can make them self-voters and then downvoted by themselves among man-slaughterers.
_4. Write Much More, Even Copy and Paste, to Dry-Up DownVoting-ManSlaughterers' Power,
_5. Be Proud of Negative Reputation.
If your writing is automatically hidden, Show your writings to Man-Slaughterers' Readers or UpVoted Individually.
It's the Auto-Hidden Writers' Right, To show Writings individually.
Copy and Paste your Hidden Writings to Man-Sluaghterers' Every Posts, Comment, and Every Readers' or UpVoted's Writings, individually.
_6. Make Much More Accounts to Fight For Freedom.
_7. Automate Resistance Process.
Or At least Make it Easy, Just Spread Your Writings, Copy and Paste
until DownVote Function is Removed From Steem.
_8. Make Situations Complex, To Kill Man-Slaughtering Bots and Programmers.
Vary Self-Vote or Not, Voting %, Voting Time etc.
_9. Repeat Persistently As Above, if you love Steem
Or If you dislike battle field,
_10. Leave Steem and Never Look Back,
until you hear No-DownVote HardFork and Steem becomes peaceful place.
_11. ManSlaughterers are losing.
@spaminator DownVote Power is Drying Up.
You can join and help to achieve Freedom of Speech.
Copy-Paste this writing to the victims, readers or related, Repeatedly, Persistently.
(This Writing is Copy-Left by @BewareCenterBase.
You can Copy-And-Paste anywhere in Steem
For Freedom of Speech and To Remove DownVote Function From Steem.
and to Make Steem Peaceful Place. )
Korean Verion. Latest List is above. 한글판, 최신 목록은 위에 있음.
[steem蟲:HF21] 남아썩는 다운보팅 파워로, 무엇을 다운보팅 할 것인가? [steem:HF21] What to Down-Vote with HF21 Down-Vote Power ?
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2019.08.28.수.08:45, by @BewareCenterBase,
Steem Hard Fork 21 ( 이하 HF21)
다운보팅 파워가 도입되어,
기존 HF20 이전에서
업보팅 파워를 소모하여 다운보팅 할 수 있도록 한 것에서,
다운보팅을 업보팅과 별도의 파워를 사용하여 할 수 있도록 하였다.
관련 글들은
이 글의 아래 목록에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.
hf21 에서 도입된 다운보트 파워
잔량과 회복을
보팅 파워 와 마찬가지로
확인할수 있다.
자, 여기서 남는 문제.
남아서 섞어 나가는 다운보팅 파워를 어디에 쓸 것인가?
탈중앙 매체에서 불가피한 다운보팅의 원래 취지대로,
스팀 블록체인의 생존성을 위협하게될 수 있는,
저작권 위반 이나, 아동 포로노, 해킹, 스캠 피싱 등의 사기 유도 글
등을 다운보팅 하라
는 것일 것이다.
그런 글들이 보인다면, 다운보팅 하면 된다.
그러나, 그런 글들은 많지 않다.
그래도 남아서 썩어나가는 다운보팅 파워는
자뻑 정의감에서 남의 글을 다운보팅 학살하는
컨텐츠 나찌나 인민재판 공산 죽창
다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하면 된다고 본다.
이것은 다운보팅 전쟁을 촉발할 것이지만,
다운보팅 학살자들의 나쁜짓을 통제할 방법은
이 취지에 공감하는 사람들이
그 다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하는 것이
불가피한 선택으로 보인다.
다운보팅해야할 다운보팅 학살자들의 목록을 공표해 나갈 것이다.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund
Witness to drop and to Down-vote :
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
기술의 한계가 있으면 기술 개발과 노오오오력으로써
극복할 생각을 하지 않고,
다운보팅을 권장하여,
스팀 투자자 및 스팀 사용자들의 감정을 학살하여
스팀에서 쫓아내는 스팀 최악의 적들을 다운보팅 해야한다고 본다.
스팀 개발자들, 스팀 재단, 스팀잇 회사 관계자들,
다운보팅 풀 도입에 찬성한 스팀 증인들
목록은 갱신해 나갈 것이고,
일단 상위 30위 증인들 중에서 hf21 down-vote 를 지원하고 있는 29 명의 목록을 준다.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
심심할 때, 무작위로 눌러서, 다운보팅의 맛을 보여주시라.
혹시 보복이 올 것이 두려운가?
자유와 언론의 자유는 그냥 얻어지지 않는다.
많은 피래미들이 벌떼처럼 다운보팅한다면,
고래 증인들도 대응 방법이 없을 것이고,
다운보팅 기능을 없애는 쪽으로 가게 될 것이다.
그래도 두려운가?
겁장이들은, 두려우면 빠지면 된다. ㅋㅋ
[ Related Writings : 관련 글 ]
Related Writings List below maybe cut due to size limitation <14k in comment.
More related writings can be seen at the original address above
아래 관련글 목록은 댓글 <14k 크기 제한으로 잘렸을 수 있습니다.
위 원문 주소에서 관련글 볼수 있습니다.
(Up To Here, Can be Copy and Pasted. < 14 k by Size )
Will be Arranged later.
여기까지 댓글에 복사하여 붙여넣기 가능함. < 14k 사이즈.
나중에 정리될 것임.
[Steem: deMerit] Down-vote is Evil Political Solution to Technical Shortcomings. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅은 기술 부족에 대한 사악한 정치적 해법.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:26 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem is Not Currency when DownVote Denies Currency's Characters such as Private Property Right and Liberty of Contract. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅으로 사유재산과 계약자유 부정하는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.16.Mon, 17:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is Shit, not Money. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 똥 이다, 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 06:42 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (2/n) - Bank Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 은행 사례.
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2019.09.23.Mon, 13:19 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] How to view Steem is, Not by whitepaper's forcing, but by each user's free perception. [스팀蟲: 단점] 스팀을 어떻게 볼 것인가는 백서의 강요가 아니라, 각자 자유 인식에 의해서이다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 08:01 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
(Steem Evil Censor prevent your reading this writing. Click account name @bewarecenterbase and go to blog/comment, then click writings there.)
(Revived and Will be Revived, Sometimes To DownVoters' Readers, Voted and Related Accounts, For Freedom of Speech, Right for Writings to Survive, Right to Show both Pros and Cons.
언론의 자유와 글의 생존권, 찬반 양론이 모두 보여질 수 있는 권리를 위하여, 다운보팅 학살에서 재생되었고, 재생될 것이다. 가끔, 학살자들의 독자나 보팅자들, 관련계정들에게 제공된다.)
[Steem : For Freedom] Code Of Conduct : DownVote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers. List Update v.5. 행동수칙 : 다운보팅 학살자를 다운보팅 하자.
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2019.11.19.Tue.09:50 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase,
For Freedom Of Speech,
_1. Let's Down-Vote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers.
The followings are known Content-Nazi
and Commie People's Court Bamboo Spear Red Guard Man-Slaughters
If you like, select anyone below and
DownVote Now and Anytime.
@oldstone =@slowwalker =@wisdomandjustice =@photoholic =@ilovemylife, (=@veronicalee ) : kr worst man-slaughterer.
@howo = @steempress : Content-Nazi by day, Commie Bamboo-Spear by night, All time Man-Slaughterer.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund : worst man-slaughterer, biggest enemy of Steem; but nowhere to downvote.
@steemcleaners, @ety001, @justyy, @oflyhigh, @cheetah, , : Evil profit assholes of @spaminator group : @adm, @pfunk ; Lots place to DownVote.
@threespeak group: DownVote every 3speak tag writings. (
@buildawhale group :
@preparedwombat, @steemflagrewards, @themarkymark, @blocktrades, @photovisions, @steemitworldmap, @magicmonk, @inertia, @planetauto, @scottcbusiness, @steembasicincome, @steeminator3000, @thelifeofjord, @dmitrydao, @dedicatedguy, @leo.syndication, @curie, @elsiekjay, @juancar347, @jongolson, @cheetah, @anthonyadavisii, @jpphotography, @cryptoandcoffee, @thegreens,, @minismallholding, @enjoyinglife, @andrianna,
@roundbeargames, @elenasteem, @thekitchenfairy, @steemcleaners, @h-hamilton, @world-travel-pro, @qurator, @freedompoint, @derangedvisions, @balticbadger, @jenina619, @slobberchops, @meesterboom, @jodipamungkas, @nickyhavey, @isaria, @scaredycatguide, @neoxian-city, @sjarvie5, @jlsplatts, @alcibiades, @steemauto, @truce, @uwelang, @edgarsart, @soyrosa, @jenina619, @enjar, @crimsonclad, @acidyo, @stickyfingerz, @jordangerder, @holoz0r, @coingecko, @joythewanderer, @snook, @c0ff33a, @abh12345, @elenasteem, @preparedwombat, @lightcaptured, @sjarvie5, @fredrikaa, @worldcapture, @elizacheng, @world-travel-pro, @bengy, @davedickeyyall, @steemer-sayu907, @porters, @culgin, @budapestguide, @barski, @eugelys, @ginnyannette, @kommienezuspadt, @carlgnash, @wildhomesteading, @midlet, @thelifeofjord, @slobberchops, @zpzn, @blewitt, @jenina619,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@ibc, @condeas, @linuxbot, @astrophoto.kevin, : German Content-Nazi,
@smooth = @smooth.witness,
@corn113, @steemitlsh, @westport, @himapan, @eversloth : kr Commie Bamboo-spear.
@steemflagrewards and supporters of this dent of man-slaughterers :
@lukestokes.mhth, @yabapmatt, @themarkymark, @cervantes, @pjau, @pfunk, @patrice, @guiltyparties
Most major downvote-manslaughterers are supported by and linked with most top witnesses and Steem Foundation or so-called Steemit Inc fund to Monopolize Steem coin inflations to themselves. This is why Steem is Not fair Money or Currency. Additional UnFair tools are well equipped to reinforce their monopoly, and will be shown in following writings.
(You can be deListed
if you comment that you promise and keep that you won't downvote
Except strictly illegal writings such as plagiarism, copyright infringement, human/drug/weapons trafficking, kid porno etc.
Self-Vote is Fair Reward for investment and deligence.
Farming is Not Stealing, but
DownVote is robbery, bully, bamboo-spearing, man-slaughterering. )
_2. Remove From Witness Support and Down-Vote
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@steempress, @smooth.witness,
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
Top Witnesses who are for Down-Vote-Pool HardForks.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
_3. DownVote-Hide their comments,
which can make them self-voters and then downvoted by themselves among man-slaughterers.
_4. Write Much More, Even Copy and Paste, to Dry-Up DownVoting-ManSlaughterers' Power,
_5. Be Proud of Negative Reputation.
If your writing is automatically hidden, Show your writings to Man-Slaughterers' Readers or UpVoted Individually.
It's the Auto-Hidden Writers' Right, To show Writings individually.
Copy and Paste your Hidden Writings to Man-Sluaghterers' Every Posts, Comment, and Every Readers' or UpVoted's Writings, individually.
_6. Make Much More Accounts to Fight For Freedom.
_7. Automate Resistance Process.
Or At least Make it Easy, Just Spread Your Writings, Copy and Paste
until DownVote Function is Removed From Steem.
_8. Make Situations Complex, To Kill Man-Slaughtering Bots and Programmers.
Vary Self-Vote or Not, Voting %, Voting Time etc.
_9. Repeat Persistently As Above, if you love Steem
Or If you dislike battle field,
_10. Leave Steem and Never Look Back,
until you hear No-DownVote HardFork and Steem becomes peaceful place.
_11. ManSlaughterers are losing.
@spaminator DownVote Power is Drying Up.
You can join and help to achieve Freedom of Speech.
Copy-Paste this writing to the victims, readers or related, Repeatedly, Persistently.
(This Writing is Copy-Left by @BewareCenterBase.
You can Copy-And-Paste anywhere in Steem
For Freedom of Speech and To Remove DownVote Function From Steem.
and to Make Steem Peaceful Place. )
Korean Verion. Latest List is above. 한글판, 최신 목록은 위에 있음.
[steem蟲:HF21] 남아썩는 다운보팅 파워로, 무엇을 다운보팅 할 것인가? [steem:HF21] What to Down-Vote with HF21 Down-Vote Power ?
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2019.08.28.수.08:45, by @BewareCenterBase,
Steem Hard Fork 21 ( 이하 HF21)
다운보팅 파워가 도입되어,
기존 HF20 이전에서
업보팅 파워를 소모하여 다운보팅 할 수 있도록 한 것에서,
다운보팅을 업보팅과 별도의 파워를 사용하여 할 수 있도록 하였다.
관련 글들은
이 글의 아래 목록에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.
hf21 에서 도입된 다운보트 파워
잔량과 회복을
보팅 파워 와 마찬가지로
확인할수 있다.
자, 여기서 남는 문제.
남아서 섞어 나가는 다운보팅 파워를 어디에 쓸 것인가?
탈중앙 매체에서 불가피한 다운보팅의 원래 취지대로,
스팀 블록체인의 생존성을 위협하게될 수 있는,
저작권 위반 이나, 아동 포로노, 해킹, 스캠 피싱 등의 사기 유도 글
등을 다운보팅 하라
는 것일 것이다.
그런 글들이 보인다면, 다운보팅 하면 된다.
그러나, 그런 글들은 많지 않다.
그래도 남아서 썩어나가는 다운보팅 파워는
자뻑 정의감에서 남의 글을 다운보팅 학살하는
컨텐츠 나찌나 인민재판 공산 죽창
다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하면 된다고 본다.
이것은 다운보팅 전쟁을 촉발할 것이지만,
다운보팅 학살자들의 나쁜짓을 통제할 방법은
이 취지에 공감하는 사람들이
그 다운보팅 학살자들을 다운보팅 하는 것이
불가피한 선택으로 보인다.
다운보팅해야할 다운보팅 학살자들의 목록을 공표해 나갈 것이다.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund
Witness to drop and to Down-vote :
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
기술의 한계가 있으면 기술 개발과 노오오오력으로써
극복할 생각을 하지 않고,
다운보팅을 권장하여,
스팀 투자자 및 스팀 사용자들의 감정을 학살하여
스팀에서 쫓아내는 스팀 최악의 적들을 다운보팅 해야한다고 본다.
스팀 개발자들, 스팀 재단, 스팀잇 회사 관계자들,
다운보팅 풀 도입에 찬성한 스팀 증인들
목록은 갱신해 나갈 것이고,
일단 상위 30위 증인들 중에서 hf21 down-vote 를 지원하고 있는 29 명의 목록을 준다.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress,
@xeldal, @emrebeyler,@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
심심할 때, 무작위로 눌러서, 다운보팅의 맛을 보여주시라.
혹시 보복이 올 것이 두려운가?
자유와 언론의 자유는 그냥 얻어지지 않는다.
많은 피래미들이 벌떼처럼 다운보팅한다면,
고래 증인들도 대응 방법이 없을 것이고,
다운보팅 기능을 없애는 쪽으로 가게 될 것이다.
그래도 두려운가?
겁장이들은, 두려우면 빠지면 된다. ㅋㅋ
[ Related Writings : 관련 글 ]
Related Writings List below maybe cut due to size limitation <14k in comment.
More related writings can be seen at the original address above
아래 관련글 목록은 댓글 <14k 크기 제한으로 잘렸을 수 있습니다.
위 원문 주소에서 관련글 볼수 있습니다.
(Up To Here, Can be Copy and Pasted. < 14 k by Size )
Will be Arranged later.
여기까지 댓글에 복사하여 붙여넣기 가능함. < 14k 사이즈.
나중에 정리될 것임.
[Steem: deMerit] Down-vote is Evil Political Solution to Technical Shortcomings. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅은 기술 부족에 대한 사악한 정치적 해법.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:26 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem is Not Currency when DownVote Denies Currency's Characters such as Private Property Right and Liberty of Contract. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅으로 사유재산과 계약자유 부정하는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.11.Wed, 06:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.16.Mon, 17:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is Shit, not Money. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 똥 이다, 화폐가 아니다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 06:42 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (2/n) - Bank Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 은행 사례.
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2019.09.23.Mon, 13:19 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] How to view Steem is, Not by whitepaper's forcing, but by each user's free perception. [스팀蟲: 단점] 스팀을 어떻게 볼 것인가는 백서의 강요가 아니라, 각자 자유 인식에 의해서이다.
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2019.09.17.Tue, 08:01 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
Congratulations @tommyrobinson!
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:
Thanks for sharing!
Is this a recording from 2018? I remember having seen this footage already.
Yes, Tommy's team has been re-uploading some of the old videos to 3speak because YouTube has set them to limited state where they can't be found, shared, commented on or embedded. We will try to add a note when we do this going forward.
thx for the info!