The Curation and Engagement Leagues 🏆
This weeks post is dedicated to the late @wolfhart. A big supporter of the EL and a friendly, lighthearted guy. Rest in peace.
With 30 STEEM and a number of SBI shares to be won - sign up, engage, and win! 🎁
Welcome to the Engagement and Curation leagues. How does your engagement on Steem compare against others?

This weeks Post is sponsored by @esteemapp - A mobile and desktop app for Steem.
Other contests
If you have less than 500 Steem Power, why not join @paulag's Redfish Power-up League? Visit @paulag for the latest 'Red Fish Power-up League' post and register there.
If you have between 500 and 5000 Steem Power, join the @steemcommunity 'Minnow Power-up League' - visit @steemcommunity and register on the latest post.
League Info
Would you like to enter the leagues? Make a comment below - this is for a lifetime membership and so you will need to ask to be removed.
The league tables are reset each week and so any time is a good time to join!
The Engagement League

This league is not based around financial rewards and relates to engagement.
Everyone currently on my master list has a chance here - including those powering down or dealing in delegations over the past couple of weeks.
I've used some metrics relating to:
- Posts (P)
- Comments - number of (C)
- Number of people spoken to (PS)
- Comments - replies to replies - depth > 2 (C R)
- Comments - length in characters (C L)
- Witness votes (W) (for those proxying witness votes, your total is always 30)
- Up-votes to others (V)
- Up-votes to different authors (U V)
- Self-votes - a small minus score for this one, sorry! (S V)
Note: Copy/Paste comments will be excluded!
Engagement League Table

Firstly, if you are placed in the table above then you among the top 15% of the league entrants!
- 381 accounts earned a score this week (384 last time)
- The top 100 produced 796 top level posts (815 last time)
- The top 100 produced 12885 comments (11563 last time)
- The top 100 produced over 2.34 million characters of text in comments (2.16 last time)
- The top 100 cast 40153 votes (37353 last time), of these, 191 were self-votes (210 last time)
Congratulations to this weeks Engagement League winner:
@tattoodjay! 🏆
Back at the top after a couple of weeks with other priorities, @tattoodjay retakes first place with landslide victory.
@veryspider takes 2nd place with her best placing in a while, just 4 points ahead of the lovely @dswigle in 3rd. Well done the top 3!
Excellent engagement levels also from @joelsegovia, @chireerocks, @brittandjosie, @simplymike, @wakeupkitty, @raj808, and @tarazkp who will all be receiving some STEEM this week.
Those without a self-vote and placed in the top ranks will also receive a little STEEM. These people are: @chekohler, @amico, @riverflows, @johannpiber, @glenalbrethsen, @bozz, and @redheadpei.
Well done everyone!
The Curation League / Rewards based
NOTE: If you have started a power-down or been involved in delegations in/out of your account, you will not appear on this list for 15 days following the activities above. Thanks!
The end column is what I think is a genuine indicator of how well you are financially working the curation game with the tools, including vested Steem Power, that you have at your disposal.

🎁 Prizes 🎁
The Engagement League

0 votes to self - Spot Prizes

Lucky numbers
Ordered by date sponsor first offered a prize for their lucky number.
A big thank you to all the sponsors and well done to the winners!
If anyone wishes to sponsor a number give me a shout and I'll try to remember to add it next week :)
If you have spotted any glaring mistakes in my post, please let me know so I can fix them
If you would like to be added or removed from the master list, give me a shout
If you have any other comments or suggestions, please enter them into the box below
Thanks for mentioning eSteem app. Kindly join our Discord or Telegram channel for more benefits and offers on eSteem, don't miss our amazing updates.
Follow @esteemapp as well!
I am touched by the “ dedicate to @wolfhart “ I love that thank you @abh12345
Congrats @tattoodjay glad to have back !!!
@veryspider 2nd place and the lovely @dswigle in 3rd. Well done the top 3! Love it !
Excellent engagement levels from @joelsegovia, ( don’t think we met before changing that right now ) and my friends @chireerocks, @simplymike, @wakeupkitty, @raj808, and @tarazkp
Thanks for the great numbers.
Also we also couldn’t do without the rest of the list
Congrats and see you next week ,
The least I could do after what you told me last week regarding how much he enjoyed the leagues.
Thanks Britt, have a good week!
You too 😉
I think we all are touched.
Thanks for taking the time to write this.
Posted using Partiko Android
I like to think we are. Online friendships do exist that’s the true thing I learned and I love it. For me this is a
New dimension
They exist for sure and last too.
You share what you have in common, can do so without annoying or disturbing someone.
I see internet as the way to be yourself, no matter what, people like you or not. If the contact is real it stays. If the click is not their you lost nothing.
Here you can speak to anyone, take part of a conversation. Imagine you would do that in normal life, outside on the street.
Posted using Partiko Android
So true but I am not a social media animal and never thought it was possible
Thank you so much and enjoy your time ahead. Stay blessed.
Posted using Partiko Android
Aaargh below the page break! The humanity...
Anyway, great job everyone! I'm first in with comment this week! I'm off to register a share for @abitcoinskeptic!
It was a sad week to hear of the passing of @wolfhart.
Yes it was, hopefully a brighter week this time.
Page-break for you, pink-zone for me :D
Hmmmmmm... I'll get above the break next week... I hope...and maybe get my pink spot back!
I think @wolfhart would be pretty chuffed to have something dedicated to him - though he would take the piss out of it :D
I think the same :)
Well done for sneaking into the 10 again.
@tarazkp @abh12345 I KNOW HE WOULD HAVE LOVED IT and I like to think he sees all we do from
up above
Down to 30 🙃 all good my engagement is still potent lol! Over 30k characters on my vivo phone is 💪 that's a ton of trolling JK I play nice the one lil tiff I got into got straightened out over a common cannabis bond. Plant Power!
Eh though I didn't see @paulag redfish league this week? I'm on the precipice of graduation. Certified organic growth ladies and gentlemen, get on the #humanizesteem train and let's keep the vibes sky high! Thanks @abh12345 as always for your contributions and I'm stacking that engage like a boss should big ups!
Posted using Partiko Android
Not bad from a phone!
Yeah no Redfish or Minnow power up leagues this week, Paula is away on business.
Keep stacking those ENGAGE :)
Unacceptable Paula 🤡
Yea im on the iPad now, but same game with my pointer finger...
I just had a flashback tho to my first QWERTY Kyocera slide phone circa 2006 then I was all
thumbs and pimpin the honeydips on sms. My how times have changed ! I still used burner phones up until not long ago for my “work” tho on the flip phone you had to push 2-3 x the button action but there was that annoying T9 lol. I wonder if aliens are laughing at us for not tapping into telepathy ? Like wireless haha we on that no network hyper light deviceless communication kid ! Alien 👽 Well this comment just turned into my next post and that’s the power of engagement or redundancy I’ll let my followers be the judge of that 🤤
Posted using Partiko iOS
Damn dude, 1 week and people r mad 😜😜 well done on your engagement, ur stacking up partiko points too
Posted using Partiko Android
Nah @paulag I’m just being a pain per usual 🤗 hope your business venture is going well, the excel I assume ? Yea partiko points, engage,pal,weed, I’m on a mission from, well somewhere or someone ? I hope I remember when I get there,wherever, or whenever that may be !?!
Posted using Partiko iOS
I miss phones with qwerty keyboards, they were the best!! I don't fat finger those like I do touchscreens. I had four phones like that. Bring back the keyboards!!!
Posted using Partiko Android
Omg finally. A random prize. Thanks @bengy and @abh12345
Posted using Partiko Android
The best one!
The highly coveted 33 :)
@wolfhart will really be missed, im sure he'd have some snappy comeback for this dedication. Nice to be back amoung the top ranks again, going to be honest, its really been PAL and SPT thats got me back in the engagement seat, its made content a little easier to find and the additional rewards are a fun incentive too.
Does anyone know if you can set PAL and SPT to auto claim though?
Also thanks for my spot prize! With all these extra earnings and this bull run lurking, could we be in for some crazy times?
I think more would say the same - palnet has certainly lifted moral around here.
I don't think you can autoclaim PAL yet.
A bull run is coming? I hope so!
OK, perhaps a stupid question, but what's SPT? I know about PAL, but not that one. :)
Posted using Partiko Android
SPT is the token you can earn for posting on so if you into steem monsters/splinterlands then it’s worth hanging out there! There’s also another one I found today called actnearn
Posted using Partiko iOS
Ohhh I hadn't heard of Splintertalk either, cool! Thanks for the clarity.
Posted using Partiko Android
I also am touched you dedicated this post to @wolfhart, he will be missed and my thoughts go out to his family.
Thanks for putting this together its great to see the wonderful commitment and engagement levels here on Steemit
one SBI share sent to my friend @johannpiber for coming in at lucky number 16,
Congrats to everyone who made the list
Thanks @tattoodjay
Well done on regaining top spot, and thanks again for sponsoring a lucky number.
My Pleasure to give a little back with the Support and thanks for the steem :)
Thank you so much, my friend, I knew, why I didn't comment so much this week - to be number 16 😁
Seriously, I haven't thought about rankings, I'm still in the top 20, and I don't regret to be in this League, because I do think, that it's a good thing for our community here 😀
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Yes commenting and engaging is what makes this place special, and we all learn and enjoy our time on here like our frequent long comment trails discussing this and that
So very true, I only hate these copy/paste comments, but I reply to them the same way ... this is why most of my comments don't count, otherwise I would be number 1 😎
I like our long comment trails too, although I often cannot remember the beginnings 😆
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I have heard the current number 1 is hard to beat :) I generally ignore the copy and past comments but I am lucky I do not get too many of them, ohh yes our comment trails can often wander off on a tangent but that makes them fun
Yes, I have heard that too, and it will be much harder in a few days, when he does not need to go to work everyday anymore.
Then he will have 24 hours a day to post and comment ... but I have the hope, that he will find a new home near his grandkids soon, and that they will need him so often and so much to play, or for a walk or whatever, that we other Engagers have a tiny little chance to beat him :))) lol
I do not get that much of these comments either, but when I reply the same way they comment, I get sometimes nicer comments on my next posts :)
Rumour has it's a few months and not days, but also then he won't be spending so much time commuting on a train which is when he is most active weekend are his quieter days and in a few months it will be one long weekend :)
Days or months, who cares? I have years :((
You have no idea how stressful it is in the pension. Our pensioners never have time for anything. If you want to invite a pensioner to a party or a meal, then you have to do that long before, because the pensioner has a tight schedule. At least that's the case with our pensioners.
But forget the above - I also think of the pension as a very long weekend, and I do not mean to put any stress on it 😊
No stress at all and yes the pension in many countries does make things very tight fir people luckily with my having been with this company for coming up on 30 years I will get an ok pension and should be fine
Good morning and have a great day
Good morning JJ,
I meant it that way, that they have so much to do: doctors appointments, short trips here and there, shopping, and I don't know, what else they have got to do. Most of the pensioners I know, are always busy. They cannot sit down and enjoy their free life.
I wish you a great day too. The sun is shining here, and for the next days the weather forecast has predicted a heatwave up to 35 degrees C.
WOW what a contrast with now a heatwave, it’s nice here today but then rain coming for the next few days so I will enjoy today
I think its important when retired to keep oneself busy or I know I would go stir crazy
Yes, one day is cold any rainy, and the next day is hot - that's strange, but it is as it is :)
Right, being busy, doing things you like to do, keeps your brain working :)
It keeps us on out toes we never know what is coming :)
That's it - you live today, and the now is important ;)
Yes Indeed, Live each day as if it is your last, :)
That's how it should be 😊
Congratulations @dswigle, you rock! My results are proportional with the time I had this week 😄 but I'm happy anyway, I did ok.
Thanks Asher for running the league, it is really important for us. Now you can send me some rain 😄
I can send you all the rain you need, thanks for taking part! :)
My pleasure as always 😉
A very short comment @abh12345, to fulfill my commitment. I am on vacation for two weeks with my beloved. To see our “eastern” (those in the eastern U.S.) children …
An SBI share to our
”Hot Pink”
winner this week - @abh12345! Nice to see you get the prize again. Due to your always “steady as she goes” work! 👍And congratulations to all of this week’s winners, which is everyone! As well as those who got some prizes … 😉
I appreciate you honoring @wolfhart. He was a real "salt of the earth" asset to the Steem blockchain and will be greatly missed, especially in the @pifc community, where he was such a tireless contributor of wisdom and encouragement.
"Onward and upward" into a new week!
Thanks Rob!
Very happy to have landing on number 11 again.
The small tribute to @wolfhart is the least I could do, it was always a pleasure to engage with him.
Onward and upward we go :)
Congratulations to the usual suspects :)
And a big thank you to you Asher and @esteemapp <33
Thank you!
Hi Asher. Nice touch dedicating to wolfhart. He did love the leagues that you run. I slipped this week, but a good slip as I landed on lucky 25. Thanks Peter or @fullcoverbetting for the sbi it is really appreciated.
Thanks. A slip but landed nicely in SBI land :)
Other people's slips are my goals. ;)
Posted using Partiko Android
I want to congratulate everyone on making it here to the Engagement League! We are all winners, out there engaging and interacting.
@Tattoodjay is a clear overachiever and @VerySpider is Awesomeness! It is such an honor to even be standing close to those two. All kidding aside, always so well done!
It was a beautiful thought, the honoring of @wolfhart. I don't even have words for such amazing people that pass through our fingers here. It was, indeed a sad week for all that knew him. May he rest in peace.
Thank you for the steem and thank you for hosting and nudging people to get out more and engage in some true interaction. I would like to sponsor the number 9 next week.
Thank you again! You are the best!
!tip 1.0
Thanks for the tip again this week @dswigle, very kind!
You did great to make the top 3, and very close to 2nd this time :)
And thank you for sponsoring number 9 next week, I shall try my best to remember!
LOL Thank you! I can't believe I bumped up another notch to three. @phoenixwren
It feels good!
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Aw, thanks for the tip!
I bet it feels great up there at the peak of the engagement mountain! You should feel good! That's a lot of work! :)
Posted using Partiko Android
🎁 Hi @abh12345! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!
Check out @dswigle blog here and follow if you like the content :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)
Well done on #3!
"Clear overachiever," lol. XD
Posted using Partiko Android
LOL Thank you! I can't believe I bumped up another notch to three. @phoenixwren
It feels good!
Have a wonderful Sunday!
🎁 Hi @phoenixwren! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!
Check out @dswigle blog here and follow if you like the content :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)
🎁 Hi @abh12345! You have received 1.0 SBD tip from @dswigle!
Check out @dswigle blog here and follow if you like the content :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)
Great idea to dedicate this one to @wolfhart.
Congrats to everyone!
I just need to ask: @brittandjosie: how do you manage to get 22 posts out in a week ánd score this high when it comes to engagement?
I really need to learn to write shorter posts, or maybe to type faster, lol
Thank you :)
I can barely get 1 post a day out and so would like to know this secret too - maybe Taraz can also help here!
I'm glad I can get up 4 a week.
Most posts take me a couple of hours to write and style before they can be published. Right now I'm working on one, but it will at least take me another day to get it ready, lol
Time v Money, make sure you don't lose track of that :)
I think a couple of hours is generally plenty of time to spend on a Post - up to you of course.
If I would think like that, I wouldn't have spent 5 or 6 hours replying to comments last night, lol.
I could probably get every post I make done in a couple of hours, but I often find it hard to keep focus. It happens quite a lot that while I'm writing, a comment comes in and I get completely distracted. Or I receive a mail about an interesting product I can promote, and waste half a day trying to get my new affiliate website up. Once I get back to the post I was writing, I'm out of the 'flow' and I have a hard time to pick up where I left.
I have dozens of unfinished posts like that, lol.
Story of my life, haha. I just came back upstairs from the garden, pretty unsatisfied, because I wanted to set up a trellis for one of the plants. But then I noticed the Jerusalem Artichokes looked really bad. Their soil appeared to be too acidic, so I had to fix that fist. While I was at it, I checked the soil of everything else too - and so I spent more than an hour doing a lot of things, but my trellis hasn't been built yet. This is going on for like an entire week.
Same for my posts. The tutorial I'm writing now was supposed to be an entry for a round of the @ifc contest - weeks ago. But somehow, something else always came up. I'm about half way, but I was so far behind replying, I need to take care of that first... there's always something, lol
My issue is usually figuring out what to write about, as I don't exactly have the most thrilling life! Lol
Posted using Partiko Android
Same here :0)
I'm still pretty much housebound and I'm limited in the things I can do. So most of my days I'm spending lying down on my bed working on a website I'm building, engaging on SteemIt or playing Steemmonsters. Every hour and half or so, I can spend half an hour in the garden. But that's about it, except for the occasional trip to the nearby gardening center.
So finding things to write about isn't always easy.
I like writing tutorials, but they take me hours, sometimes days. I really need to take a look at how @brittandjosie does it :0)
I like tutorials too, but yeah - they require a certain amount of setup, and presuming you have the necessary ingredients, and that my kitchen isn't a frightening mess
Posted using Partiko Android
Same here :0)
I'm still pretty much housebound and I'm limited in the things I can do. So most of my days I'm spending lying down on my bed working on a website I'm building, engaging on SteemIt or playing Steemmonsters. Every hour and half or so, I can spend half an hour in the garden. But that's about it, except for the occasional trip to the nearby gardening center.
So finding things to write about isn't always easy.
I like writing tutorials, but they take me hours, sometimes days. I really need to take a look at how @brittandjosie does it :0)
This is where I first met Wolf, so it seems appropriate to me that you dedicate this week's league to @wolfhart.
Congrats to everyone and I'll be sending 2 sbi for 2nd place to @veryspider! Yay!
Thanks to @esteemapp for sponsoring the prizes!
Glad to hear that the EL has connected people :)
2 sbi, very kind, and well done again @veryspider!
Congratulation to the winner. Seems like it is always difficult to beat that first position up there always
@abh12345, @esteem is also boosting many Content Creators by curating their Content and it's really appreciable aspect. Keep up brother and stay blessed.
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I really like the way eSteem manually curates each one of the posts they vote on. I have used eSteem since I first started here and appreciate all the tools and votes they have given me to help me build my account!
Absolutely true. And the weight of that vote is very handy for the newbies and others, they can grow effectively here with consistency. Have a great time ahead.
Posted using Partiko Android
Hi @abh12345!
Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
Your UA account score is currently 7.895 which ranks you at #21 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has not changed in the last three days.
In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 149 contributions, your post is ranked at #5.
Evaluation of your UA score:
Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord server
I'm not doing so well in the leagues so the extra special price is a great surprize :D Thanks @amico and Asher! <3
My pleasure and joy, darling! 🤗 A huge hug!
Posted using Partiko Android
Put me in coach.
Sure thing, welcome!
Now that I'm on the laptop, the SBI has been sent to @amico! Congrats on lucky number 13! :)
Hey, thank you very much for SBI, @phoenixwren! 😜
I was also feeling more confortable using a laptop for sending SBI sponsorship, but today I have do it from my smartphone going on @steembasicincome blog with @steempeak and selecting "Send STEEM/SBD" from the drop down menu: it's easy and pretty safe for avoiding typing mistakes!
A huge hug from @amico 🤗
Posted using Partiko Android
Oh, I've never used SteemPeak on the phone, either, just Partiko. GTK there's the option, though!
Thank you @phoenixwren!
Okay! I'm in! Please put me in the list!
You are in, welcome!
Congratulations @tattoodjay and @veryspider!
Very nice engagement stats!
Thanks Kindly the engagement on here is what makes the platform so special
Congrats @cryptoandcoffee
Cheers Peter!
A moment of peace for @wolfhart.
Thanks @abh12345 for doing this.
Good job @tattodjay for making it on top! Congrats to all who keeps this platform as engaging as can be.
Thank you @leeart 😊
Asher, what a lovely gesture to remember the late @wolfhart.
Congrats @tattoodjay for being on top again.
I’m happy to be in the colors. Thanks for spot prize. 😊
Congrats to you, Jo! Great numbers this week!
Thank you, and well done on reaching then coloured zone again. 😊
Thanks for the steem!! My heart skipped a beat to find i was in that top level with the greats.. first time ever! I had fun upping my engagement this week.. all genuine interactions that were fun and i spoke to new folk too. Lots of love to the league folk this week and always! And thanks Ash for doing it. We love you!!
And thoughts to @wolfhart... im sure hed be chuffed with all the love here x
First time ever? Well done you!
Thank you for supporting the EL!
Yeah...!!!! Which must mean no one else commented that week 😄😄😂😂😂... nah i did go for it... this week im on roadtrip so have an excuse...
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks for the prize and for your constant effort on pushing up engagement!
I'm really happy to SBI sponsoring @soyrosa for lucky 🍀 number #22.
A huge hug 🤗
Posted using Partiko Android
My pleasure @amico, well done on your placing and thank you for sponsoring a lucky number :)
Hey @abh12345 I wonder if there could be an extra category for something like % resource credits used as another way to view relative engagement. There are some huge accounts here, I ran out of credits last week!
Good to hear members coming up with ideas but I think resource credits is a tough one to measure as they are constantly moving. Also, the biggest drain on RCs is account token claims which can be made with 0 'real' engagement.
Quite impressive that you ran out of RCs with 120 SP - I suspect you'll have enough very soon to not run dry via posting/commentating/voting alone.
Congratulations @abh12345!
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:
Hey, @abh12345.
I'm waiting on a call to see when I should leave for work, so I'll try to squeeze this in as quickly as I can.
Thank you, first of all, Asher, for the ongoing curation and engagement lists, and a place to congregate every week. I don't think the value of either can be overstated.
Congratulations to everyone in the Top 25. Well done.
Onward and upward!
Thanks Glen
I hope work is keeping you as busy as you want to be, and nothing more. I'm still on the lookout here in my new(old) town.
Number 17 for you this week, not a bad show at all for a working man.
Have a good one,
I'm afraid it's going to be more than I want busy wise, but more importantly, I think it will be enough as far as finances go. The latter is yet to be determined since I won't see a full month's paycheck until the beginning of August (the company pays on the 1st of each month, so I'll see a partial month for July).
I wish you all the best. I'm in this job as quickly as I did because I kind of know the guy, but not very well. Still, I think it was enough to tip the scales in my favor. My guess is you're asking around friends and family if they know anything. It seems like anymore, you need to know somebody. Or somebody who knows somebody. :)
Congratulations to everyone, looks like the weeklies are holding pretty steady.
I want to thank Asher for these leagues. While I have only made the top 100 in the curation league a few times, I have made it enough to see how HF21 will effect that, and we all have a record of what we have been able to accomplish vie engagement, so if HF21 does go through we will be able to see what effects it will have on a group of past dedicated engagers.
I am also glad that I have been a part of the other tracker the minnow power up league, that will also give me another tool to see what effects HF21 will have on speed of growth.
Aug 1st will be the beginning of my 3rd year on steemit. It will be interesting to see if I get a steemitboard 3rd birthday cake or not, (most likely I will, still be here). I hope summer is going good for those of you in the summer zones, it's not been so bad here in Alaska, a bit smokey from the fires but not excessively so yet. I hope the winter folks are having fun building snowmen and women and that it is not to cold where you are.
Thank you :)
I have a feeling that the numbers from the top 20 won't change much at all following the fork. These people just like to comment :)
I'm sure you'll get a cake, but just in case you don't...🎂