WorldofVolley :: KOR M: Flamenco in V-League – Villena chips in with 37 points for Jumbos


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Parece que a Andrés Villena le va muy bien en su aventura Koreana en los Air Jumbos. Después de militar aquí en España en los dos clubes que se han disputado la liga y la copa en los ultimos años ha decidido optar por la suculenta liga Koreana que paga muy bien a los extrajeros que pueden alinear (solo 1 por equipo).  

Normalmente, como en el caso de Villena, estos equipos, que practican un voleibol rapidísimo aprovechan el fichaje para contar con un jugador con muchísima capacidad de ataque, que es el contrapunto perfecto a estos equipos de por si ultradefensivos.


Andrés Villena seems to be doing very well in his Korean adventure in the Air Jumbos. After military here in Spain in the two clubs that have disputed the league and the cup in recent years has decided to opt for the succulent Korean league that pays very well to foreigners who can line up (only 1 per team).

Normally, as in the case of Villena, these teams, which practice a very fast volleyball take advantage of the signing to have a player with a lot of attacking capacity, which is the perfect counterpoint to these teams themselves ultradefensive.

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Andrés Villena must have been a very outstanding player to have gained attentions which resulted to a signing from the Korean League. I wish him well over there.

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