Wing Chun Fighting - Do Sparring With Your Training Partner

When you learn the basic moves, you need to keep practice. It is not that you learn something, that's over. You should train more and play. When you do sparring with your partner, you can make different moves and see what happens.
Pay attention to how your opponent moves and use the opportunity to get in and strike. You need to control the distance, sometimes get in and sometimes step back.
Sparring with your partner is so important that you cannot ignore it if you learn martial arts or self defense. When you fight in real life, you will face the attacker. If you do not know and train how to make your moves work in a situation like that, it will not help you much.
Never give up when you fight for self defense. No matter how worse the situation is, you will always find a way to defend yourself. Let's watch this video.
I appreciate your support and feedback. You can follow me @RezoanulVibes to learn more about martial arts and self defense.
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