What To Do Against Takedown - Self Defense
You are outside on the street or in a shopping mall, and if someone grabs your leg and takes you down, that will be a big problem. The thing is, there is no mat on the ground, and it is hard and solid. So the moment you fall on the ground, you might get hurt pretty bad.
In case you get injured, it would be difficult for you to get up and fight back for self defense. Or, the worse thing could happen. When the guy makes you fall on the ground, and you get hurt, he is not going to stop there. He will keep attacking you. It could end up somewhere that you do not want.
So what can you do against takedown?
Let's break it down into three situations so that it would be easier to understand what to do.
Situation 1
The attacker moves towards you, lowers his head and is going to grab your leg. As soon as you see this, you can step your rear leg back and make the distance between your legs. At the same time, place your hand on the neck of the attacker and stop him right there.
If you do that, he will find it difficult to grab your leg in the first place. Now you can hit and get rid of this, or you can hit him and push him in another direction.
Situation 2
The attacker moves forward and grabs your leg. Now you are in a different situation. In this situation, do not let him pull your leg or lift you. You can grab his head. If you can control his head, you can control his body. So grab his head, turn and throw him in another direction. Or, if you just control his hand and attack him to defend yourself against takedown.
Situation 3
The attacker grabs your leg and lifts you. Now you will find it difficult to keep your balance. He is about to throw you on the ground. So grab him fast and attack him instantly. In case he takes you down, he has to go with you since you grab him. It also prevents him from throwing you on the ground with force.
In case you are on the ground, kick him, and don't let him attack you anymore. And get up as soon as you can. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post. If you find it useful, please let me know. I appreciate your support and feedback.
Stay safe. Always be happy!
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