Self Defense Situation - What Do You Do? - Part 43: Use Your Surroundings To Defend Yourself


Sometimes you wish something would happen, but that does not happen. Welcome back to Self Defense Situation - What Do You Do? - Part 43. We are going to talk about different situations and what you can do to protect yourself.

Use the door in your favor to defend yourself.jpg

If you are a security officer, and you are doing your job, you can face challenging situations. It is very important to know and practice what to do in that situation in order to defend yourself and handle the situation. When there is only one attacker, that's easy to deal with. You can focus on him the whole time.

But when there are multiple attackers, it changes. If you just focus on one person, you are going to miss what other attackers are about to do. So you have to fight differently when you are being attacked by multiple attackers.

Let's watch this video. All video credit goes to Nick Drossos.

Source and Video Credit

Standing middle of the attackers and doing some fancy moves are not going to help to deal with multiple attackers. You can see something like this in movies. The hero stands in the middle and fights with all guys. If you are being attacked from all directions, it is difficult to defend yourself.

Let the attackers come to you in a straight line. Well, this is not going to happen in real life. They will come and attack you in different directions. How you fight, it depends on where you are. What I mean is, you can use your surroundings in your favor and if you can do that, it will help you a lot.

In this video, you see the guy is in front of a door. He is talking and checking. Suddenly, two guys become aggressive. One of them punches him. That's how it starts. When you fight, you need to control the distance so that you can use it to attack and defend yourself.

The way the guy uses the door to prevent the attackers from attacking at the same time, that's amazing. They cannot come and hit him from behind. Attackers are in front of him. So he can see their moves. He steps forward to attack and get back quickly.

So be aware of the situation and use your surroundings to defend yourself. Thank you so much for reading this post. If you want to add something or share your thoughts, please feel free to comment below.

Stay safe. Always be happy!

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