The image is made of own imagination and thoughts part 2-3
Digital art made by @xpilar
![Outer Space 10 serie 28 A.jpg](
what we do not see
![Outer Space 10 serie 29 A.jpg](
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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture
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and maybe you get a good upvote from me ![](
Digital art made by @xpilar
![Outer Space 10 serie 28 A.jpg](
what we do not see
![Outer Space 10 serie 29 A.jpg](
In order to use the pictures in other context
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And the permit is only given to post at STEEMIT
Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me ![](
what we do not see
In order to use the pictures in other context
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And the permit is only given to post at STEEMIT
Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me ![](
In order to use the pictures in other context
you must have permission from me
And the permit is only given to post at STEEMIT
Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me
Another perfect imagination from you. I like all your sharings. Thank you for this valuable post.
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thank you @huseyinunozkan16
Perfect colour good digital art.
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thank you @csharma
The colors looking so good , give you such a mysterious feeling
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thank you @mrme1984
@mukhtarilyas, like a space laboratory that is in activity. @xpilar, we don't know how many galaxies in this universe. Every galaxy has planets and moons. Milky Way galaxy is our dwelling place on earth. thank you
thanks for your description @mukhtarilyas
great and very nice digital-art my dear friend @xpilar
thank you @momoriso
spectacular. it must be another galaxy, another world
thank you @rafaelj25
Excellent Digital art . Really looks awesome.
thank you @alimuddin
Wow! What a beautiful art. Really amazing. I love Your Digital art.
thank you @ml-naeem
I imagine it is a purple planet in space with lots of green paths on it and the second pic is about green planet and green paths on it too.
thanks for your description @elianaelisma
It's looking like Allien Satellite in space. Very tough Art and Best
thanks for your description @anil566
The spaces is freezing , we need to start our way to the sun
thanks for your description @cryptotrader84
After sending a mapping plane a few days ago, this time the government of the planet Albivi sent a supersonic spacecraft containing several experts to be placed on this planet Eabi. The aim is to conduct further research on the discovery of large amounts of water in the northern part of the planet Eabi. In addition some experts were also placed in the southwestern part of the planet Eabi to explore the discovery of satellite images that there were uranium, nickel and liquefied natural gas.
Albivi planet government must allocate very large funds to facilitate this project, if this project is successful then the Albivi government will reap hundreds of profits from the funds that have been invested. The project is also fully supported by the legislature because in addition to the potential to reap huge profits, sending experts to the planet Eabi is to ensure the water discharge on the planet is in preparation for preparing new settlements on the planet.
Some rich people on the planet Albivi have begun to move to be able to expand their business on the planet Eabi. Now by a private company engaged in the world of space flight has prepared several tour packages to the planet Eabi, to go there, only rich people are able to afford it. Because these private companies set a very high cost for this space tourism trip.
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thanks for your great story @anroja
You're welcome sir
good imagination, perfect
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thank you @nurmalaalibasyah
Good lighting effects make it look cooler and different.
Perfect digital art @xpilar
thank you @chehkuna
Wow. The image look great
thank you @adenijiadeshina
Hello @xpilar, nice to meet you again. how is your health today? I hope your news is healthy today. today you display 2 digital images that are almost the same. I think the difference is only from color. Your digital image shows that any color has its own uniqueness. and any artwork if it doesn't have color, there's nothing good to see. I myself like your digital image part 2. Bright blue is my favorite color.
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thanks for your description @aulia1993
I need you to invade me (poem)
My body when your body approaches, feels strange, helpless.
Although it is inevitable to receive you when we are so close, it scares me because you are different.
Many do not understand why I want to invade, but that your being a dstinto is all I need.
You are a pleasure machine that penetrates my soul and makes me go crazy.
I know that you are not from this land but that you invade me is all I need to feel again that I live.
thanks for your beautiful poem @anasuleidy
Hello friend @xpilar! Extraordinary abstract artistic creation, with brilliant colors that work in harmony.
thank you @solangeh
This is the Gigula Mountains
is weakest intersection place with the different dimension
Spacecraft from different world
This is when it passes through the world bit wall
In the Gigula mountain range triggered scene
thanks for your great description @cloudblade
Great execution in making this one truly great one
thank you @blazing
Hello @xpilar
Another Beautiful digital art my friend..
this time we have choice to select the digital art.
i like 1st art from both of this. two colors make this digital art more beautiful. it looks like we are on another planet. in dark sky we can see the small stars. it make this digital art more beautiful.
Awesome art my friend.. thanks for share with us..
thank you @tussar11
good picture of imagination, I imagine this is in space
thank you @ustazkarim
Good night sir. the more I see your digital images, the more amazed I am. You are very good at making digital images. this picture also looks amazing. and I also thank you very much. I am a small fish here. but thanks to the sound you give, I get income. you are very kind.
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Nice to hear @chaira
Planet Nizby
Space exploration into the galaxy and you continue towards a planet that lies at -90 degrees from the north pole of planet Nizby. Flights using Vilart aircraft can penetrate the speed of 8 knots of light years per second. The very aerodynamic shape of the aircraft gives a very small friction that makes it able to travel quickly. Although large enough, with the shape of a flying saucer disk with a diameter of 65 meters it remains very effective. After passing through the sky trash which is a fragment of the asteroid this plane starts to decrease speed. From the cabin of the aircraft the commander of the team ordered to go to a coordinate which is a portal to be able to enter the dimensions of the planet Nizby. After being confirmed properly the plane immediately increased speed until finally it could enter the portal. During the portal there is a great shock because of the very large magnetic field. To reduce frictional forces and shocks which can result in damage to the aircraft to double speed. This causes portals and aircraft to cause very high heat. For aircraft that are designed and made from adamantium metal, they don't get damaged. Once separated from the portal which is this black hole they immediately entered the atmosphere of the planet Nizby. From the monitor screen it is known that the content of the hemorrhoid and carbon which are quite thick can still cause danger. At that time they recorded a coordinate with a landscape similar to the south pole. The temperature is very low. They immediately headed there to avoid increasing friction with aircraft that could be at risk of aircraft fire.
After landing they immediately sent a robot to take land samples. From this information they decided to wait for the day and night shift. At night they chose to stay in the plane to guard against the bad possibilities. After a day and a night on the ground of Planet Nizby they discovered the fact that the planet holds enough oxygen. They have examined there are living organisms. This is possible because there is a flow of water over the river. They think this is like a glacier that can be a source of water.
They decided to investigate further.
Thank you @xpilar. I hope you accept my thought.
Warm regard from Indonesia
thanks for your great description @rokhani
Thank you @xpilar.
Great images today @xpilar friend, intergalactic and fascinating. Regards!!
thank you @sughey
good pictures have deep art in my view, see the picture of Mr.@xpilar. I like this picture
thank you @muntaharaceh
Space Pirates.
A super ship has appeared in our universe, has emerged from a black hole an extravagant galactic ship commanded by Captain Xpectrum, an evil mercenary of galaxy K accustomed to invade planets to steal their mineral resources, gold, silver and uranium sun the main targets to increase their mutiny.
Xpectrum has decided to invade the land territory and sends his tribe, a slave species known as Dendeyams to activate all weapons and combat shields to head to planet Earth, the Dendeyams comply with the orders of their captain but warn them of a great energy that protects that planet. As the spacecraft approaches Earth, a great glow blinds Spectrum's horizon and stops it from advancing. The light radiating from the Sun is detrimental to the vision of the entire crew, including their captain. Spectrum retracts its intentions and diverts its target to another planet.
thanks for your great story @jadnven
Excellent scenario for the realization of the new movie Star Wars.
Each day will be an adventure in this great stage and each of the components give life to this creative work of art.!
thank you so much @miyexi
In search of my love.
In that distant place where everything is what nothing paerece, is something illogical, as is love without common sense, I look in each corner the most captivating beauty of the entire planet, in the middle of this paradise I find my love . It elevates me to the highest, making me feel the deepest love.
thanks for your description @michelduartes
Daniel and the Monster.
Daniel's parents read him a story each night and waited until he fell asleep, but each night the child woke up and shouted very scared and said that a monster was visiting him in his room.
the parents ran every night and searched everywhere for the child to see that the monster was the product of his imagination.
It was so much the terror of a child that one day he made several drawings of the monster that scared him every day and hit them all over the room with a sign saying that his entrance to the room was forbidden.
It was through the sketch that Daniel's parents met the terrible monster his skeletal black body, with only one yellow-eyed eye, his huge nose with a single hole, a huge macabre purple smile, with many black spots and missing a tooth.
The parents were impressed by how ugly it was.
That night the parents slept with Daniel and they hid under the sheets to wait for the monster and after a while the boy started screaming.
The parents came out of the sheets and guided by Daniel saw with their own eyes that the monster was real, but that he was very small and was as scared as Daniel, they approached him and spoke with him.
To their surprise the monster answered them clearly and asked them to help him find some things he needed to repair his flying saucer, he explained that he was not a monster that was only different because he came from the planet Mars and he was looking to talk to Daniel because He was a small human like him.
Daniel and his parents continued to call him a monster but he was fond of them and they helped with everything he needed to repair his dish.
Every night Daniel and monster heard the story of the Fathers of Daniel and they slept very happy never heard again screams of terror only happiness.
thanks for your great story @jdbs
waw, a true artist here again.
thank you @brothermic
Hi @xpilar
El Foso
De las entrañas de la roca, una gigantesca columna de humo surgía, los intensos vientos la desgarraban formando girones que, como largas hebras de un velo verde se retorcían y propagaban, trasportando las emanaciones tóxicas, provenientes del manto de roca fundida, expuesto en aquella gigantesca y profunda caldera. En la descomunal y desgarrada nube, intensos relámpagos destellaban iluminando el cielo nocturno con espectrales luces iridiscentes producto de la reflexión de las partículas de humo.
Harold avanzaba en el octópodo, camino al impresionante espectáculo, lo acompañaba un cargamento de equipos de comunicaciones y sondas robots, que desplegaría en aquella impresionante e intimidante maravilla, única en aquel planeta.
El vehículo parecía una especie de monstruosa araña cubierta por una sombrilla, escalando por la pronunciada pendiente cargada de equipo sobre su lomo y siendo jineteada por un pequeño hombre, enfundado en un traje presurizado.
Se detuvo a unos veinte metros del foso de magma y empezó a descargar el equipo, empezando por la estación de retrasmisión y el transpondedor de las sondas. Al cabo de quince minutos estuvo todo listo para poner la estación de comunicaciones en funcionamiento.
—Arturus, ya la estación está instalada y las sondas desempacadas y activas, pueden iniciar la operación —dijo por el comunicador de su casco.
Sin más respuesta, los equipos empezaron a recibir la señal laser, desde los satélites de comunicaciones, el control de misión, situado en una estación provisional al otro lado del continente, estaba transmitiendo las instrucciones para las sondas.
Tres pequeños robots, parecidos a insectos, con un cuerpo de unos diez centímetros de largo y alas de libélula de unos treinta centímetros de envergadura, levantaron vuelo aleteando desde los parales de lanzamiento donde se encontraban situados. Al mismo tiempo, un robot del tamaño de una sandia y con una forma similar, empezó a avanzar en dirección del borde de la humeante abertura en la roca, propulsado por seis pequeñas ruedas montadas sobre brazos articulados, que les permitían ajustarse a la forma del terreno.
—No creo que las sondas aéreas funcionen adecuadamente, hoy el viento es muy intenso —comento Harold por el comunicador.
Continuó sin recibir respuesta alguna, mientras observaba a los insectos robots, volar avanzando con dificultar, en dirección a la columna de humo verde. Mientras veía esto, la última sonda otra especie de extraña criatura robótica, con forma de gigantesco escarabajo empezó también a caminar en dirección del foso.
—Les dije que las sondas voladoras no funcionarían —dijo, al ver como dos de las tres sondas que trataban de avanzar revoloteando, eran arrastradas por el vórtice de viento, dentro de la columna del hirviente humo —. Ya las perdimos, traigan de regreso la última antes que los vientos también la arrastren.
Después de decir esto, el artefacto regresó, aleteando con dificultad, al paral del que había partido hace pocos minutos. Mientras esto sucedía, la primera de las dos sondas terrestres se situó en el borde del foso, de sus redondeados laterales salieron cuatro brazos extensibles que se aferraron al piso, con unos tirabuzones que se enterraron atornillándose en la dura roca, mientras de su parte frontal dirigida directamente al borde del foso, se proyectó un largo brazo que en su extremo portaba lo que parecía algún tipo de cámara de video, que empezó a transmitir su señal vía la estación retransmisora recién instalada por Harold.
—¡Ahí está! —dijo Harold mientras observaba en el monitor de señal de la sonda —. La estoy viendo, fue más fácil de lo que esperaba…, ¡hay que sacarla! — exclamó.
Mientras esto sucedía la segunda sonda terrestre llego a la boca de la fosa y empezó a caminar por el borde hasta estar justo sobre el objetivo, al igual que la primera, se aferró al terreno mediante cuatro brazos extensibles, después de lo cual, su parte superior fue disparada como si fuese impulsada por algún invisible resorte, hacia el interior de la fosa, estaba sujeta, a la base que quedo anclada, por un fino hilo de nanotubos de carbono del que quedo colgando en la pared del foso, luego como si de una araña se tratara, extendió seis pequeñas patas y empezó a descender estirando el hilo que salía de su interior, hasta alcanzar el objetivo. Mientras esto sucedía toda la operación era observada por Harold y en la estación de control de misión.
—Ya la alcanzó me dispongo a recogerla —dijo Harold, mientras retiraba una plataforma deslizadora del octópodo, y empezaba a caminar hacia donde se encontraba aferrada la base de la segunda sonda.
—Tenga precaución rescatista, el borde puede colapsar —escucho por primera vez decir, a una voz femenina a través del comunicador.
Ya en el borde, el mismo ancló al suelo un gancho, que clavó disparándolo con una pistola que tenia en su cinto, para luego enganchar en él un hilo retráctil, como el de la sonda que se extendía desde un carrete en su espalda. En ese momento pudo ver como llegaba la araña, escalando por la pared mientras retraía el hilo que salía de su interior, estaba sujeta a la espalda de una niña, que había caído al foso, afortunadamente quedando atrapada en una saliente de la pared y que era parte de un grupo de turistas, que fue obligado a retirarse del lugar mientras el rescate se realizaba.
—Listo ya la tengo —dijo, mientras levantaba a la niña, sujetándola por las axilas, cuando la araña logró llegar al borde superior de la pared—. Cuando dejarán los turistas de venir hasta aquí —comentó despreocupadamente, mientras tomaba a la niña, aun inconsciente, en brazos y la colocaba sobre la plataforma deslizadora.
—Buen trabajo rescatista, recupere el equipo y transporte a la niña a la estación base donde lo espera un equipo médico.
The Pit
From the bowels of the rock, a gigantic column of smoke arose, the intense winds tore it forming twists that, like long strands of a green veil were twisted and propagated, transporting the toxic emanations coming from the mantle of molten rock, exposed in that gigantic and deep cauldron. In the enormous and torn cloud, intense lightning flashed illuminating the night sky with spectral iridescent lights product of the reflection of the smoke particles.
Harold was advancing in the octopod, on his way to the impressive spectacle, accompanied by a cargo of communications equipment and robotic probes, which he would deploy in that impressive and intimidating wonder, unique in that planet.
The vehicle looked like a kind of monstrous spider covered by an umbrella, climbing up the steep slope loaded with equipment on its back and being ridden by a small man, clad in a pressurized suit.
She stopped about twenty meters from the magma pit and began unloading the equipment, starting with the retransmission station and the probe transponder. After fifteen minutes everything was ready to put the communications station into operation.
-Arturus, the station is already installed and the unpacked and active probes can start the operation," said the communicator on his helmet.
Without further response, the teams began to receive the laser signal, from the communications satellites, the mission control, located in a temporary station on the other side of the continent, was transmitting the instructions for the probes.
Three small robots, similar to insects, with a body about ten centimeters long and dragonfly wings about thirty centimeters in wingspan, took off fluttering from the launch parals where they were located. At the same time, a robot the size of a watermelon and with a similar shape, began to advance in the direction of the edge of the smoking opening in the rock, propelled by six small wheels mounted on articulated arms, which allowed them to adjust to the shape of the terrain.
-I don't think the aerial probes work properly, today the wind is very strong," Harold commented by the communicator.
He continued without any response, while watching the insects robots, flying forward with difficulty, in the direction of the column of green smoke. While watching this, the last probe another species of strange robotic creature, shaped like a giant beetle also began to walk in the direction of the moat.
-I told them that the flying probes would not work," he said, seeing how two of the three probes trying to fly forward were dragged by the wind vortex into the column of boiling smoke. We lost them now, bring back the last one before the winds drag it too.
After saying this, the artifact returned, fluttering with difficulty, to the parallel from which it had departed a few minutes ago. While this was happening, the first of the two terrestrial probes was placed at the edge of the moat, from its rounded sides came four extendable arms that clung to the floor, with some spins that were buried screwing into the hard rock, while from its front part directed directly to the edge of the moat, a long arm was projected that at its end carried what looked like some kind of video camera, which began to transmit its signal via the relay station just installed by Harold.
-There he is! -Harold said as he watched on the probe's signal monitor. I'm looking at it, it was easier than I expected..., let's get it out! - he exclaimed.
While this was happening, the second earth probe reached the mouth of the pit and began to walk along the edge until it was right over the target, just like the first one, it clung to the ground by means of four extendable arms, after which, its upper part was fired as if it was propelled by some invisible spring, towards the interior of the pit, it was fastened, to the base that remained anchored, by a fine thread of carbon nanotubes of which it remained hanging in the wall of the pit, then as if it were a spider, it extended six small legs and began to descend stretching the thread that came out of its interior, until reaching the objective. While this was happening the whole operation was observed by Harold and at the mission control station.
-I am ready to pick it up," said Harold, as he removed a sliding platform from the octopod, and began to walk towards where the base of the second probe was clutched.
-Be cautious rescuer, the edge may collapse - I hear for the first time a female voice say through the communicator.
Once on the edge, he anchored a hook to the ground, which he nailed by shooting it with a gun he had in his belt, and then hooked into it a retractable thread, like that of the probe that extended from a reel on his back. At that moment he could see how the spider arrived, climbing up the wall while retracting the thread that came out of its interior, was attached to the back of a little girl, who had fallen into the moat, fortunately being trapped in a projection of the wall and was part of a group of tourists, who was forced to leave the place while the rescue was taking place.
-I have it now," he said, as he lifted the girl, holding her by the armpits, when the spider managed to reach the top edge of the wall. When the tourists will stop coming here," he commented carelessly, as he took the child, still unconscious, in his arms and placed her on the sliding platform.
-Good rescue work, recover the equipment and transport the girl to the base station where a medical team is waiting for her.
Thank you @xpilar, I hope the story was to your liking
thanks for your great story @amart29
in the lower part is like a mountain, I see only rock or sand, while in the upper part is a large space full of stars with a wave of that green path, or perhaps it is like a kind of cart quite traveled by spacecraft.
thanks for your description @pequef
Congratulations @xpilar!
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:
thanks @arcange
One day a student asks his teacher, "Teacher, how many paths are there in life?
The teacher answers him: -Son, at night when you are about to sleep, close your eyes and set your mind to navigate in space, when you feel an emptiness or only darkness, try to find a way. Tomorrow when you go back to class you will tell me how many roads you saw or got.
In the course of the night that student set out to think with his eyes closed as the teacher told him, his imagination began to work reaching a point where everything moved, it was like a savannah of clouds and he simply floated. Suddenly, he felt that he was falling, he could no longer stay in the air, he quickly searched for a place to hold on to or where he could go to save himself and not fall between the clouds into the abyss.
For a moment he evidenced a small illusion, it was a cascade of clues that presented themselves in front of him, I am saved, he exclaimed, I can reach any of these roads, an inner voice answered him unconsciously, -is this road safe? I don't know, but it will take me to a firm and safe place.
That student landed on the chosen road, he followed that destination but after a certain time with other roads, it was a crossroads, an endless labyrinth says the boy, he decides to take a road and giving two steps his mind became cloudy, he could not continue living what would come and woke up.
The next day he set out to tell his teacher about the adventure he had dreamt of, the teacher replied: well, just as real life is, as someone is experiencing new situations is focusing new paths, and each path will bring other paths, we only decide which paths to choose.
thanks for your great story @adeljose
Hello dear @xpilar, can you tell me what that is for you, is it a platform or spaceship, my mind as it does not like that image context.
hehe, it's your imagination that matters @adrimonte
Hello @xpilar, beautiful violet color I imagine an immense amethyst stone floating through space, where one orfrebre caught it and turn it into a beautiful jewel.