The image is made of own imagination and thoughts
Digital art made by @xpilar
![fjell og vann.5 A.jpg](
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And the permit is only given to post at STEEMIT
Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me ![](
Digital art made by @xpilar
![fjell og vann.5 A.jpg](
In order to use the pictures in other context
you must have permission from me
And the permit is only given to post at STEEMIT
Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me ![](
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me
I love your image, it's like a picture of the world but with details on a normal scale.
the great colors, full of life and color.
thank you @teresah
Daily artistic work with a lot of style and in honor of mother nature, majestic sir.
thank you @solangeh
I imagine this is a beautiful view of the blue sky above the hills.
This is the way to heaven
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thank you @mrme1984
wow ... it's beautiful, the image of the imagination that you made. looks like in a hill and the color of the blue sky makes the painting more beautiful
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thank you @nurmalaalibasyah
hi sir@xpilar how is the situation today healthy? when I saw this picture it was very beautiful again and the earth and nature blended beautifully because it was with bright light, good this picture I was interested in seeing this picture.
thank you @muntaharaceh
Very beautiful your digital image, the sea around full of brightness and with the contrast with the center of the matt water, makes us think about the different waters that the world has.
thank you @elider11
It looks very beautiful landscape with blue sky color.
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thank you @elia34928
Yeah 😍 there where i want to live.
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thank you @yaser-saoudy
Your great designs indicate that you are creative in the digital design my dear friend @xpilar
thank you @momoriso
Just wonderful looking for future
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thank you @edgarare1
The center of the earth
Daniel is a young adventurer, full of creativity and desire to explore the world, since childhood I always venture into the exploration of nature. His parents encouraged Daniel to fulfill his dreams and give him gifts to go out to explore, one day they gave him a tent, another day a compass, books and maps.
One day Daniel following the directions of the maps arrived at the center of the earth, his emotion was immense, he shared this achievement with his parents, but something inside him was full of curiosity, what was beyond? What was inside the center? could I investigate within the center of the earth?
One morning he woke up, sat down with his parents and told them his concerns and plans.
They knew that there was nothing to do, that he had already made his decision and that they should support him, that they had filled him with exploration tools and tips all his life.
The day arrived, The day dawned full of life, the radiant sun, the clear sky gave a so vibrant blue, the salts of the sea shone when touched by the rays of the sun, the trees were so green full of power and life, the breeze blew With strength and the hole in the center of the earth had a sound full of strength, which scared many but the brave and curious Daniel just fell in love.
Daniel said goodbye to his parents and those present, with curdas ventured to explore the center of the earth, he knew that the risks were huge but low.
the earth was very soft, a very liquid sand that he believed would suck it, the center of the earth was so hot that Daniel felt it melted, but there were trees full of life and color.
So I take samples of everything he could, the more he entered to venture more, he fell in love with how beautiful the center of the earth was. Despite the heat, he was happy to meet that goal, traveled as much as he could and took samples of everything, knew that would have in those tests answers for so many doubts, climbing out, as a winner received him, sweaty and tired but full of satisfaction for having fulfilled his dream and his goal.
thanks for your great story @jdbs
Beautiful image for mountain view of lot a great.
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thank you @csharma
Wowww, Norway Mount Everest , your imagination is wonderful
thank you @anil566
This is a place i want to visit ...
thank you @cryptotrader84
@mukhtarilyas, a small reservoir that emits color. Thank you @xpilar for this phenomenal art.
thank you @mukhtarilyas
nice natural photo with 180 degree angel. thats #amazing @xpilar
thank you @kingrefat
Hello @xpilar, your digital image shows that on the mountain there are also springs. the water is very clean. it can even be drunk directly without the screening process. That is because the water on the mountain has not been touched by many people. there has never been pollution of garbage or other chemicals. this is just my description of this digital image that you are displaying.
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thanks for your description @aulia1993
I like images of imagination like this, it seems so beautiful
thank you @ustazkarim
Beautiful picture @xpilar
Beautiful beach, the sound of the surf,
Coastal water makes noise
In us awakens the tenderness of feeling
And we again want here.
Rushing into the waves recklessly
With the wave playing serenely
We glance at the shore,
And admiring his beauty!
thanks for your great poem @serkagan
Wow such a nice digital picture!!!
It seem like drone photo!! And it feel the real picture!! Just love this!
thank you so much @minhaz.noor
The type of island I would wanna spend my time on.
Well done @xpilar
thank you @kid4life
You're most welcome. Enjoy your Sunday
On the top of love.
That's where everything started on top of that beautiful mountain ready to deliver my love, every day I appreciate my beloved, every day I give my passion and there is in the mountain under the blue sky where my heart is.
Well done your work, colors and texture very nice, greetings @xpilar!
thank you @michelduartes
What a beautiful image
thank you @adenijiadeshina
I don't remember how i have find you on Steemit, but yours pictures are very peculiar and suggestive, another great work, dear @xpilar
thank you @mad-runner
I think that must be me to thank you, because youvgive me your attention and upvote, you're bigger then me 100 times, not all Steemians like you make a think like this, have a nice day, @xpilar, from my heart
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Nice to hear, thanks @mad-runner
Wow... its very beautiful, sir. I like your panting. Natural sky.
thank you @rihonkeugata
This is the legend
Moving island
Actually it is a huge mammal
He fell asleep
Sleeped for hundreds of years
Because it floats on the water for a long time
Covered with sand on its back
Finally became an island
in the middle place - that water place
Is the stomata he breathes
So every few days you will see the fountain
thanks for your description @cloudblade
The lake makes a beautiful presence in this painting, the reflection of the trees in the water can be seen, as if they were mirrors and the light provided by the sky is very beautiful, a day with bright light, well done @xpilar friend.
thank you @miyexi
The sky looks so amazing this time made it feel so real wow
thank you @blazing
Your own imagination and thought are magnificent!!!
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thank you @zaidaguevarae
When you wish (poem)
When you wish, I give myself to you.
in body and soul without ties
When you touch my day it becomes clear
it's as if the sun came on a rainy morning
my being moistens as if the sea were getting wet inside me.
my field always eager to be watered by your powerful being
you penetrate holes created just for you
When you wish, I want to give myself to you.
great poem, thanks @anasuleidy
Hello @xpilar
Beautiful digital art my friend.
it looks like island. we can see water all around.
Beautiful water pond on this island make this art beautiful.
Blue sky with white clouds and greenery makes this art amazing.
Awesome digital art my friend... i really like this art..
thnak you @tussar11
Hi @xpilar
Eventos poco Afortunados
Los accidentes suelen suceder, por más avanzadas que sean las sociedades y más prevenciones se tomen para evitarlos, siempre se sucederán una serie de eventos poco afortunados que conducirán a que la fatalidad alcance a algún advenedizo que, para su desgracia, esté en el lugar incorrecto en el momento menos oportuno.
Como todas las mañanas, Ferdinand, se dirigió a la estación del trasbordador que lo llevaría a las oficinas del consejo de gobierno de Metis la ciudad capital de Cronos, debido a la inclinación de la órbita del planeta la cantidad de iluminación que se recibía en la ciudad no era la misma durante todo el año por lo que debía agregarse o restarse una hora a los relojes dos veces al año, al inicio de la temporada de lluvias y al final de la misma; de esa forma los trabajadores siempre iniciarían su día de trabajo después del amanecer. Ese día correspondía el inicio del horario de la temporada lluviosa.
Ferdinand un tipo poco práctico y con el empecinado propósito de querer ser una especie de fósil viviente proveniente de la era de Perseo, por usar una antigua interfaz personal de comunicación, con tecnología de hace casi unos doscientos años, al ésta no sincronizarse con el software de los satélites actuales, no se ajustó al nuevo horario, por lo que Ferdinand llegó esa mañana con una hora de retraso a la estación del transbordador, agitado y sudoroso por el retraso, abordó el mismo transporte en que se embarcaba todos los días, el C-453, que tenia como destino la central de Metis; desde donde caminaría un par de manzanas hasta su destino.
Lo que Ferdinand no sabía era que, a las cero horas, hora a la que él acostumbraba a tomar el transporte, el C-453 se dirige a la central de Metis, pero a la una, su ruta era diferente. El transporte hacia un recorrido que lo llevaba hasta la costa occidental del continente a la ciudad de Talía, cuando se percató de que la ruta no era la que habitualmente seguía, ya era tarde, otro viajero, al verlo tan angustiado, le sugirió que cuando llegara a la terminal de Talía tomara un aerotaxi personal que lo trajera de vuelta, al fin de cuentas ya sería tarde para ir a la oficina; dándole la razón a su compañero en este inesperado viaje, decidió relajarse y disfrutar de la vista desde su asiento junto a la ventanilla.
Al cabo de cuatro horas de viaje, desembarcó en la terminal de Talía y decidió comer algo para luego volver, nuevamente en su aparente rechazo a mucha de la tecnología moderna, optó ignorar las máquinas generadoras de la sala de descanso de la terminal y dirigirse a las afueras en busca de algún local donde comer algo natural, su vetusta terminal le informó de un pequeño local a apenas doscientos metros donde servían comida marina autentica de Talía, así que decidió probar un poco del sabor local.
Después de tomar un copioso almuerzo de barbacoa con todo tipo de productos marinos, se dirigió nuevamente a la terminal para seleccionar un aerotaxi que lo llevara de vuelta a la estación de Tetis, desde donde había salido, abordó la unidad AM323 y se dispuso a hacer un nuevo viaje de cuatro horas de regreso a su origen. El pequeño vehículo propulsado por un diminuto motor de reacción, se elevó iniciando su recorrido. Ferdinand no acostumbrado a las altas concentraciones de Triptófano de los alimentos marinos naturales, típicos de los mares de Talía y con un torrente de melatonina circulando por su organismo, cayó profundamente dormido.
Si salir tarde por culpa de usar un dispositivo anticuado, para tomar un transporte equivocado y terminar a medio continente de distancia de su destino, para después hartarse de comida marina, antes de tomar otro trasporte de regreso a su origen y quedarse dormido en el camino, no fueron suficientes casualidades para sumar a la lista de coincidencias, que llevaron a la desgracia a Ferdinand; el aerotaxi al que subió, el cual seleccionó se trataba de un modelo antiguo que, aunque más cómodo que los actuales, tenia un cuestionable historial de fallas en su sistema de navegación, que lo llevaba tomar rumbos equivocados.
Mientras Ferdinand dormía, el pequeño aerotaxi se desvió al nororiente, en lugar de seguir rumbo al este, donde se encontraba Tetis. Al cabo de tres horas estuvo volando sobre mar abierto, con destino a ninguna parte. Media hora después en medio del océano de Cronos, a varios cientos de kilómetros de la costa el pequeño vehículo empezó a descender tras el agotamiento del combustible químico que alimentaba su obsoleto motor a reacción.
Una alarma despertó a Ferdinand de su inoportuna siesta, se encontró volando en medio del océano con rumbo a una pequeña isla con un gran lago en medio. —¡Alerta!, ¡Alerta!, El combustible se agotará en cinco minutos —repetía la voz de la computadora que controlaba el aerotaxi. Sorprendido por la situación lo único que se le ocurrió fue ordenarle al taxi que descendiera en aquella isla.
Ahora con un aerotaxi sin combustible y un comunicador personal con tecnología obsoleta cuyo sistema no puede sincronizarse con los satélites modernos, los únicos que dan cobertura a la señal de transmisión fuera del continente, Ferdinand se encontraba en medio de una isla desierta a varios cientos de kilómetros de la costa del continente, sólo por una serie de eventos poco afortunados.
Unfortunate Events
Accidents often happen, no matter how advanced societies are and more precautions are taken to avoid them, there will always be a series of unfortunate events that will lead to fatality to some upstart who, unfortunately, is in the wrong place. at the most inopportune moment.
Like every morning, Ferdinand went to the transport station that would take him to the offices of the government council of Metis the capital city of Cronos, due to the inclination of the orbit of the planet the amount of illumination that was received in the city was not the same throughout the year so it had to be added or subtracted one hour to the watches twice a year, at the beginning of the rainy season and at the end of it; that way the workers would always start their work day after dawn. That day corresponded the start of the rainy season schedule.
Ferdinand an impractical guy with the stubborn purpose of wanting to be a kind of living fossil from the Perseus era, for using an old personal communication interface, with technology almost two hundred years ago, since it does not synchronize with the software of the current satellites, did not adjust to the new schedule, so Ferdinand arrived that morning with an hour late to the ferry station, agitated and sweaty by the delay, boarded the same transport in which he embarked every day, the C-453, which had as its destination the Metis power station; from where he would walk a couple of blocks to his destination.
What Ferdinand did not know was that, at zero hours, the time at which he used to take the transport, the C-453 goes to the Metis headquarters, but at one o'clock, his route was different. The transport to a route that took him to the western coast of the continent to the city of Talía, when he realized that the route was not the one he usually followed, it was already late, another traveler, seeing him so distressed, suggested that when arrived at the terminal of Talía take a personal taxi that brought him back, after all it would be too late to go to the office; giving the reason to his partner in this unexpected trip, he decided to relax and enjoy the view from his seat next to the window.
After four hours of travel, he disembarked at the terminal of Talía and decided to eat something and then return, again in his apparent rejection of much of modern technology, chose to ignore the generating machines in the terminal's rest room and go to the outskirts in search of a place to eat something natural, his old terminal informed him of a small local barely two hundred meters where they served authentic sea food of Talía, so he decided to taste a little of the local flavor.
After taking a copious barbecue lunch with all kinds of marine products, he went back to the terminal to select an air taxi that would take him back to the Tetis station, from where he had left, he boarded the AM323 unit and set out to do a new four-hour trip back to its origin. The small vehicle propelled by a tiny engine of reaction, rose starting its journey. Ferdinand, unaccustomed to the high concentrations of Tryptophan in natural marine foods, typical of the seas of Thalia and with a torrent of melatonin circulating through his body, fell soundly asleep.
If you leave late because of using an outdated device, to take a wrong transport and end half a continent away from your destination, then get stuffed with seafood, before taking another transport back to your source and falling asleep on the way , coincidences were not enough to add to the list of coincidences, which led Ferdinand to disgrace; the aerotaxi he climbed, which he selected was an old model that, although more comfortable than the current ones, had a questionable history of faults in his navigation system, which led him to take wrong directions.
While Ferdinand was sleeping, the small air taxi veered off to the northeast, instead of continuing east, where Tethys was. After three hours he was flying over the open sea, bound for nowhere. Half an hour later in the middle of the ocean of Cronos, several hundred kilometers from the coast the small vehicle began to descend after the depletion of the chemical fuel that fed its obsolete jet engine.
An alarm woke Ferdinand from his untimely nap, he found himself flying in the middle of the ocean towards a small island with a large lake in the middle. - Alert !, Alert !, The fuel will be exhausted in five minutes - repeated the voice of the computer that controlled the air taxi. Surprised by the situation, the only thing that occurred to him was to order the taxi to descend on that island.
Now with an aerotaxi without fuel and a personal communicator with obsolete technology whose system can not be synchronized with the modern satellites, the only ones that give coverage to the signal of transmission outside the continent, Ferdinand was in the middle of a desert island to several hundred of kilometers of the continent's coast, only because of a series of unfortunate events.
Thanks @xpilar I hope that the story is to your liking
thanks for your great story @amart29
Perfect this image, I really enjoy your work because they have a very particular resemblance to reality and that is fabulous
thank you @lacl
Nice sunny day of spring, finally the sun is shining and grass became green. Nice place for picnic on the top of the hill.
By the way, just wanted to mention we watched Eurovision 2019 yesterday and the Norwegian group KEiiNO - "Spirit in the Sky" was the best, we really enjoyed it. Congratulation, your country must be proud for the group :)
thanks @stef1
everyone here at home is proud of them
Lovely sky :)
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thank you @zpzn
@xpilar, I want to give this picture a Title as, Secret mountain between the sea.
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thank you @chireerocks
@xpilar, I want to give this picture a Title as, Secret mountain between the sea.
thank you @chireerocks
a green field, it is always spectacular. very good photo, congratulations
thank you @rafaelj25
😃 This is a beautiful image, great work, congratulations!
thank you @sughey
Kridingerd. The Dark Island.
A small island was discovered in the coasts of the Atlantic in America, the commission that discovered this terrestrial pearl named it Kridingerd, the dark island, since it possesses between its hills of earth a hole of great depth, a equipment of diving was in charge of investigating inside this hole but they could only be submerged 100 meters because a strong current of hot water prevented the advance.
The discoverers declared this passage of water as the way to the center of the planet, the scan threw lack of oxygen from 90 meters deep which makes it uninhabitable for any marine species.
Kridingerd. La Isla Oscura.
Una pequeña isla fue descubierta en las costas del Atlantico en America, la comisión que descubrió esta perla terrenal la nombró Kridingerd, la isla oscura, ya que posee entre sus lomas de tierras un agujero de gran profundidad, un equipo de buceo fue el encargado de investigar dentro de este agujero pero solo pudieron sumergirse 100 metros debido a que una fuerte corriente de agua caliente impidió el avance.
Los descubridores declararon este pasaje de agua como el camino al centro del planeta, el escaneo arrojó falta de oxigeno a partir de los 90 metros de profundidad lo que lo hace inhabitable para cualquier especie marina.
thanks for your description @jadnven
Good night sir. Wow, I'm amazed by your digital image. there is a small river in the middle of the hill. and if the river water is hot, that means it's very good. because it can be used as a tour for many people
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thanks for your description @chaira
Excellent panoramic friend @xpilar, a completely natural ecosystem and desired by many to enjoy a holiday period.
thank you @adeljose
Woow, I like what I see, where is this beautiful place?
thank you @piscis
Congratulations @xpilar!
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:
thank you
Princess Kixal, Crocodile Princess
A princess sits on the edge of a small river that has clear water. The daughter of a long black hair is breaks down. His nose is jammed with eyebrows like a crescent moon. His cheeks look soft and dimpled. His name is Princess Kixal. The princess sits on the billboard and sticks her feet to the surface of the water. The color of the sparkle is sparkling in the morning sun. Its calm surface ripples when a beautiful pair of legs opens it.
So beautiful this princess makes a pair of frogs pay attention to it. How beautiful it was. The birds perched on the branches were fascinated by them. It's the princess of the Galos Kingdom who is famous for being very beautiful. He became the dream of dozens of princes and noble sons.
A Prince from the other country had come to ask for his hand. This purpose is accepted by the royal family. The young man would accept the prince as her husband. The princess had imagined that she would soon be side by side with the prince in the aisle seat. He imagined their happiness and fostered a family.
the servants who accompanied the Princess, sitting on the edge of the lake watching the behavior of the Princess who was blushing and smiling shyly.
"Look at our princess. Oh, he must have been dreaming of his planned marriage with Prince of the neighboring kingdom who he said was very handsome. After dozens of Prince arrived, finally the king decided to accept this one proposal, "said one of the ladies in attendance.
"Oh, my God. Hopefully the princess is always happy, "prayed all the ladies in attendance.
"Our task now is to look after the princess so that nothing will cancel her marriage," Her servant said
Suddenly the wind blew hard until the sound of the tree crackling. The tree swayed hard then the branch fell on Princess's head. His face was scratched with wood and was bleeding.
"Aunt ... Help me!" Screamed Princess.
The ladies and gentlemen tried to help Princess and clean the wound.
"Aaaaww ...!" Princess screamed in pain.
Panicking they tried to stop him. But how shocked they were when they realized it turned out that the right cheek was badly injured ...
"Quickly get me a mirror!" Princess ordered.
With fear, they immediately handed over a mirror.
"No ..." Princess wept bitterly. "Oh, God. My face is disabled. How can I marry Prince if my face is this bad. He definitely doesn't want to see me. "
He was really hopeless, scared and disappointed. In that state he wails.
"I'd better be a crocodile in this river"
Suddenly a bolt of lightning struck with a thunderous thunder as the Princess said her prayer. Everything there was screaming in terror. They were increasingly frightened when they saw Princess's body slowly starting to grow over scales. Princess falls and slowly her hands and feet turn into crocodile legs.
Th crocodile walked crawling towards the middle of the river and disappeared into the river stream.
Thank you @xpilar, I hope you accept my thought.
Warm regard from Indonesia
thanks for your great story @rokhani
Hi Snr, @xpilar
Defeat can use to archive victory
There is no mountain which cannot be clamp: Some people lose their courage in facing life because of their past failure or because of the fear that they may fail again in the future: If we wish to cure such fears in us we must remind ourselves of the story of many great men who built a lifetime of great accomplishment out of defeats. One paradox that comes to us as human from the life of great men is that we can use defeat to archive victory.
Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United State of America was one man who used defeat to archive victory and to build a lifetime of accomplishments. We are told that he lost his job in 1832; was defeated for the legislative in 1834; failed in business in 1833; and was elected to legislature in 1834; lost his wife through death in 1835; had nervous break-down in 1836; was defeated for Speaker of the United State of House of Representative in 1838; was defeated for nomination to the U.S. Congress in 1843; elected to Congress in 1846; lost re-nomination in 1848, rejected for land officer in 1849; defeated for the U.S. Senate in 1854; defeated for nomination as Vice-President of the United State of American in 1856; again defeated for Senate in 1858. But in 1860 he was elected for the post of President of the United State America.
Lincoln was able to push on in the face of difficulties, failures, and discouragement, but because he believed that God had given a mission to fulfil. When he became President he expressed his faith in God thus: ‘God selects his own instruments, and sometimes the queer ones. For instance, he chose me to steer the ship through a great crisis. ’ that is an expression of a great man who combined faith in God, good spirits, relentless and courage to live accomplished his goals and dreams.
Courage must be demonstrate when we are face failures in life. The type of courage that we need is one that will help us to face; difficulties of life, failures and unpleasant experiences of life so that we can endure and could say “there is hope for me, I can do it, it is not yet over”!
We need a type of courage that will make us to survive a private guilt or a public disgrace. At the midst of troubles, and challenges of life, courage will help us overcome; fear, defeat and our failures, when problems and challenges of life arise we should never give up life, but we should keep on pressing forward towards the goals and our dreams.
Thanks for share this great digital art designs with us.
thanks for your description and information @davidad
You are welcome Snr. @xpilar
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I really want to dive down that spring or is it a lake in the middle
maybe @teenagecrypto