The image is made of own imagination and thoughts
Digital art made by @xpilar
![stjerneskudd 1 A.jpg](
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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me ![](
Digital art made by @xpilar
![stjerneskudd 1 A.jpg](
In order to use the pictures in other context
you must have permission from me
And the permit is only given to post at STEEMIT
Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me ![](
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me
wow ... it's perfect, the imagery looks like a peacock flapping its wings
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thank you @nurmalaalibasyah
Wow it depicts a sharpness that seems way above amazing, look at the way it paints a mental sophistication really, wow this is a blast, it's definitely amazing. Looks like a thousand orange flying spear
thank you so much @josediccus
Definitely @xpliar if I may ask what was on your mind while creating this?
this time I wanted an explosive picture @josediccus
Wow like a bomb explosion right? 💥it was fantastically done no Imperfections. I came across your art when someone shared it on my timeline I'm glad I saw it.
thanks @josediccus
Definitely you're welcome
My imagination this is Nuclear blast everywhere electron neutron proton.
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thanks for your description @csharma
The big exposure
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thanks for your description @mrme1984
Hello @xpilar, nice to meet you. according to my description of the digital image that you are displaying, this shows that how powerful a hell has been prepared by God for evil people. nereka is a painful place. and it was deliberately created by God for those who do evil.
I totally agree God created hell. because in this world a lot of terrible things happen. such as murder, abuse, rape, theft, acts like this deserve punishment. besides hell god also creates a beautiful and comfortable place, namely heaven. heaven intentionally created God in return for the good deeds of humans that have been done on earth.
humans who want to forgive others even though they are hurt. humans who want to submit and obey the commands of God, people who share with each other, so in the elevated position, glorified degrees by God, and entered into heaven.
and heaven has several levels. the highest level is paradise paradise. this is the most delicious heaven. Deliberately created for humans who have perfect good behavior. of course to enter heaven like that is very difficult. many tests are needed when living in the world. maybe he was still patient even though he was tortured by bad people, maybe he shared with someone who was poor even though he did not have anything. and others. this is just my description of the digital image you are displaying.
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thanks for your description @aulia1993
A good work of art, we enjoy it...
Thanks to share @xpilar
thank you @chehkuna
I imagine this is like a collection of hedgehog thorns.
thank you @elianaelisma
Wow ... very beautiful, like a peacock's tail but only one color.
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thank you @elia34928
It's like a huge hard ice,which has been coloured into yellow colour.
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thanks for your description @rana2423
The discovery of this quite strange marine life seizes public attention. Because of its unusual shape. This animal consists of sharp thorns on its body, these spines besides functioning as their defense against the enemy, also function as food suppliers for their survival. At the ends of the thorn there is a cavity that serves to suck food, later this food is supplied to his mouth which is in the middle of his body.
This marine biota lives on the surface of the sea floor, and its habitat on the reefs. The color can change according to the shape of the reef where they are silent, this is very similar to chameleon life.
These animals are most often found in the Asbiria Sea, and are dubbed as sea urchins. They develop so that through the intercession of thorns on their bodies. To distinguish the sex is very easy, the male sex is identical with thick and dull thorns, while the female sex is identical with fine and pointed spines.
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thanks for your description @anroja
I am happy to participate in your imagination, sir
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in the speed of light
thank you @cryptotrader84
Wow, this may be a vision from near of a porcupine, the lovely little animal, beautiful work, dear @xpilar, compliments
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thank you @mad-runner
Amazing picture @xpilar
Explosion theory and explosion measurement
Change people, change systems.
Stone explodes, rubble scatters,
The blast wave shakes the air.
But if you think for a while
And remember the explosion in the universe,
Then begin to understand gradually
What an explosion gave life on our planet!
thanks for your description @serkagan
What a beautiful image
thank you @adenijiadeshina
At the speed of light!
It is that amazing flashes of lights that can be seen from the garbhi ship, a speculum, it is like watching a comet passing through a station every hundred years, its lights are bright and in their quick procedure they illuminate all the way where is their travel!
Friend this seems to me like a flash, of light from a spaceship that is going at great speed!
thanks for your description @michelduartes
wow you made it so amazing that for a moment felt like i was in it lol :D
thank you @blazing
very nice and great digital-art my dear friend @xpilar
thank you @momoriso
Hello @xpilar
Another beautiful digital art my friend.
This time it looks like we are moving fast in space.
some objects are passing around us. that's looks really beautiful..
Amazing digital art my friend..
Thanks for share with us.. have a nice day..
thanks for your description @tussar11
great image @xpilar friend, it has a lot of brightness and an explosion of golden tones, I like it!
thank you @sughey
I like your imagination, this's very beautiful
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thank you @bangbul
good pictures with their colors are very beautiful like peacocks widen their wings.
thank you @muntaharaceh
What a nice effect of flashing lights, it's great it seems you were very fast and you had a great catch, good shot @xpilar
thank you @miyexi
I like this creation seems an artistic approach to fire. a tribute
thank you @elider11
Daniel the artist.
Daniel was a medical student boy, a rebellious boy who little connected with others, loved his career but felt a void, medicine did not fill him completely.
One day in an exam they were instructed to make drawings about parts of the human body, Daniel started doing the requested but could not stop creating a drawing, he immersed himself in his artistic world and did not realize that it was time to deliver the exam, the teacher removed the sheet and saw that drawing was impressed by the talent of the young man.
In the next class I congratulate Daniel for his talent and he shared with his other students and classmates the artistic creation of the young man. He was so great that he deserved to be shown.
The teacher was anxious to exploit Daniel's gift, felt that the world had to know him.
So he came up with the idea of creating a gallery to raise funds for the university laboratory and I asked all the students to contribute with an artistic piece, and very specially he asked Daniel for support, which was for the good of the university.
Daniel felt that it was a good time and he began to make a piece, although he had never painted his paintings, he was first making stripes from here to there, mixing colors without any objective, until the teacher started asking him to tell a story and It was there that he concentrated and created a painting.
The teacher took the painting and put it in a special place in the gallery.
On the day of the reception each student showed his art and talked about it. Daniel was nervous, he did not know what to say and when his turn came he showed his painting
and she did not know what to say, she was left blank ... The teacher intervened saying that this was painting an abstract art and that each person had to interpret the feelings that surfaced in her soul when she saw this painting.
Everyone present applauded and praised the artist, everyone took a lot of time in front of the painting, some cried, others laughed, some sighed, but all interpreted the painting in their own way, making the value of the work grow and grow with interest.
This work was sold at a very good price, Daniel never thought that they would raise so much money and that they could equip the laboratory ... But the teacher, if she knew they would achieve it, relied on Daniel's artistic talent.
thanks for your great description / story @jdbs
@xpilar, I want to give this picture a Title as, Rain Of Ashes.
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thank you @chireerocks
She dressed up as a party
He dressed up in passion
together they sparks
sparks of love and passion.
she felt sensual at her side
he wanted to devour her between his sheets
together in bed set fire
fire that filled the sex sheets.
She clung to his back
he showed his strength
together they made a physical act
I filled the bed and the sheets with fireworks.
beautiful poem @anasuleidy
Hi, @xpilar
Aunque resulte paradójico, una de las formas que tiene el universo de crear, es a través de la destrucción, en el espacio, aun cuando en su mayoría se trate de un vacío casi absoluto, los objetos, relativamente próximos, tienen la peculiar tendencia a aproximarse unos a otros, a veces en sincronizadas órbitas, en un delicado equilibrio, en el que caen continuamente unos sobre otros, sin llegar nunca a tocarse; a veces en trayectorias que irremediablemente conducen a espectaculares y a la vez sublimes colisiones que suelen incluso terminar con la existencia de uno o más de los objetos involucrados.
Desde la fusión de galaxias en las que, como delicados velos de estrellas polvo y gas, sus cuerpos se entrelazan en una especie de apasionada y delicada danza entre amantes, que conduce al nacimiento de una nuevo y mayor ejemplar de su especie, cuando los agujeros negros de sus núcleos acaben fusionándose, para empezar a iluminar el universo con intensos jets de materia expulsada a velocidades cercanas a las de la luz.
Hasta las violentas y destructivas colisiones entre estrellas o planetas, en las que, dependiendo de del tamaño de los invitados al dramático evento, puede que uno termine devorando al otro en una suerte de indigesto festín caníbal, o que ambos cuerpos acaben destruidos. Pero al igual que con las galaxias, el universo tiene la cualidad de crear algo nuevo a partir de la destrucción de lo que ya existía.
En este rincón del universo, en las cercanías del brazo de Norma, un pequeño grupo de afortunados nos reunimos para observar uno de estos espectaculares eventos, un pequeño planeta que compartía la orbita con otro, ligeramente mayor en tamaño, acompañándolo de cerca como un troyano, en una relación que estaba condenada a fracasar estrepitosamente, esta apunto de impactar en un espectáculo, que si bien no durará unos pocos segundos, como si de unos fuegos artificiales se tratara, no dejará de ser impresionante.
El primer contacto entre ambos, una especie de beso infernal, en el que los labios de ambos amantes terminan destrozados a dentelladas, los fragmentos de ambos planetas, pulverizados, triturados por la violencia del evento, son lanzados al espacio, para luego caer violentamente sobre ambos cuerpos, aun en la frenética relación carnal, el contacto prosigue hasta terminar con la vida de ambos amantes, que desintegrados en una, agitada, turbulenta nube de escombros, de todos los tamaños, empieza a tomar la forma de un disco en rotación.
Las colisiones, menos espectaculares, entre los escombros más pequeños termina por pulverizar todo lo que quedaba de ambos planetas, temperaturas infernales producto de la intensa energía que liberó el evento, calienta la nube de polvo en rotación, mientras parte de los materiales más pesados se empiezan a agrupar en el medio del disco de polvo, para darle una forma de bulbo a su centro, mientras la nubes se empieza a dilatar en la periferia para asemejarse a una rosquilla, una synestia a nacido, un objeto efímero, como todo lo que existe.
En algunos cientos de años terminará por empezar a consolidar en su bulbo central a un planeta y en la nube de la periferia, tal vez, como una vez pasó en nuestro propio mundo de origen, un satélite que lo orbitará, continuando en su permanente caída, sin llegar nunca a tocarse.
La grabación se detuvo, la vida útil de la sonda que presenció el evento que duró unos cientos de años llegó a su fin, la reproducción que duró unos pocos minutos, resumió este destructivo y curiosamente hermoso evento, ocurrido cerca del bulbo galáctico a varios cientos de años luz de este lugar, próximo al brazo de Norma.
Although it is paradoxical, one of the ways in which the universe has to create is through destruction, in space, even though for the most part it is an almost absolute void, objects, relatively close to each other, have the peculiar tendency to approach each other, sometimes in synchronized orbits, in a delicate equilibrium, in which they fall continuously on each other, without ever touching each other; sometimes in trajectories that irremediably lead to spectacular and at the same time sublime collisions that usually end up with the existence of one or more of the objects involved.
From the fusion of galaxies in which, like delicate veils of stars, dust and gas, their bodies intertwine in a kind of passionate and delicate dance between lovers, which leads to the birth of a new and greater specimen of its kind, when the black holes of its nuclei end up merging, to start illuminating the universe with intense jets of matter expelled at speeds close to those of light.
Even the violent and destructive collisions between stars or planets, in which, depending on the size of the guests at the dramatic event, one may end up devouring the other in a sort of indigestible cannibal feast, or that both bodies end up destroyed. But as with galaxies, the universe has the quality of creating something new from the destruction of what already existed.
In this corner of the universe, near Norma's arm, a small group of fortunate people gathered to observe one of these spectacular events, a small planet that shared the orbit with another, slightly larger in size, accompanying it closely like a Trojan, in a relationship that was doomed to fail miserably, this is about to impact a show that although it will not last a few seconds, as if it were fireworks, will not cease to be impressive.
The first contact between the two, a kind of infernal kiss, in which the lips of both lovers are shattered to the teeth, the fragments of both planets, pulverized, crushed by the violence of the event, are thrown into space, and then fall violently on both bodies, even in the frenetic carnal relationship, the contact continues to end with the lives of both lovers, who disintegrated in a turbulent cloud of debris, of all sizes, begins to take the form of a disc in rotation.
The collisions, less spectacular, between the smaller debris ends up pulverizing everything that was left of both planets, infernal temperatures product of the intense energy that released the event, heats the rotating dust cloud, while part of the heavier materials begin to group in the middle of the dust disk, to give a bulb shape to its center, while the clouds begin to dilate in the periphery to resemble a doughnut, a synestia to born, an ephemeral object, like everything that exists, like everything that exists.
In a few hundred years it will end up consolidating in its central bulb a planet and in the cloud of the periphery, perhaps, as it once happened in our own world of origin, a satellite that will orbit it, continuing in its permanent fall, without ever touching itself.
The recording stopped, the useful life of the probe that witnessed the event that lasted a few hundred years came to an end, the reproduction that lasted a few minutes, summed up this destructive and curiously beautiful event, occurred near the galactic bulb several hundred light years from this place, close to Norma's arm.
Thank you @xpilar, I hope the story was to your liking
thanks for your great description @amart29
Xualimbo Prison Chief immediately sent a letter to Nuxardo Prison Chief. the point of the letter was to hold a match between the prisoners. This is a rare opportunity to be broadcast nationally. Once approved, matches between prisons are held on Sundays. This is done to get the broadest attention from society and the world. Both prisons often hold friendly matches which are only witnessed by prisoners and guards.
This time they will hold it as a national level activity. They invited the Prime Minister and other high-ranking officials.
match day arrived. The audience cheered to see the game su and the hard cendeung. the players play the ball harder than American Football. When stretching the ball, not only use your feet to find the ball. Elbows and punches are also often invisible to the referee.
Minutes passed with yells and support from the audience.
The players are getting excited. cheating for the sake of cheating is done to look for opportunities to shoot the ball into the opponent's goal.
Finally, in the first half not one goal was produced. Position 0-0. The whistle will end with the first half being blown. The players immediately entered the locker room.
Sat in the room, there was a conversation between the captain of the team who had met at the toilet.
"Remember that the game will end with fireworks. One of us must win. No matter which team. The important thing is there must be a winner and there will be lots of fireworks lit with flares that will fill the field with smoke. must act immediately, "said the captain of the Xualimbo team.
"Very well," answered the captain of the Nuxardo team.
Towards the end of the evening, the players gathered at the edge of the field. they form a circle and unite spirit. The spectators, including the prime minister, were happy to see the match between prisoners going on lively.
Soon the players enter the field and place their respective positions. Once the petuit is blown, the kick-off kick is done and the player eagerly scores the game. Attack after attack is carried out on the opponent. Until one day there was an opportunity for Nuxardo's success to approach the penalty area, and with a hard kick the ball slipped into Xualimbo's foe.
The position changed 1-0 for Nuxardo. the ball is playing again This time the Xualimbo team didn't want to lose.
With good cooperation they managed to score a goal and equalized to 1-1 in the 85th minute. The game was more interesting because of the same position. until the 89th minute there was an opportunity for the Nuxardo team to score a goal due to the wrong anticipation of the goalkeeper. Position 2-1 until the referee blew the whistle for the end of the match.
That's when the fireworks are turned on and there are lots of flares that produce smoke and fill the field so that no one can see clearly. at that moment the audience suddenly went into the field until it was not clear who the spectators and players were.
Finally, with a loud shout from the two captain, the team gave a code to his friends to find the exit of the field. Finally the players managed to get out of the air and run away amid the fanfare of a soccer match.
Thank you @xpilar.I hope you accept my thought.
Warm regard from Indonesia
thanks for your story @rokhani
The is a god
His body is gold
He is the god of gold
Seen in the picture
the magic is his Wan Jin Qifa
From his body
Shooting countless golden rays
Instantly killed you
thank you @cloudblade
Solar Implosion.
A wave of solar energy has been generated in space creating a fire storm that radiates and affects our Earth field. In recent times there have been many asteroid collisions on the sun and therefore has generated an implosion of solar energy that is causing decontrol in the Earth's climate system and stimulating explosions in space.
Tornadoes, storms and a high level of heat are the effects of this devastating solar phenomenon, in addition, on the moon can be observed a greater illumination product of the high energy of the sun.
Implosión Solar.
Una ola de energía solar se ha generado en el espacio creando una tormenta de fuego que irradia y afecta nuestro campo terrestre. En los ultimos tiempos han sido muchos los choques de asteroides sobre el sol y por ello ha generado una implosion de energía solar que está provocando descontrol en el sistema climatico de la Tierra y estimulando explosiones en el espacio.
Tornados, tormentas y un nivel alto de calor son los efectos de este devastador fenomeno solar, además, sobre la luna se puede observar una mayor iluminación producto de la alta energía del sol.
thanks for your description @jadnven
One night I set out to sleep after a long day of work, my body exhausted before so many folders and files reviewed only asked for a little rest, my bed was available as every day. I lay down and from there I didn't really know when I fell asleep, I only know that I crept into a new world, into a new dimension.
Unconsciously or accidentally my brain traveled to an unknown world where everything shone like gold but the breeze that had burned like fire. I did not understand the environment, it was pleasant for the eyes but merciless for the body, two parallel sensations in the same sense, perhaps it is a message of longing, where my brain looks for what it thinks it deserves, Gold as a symbol of wealth to solve the distressing situation I am living despite my great effort to achieve stability.
Something happens, and it is that in that tunnel where my brain has taken me there is something that my body does not support, is the warm breeze that envelops my emotions, this created an uncertainty in my mind (during the dream). What's wrong, I asked myself, is it hard to achieve what you want or is it simply forbidden to yearn for a little wealth? I continued in spite of the extreme sensation of heat to try to take something of value, nevertheless all the clothes that I tried to take vanished between my hands, everything became ashes and burned my feet. I tried to run where there was no piece of gold, at that moment everything became cloudy and I opened my eyes in my room, on my bed, sweaty and with a phrase that said.
Hebrews 13:5
Una noche me dispuse a dormir despues de un largo día de trabajo, mi cuerpo exhausto ante tantas carpetas y archivos revisados solo pedía un poco de descanso, mi cama estaba disponible como todos los dias. Me acosté y de ahí no supe en realidad cuando caí dormido, solo sé que entré sigilosamente en un nuevo mundo, en una nueva dimensión.
Inconsciente o accidentalmente mi cerebro viajó a un mundo desconocido donde todo brillaba como oro pero la brisa que había quemaba como fuego. No entendía el ambiente, era agradable para la vista pero despiadado para el cuerpo, dos sensaciones paralelas en un mismo sentido, tal vez sea un mensaje de añoranza, donde mi cerebro busca lo que cree merecer, !Oro¡ como simbolo de riqueza para solventar la angustiante situación que estoy viviendo a pesar de mi gran esfuerzo por conseguir la estabilidad.
Algo sucede, y es que en ese tunel donde me ha llevado mi cerebro existe algo que mi cuerpo no soporta, es la calurosa brisa que envuelve mis emociones, esto creó una incertidumbre en mi mente (durante el sueño). !Que pasá?, me pregunte¡, acaso es dificil lograr lo que uno desea o es simplemente algo prohibido añorar un poco de riqueza?. Seguí a pesar de la extrema sensación de calor para tratar de tomar algo de valor, sin embargo todas las prendas que intentaba tomar se desvanecían entre mis manos, todo se hacía cenizas y quemaba mis pies. Intenté correr hacía donde no hubiese ninguna pieza de oro, en ese momento todo se nubló y abrí mis ojos en mi cuarto, sobre mi cama, sudado y con una frase que decía.
Hebreos 13:5
thanks for your story @adeljose
Congratulations @xpilar!
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:
thanks @arcange
Hi Snr, @xpilar
One of the greatest crises that could destroy the good plans in many of us and which could almost weaken our will-power to live is discouragement.
It is an attitude of mind that often comes to many of us who are living in this contemporary word, having claimed the assurance that all things would continue to be good. but we never take time to know or study one of the most effective weapons that our enemy could ever used against us is the weapon of discouragement. There are many of us, who at a stage see what i am seeing in this picture, mixed up of life![](
which is very difficulty to define and tell exactly about the situation, but there is a says that if eyes looking very well it will see nose, behind every difficulty of life is something important came after.
One things that will easily get a person down and feat anyone and cause him or her to be cynical, resentful and bitter and even lose heart is disappointment. this disappointment doesn't allow dream to comes trues, in fact, it destroyed dream and good plan, many were hampered and hindered because they were overrun by discouragement, but ones who made up his/her should never give up even when situation call it raw with or understandable ones should stay positive with focus to avoid the challenges of life to drive him/her away from this good dream. don’t allow discouragement of life to control you to avoid dreams and goals been paralyzed. Be positive, never give up.
Thanks for sharing your great work.
hi @davidad
thanks for your description of discouragement and about not giving up
You are welcome Snr @xpilar
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When dragon queen says Dracarys, the your pic looks like a fire from dragon's mouth 🐲 #got
yes, thanks