The image is made of own imagination and thoughts
Digital art made by @xpilar
![Outer Space 10 serie 41 A.jpg](
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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me ![](
Digital art made by @xpilar
![Outer Space 10 serie 41 A.jpg](
In order to use the pictures in other context
you must have permission from me
And the permit is only given to post at STEEMIT
Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me ![](
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me
In my opinion this is a picture of a simple bridge over hilly land.
thanks for your description
Wow ... the beauty of the road on the ground. Beautiful.
thank you @rihonkeugata
Beautiful scenery of a hill and road. Beautiful artwork.
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thank you @elia34928
When the sea and space meet
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thanks for your description @mrme1984
Very nice and beautiful post, this has a lot of art I like to see your posts.
thank you @muntaharaceh
@xpilar your every digital-art that's great it I love art
thank you @kretorkk
I see two objects in your picture, but both of them are very closely related. And I can't be sure that WHAT IS actually the contents of the image ... if there is a chance please explain a little, @xpilar?
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Here it is your imagination that counts
thanks for your description @good-darma
I really like asking if something that I don't understand ... thanks for everything ..., life is full of balance imagination. Life is also like a very broad picture of its meaning.,,,,,
Yes, that's right and here you have to put your imagination into words @good-darma
This post is beautiful, gives a nice color of art
thank you @donclo
I am on another planet on the highest mountain. Below, I see a night city with lights. A spaceship will flood me to let me go down, although I can go down the interactive staircase myself. An interesting picture and imagination.
thanks for your description @magnata
Absolutely brilliant just mind blowing.. thank you for sharing your imagination..
thank you @marjana-jannat
Wow contraction great digital artwork
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thank you @csharma
it is the place of game like war war game of ships...
thanks for your description @sardar-sani
I hope that's a friendly spaceship up there. Nice art, @xpilar!
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thank you @charcoalbuffet
Hello @xpilar, impressive your art, a spaceship wants to dive deep into the sea to study marine species
thanks for your description @leca
a digital work with very good and interesting construction
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thank you @muzack1
wow, your digital art is beautiful
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thank you @brended
I have a next association...
Darth Vader's escape to the planet of silicoids
thanks for your description @mister-omortson
wowwww such a awesome digital art 👌
thank you @galleryworld
The spaceship is coming to attack
thanks for your description @cryptotrader84
Lovely image
thank you @adenijiadeshina
Looks like images of our future Moon colony right here, @xpilar. Nice imagination!
thanks for your description @numpypython
Nice image, thanks
thanks @sniper555
Something new and unique you shared in digital art thanks for sharing
thanks @blazing
I hope we can live in the space in a near future.
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thank you @bitinvdig0
Great imagination my dear friend @xpilare
thanks @momoriso
It is a creation inspired by a futuristic world, great work.
thank you @elider11
Mr. @xpilar definitely you are very creative, his art this day has a mixture of human and extraterrestrial that looks great.
thank you @solangeh
En un lejano lugar se encontraba una joven contemplando el espacio, y de pronto..., ve una enorme nave y se pregunta:¿oh que es esto, viene por mi, en paz o en guerra , quienes serán sus tripulantes?, y, en medio de tal expectación se desmaya, y, al despertar se vio en el espacio celeste convertida en una estrella.
Moraleja: Ante cualquier situación, conservemos la serenidad, y, así, el terror no secuestrará nuestras emociones.
Nota:La joven en medio del desmayo pudo tener otras consecuencias adversas.Afortunadamente se convirtió en una estrella.Ahora, falta saber si ella esta conforme de estar en el espacio con otro cuerpo...
thanks for your description / story @brismar
Enjoy the charm of space, amazing
Nice digital art...
thank you @chehkuna
thanks @chehkuna
thanks @chehkuna
Three-dimensional university.
One day Daniel was sitting in a corridor of the university, tired of his boring life and everything was so normal.
So he began to imagine a parallel world where the buildings of the university were gridded, the stairs to the parking lot were a defragmented pyramid, the floors were abstract and the university bus turned it into a spaceship with a whale tail and the sun was the Planet Mars and many clouds.
He liked so much what I imagine he took the notebook, pencils and markers and began to create art, he became so distracted that it was painted at night so instead of clouds and a clear day, he painted stars and a night sky.
When finishing his painting, I remain like this...
Some friends showed it to him and everyone was delighted by his creativity, and his three-dimensional view of the university.
thanks for your description / story @jdbs
thanks for your description @jdbs
@xpilar, I want to give this picture a Title as, The Alien World.
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thanks @chireerocks
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Congratulations @xpilar!
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:
Hello xpilar, I want to make a short story from your digital image. there is a young man named yogi who has a very intelligent brain. he was able to prove that besides on earth, there was also life out there. one night he dreamed that a spaceship would pick him up to talk a lot about life on earth. he was very nervous about his dream. he was a little afraid to meet them.
and one day, his dream was proven. at midnight, suddenly a spacecraft came to pick him up. Yogi woke up and was a little scared. he asks, what do you want from me? they answered, we were only curious about life on earth. and you're a very right person. because you have a smart brain.
hearing their explanation, yogi joined them. Yogi also wants to know life besides on earth. and they also learn from each other together. this is just a story from your digital image. hope you like it.
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thanks for your story @aulia1993
Hi @xpilar
Conociendo a los Nativos
―El análisis del espectro de radio, mostró una extraña señal de baja frecuencia, que podría de alguna forma estar interviniendo en los implantes neurales de la tripulación, tal vez eso generó la sensación de ansiedad, mientras estuvieron en presencia de los habitantes del norte del continente ―dijo uno de los técnicos del laboratorio, en su reporte a los miembros del consejo.
―Entiendo, ¿hay manera interferir esa señal? ―preguntó uno de los integrantes del consejo
―Sí, no hay problema en ello, le daré las instrucciones correspondientes a las IA de las naves ―respondió el técnico, que tras una pausa “escuchando” la notificación que recibía por su implante neural agregó ―. Los técnicos lingüistas, ya han ajustado el algoritmo de traducción, creen que tiene una buena aproximación al lenguaje de la raza que ocupa el resto del continente.
―Respecto a la otra raza, ¿no tienen aun nada para comunicarse con ellos? ―pregunto otro de los miembros del consejo.
―No señor, aparte de la extraña señal de radio de baja frecuencia, no tenemos nada más, no hubo ningún intento de comunicarse con nosotros, ni tampoco entre ellos que pudiésemos identificar. Por lo que no tenemos ninguna fuente para entrenar la IA.
Una nueva nave humana descendió en medio de la noche a la superficie del planeta y tras elegir una de las ciudades aparentemente más grande, de la especie principal del planeta, se posicionó a unos quinientos metros sobre ella y emitió un saludo en todas las frecuencias de radio.
―Saludos, somos la flota Andrómeda, estamos en un viaje de exploración de la galaxia, provenimos de un planeta que ya no es apto para habitarlo y no tenemos ninguna otra intensión a parte de conocerlos a ustedes y su mundo―. La IA emitió el mensaje usando el peculiar lenguaje formado por infrasonido de las trasmisiones interceptadas―. Nuestra flota permanecerá en órbita fija sobre su continente durante treinta de sus días, después de eso, de no poder entablar comunicación con ustedes, nos retiraremos y continuaremos nuestro viaje.
Un pequeño vehículo no tripulado salió de uno de los puertos de la nave y descendió para dejar caer, en medio de un espacio abierto a pocos metros de una de las edificaciones cónicas de la ciudad, un gigantesco balón que rebotó varias veces, antes de desinflarse y dejar ver una capsula metálica de forma esférica, que tras rodar un par de metros extendió cuatro patines, que la elevaron del suelo, para luego abrir su cubierta exterior en ocho pétalos, dejando ver el contenido de su interior, en el que estaba lo que parecía ser un computador con una interfaz de proyección.
―Dejamos para ustedes una estación de datos y comunicación, en ella podrán encontrar una recopilación de información sobre nuestra especie, historia y estilo de vida, además podrán usarla para comunicarse con nosotros si así lo desean, nuestra nave se retirará ahora y continuaremos la observación desde la órbita. Un mensaje similar a este será trasmitido a la especie que comparte con ustedes el continente y que está asentada en el norte, detrás de la cadena montañosa. Reiteramos que nuestra única intención es conocerlos.
Después de esto y del regreso del vehículo de descenso, la nave se elevó desplazándose en vertical hasta perderse entre la capa de nubes, para regresar a reunirse con la flota en órbita.
A su regreso los tripulantes se encontraron con un gran revuelo en la flota, la nave que había descendido a cumplir con una misión similar, pero sin transmitir ningún mensaje, sólo a dejar la capsula, no había regresado aun y se perdió la comunicación con ellos, tal parece que toda la nave descendió en el planeta y sus tripulantes la habían abandonado.
En medio de todo el alboroto un repentino y sorpresivo mensaje fue recibido por medio del comunicador dejado a los habitantes de la mayor parte del continente.
―Sean bienvenidos, les pedimos que eviten acercase a los Mun que habitan más allá de las montañas del norte, por favor eviten acercarse a los Mun.
Knowing the Natives
-The analysis of the radio spectrum showed a strange low frequency signal, which could somehow be intervening in the neural implants of the crew, perhaps that generated the feeling of anxiety, while they were in the presence of the inhabitants of the north of the continent -said one of the technicians of the laboratory, in his report to the members of the council.
-I understand, is there any way to interfere with that signal? -asked one of the council members.
-Yes, there is no problem with that, I will give you the instructions corresponding to the AI of the ships - replied the technician, who after a pause "listening" to the notification he received for his neural implant added -. Linguistic technicians, who have already adjusted the translation algorithm, believe that it has a good approximation to the language of the race that occupies the rest of the continent.
-With respect to the other race, don't you still have nothing to communicate with them? -asked another member of the council.
-No sir, apart from the strange low-frequency radio signal, we have nothing else, there was no attempt to communicate with us, nor with each other that we could identify. So we have no source for AI training.
A new human spacecraft descended in the middle of the night to the surface of the planet and after choosing one of the apparently largest cities, of the main species of the planet, positioned itself about five hundred meters above it and emitted a greeting on all radio frequencies.
-Greetings, we are the Andromeda fleet, we are on a journey of exploration of the galaxy, we come from a planet that is no longer fit to inhabit it and we have no intention other than to know you and your world -. The AI emitted the message using the peculiar language formed by the infrasound of the intercepted transmissions -. Our fleet will remain in fixed orbit on your continent for thirty days, after that, if we cannot establish communication with you, we will withdraw and continue our journey.
A small unmanned vehicle left one of the ports of the ship and descended to drop, in the middle of an open space a few meters from one of the conical buildings of the city, a gigantic ball that bounced several times, before deflating and letting see a metal capsule of spherical shape, that after rolling a couple of meters extended four skates, which lifted it from the ground, and then opened its outer cover in eight petals, letting you see the contents of its interior, which was what appeared to be a computer with a projection interface.
-We leave for you a station of data and communication, in it you will be able to find a compilation of information about our species, history and lifestyle, in addition you will be able to use it to communicate with us if so wish, our ship will withdraw now and we will continue the observation from the orbit. A similar message will be transmitted to the species that shares the continent with you and that is seated in the north, behind the mountain range. We reiterate that our only intention is to know you.
After this and the return of the descent vehicle, the ship rose and moved vertically until it was lost in the cloud layer, to return to meet the fleet in orbit.
On their return the crew found a great commotion in the fleet, the ship that had descended to fulfill a similar mission, but without transmitting any message, only to leave the capsule, had not yet returned and lost communication with them, it seems that the entire ship descended on the planet and its crew had abandoned it.
In the midst of all the commotion a sudden and surprising message was received through the communicator left to the inhabitants of most of the continent.
-Welcome, we ask you to avoid approaching the Mun who live beyond the northern mountains, please avoid approaching the Mun.
Thank you @xpilar, I hope the story is to your liking
thanks for your great story @amart29