The image is made of own imagination and thoughts


Digital art made by @xpilar

Isfjell 1 A.jpg

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And the permit is only given to post at STEEMIT

Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


Cold in the room

You came to the room and I received you as God brought me

I bathed with flowers and brushed my hair

I touched you with passion and love and I only received gall

Your cold body before me did not react, the room became an iceberg

Pingunos play in the cold room

I can't find the way you see me differently, I can't find words to react to me

Nobody knows what I suffer, nobody knows in the snow where I live

Nobody knows the cold baths and the pain that your forgetfulness causes me.


I love your digital art, very realistic, very significant and full of small details, Thank you for giving us this piece Mr. @ xpilar.


Winter is almost over. Thick snow covering all regions made various living creatures try to survive. in some animals hibernate throughout the winter. The function of hibernation is to save energy during periods when there is not enough food available. To achieve this energy savings, the endothermic process will lower the metabolic rate first, which then results in a decrease in body temperature.
When winter ends they also start to wake up from their long sleep. They try to see the world outside and look for food sources. Hunger makes them realize the need to get filler stomach food.
They still remember before hibernation they have provided food reserves in their bodies
Before entering hibernation, these animals usually carry out the process of consuming food as much as possible, as happened with bears. Animals go through the hibernation phase to store fat reserves for their bodies to adapt to the winter, or seasons with climatic temperatures that are lower than normal.
Even after waking up from hibernation, these animals need a few moments to resume their normal activities.
When you wake up from hibernation is a very weak time, because you run out of energy sources. They also have to be careful of predators. That's why when they wake up from hibernation they also maintain vigilance.
Thank you @xpilar
Warm regard from Indonesia


A cold and solitary image, with a strong current of wind, one can say that it is like the way of a being that wanders around the world looking for shelter while no one sees him suffering in the face of so much laziness.


Good day @xpilar, that beautiful glacial zone provokes to submerge in it to calm the implacable heat that there is in these days of so hot summer.


Xpilermus, the Diamond Powder.

A catastrophic situation is besieging planet Earth, a heat wave attacks the daily life of the inhabitants of all countries, the temperature rises alarmingly uncontrollably, the thaw in the North Pole becomes more noticeable after water levels clothe large amounts of island, a climatic chaos is becoming present.

Because of this, a commission of intellectuals has devised a powerful powder capable of mitigating the high environmental temperatures, Xpilermus is a kind of powder based on sodium acetate combined with ammonium nitrate to achieve endothermic characteristics in the environment, the commission of specialists have focused this effort as a partial solution because on a large scale it would be counterproductive for humanity, the study has indicated that the effect of Xpilermus can effectively go down to 15°C.


Xpilermus, El Polvo de Diamante.

Una catastrófica situación está asediando al planeta Tierra, una ola de calor ataca la vida cotidiana de los habitantes de todos los paises, la temperatura sube alarmantemente sin control, el deshielo en el polo norte se hace más notorio al cabo que los niveles de agua arropan grandes cantidades de isla, un caos climatico está haciendose presente.

Debido a esto, una comisión de intelectuales ha ideado un poderoso polvo capaz de mitigar las altas temperaturas ambientales, Xpilermus es una especie de polvo a base de acetato de sodio combinado con nitrato amónico para lograr caracteristicas endotérmicas en el ambiente, la comisión de especialistas han centrado este esfuerzo como una solución parcial ya que a gran escala sería contra producente para la humanidad, el estudio ha indicado que el efecto de Xpilermus efectivamente puede bajar hasta 15°C.


Great Digital art. It looks like when there is accumulated clouds. Amazing

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You welcome. Please how do I power up steem? Do you have any idea

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Very nice work! The first thing that comes to my mind is a blue ocean event at the North Pole. I just heard last night that if that were to happen a recent study suggests that it would be like 30 to 35 years of carbon release at our present rate. (Maybe check on the figures if your interested, my memory is not really good.) I guess it is kind of on my mind at the moment.


Muy hermoso ese maravilloso ambiente donde se observa un espacio abierto
cubierto de nieve, cuya temperatura influye en el animo y apacibilidad de los habitantes que en esos parajes tienen la dicha de vivir. No echando de menos las otros lugares de otras partes del mundo, las que también tienen sus exquisiteses por el ambiente natural, sello distintivo que le ha puesto el Creador a cada uno de ellos .Me recreo, y no dejo de maravillarme cuando se trata de esa creación que nos ha dado ese maravilloso Arquitexto y excelso Dios. Gracias por compartir xpilar, me encantan los sitios donde hay nieve y la paz de sus lugareños. Bendiciones.


Meetup at the north pole.

Once upon a time there was a group of animals that were friends and lived in the North Pole, every afternoon they met and shared stories and experiences of their lives.
The toothless walrus always full of life told his experiences, the always funny furry polar bear made a joke of everything filling the moment with laughter and the cunning fox in love always telling a love story, These friends always wondered why the humpback whales Daniel and David they posed on an ice floe with their computers from morning until dark.
They saw how much they had fun but could not understand how much they did, meanwhile the whales had noticed the eyes of their neighbors.
One day the whales approached the group and effusive greeted they began to speak menacingly, the furry polar bear did not miss an opportunity and with a lot of thanks I ask that they made every day glued by computer or cell phone, that the outside world was very beautiful and they in Technology did not stop being.
Humpback whales invited their new friends to meet at the ice floe the next day.
The next morning the sun was shining faintly, the cold waters were running down the small ice formed but the iceberg that was the meeting place was there waiting for the animals.


The first to arrive were the walrus, the polar bear and the fox because they were very intrigued.
When David and Daniel arrived the whales with computers for everyone, they made a little meetup about Steemit.

They can't imagine how much fun they had, and since that day all the animals gathered every day on the ice floe enjoying the amazing world of STEEMIT.


Your digital image is very good if you make a story. allow me to make a short story from your digital image. there was a young man who really wanted to see snow directly. because where he lives never snow. he can only see snow through television. he loved it, and he had a dream that if he had a lot of money, he wanted to go to a country that was snowing.

he works and collects money every day. he doesn't have much income. but he kept it automatic that he was able to visit areas with snow. and after 2 years have passed, finally the money collected has been a lot. and at that time he visited Japan to see the snow falling. he is happy because his dream can be achieved.

Posted using Partiko Android


Hi @xpilar.

El Polo

Esta región nunca ha tenido gran abundancia de formas de vida, pero aun después de la catástrofe y la consecuente muerte de todos lo seres vivos de la mayor parte del hemisferio norte y buena parte del sur, una vez que el planeta empezó a recuperarse, en esta zona se podían encontrar abundantes peces, familias de delfines y lobos marinos, y en el continente, una buena parte de los animales pequeños regresaron; roedores, liebres, zorros y otros mamíferos.

Sin embargo, hoy se trata de un completo desierto helado, el mar, con elevados niveles de toxicidad, es incapaz de sustentar alguna forma de vida mayor a bacterias anaerobias, todos los animales migraron al sur o murieron envenenados. En tierra, incluso los bosques de coníferas lucen como interminables campos de troncos, marchitos y petrificados, todo cubierto de nieve y hielo, en medio de un silencio sepulcral, roto únicamente por el silbar del viento.

El aire es irrespirable, si no estuviésemos embutidos en trajes especiales, moriríamos en segundos, nuestros pulmones colapsarían y moriríamos ahogados en nuestra propia sangre, el ácido cianhídrico y el sulfuro de hidrógeno, que flotan sobre la tierra como una leve niebla blanquecina, corroerían nuestras fosas nasales y laringes y llenaría nuestra piel de dolorosas ampollas.

Sin embargo, pese a este panorama desolador el Sol brilla majestuoso, imponente en el intenso azul del cielo. Probablemente en un futuro nunca volveríamos a ver un cielo como éste, las personas del futuro estarán confinadas a vivir en ambientes artificiales, bajo cielos simulados, sin que el verdadero Sol caliente sus rostros.

El bote de exploración continuó su recorrido, navegando por la región del cráter del polo norte, la que una vez, hace cientos de años, había sido testigo de la catástrofe que estuvo a punto de acabar con la vida del planeta y hoy, nuevamente, era el epicentro de un fenómeno que en esta ocasión condenaba a la humanidad a abandonar el planeta que siempre fue su hogar.

The Pole

This region has never had a great abundance of life forms, but even after the catastrophe and the consequent death of all living beings in most of the northern hemisphere and much of the south, once the planet began to recover, in this area could be found abundant fish, families of dolphins and sea lions, and on the continent, a good part of the small animals returned; rodents, hares, foxes and other mammals.

However, today it is a complete frozen desert, the sea, with high levels of toxicity, is unable to sustain some form of life greater than anaerobic bacteria, all animals migrated south or died poisoned. On land, even coniferous forests look like endless fields of trunks, withered and petrified, all covered with snow and ice, in the middle of a sepulchral silence, broken only by the whistle of the wind.

The air is unbreathable, if we were not stuffed in special suits, we would die in seconds, our lungs would collapse and we would die drowned in our own blood, the hydrogen cyanide and sulfur, which float on the earth like a slight white mist, would corrode our nostrils and larynges and fill our skin with painful blisters.

However, in spite of this desolate panorama the Sun shines majestically, imposing in the intense blue of the sky. Probably in the future we would never see a sky like this again, the people of the future will be confined to live in artificial environments, under simulated skies, without the real Sun warming their faces.

The exploration boat continued its journey, sailing through the region of the North Pole crater, which once, hundreds of years ago, had witnessed the catastrophe that nearly killed life on the planet and today, again, was the epicenter of a phenomenon that on this occasion condemned humanity to leave the planet that was always their home.

Thank you @xpilar, I hope the story was to your liking
