The image is made of own imagination and thoughts
Digital art made by @xpilar
![fjell nydelig solnedgang 1A.jpg](
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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me ![](
Digital art made by @xpilar
![fjell nydelig solnedgang 1A.jpg](
In order to use the pictures in other context
you must have permission from me
And the permit is only given to post at STEEMIT
Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me ![](
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me
very good pictures and illustrations
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thank you @muzack1
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👍 @yaser-saoudy
very picture, very detailed artwork
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thank you @brended
This is definitely amazing it seems like there is a fast moving aircraft and when I look at the sky I see a mixture of orange and blue as well as it seems as if something is descending those debris and I love the dark colours that was used.
Finally it resembles a green Mountain up above the sky and it also seems as if the image's perspective remind someone of the early days where there was no civilization but pure naturalness.
What casting what is that the clouds are travelling past the mountains just like it does in the evening a very beautiful depiction of What It Feels To look at how beautiful the world is in the evening.
What an amazing digital art by you this is so beautiful and I love the idea of a boisterous elaboration, well done
thank you so much @josediccus
Hello @xpilar, how are u doing? I imagine a beautiful hill with a yellow sun on it. Looks really pretty. Have a nice day, sir .
thank you @elianaelisma
Beautiful positive golden back ground in green valleys,
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thank you @csharma
Is it just me or does this kinda look like shit
hehe, funny description @nathanyell
The yellowish sky behind the beautiful hill ..
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thank you @elia34928
And the flight over the beautiful country continues
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thanks for the description @mrme1984
Looks like the mountains were smooshed down. Or perhaps its the bottom of the sea and the sky is the water?
thanks for the description @kimmysomelove42
Beautiful art.
I like it this post..
Thanks for sharing this post...
thank you @sujonkhansr
Due to my opinion It can not be a better place to cultivate tea. Nice Art
thank you @anil566
Very beautiful, beautifully arranged hills, and the colors of the sky with a charming blend of colors
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thanks for the description @nurmalaalibasyah
Very beautiful picture @xpilar
Beautiful mountains at sunset,
They are painted in evening colors.
And the scarlet color of sunset in the sky,
Hid tops completely already
Great space, granite rocks,
Hills covered with green bushes
And the dome of the stars very soon
Cover the mountains in the coming hours!
thank you @serkagan
Simple but elegant digital art @xpilar
thank you @chehkuna
What a beautiful image
thank you @adenijiadeshina
the scenery is very nice and beautiful there is a mountain in the rays of the sun as if the atmosphere is living a good post I like to see it
thanks for the description @muntaharaceh
very nice and great digital-art my dear friend @xpilar
thank you @momoriso
Very creative your daily art in honor of nature, as always demonstrating his great talent Mr. @xpilar.
thank you so much @solangeh
A prosperous country led by a wise and fair king. Parents love small ones, small ones respect parents. Living in harmony, peace, security.
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thanks for the description @p3d1
The earth and the sky united as a couple. I can wait to see a version of this art in the night.
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thank you @bitinvdig0
The image is made of own imagination and thoughts part 2 in the night
The landscape art in digitally epic way wow that was majestic
thank you @blazing
I can feel the speed! in your art work .. great
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than you @zpzn
A Child's Imagination.
Among so many things seen on television, avengers, superman, etc., imagination has always led me to that lifestyle, where great powers are part of the superheroes who come to end injustice. A little silence is enough to begin the journey.
Floating in the air I was, a slight sensation I felt when seeing myself that I can fly, I set out to walk through all the fantastic places of our planet, seas, deserts and large plots of green areas. The clouds open up in front of me, I feel something supernatural, as if I could do whatever I wanted.
thanks for the description @jadnven
I like this image is like the top of a mountain, full of green and life. I like it!
thank you @elider11
nice mountain and sun view
thank you @donclo
Excellent panoramic view, I like how you see the gusts of clouds and the entrances of the sun's rays, I like that magnetism that has that place.
thank you @adeljose
Wow! What a beautiful art. really awesome. I love Your art. Thanks for share.....
thank you @alimuddin
Hello @xpilar
Another beautiful digital art my friend.
Golden clouds with blue sky beautiful combination.
Greenery on surface and golden sky makes this digital art more amazing.
Beautiful art my friend. thanks for share wit us..
thank you so much @tussar11
A prosperous country is full of abundant natural products.
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thank you @ngieng
okay , i will do that about relate your picture to following you and upvote for you all the time
thank you @owasola
This is a legendary dream island
He is moving among the sea
Legend has it that there are countless gems on the island.
In fact, he is a huge sea turtle.
Tortoiseshell is covered with seaweed
And the gemstone is the stone of some kind of animal.
thanks for the description @cloudblade
I'm going up the hill safe and quiet
I want to get to the top and touch the candy clouds
I know it will not be easy but I will be up
I will play success and I will show the world that if you can
This hill is steep and difficult, it makes you throw sweat and tears.
But the success is difficult so no matter how much it costs me, I touch the candy clouds.
thanks for the description / poem @anasuleidy
parallel worlds.
How good it is to look at the sky travel at the speed of the wind and the mountains with their wave form give new ideas to my imagination the colors illuminate the whole environment the blue The orange are very bright.
thanks for the description @michelduartes
Hello @xpilar, nice to meet you again. today you are displaying digital images. and in my opinion your digital image is very good to describe.
this digital image in my opinion looks like a forest that has a lot of road space. also with someone's life in this world. surely someone's dreams are different. but must have the same goal. that is, being able to achieve success together.
there will be many ways a person takes in achieving dreams. there are those who do business, by selling, there are those who work in companies, some open tourist attractions, and many others. but one's purpose is one. that is achieving success. this is just my description of the digital image you are displaying.
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thanks for the description @aulia1993
Hello @xpilar, that so radiant image, although not this the sun, the yellow color radiates by him, a perfect combination of those colors: green, yellow and blue, express the hope of a new beginning.
thanks for the description @leca
7 men and the murderous mountain.
In the decade of the 80s a group of young hikers and adventurers climbed mountains all over the world, but there was an untamable mountain, it was known as the murderous mountain, Many tried it but nobody, never, never, had reached the top. .
Whenever someone was going to try the press appeared, everyone knew but in the end the headlines were the same, the murderous mountain charged a life more.
One day the group decided to try it, the 7 young people were interviewed, the press, the community in general gave it so much publicity and optimism that the hikers were very animated and full of faith.
the day came to leave between banners and good wishes, the journey of the 7 men began.
The challenges faced were difficult, one more difficult than the previous one, endangering his life more than once, days of struggle and survival that put his resistance, strength and friendship to the test.
On the seventh day, at 7 o'clock in the morning, the 7 youngsters reached the finish line.
They reached the top of the murderous mountain, happily nailed a flag and took pictures with it, the physical exhaustion was evident but the happiness to achieve the goal was so much.
Going down was so simple when the 7 young winners appeared, all the inhabitants of the community received them impacted and even full of doubts because they were the first survivors, proudly showed their photographs of achievement, of the accomplishment of the most ferocious and difficult feat in the world.
The press went crazy, all the headlines were about the 7 men who dominated the murderous mountain, their photos traveling the world through newspapers and television.
The 7 men gave many interviews and all agreed that friendship was the necessary driver to achieve it.
thanks for your story @jdbs
At first glance they seem to me of roads that creep in the thick vegetation, but with a closer look it could be a gigantic green-covered building, like a climbing ivy
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thanks for the description @mad-runner
Oh! interesting and confusing, I like how different textures are worn, as always lets us enjoy art, greetings @xpilar!
thank you @miyexi
I can see a twilight with wild clouds, something like the view in Barquisimeto state Lara of my beloved Venezuela.
thanks for your description @adrimonte
@xpilar, I want to give this picture a Title as, The Mountain Cracks.
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thank you @chireerocks
Congratulations @xpilar!
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:
woow, thank you @arcange
Yes! You made it!
Hi, @xpilar
El día Antes del Antes del Ataque.
En medio de las montañas del bosque de arboles sagrados, los rebeldes Goeis, reagrupaban fuerzas, eran un grupo de seiscientos diez combatientes dirigidos por la antigua regente, que, al cambiar su género para entrar en la disputa, había perdido tal condición.
Tras el ataque a la nave humana en el Lago Salado, habían tenido tres refriegas con tropas fieles al matriarcado, en las proximidades al territorio de los lagos. Desde esos eventos habían cambiado su base de operaciones a un punto aun más interno en el bosque a más de mil kilómetros de su antigua ubicación.
―Comandante, el trasporte con las últimas tropas adheridas al movimiento acaba de llegar, ya superamos los mil combatientes ―dijo un oficial, cuyas protuberancias superiores indicaban que debía ser de un rango menor a su interlocutor, el Comandante, quien antes de cambiar de género fue una de las Regentes del Linaje de los Lagos, emitió un aroma de complacencia.
―Gracias oficial, puede retirarse, ocúpese de que los nuevos combatientes sean ubicados y abastecidos ―dijo el comandante, para luego recostarse en la yerba a tomar el sol del mediodía.
Los rebeldes se preparaban para realizar un ataque durante la noche a las naves humanas en la orbita lunar, la idea era hacer un ataque sorpresa con los cazas, la mayoría de las naves humanas no estaban equipadas para el combate y el componente militar presente eran pequeño, se trataba sólo de unidades tácticas, no había naves de combate.
Sesenta y tres naves formaban la fuerza de ataque de los Goeis, los caza estaban armados con torpedos buscadores, capaces de identificar y seguir cualquier tipo de blanco que se encuentre en la base de datos de su IA e incluso seleccionar blancos por prioridad, según los objetivos de la misión, además contaban con tres bombarderos tácticos, abastecidos con cañones y bombas de plasma, una de las más modernas tecnologías con las que contaba la flota Goei.
A final de la tarde las naves ya estaba abastecidas y los setenta y ocho pilotos y artilleros, que volarían la misión, estaban a esperas de las palabras del lider de la rebelión, la antigua regente, hoy comandante, avanzó desplazándose por la yerba sobre su abdomen para levantarse en sus apéndices inferiores frente los asistente, su ahora imponente cuerpo masculino, destacaba sobre los demás, su antes hermosa y lisa cabeza, ahora estaba adornada por ocho grandes y disparejas protuberancias que denotaban su nueva jerarquía masculina.
―En pocos momentos saldrán a atacar las naves de los invasores humanos en el espacio, llegó el momento de que retribuyan el daño que le hicieron a nuestra colmena. Llegó la hora de que conozcan el mismo miedo que sembraron en nuestros infantes. De que paguen la ofensa a nuestros ancestros. No tengan compasión de ellos, quiero que infrinjan el mayor daño que puedan a sus naves ―dijo, emitiendo un intenso aroma de belicosidad y a la vez transmitiendo una intensa sensación de odio y agresividad.
Los presentes se estremecieron en un intenso éctasis, gritando y vitoreando las palabras del comandante ―. Es hora de que aborden las naves y vayan contra los invasores. ¡Es hora de la retribución! ―. Tras esta exclamación los combatientes se abalanzaron sobre las naves y empezaron a elevarse del suelo para agruparse a pocos cientos de metros sobre el bosque; disponiéndose a emprender la misión.
Varios cientos de kilómetros, fuera de la mirada de los Goeis, más allá de la atmósfera, FRED detectó la presencia de las naves de los rebeldes.
The Day Before the Attack.
In the middle of the mountains of the forest of sacred trees, the rebels Goeis, regrouped forces, were a group of six hundred and ten combatants led by the old regent, who, when changing his gender to enter the dispute, had lost such condition.
After the attack on the human ship in Salt Lake, they had had three skirmishes with troops faithful to the matriarchy, in the vicinity of the territory of the lakes. Since those events they had changed their base of operations to an even more internal point in the forest more than a thousand kilometers from their former location.
-Commander, the transport with the last troops adhered to the movement has just arrived, we already surpassed the thousand combatants -said an officer, whose superior protrusions indicated that it should be of a minor rank to his interlocutor, the Commander, who before changing gender was one of the Regents of the Lineage of the Lakes, emitted an aroma of complacency.
-Thank you, officer, you may leave, see to it that the new combatants are located and supplied, -said the commander, and then lie down on the grass to take the midday sun.
The rebels prepared themselves to carry out an attack during the night to the human ships in the lunar orbit, the idea was to make a surprise attack with the fighters, most of the human ships were not equipped for the combat and the present military component were small, they were only tactical units, there were no combat ships.
Sixty-three ships formed the attack force of the Goeis, the fighters were armed with search torpedoes, capable of identifying and tracking any type of target found in the database of their AI and even selecting targets by priority, according to the objectives of the mission, also had three tactical bombers, supplied with cannons and plasma bombs, one of the most modern technologies available to the Goei fleet.
By the end of the afternoon the ships were already stocked and the seventy-eight pilots and artilleros, who would fly the mission, were waiting for the words of the leader of the rebellion, the former regent, now commander, advanced moving through the grass on her abdomen to rise in her lower appendages in front of the assistants, her now imposing male body, stood out above the others, her once beautiful and smooth head, was now adorned by eight large and uneven protrusions that denoted her new male hierarchy.
-In a few moments they will come out to attack the ships of the human invaders in space, the time has come for them to repay the damage they did to our hive. The time has come for them to know the same fear they sowed in our infants. To pay the offense to our ancestors. Have no compassion on them, I want them to inflict as much damage as they can on their ships, -he said, emitting an intense aroma of bellicosity and at the same time transmitting an intense sensation of hatred and aggressiveness.
Those present shuddered in intense ecstasy, shouting and cheering the words of the commander. It is time for them to board the ships and go against the invaders. It is time for retribution! ―. After this exclamation the fighters rushed over the ships and began to rise from the ground to gather a few hundred meters above the forest, preparing to undertake the mission.
Several hundred kilometers, out of the sight of the Goeis, beyond the atmosphere, FRED detected the presence of the ships of the rebels.
Thank you @xpilar, I hope the story was to your liking