Edgar Berlanga es Realidad o Mentira? // No le gana a un Top 10 - Edgar Berlanga is Fact or Bullshit // Doesn't beat a Top 10 [ESP-ENG]

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The night of 03-19-22 a boxing evening was taking place at Madison Square Garden where Edgar Berlanga, for many the great promise of boxing in Puerto Rico, was fighting the main fight of the night and much was expected of this man who was going to face Steve Rolls, a 37 year old man who on paper looked like an easy opponent to beat, but we saw the opposite and rather we could see more doubts than confirmations by Berlanga.
Top Rank fue la compañía que estuve llevando este evento, aquí estarían peleando 3 boxeadores de Puerto Rico, prácticamente todo estaba servido para que ellos se lucieran y mucho mas en un escenario tan importante como es el de New York, ciudad donde milita ahora mismo Edgar Berlanga y donde se puede decir que estaba en su casa frente a todo su publico que lo fue a ver. De mi parte deseaba mucho ver boxear a Berlanga, se ha estado especulando mucho sobre el futuro de este boxeador, por lo cual yo quería presenciar si en realidad es lo que todos estaban comentando y realmente no lo veo tan bueno.
Top Rank was the company that was carrying this event, here would be fighting 3 boxers from Puerto Rico, practically everything was served for them to show off and much more in such an important scenario as New York, city where Edgar Berlanga fights right now and where you can say that he was at home in front of all his fans who went to see him. I really wanted to see Berlanga box, there has been a lot of speculation about the future of this boxer, so I wanted to see if it really is what everyone was talking about and I really don't see it as good.

Un espectáculo que Nunca llego - A show that never came

Edgar Berlanga tenia un récord de 16 victorias con 16 KO's, donde las primeras 15 fueron decididas en el primer round, este impresionante récord hizo que lo apodaran "The Chosen One", pues si realmente eres el elegido todos esperan que des un gran espectáculo, pero en sus dos peleas anteriores no había lucido tanto, incluso tuvo muchas complicaciones para ganar la ultima donde lo mandaron a la lona, pero igualmente pudo sacar las victorias llegando a esta pelea con un récord de 18-0 y con todas las expectativas altas de que ahora si volvería a noquear a su rival. Sus peleas no habían sido tan televisadas, por esa razón no había visto mucho de Berlanga, simplemente muchos resúmenes de sus combates y si me había visto por completo varias entrevistas, me gusta seguir a los atletas y con todo su palmares yo tenia en mi mente que en verdad si era un prodigio del boxeo.
Edgar Berlanga had a record of 16 wins with 16 KO's, where the first 15 were decided in the first round, this impressive record made them nicknamed him "The Chosen One ", because if you really are the chosen one everyone expects you to give a great show, but in his two previous fights he had not looked so good, even had many complications to win the last one where he was sent to the canvas, but still could get the wins coming into this fight with a record of 18-0 and with all the high expectations that now if he would knock out his opponent again. His fights had not been so much televised, for that reason I had not seen much of Berlanga, just many summaries of his fights and if I had seen several interviews, I like to follow the athletes and with all his palmares I had in my mind that he really was a boxing prodigy.
Estuve escuchando a un comentarista decir que a Berlanga se le había quitado la careta, pues como no había hecho un gran combate contra Marcelo Esteban y todos lo catalogan como un boxeador especial, pero yo sin escuchar mucho esos comentarios simplemente me dedique a observar a un Berlanga que desde el primer asalto me pareció que estaba enorme, simplemente hizo un rebote después del corte de peso brutal, mínimo agarro 20 libras lo que lo hacia ver mucho mas grande que su rival y al notar eso pensé que efectivamente si podía noquear a Steve Rolls que delante de Berlanga se veía pequeño. Siendo un boxeador que cuenta con una gran pegada, para mi solo era cuestión de tiempo para que conectara una sola derecha y se acabaran las acciones dentro del ring, que era lo que todos los fanáticos estaban esperando, fueron por un espectáculo que nunca llego y lo que terminaron viendo fue a un boxeador sin movilidad y con muy pocos pasajes de dominio en el combate. Puedo concluir diciendo que la pelea estuvo aburrida!
I was listening to a commentator saying that Berlanga's mask had been removed, since he had not made a great fight against Marcelo Esteban and everyone classifies him as a special boxer, but without listening much to those comments I simply dedicated myself to observe a Berlanga that from the first round seemed to me that he was huge, He simply rebounded after the brutal weight cut, he grabbed at least 20 pounds which made him look much bigger than his opponent and when I noticed that I thought that he could indeed knock out Steve Rolls who looked small in front of Berlanga. Being a fighter with a great punch, for me it was only a matter of time before he connected a single right hand and the action inside the ring was over, which was what all the fans were waiting for, they went for a show that never came and what they ended up seeing was a boxer without mobility and with very few passages of dominance in the fight. I can conclude by saying that the fight was boring!

Boxeo muy Predecible & sin Combinaciones - Very Predictable Boxing & no Combinations

Berlanga no estaba lanzando golpes hacia su rival, mientras que Steve Rolls estaba moviéndose mucho por todo el cuadrilátero, estaba conectando muy bien el Jab y Berlanga simplemente lo seguía de lado a lado sin ofrecer volumen de golpeo. Los primeros rounds claramente se los llevo Rolls, boxeador que estaba haciendo una pelea inteligente pero que tampoco complicaba a Berlanga, por esa misma razón yo esperaba que el Puertorriqueño se fuera al frente con combinaciones, el siendo el protagonista del combate, pero no estaba utilizando su jab, siendo el un hombre con mas alcance y mucho menos estaba pudiendo conectar su derecha potente. Puedo decir que si tiene mucho poder en esa mano, esa seria su mejor virtud dentro del ring, pero mas allá de eso lo vi con muy poca movilidad, con muy poca combinación de golpes para abrir la guardia de su rival y en general muy poco boxeo.
Berlanga was not throwing punches towards his opponent, while Steve Rolls was moving a lot around the ring, he was connecting very well with the jab and Berlanga was simply following him from side to side without offering any volume of punches. The first rounds were clearly taken by Rolls, a fighter who was making a smart fight but also did not complicate Berlanga, for that reason I expected the Puerto Rican to go forward with combinations, being the protagonist of the fight, but he was not using his jab, being a man with more reach and much less was being able to connect his powerful right hand. I can say that if he has a lot of power in that hand, that would be his best virtue inside the ring, but beyond that I saw him with very little mobility, with very little combination of punches to open his opponent's guard and in general very little boxing.
Siendo la pelea estelar donde Berlanga era el gran protagonista de la noche, el gran elegido a representar Puerto Rico, todos esperábamos que le pasara por arriba a Steve Rolls que a su edad no puede ser competencia para Berlanga y mas bien era un boxeador que en muchos pasajes lo estaba haciendo ver muy mal a un Berlanga sin muchas opciones. Lo que estaba proponiendo era muy predecible, simplemente lanzaba el jab de izquierda para luego lanzar de una vez la derecha con poder, eso se repitió durante los 10 asaltos del combate y todas esas derechas fueron esquivadas por Steve Rolls. De esa forma es muy difícil que puedas abrir la guardia de tu rival, debería haber buscado mas castigo al cuerpo, mas jab de izquierda imponiendo la distancia porque el tiene mas alcance, luego intentar un gancho con derecha o izquierda donde su rival no sepa por donde le va entrar, pero si toda la noche le repites el mismo movimiento le haces la vida fácil para que nunca puedas tocarlo y eso solo demuestra que a Berlanga le hace falta muchísimo boxeo.
Being the stellar fight where Berlanga was the great protagonist of the night, the great chosen to represent Puerto Rico, we all expected him to pass over Steve Rolls who at his age can not be competition for Berlanga and rather was a boxer who in many passages was making him look very bad to a Berlanga without many options. What he was proposing was very predictable, he was simply throwing the left jab and then throwing the right hand with power, that was repeated during the 10 rounds of the fight and all those rights were dodged by Steve Rolls. That way it is very difficult for you to open the guard of your opponent, he should have looked for more punishment to the body, more left jab imposing the distance because he has more reach, then try a right or left hook where his opponent does not know where it will enter, but if all night you repeat the same move you make life easy for him so you can never touch him and that just shows that Berlanga needs a lot of boxing.

No esta listo para un Top 10 - Not ready for a Top 10

Con 24 años de edad ya dentro de muy poco tiene que estar peleando por algo importante, por esa sencilla razón le armaron este enorme espectáculo para que se pudiera lucir y confirmar su estatus de gran promesa. Luego empezar a buscarle algún rival de mayor categoría, viendo la división de 168 libras nos encontramos con Canelo Alvarez que es el mejor libra por libra, esta Caleb Plant, Billy Joe Saunders, Anthony Dirrell, muchos boxeadores interesantes el cual Edgar Berlanga con el nivel que presento anoche jamás podría ganarle, sencillamente no tiene oportunidad contra ninguno de estos nombres que acabo de mencionar y puedo decir que nadie del top 10 mundial. Edgar Berlanga esta siendo mas Marketing que realmente una promesa del boxeo, por lo menos desde mi punto de vista este hombre no tiene nada que buscar contra los mejores y no es lo que todos estaban hablando que seria el gran elegido de Puerto Rico.
At 24 years of age and very soon he has to be fighting for something important, for that simple reason they put together this huge show so he could show off and confirm his status as a great promise. Then start looking for an opponent of higher category, looking at the 168 lbs division we find Canelo Alvarez who is the best pound for pound, this Caleb Plant, Billy Joe Saunders, Anthony Dirrell, many interesting boxers which Edgar Berlanga with the level he presented last night could never beat him, he simply has no chance against any of these names that I just mentioned and I can say that no one in the top 10 in the world. Edgar Berlanga is being more Marketing than really a boxing promise, at least from my point of view this man has nothing to look for against the best and is not what everyone was talking about that he would be the great chosen one from Puerto Rico.
Gano su pelea de anoche donde yo la vi como empate, incluso el comentarista vio ganar a Steve Rolls, pero gano por decisión unánime, algo que me sorprendió mucho, pero al mismo tiempo no porque estaba peleando en su casa, era el favorito de la noche y eso si o si condiciono a los jueces para tomar ese ultimo veredicto. No debería de ser así, pero realmente así se mueve mucho el deporte, pienso que una decisión de empate fuera sido lo correcto o que Berlanga ganara por una mínima diferencia, pero unánime donde un juez vio 97 a 93 eso es algo que no puede pasar porque en ningún momento hubo esa gran diferencia. Puedo decir que Berlanga es una total mentira, un solo combate me basto observar para comprender que todo lo que se estaba formando alrededor de el fue puro humo, hoy en día el marketing es pieza fundamental para muchos en cualquier ámbito de la vida y creo que eso es lo que esta pasando con Berlanga, mucho marketing que lo hizo elevar mucho, claro el récord de 15 victorias por KO impresionaban, pero fueron contra boxeadores que nadie conoce y ayer en una cita que no estaba tan complicada dejo ver un boxeo muy pero muy malo que no alcanza para competir en la máxima categoría.
He won his fight last night where I saw it as a draw, even the commentator saw Steve Rolls winning, but he won by unanimous decision, something that surprised me a lot, but at the same time not because he was fighting at home, he was the favorite of the night and that if or if it conditioned the judges to take that last verdict. It shouldn't be like that, but really that's how the sport moves a lot, I think that a draw decision would have been the right thing to do or that Berlanga won by a minimum difference, but unanimous where a judge saw 97 to 93 that's something that can't happen because at no time was there that big difference. I can say that Berlanga is a total lie, a single fight was enough for me to understand that everything that was forming around him was pure smoke, nowadays marketing is a fundamental piece for many in any area of life and I think that's what is happening with Berlanga, a lot of marketing that made him rise a lot, of course the record of 15 wins by KO impressed, but they were against boxers that nobody knows and yesterday in an event that was not so complicated he showed a very, very bad boxing that is not enough to compete in the top category.

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