Rutina de ejercicios sencillos para mejorar la movilidad de tus articulaciones🏋️ Simple exercise routines to improve joint mobility🏋️
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Hello my friends of the @fulldeportes community ❤️ I'm back in a new training day, this time to show you my routine to warm up the body, with some simple exercises to improve joint mobility, then I went out for my usual 45 minutes walk; so today let's get active from this beautiful and nice community. 🏋️
There are many simple exercises that can improve joint mobility, these are performed in the warm-up in order to prepare the joints to avoid injuries during training. It is very important to perform them in order to have a good physical health. However, not everyone knows how to perform this kind of training. For this reason I leave you with 4 simple exercises. Remembering always to have a good hydration, good posture and balanced diet, for best results.
Ejercicios sencillos para mejorar la movilidad de tus articulaciones | Simple exercises to improve the mobility of your joints :
1- Sentadilla profunda con apertura->Me coloqué desde una posición de sentadilla profunda, flexionamos nuestras rodillas y alzamos la mano izquierda y con la derecha apoyada al suelo, luego alce la otra mano. Realice 10 repeticiones.
1- Deep squat with opening->I set up from a deep squat position, bend our knees and raise our left hand and with the right hand resting on the floor, then raise the other hand. Perform 10 repetitions.
2- El gato y la mesa-> Me coloque en posición de mesa las manos tienen que estar bajo los hombros y las rodillas debajo de las caderas. Es decir, debes estar en una posición de cuadrupedia. Ya que tengas esta posición, activas tu abdomen y empiezas a circular tu espalda y cuello. Después, estiras la columna al sentido contrario sin extender de más las cervicales.
2- The cat and the table-> Place me in the table position, the hands must be under the shoulders and the knees under the hips. That is, you must be in a quadruped position. Once you have this position, activate your abdomen and start circulating your back and neck. Then, stretch your spine in the opposite direction without overextending your cervical spine.
3- Círculos con los hombros-> Me coloque boca abajo, estire los brazos hacia el frente y moviéndolos hacia las caderas sin tocar el suelo. Con este ejercicio de movilidad harás medios círculos mientras mantienes activa toda tu musculatura. Tu espalda, glúteos, abdomen y piernas deberán estar inmóviles pero activos. Realice 3 series de 10 repeticiones.
3- Circles with the shoulders-> Place me face down, stretch my arms in front of me and move them towards the hips without touching the floor. With this mobility exercise you will do half circles while keeping all your muscles active. Your back, glutes, abdomen and legs should be immobile but active. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
4- The archer's squats> I stood up, with my back straight, and raised my arms to the height of your shoulders and bend your elbows; take the stick with your thumbs, at the height of your forehead. Bend your trunk to the right, as if you want to touch your hip with your elbow; your left arm should stretch as you lower your torso. Repeat 20 times per side. In addition to helping you with the lateral back fat, you will work your waist.
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Será hasta una nueva oportunidad donde traiga mis rutinas de ejercicios, las cuales me hacen sentir saludables y en forma así que me dedico de 30 minutos a 1 hora haciendo actividad física, más una alimentación balanceada y me he sentido mejor. Recuerden si al deporte no al sedentarismo .
It will be until a new opportunity where I bring my exercise routines, which make me feel healthy and fit so I dedicate 30 minutes to 1 hour doing physical activity, plus a balanced diet and I have felt better. Remember yes to sports, no to sedentary lifestyles.
Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad y fueron tomadas con mi teléfono celular Xiaomi redmi9.
Las fotografías son tomadas por mi utilizando el accesorio trípode de soporte y aro luz LED como base para mí teléfono