My Actifit Report Card: March 21 2025
Ahoj. Dopoledne jsem musel k zubaři na preventivní prohlídku.
Po návratu jsem si šel zaběhat.
Před odchodem na noční 12 hod směnu jsem ještě zašel se psy na pole.
...(Translated by DeepL)...
Hi. I had to go to the dentist this morning for a checkup.
When I got back, I went for a run.
I took the dogs out to the field before I left for my 12-hour shift.
Na dlouhý běh jsem měl čas až dneska. Není to úplně ideální před noční 12 hod směnou, ale co už. V plánu bylo běžet 3 hod s tepovou frekvencí do 135 tepů za minutu.
I didn't have time for a long run until today. Not exactly ideal before a night 12-hour shift, but whatever. The plan was to run for 3 hours with a heart rate of up to 135 bpm.
Poprvé jsem vzal a použil flašku s filtrem.
I took and used a filter bottle for the first time.
Dantík zase běhal a Cesmína koukala, kde je nějaká myš 🐭🙂
Dante was running again and Cesmina was looking to see where a mouse was 🐭🙂
No a nakonec jsem zabodoval večer v práci, odinstaloval jsem Actifit🙈🙈, protože se několik dní peru s tím, že při odeslání na Blurt mi to píše nějakou chybu a na Blurt se to neodešle. A to jsem po "měsících" bádání konečně našel způsob, který funguje a na Blurt se registroval. Nedivím se, že tam moc příspěvků není. Už při následné instalaci Actifitu mi došlo, že kroky jsou pryč a to jsem měl kroků nejvíce za dobu používání Actifitu. Synchronizace s Fitbit taky nefunguje, jako obvykle, a věřím, že ani na ten Blurt se to zase stejně nenahraje 🙂.
Naštěstí o nic nejede 🙂🙈
Anyway, I finally scored at work tonight; I uninstalled Actifit🙈🙈 because I've been struggling for a few days with the fact that when I send it to Blurt, it says some error, and it won't send to Blurt. And after "months" of research, I finally found a way that works and registered on Blurt. I'm not surprised there aren't many posts there. It was during a subsequent installation of Actifit that I realized the steps were gone, and I had the most steps in my time using Actifit. The sync with Fitbit isn't working either, as usual, and I believe the Blurt one won't load again anyway 🙂.
Fortunately, it's not a big deal 🙂🙈
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on
Great photos of a beautiful place!
As for your Blurt problem, sorry if you already did this, but it looks like what happens when you don't grant posting authority. if you go to, there's a section about posting to other chain where you can grant Blurt posting authority using your Blurt private active key.
I think another option is to regenerate your passwords so they match ( but the above is easier and safer I guess.
Again, sorry if you already tried that. It's pretty clear Actifit team doesn't read many reports, so if you need support, go to their discord.
Thank you. Thank you. This could be it. I have it filled in on the app, but it wasn't on the website. Now it's in green.
Cool, hope it works for you!