A Day Filled With Pes 2022 Moment

Like I use to say, todays get as it be, traveling down to my friend school just to spend some thing with him, clear my head and also change my environment a little bit has really been worthwhile, like really enjoying my stay here. Today his sunday and we had to attend church service even though I would have ask him to let us stay at home and do online service or perhaps attend student fellowship and to top it all, the main winners headquarter is in his school and this my friend been an anglican still prefer attending anglican church, I couldn't laugh but just decided to follow his will, we couldn't take my car because I had a flat tyre and there will be huge traffic on the way so it will be a bad idea getting stuck in one. So out plan was to take a shuttle to the school gate, then take a bike to his new anglican church which was really far from his school.
I couldn't believe my eyes when we waited more than 30mins but no shuttle stopped since they already have someone to carry, last last we had to do it the old way, climbing at the back of a old cab transformed into a truck 🛻, we got late to church and I almost doze off because the service was somehow boring and I prayed it end quickly. After service, we had to visit the market to get some stuff to cook at home which we did, then we went over to his friend house to start playing pes 2022 on his laptop, apparently the friend was the main defending champion but my friend was tougher due to some tactics he always use and love passing the ball around (tiki taka) way. First two games they wipe me and laugh at me, I was pissed at some point but I decided to revenge as pay back.
Picked PSG and decided to change my settings, Normally neymar, mbappe and messi are my forward but throwing counter to messi was really useless because he is short 😂 but still good in other ways. Also I filled up my touch bar, and decide to use the maintain formation format which really work out for me, I wiped the hell out of this guys, my friend is till my tough opponent but still manage to run aways with 1 goal different but his friend chop the beating of his life, still hoping we will be able to continue tomorrow and probably take some screenshot of the scores.
Been a while I actually sit down and play this game using a windows Pc but it is really fun especially playing with your guys, it is just a way of whiling away time while still having fun
Credit: gymnasticsqueen
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