My Actifit Report Card: February 27 2025
Not too bad of a day as Spring weather is here but that included some very strong winds on my 8 miles around the town.
I slept in a bit late and then hit my sauna blanket for a hot hour so it was a little bit later before my run. Despite a constant strong wind that made a mess of the gear that I've been reorganizing and packing away the weather was very mild and my pace quite quick on the easy road route.
The first 3 miles were on my walking route and then the next 3 miles were a quicker gentle downhill to Prescott Center. There it was an equally easy uphill back towards home (a nice tailwind helped make the climb a LOT easier).
A nice 2 miles hiking up in Granite Basin with Lulu wrapped up this day.
I've entered a tough 50 km trail race in mid-March that goes along several of the Prescott Forest trails and finishes just a few miles up the road at Spence Springs so it should be an interesting run. Hopefully I'll do much better than at the Jackpot earlier this month.