Večeras, da vidim koliko vas ima, podrška za Novaka Đokovića - Tonight, to see how many of you there are, support for Novak Djokovic



Nije sportskiIt's not sports
Novak Đokovic.

Ceo svet zna za njega. Nema tih reći koje mogu to opisati. Najbolji teniser na svetu ikada. Mozda i najveći sportista na svetu ikada.

U Srbiji, iz koje potiće, ima humanitarnu organizaciju koja pomaže svima. Pomogao je obnovi i izgradnji crkvi, bolnica, zabavišta, školi. U svetu organizuje razne humanitarne večere gde se prikuplja ogroman broj novca.

Ceo svet ga voli.
Skroman dečkić, iz zemlje koja je ratom razorena, trenirao dok su bombe padale, ali opet on voli sve.

Ovo što mu se dešava u Australiji, jednostavno nije zaslužio, ovo prelazi granice sporta.

Dok njegov narod večeras slavi Badnji Dan, on nije sam. Svi dobri ljudi celog sveta su uz tebe Nole.

Večeras da vidim koliko vas ima. Podrška za Novaka.

Nole, mi te volimo.
Novak Djokovic.

The whole world knows about him. There are no words to describe it. The best tennis player in the world ever. Maybe the greatest athlete in the world ever.

In Serbia, where he comes from, he has a humanitarian organization that helps everyone. He helped rebuild and build churches, hospitals, entertainment, schools. He organizes various humanitarian evenings around the world where a huge amount of money is collected.

The whole world loves him.
A modest boy, from a country ravaged by war, he trained while the bombs were falling, but again he loves everything.

What is happening to him in Australia, he simply did not deserve, this is crossing the boundaries of sport.

While his people are celebrating Christmas Eve tonight, he is not alone. All the good people of the whole world are with you, Nola.

Tonight to see how many of you there are. Support for Novak.

Nole, we love you.
